Posting this from a Country Inn and Suites somewhere in Ohio…
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Top 7 ways to milk the Club Carlson card before and after June 1 – Frequent Miler Yes, very lucrative. I thought about doing it in my short business trip to Columbus, OH but I changed my mind and decided to just drive to and from it the same day! What I should do before the big devaluation start day is plan some trips around Club Carlson hotels to get the free nights…Update: Booked a night somewhere in Ohio around 10 pm, called ahead to make sure the suite upgrade will clear 🙂
It’s Time to Put the Chase Sapphire Preferred in the Sock Drawer – Travel Codex I agree with this assessment of this so over rated card. I bet you the commission for selling it is never over rated lol.
The Top 25 Credit Cards – Mile Nerd To all newbies starting out in this dangerous hobby, check this resource to see if your friendly miles/points expert is thinking of you FIRST and not their own wallet. You have been warned, you are welcome.
9 Reasons Why the New Citi Prestige 50000 Points Offer Is Almost Too Good to Be True! – The Lazy Traveler’s Handbook Andy makes a great case for getting this card. Maybe I should but I have a weird problem. I have so many of these airline credits I am swimming in them. Do I need to pile on more of them? Ok, please don’t laugh. This is a nagging problem some of us have to deal with lol.
Hotel Credit Card Free Night Certificate Comparison Table – Travel With Grant Very helpful post keeping track of all these free nights!
The ‘Man Who Flies For Free’ says these are the 3 best websites for airline deals There he is again! And advice is pretty good. Take that The Points Guy Inc with all the staff!
St. Regis Bentley suite I know some of you luxury for nothing addicts are salivating, step on it! It’s in Istanbul

It’s now cheaper to travel to Europe than it has been in years – Sure is baby, down euro down!
The Top 25 ‘Pictures of the Day’ for 2015 – Twisted Sifter WOW!

This Arctic mining community may be the most isolated city on Earth

16+ Of The Most Overloaded Vehicles Ever – Bored Panda Holy cow, u serious?

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I was getting worried there for the past few days you let Spencer F. dream…
Hey Buzz-
Any good blogs on travel to Colorado by those who want to get into 420 travel? That stuff is legal here, and I was just thinking about how…….oops, lost that thought.
Back soon, bro.
Actually, this could be a good niche for a blog in this space 😉 As more states legalize, here are all the credit cards that allow you to travel and get high for free…..oh wait, buying the weed still is cash in only, boo! 😉
Thanks for the mention George. Now, let me answer your question with all seriousness I’m capable of.
“I have so many of these airline credits I am swimming in them. Do I need to pile on more of them?”
Agreed. One day, the gravy train of points is going to slow dramatically. The Golden Age of MS is already behind us, and that light in the tunnel ahead of us isn’t daylight…
How much is too much? Already have four figures marinating in my accounts.
Can’t figure if you’re being sarcastic or if you mean 7 or 8;
But in case you’re not being sarcastic, nothing is too much. Like Paul said, things are not getting better, and your figures are going to devalue with time. It makes perfect sense to keep earning if only to try and keep pace with the inflation.
I am serious. These credits get higher and higher and are so hard to track as I keep using miles for my plane tickets! I wish they allowed hotel credits instead! I was not referring to the miles/points hauls….great point about keeping pace with inflation 🙂
Ah, OK. I have no idea about those, never had them. Probably what ABC meant, too. Isn’t there a way (cough) to exchange them for something useful?
I think the CSP should be marketed as a protection device to shield oneself from, well, everything everyone is afraid from! I mean, would you ever troll/attack/rant against someone who does not have a CSP? Weeeeell, actually, I should look into my records, it must have been over 2 years since I had one and could use another one, you know, to keep up with miles/points inflation crap.
I can do better boss, I know I can do better selling the glorious Chase cards. Especially after missing the volume bonus last quarter….again. Give me another chance, thank you!
George you be stupid not to do another Churn 😉
It was once considered desirable to have a unibrow in Greece, George:
I am not going there 🙂
And I hope all that makeup featured in the video…was bought with the amazing TBB Amazon link 😉
Actually, the legalization of marijuana has been a good thing for us worker bees in Colorado. No, you can’t use credit cards to buy the stuff-but how much can you smoke or eat anyway?
Here’s how it is playing out. All thus business is still illegal from a Federal standpoint, and while under this administration there is no fear of enforcement, none of the banks will do business with any tyle of marijuana business for fear of Fed reprisal, now or later. So the industry has no way to bank and it is an all-cash business.
How does this help our group of straight miles players? Well, at the supermarket where I regularly buy MO’s, my go-to guy behind the counter told me that every week, a guy who owns a marijuana business comes in and buys 30k of MOs with cash to get his cash receipts into the system. He said they fill out a form on the guy each week-I assume an SAR or worse, but of course he doesn’t care since he reports everything, plus anyone bringing in 30k a week is fine with the paperwork in any event.
So how does this help us players? Well, my little couple of thou a week of MOs with GCs or debits is chump change. It’s sort of like having a thousand dollar wad in your wallet in Vegas-you can’t even get a cab.
Another example of the benefits of free and open markets. What a country-cue up Kate Smith.
I think you make a great point! Thumbs up for the pot business owners!
With all the cash flowing through these places I wonder why robbers go to banks anymore!
True confession: I have never had a CSP.
You say whaaaaaat? I just read VFTW’s rant trying to reason with the masses and two bloggers recently who dared to speak badly of the CSP and still come up with the same arguments why this is card is worthy of the hype. Then again, he managed to slip in there 9 direct links to Chase cards. And that’s what Titans do 🙂
Disclosure: I am on VFTW and OMAAT mailing list for the occasional decent post…I know, I know.
Until someone can make an award from the US to SE Asia/ Africa, with an open jaw, then stopping over in Europe and finally open jawing into the US so I can see grandma, for 80k miles in coach, with fees that are about $100, I don’t see how you can say that the CSP is a sock drawer contender.
Using Untied (that is not mispelled) miles for coach travel is excellent if you know how to use them. The CSP is overated, yes, and pumped to shit, but when you look at it, I don’t see how you can argue that you can find better value elsewhere, especially when you can tag the CSP with the Freedom for revolving categories. And not to mention, AA has been blowing it on the AA metal availability whenver I need to get to Europe. Cheers to $500 in BA YQ…kidding.
Also, we soon shall be accepting plastic in our beloved green caring places:
With so many blog posts telling newbies how they can get their own business cards #winkwink, if you are going to go there, I can see going for an Ink Plus card. But holding the CSP more than a year just does not make sense to me when you compare it to the Arrival card which makes things so much simpler in my book. Goes to show you that each one is different. But pushing the card calling it the go to card is absurd. But hey it must pay well I guess. Pretty soon I am expecting to see the Prestige being called the go to card #yikes!
For a second I thought this was Rick upset about missing some conversions.