We bring you all the coronavirus benefits, how Amex limits cards, the battle of hotels vs Airbnb, we remember the good old Detroit Pistons Bad Boys, the best Covid-19 coverage that may save your life (or at least I would like to think so), play some live music thanks to the John Peel sessions, visit Yemen, go do some dark tourism or play it safe with virtual travel, best read on uncertainty as it relates to life in general and most specifically investing, some changes in IRS rules that may affect you for the better, UFO conspiracy theories, the curse of having a gifted child, how many people each day and from what and more excellent stuff.
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I’ll see you Friday. Be excellent to each other.
Let’s talk about reopening: There Are Sensible Ways to Reopen a Country. Then There’s America’s Approach. We don’t have good choices now… This is a must read.
It didn’t have to be this way. There’s no reason the wealthiest country in the world—the nation that re-built Europe, that went to the moon, that claims exceptionalism as its birthright—should have to choose between economic resilience and protecting the lives of its most vulnerable citizens. Countries that acted more quickly to curb the spread of the virus have limited the damage on both fronts. In the early days of their fight against COVID-19, New Zealand, Norway and Switzerland tested their populations at nearly 40 times the U.S. rate, per capita, and now have one-fifth the death rate.
At the same time, we are reminded of this grim possibility ahead of us: ‘This virus may never go away,’ WHO says. And when this dude said that the vaccine is a “massive moonshot” I almost started to cry…
Hey, it is not all so bad. I present to you 162 benefits of coronavirus. Yes, 162 of them! Think positive you guys.
One market that is thriving is, wait for it, doomsday bunkers! Home, Sweet, Home? Yeah, still crazy. But maybe not as much lol. One thing is certain, the owner of these is making a killing!
These are for the downmarket bunkers that cost roughly $35,000 each. Vivos Europe, in contrast, is marketed as “the ultimate life assurance solution for high net worth families.” Apartments there cost upwards of $2 million.
Let’s check out some artwork from the 1918 pandemic next!
It’s kind of pathetic that we haven’t come very far since then despite all this technology and training and scientific progress. Our kids are out of school literally loitering on street corners, our doctors and nurses are risking their lives, as are store shelf stockers and police personnel and paramedics. And the best we have right now to combat this thing is paper masks and ventilators. No vaccines. No universal treatment. Not nearly as much testing per capita as we require. We do have drones that can put a missile up someone’s ass in the Middle East from a thousand miles away while they brush their teeth. So I guess that’s good.
Another must read, this one written by Dr. Marty Makary, a surgeon and a professor of health policy at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. How to Reopen America Safely. This makes a lot of sense to me. Some time down the road we will wonder out loud and scream WTF how we were not wearing masks…
These graphs show in which US states Covid-19 cases are on the rise. You be the judge. We are doing much better now in Michigan…And this shows where coronavirus hospitalizations are falling.
So many things you read about the pandemic are so confusing. Add this one to the long list: How Coronavirus Spreads through the Air: What We Know So Far. I read this and realize we have so much more to learn about this virus.
The virus that causes COVID-19 can persist in aerosol form, some studies suggest. But the potential for transmission depends on many factors, including infectiousness, dose and ventilation.
And then we get so many studies, it is the wild West out there. And even this public health stuff is getting politicized which is just downright depressing. Remember that Santa Clara study? I think I even mentioned it here in my blog too. And then, boom: A Study Said Covid Wasn’t That Deadly. The Right Seized It. This happens because the scientific research on this new virus has just exploded! And many of them are labeled “preprints”. These are studies that have not been peer reviewed yet. As in, picked apart by fellow scientists who collaborate this way and, you know, advance science along the way. Well, that specific study was indeed picked apart and discredited. But not before it exploded (spread like a virus lol) online in, please sit down, social media. Article shows how it spread and you see this and you just want to scream out loud WTF! Keep this in mind when you see yet another study, maybe hold off judgment until it is no longer a preprint.
More than 10,000 academic works have been published about Covid-19 since January alone, 3,500 of them preprints. By comparison, only 29 studies were published before the 2003 SARS pandemic ended.
And now let’s find out about The 12 deadliest viruses on Earth. A few of them I had never heard of, like Marburg and hantavirus. Oh wait, I think I may have heard of hantavirus.
HOT CREDIT CARD OFFERS: New: The CitiBusiness AAdvantage Platinum now offers 70k AA miles. The IHG Rewards Club card offering 140k points too, highest ever. For a standard workhorse card I recommend the 60k Chase Sapphire Preferred card. For a standard premium card I recommend the 50k Chase Sapphire Reserve card. For a standard 2% cash back card I recommend the Citi Double Cash card. Available with my links. Lets move on!
Amex may be at it again: Is There A New 4 Credit Card Limit From American Express? I am sensing the answer is yes. I am also sensing there may be higher increased credit card offers soon now that they spent a lot of money buying miles and points from airlines and hotels.
Weekend action is always way down of important developments. I am not going to bother you with unimportant stuff. Because I value your time.
Yeah, many changes ahead in the hotels/Airbnb space! Hotels vs. Airbnb: Has Covid-19 Disrupted the Disrupter? Excellent article. Personally, I would feel safer in a hotel environment than some dude renting out his/her place on Airbnb. Time will tell…Maybe apartment hotels win the long term industry battle. Article also takes a closer look on refund policies. VBRO refund policy is spectacularly awful, keep that in mind!
For years, home sharing has put pressure on hotel rates and occupancy levels. Social distancing, hygiene and refund policies may be the new game changers.
Interesting places via GlobalGaz: 7 Off The Beaten Path Dark Tourism Sights Of The World.

Since we can’t travel these days, I think of you: Virtual Travel Experiences That Let You Explore the World From Your Living Room.
Yemen looks incredible! It may take a while to get there but still I am in awe: Yemen from The Adventures of Lil Nicky.
The only man staying in the W hotel in Barcelona. And his job is to check on 1,400 taps.
Must read on Uncertainty. Yeah, humility! I love these memos, so eloquently written and educational. My favorite response is: “I don’t know”.
To put it simply, intellectual humility means saying “I’m not sure,”“The other person could be right,” or even “I might be wrong.” I think it’s an essential trait for investors; I know it is in the people I like to associate with.
This will help: IRS loosens rules on flexible spending accounts as coronavirus pandemic takes financial toll.
Look, we all wish we were back to normal. But the viral reality is different. And we probably know several people who are now making more money not working because of this: Where unemployment benefits are higher than lost wages.

Yeah, be careful out there, so many dangerous charlatans selling you stuff! UFO Conspiracy Theorists Offer ‘Ascension’ From Our Hell World for $333.
There is nothing novel about two conspiracy theorists addressing COVID-19; the crisis has become a bonanza for those promoting hoaxes, fake treatments, xenophobia, and general nonsense. Wilcock and Goode, though, offer something different than the average figure ranting about 5G towers; they’re significant figures in the “disclosure community,” a conspiracy-driven New Age segment of the UFO subculture that believes the government is hiding the truth about extraterrestrials. Combined, the two men have over half a million followers across various social media platforms. And while both had humble beginnings as ordinary UFO conspiracy theorists, this moment may uniquely suit them. They claim, after all, to have become quasi-divine prophets offering salvation from global cataclysm—all while offering aggressive legal challenges to anyone who would do so much as describe Wilcock, a man who has started what for all intents and purposes appears to be his own religion, as a spiritual leader.
Lets get a perspective on How Many People Die Each Day? Ok, sure, Covid-19, even after its steep rise in the number of deaths…still has a long way to go. BUT, point to me another disease that can spread so fast. By almost half of the people showing no symptoms at all! I am waiting…
We all know that genius kid who had a doctorate degree by age 17. Or something like that. You know, the kid labeled as “gifted”. This is a really deep article about these kids: The curse of genius. After reading it I am so glad my kids were normal!
We see exceptional intelligence as a blessing. So why, asks Maggie Fergusson, are so many brilliant children miserable misfits?
John Peel is a legendary music personality across the pond. Bands played live in his show John Peel sessions and here are links to well over 1,000 shows, WOW! Enjoy listening and you are welcome. Think about who brings you stuff like this instead of “experts” who keep pounding you with credit card sales posts like drug dealers selling crack at the corner!
We are now entering BLOG BUZZ, a section for advanced hobbyists and veterans of this fast imploding hobby and also a section where I go on and on about some stuff that happens in my life because it helps me feel better about myself.
I tend to support Detroit sports teams. Because I am loyal I guess. With all the PR with the Last Dance Michael Jordan Netflix special that comes in 362 parts…it brought back sweet old memories of the legendary Detroit Pistons teams back when they were known as the “Bad Boys”. Oh man, how we loved them back then! A big part of those teams was of course Dennis Rodman. Who was this amazing good kid when he came to Detroit. And then he went crazy. It all started when his wife divorced him and lost custody of his kids, he never recovered from that. I miss the old Dennis. Anyway, I read this and kind of remembered the old Dennis and his very unusual path to the NBA and Hall of Fame: The ‘fairy-tale’ story of how Dennis Rodman went from unknown player to NBA legend. And this was just classic Bill Lambeer! Reisman was the coach who discovered him by the way and was the first person Dennis thanked in his Hall of Fame speech. I miss the NBA playoffs…
As Reisman watched “The Last Dance,” he was reminded of a time when Rodman invited him into the Pistons locker room.
Rodman, sitting next to Bill Laimbeer, introduced Reisman as his college coach.
In quite colorful language, Laimbeer asked Reisman if he was the such-and-such who taught Rodman how to shoot free throws.
Reisman didn’t pause.
“No, Bill,” he said. “I’m the one who taught him how to rebound.”
Speaking of Michael Jordan, I never liked the guy as a person okay? Full disclosure: I never liked Isiah Thomas as a person too lol.
Thinking about getting a dog. Well, maybe not. Or, maybe getting another cat?
Stefan of Rapid Travel Chai keeps doing video interviews.
Just when you thought it could not get more sales oriented at The Points Guy with a post titled “Why you should double-down on credit card points right now“. Absolutely ridiculous!
It takes big balls to be selling the ridiculous United Club card right now with its hideous $525 annual fee, closed lounges and airline basically bankrupt. Or maybe all it takes is a fat sales commission to these “expert” bloggers, smh.
And I leave you with this…If this lockdown continues…TBB
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Get another cat! You know you want one.
Silver! For the Pacific Northwest! Man, skip the dog thing if you must get another pet. Get another cat or may I suggest (seriously) a ferret! Loving and super clean!
I still like Airbnb but when selecting one, you have to read all the reviews, look close at photos, even email back and forth before selecting.
I like them for 3 or 4 day to longer stays. a couple nights or one night? Hotels are easier. I airbnb’d almost my whole trip recently in Europe and while not all were perfect, the experiences of settling in and being able to cook, get to know a neighborhood, etc… well, it was great!
TONS of reading today. You are doing yeoman’s work here! THANKS!!!
I don’t buy the Times reasoning. Hotels mean crowds (maybe not now, but they will return). They also mean you have no choice but eating in public places. Rentals give you unparalleled privacy (you can choose to wait for the next elevator if there even is an elevator). And you can choose to cook for yourself. As to cleanliness, I wouldn’t trust either hotels or rentals. I’d spend an hour or so to clean surfaces before settling in. Shouldn’t be that hard anyway. Or spend a few bucks and hire the professionals.
And if you know the Airbnb marketing team, they’ll waste no time capitalizing on these advantages. A bigger challenge for them would be all the local authorities around the world who are seizing the momentum to put them out of business.
Stock market is running a victory lap because a company that has NEVER launch a product (or passed phase III clinical trials) finished an 8 person phase I study of a SARS vaccine.
ATH is around the corner. I never thought it would take 25% unemployment rate and $5T in additional federal debt to get there.
OD/OM cutting 13k workers. I don’t think it makes much sense to Ink points much longer. Sad!
Been one of those Mondays, will respond tomorrow.
Been raining all day in Ann Arbor. Since last night, WTF!
Kind of quiet…does anyone care anymore?
Thanks to reader for conversion #3 this month. Already passed the two conversions in April. I mean, have they called an emergency board meeting at TPG to lay down the plan of attack to take me out as competition yet or what? Ok, don’t answer that please.
Just wanted to give some love — usually open a tab and work through the links during the week — sincere thank you for continuing even during this lean time!
I’ve supported through the years and will continue as long as you do. I’m sure there are a lot of us dormant travelers out there waiting for the other side.
@ DML: After killing Fluffy I.just.can’t. Full Disclosure: It was euthanasia
@ Carl: Not sure about them ferrets. Must admit been thinking about a dog but then I think of neighbors taking their dogs out for a walk in the winter and I lose interest lol. Not sure about Airbnbs…if I did not have plenty of hotel points and some elite status bennies that come with it I would feel differently I am sure. We see what happens in this area, it should be very interesting to watch.
@ Andy: You make some good points but I guess we will find out what happens in the next two years. Like I said to Carl, if I did not have enough hotel points and some elite status bennies I would feel differently. Good points on the privacy but I am good lately avoiding people lol. We will see about the cleanliness…
@ ABC: Short term, Mr. Market is irrational. I wish I could afford a subscription to Jim Cramer’s trading signals so I can get rich 🙂
@ Aaron: Thank you! These emails/comments that come once in a while help a lot continuing my mission here…If there were none of them there is no way in hell TBB would still be around for 7.5 years!
Dear God, stop raining, WTF! But thinking positively…it’s great for the lawn!
“ Short term, Mr. Market is irrational.”
Historically I would have agreed.
Sadly, I don’t think there’s much of an open market left. It’s propped up by the Federal banks and Governments across the globe. Risk doesn’t really exist when money is free. To get any return I have to invest in the stock market. Investors must be punished for a market to be rational over the long run.
I sound like a gold bug!
JC Penny, Pier 1, Office Depot…. this will not be a V shaped recovery. Again, the bailout shouldn’t have been about rescuing companies/jobs that shouldn’t exists. The money should go directly to folks to survive and re-educated for employment in the new economy.
I sound like a socialist!
Nobody knows.
The gun nuts will protect us from Socialism—->bwahahahaha
Yeah, kind of surreal what we are seeing…
#4 conversion is in the books!
Thanks to the reader who got it.
Note to TPG: I am coming for you, get ready!
I love it when son buys dinner…Unfortunately, he got Shake Shack…and them burgers someway somehow always make me feel bloated, sad!
Buzz-Tough call for me on the hotel/Air BnB debate.
For about a month, I was completely on the hotel side. Who would go into a private residence with unknown sanitization?
Then I started to think about hotels. Sure, they’ll all have some super Mr. Clean plan. But it seems like 20-25% of the General public are goobers blabbing about losing their constitutional rights to make me sick. I expect a similar percentage at hotels. So a 150 room hotel with 100 rooms occupied would include 20-30 goobers, not following any guidelines. Plus you have issues with recirculated air, etc.
Might be better to look for a BnB with an owner serious about the health issues, then go all in and toss the dice, all or nothing.
On other news, I wanted to get a 60k bonus UA business cards but I can’t find a working apply link anywhere.
Yeah…I hear you abt the goobers in hotels…If only I had as many Airbnb points as I have hotel points so I can stay for freeee 🙂
We see what happens…Just looked at some apt availability numbers in Greece and the supply has skyrocketed…all formerly used as Airbnb units….we are talking 30% plus, wow.
Man, you wait too long to apply….you need to get on with them bloggers to HURRY, LAST CHANCE 🙂
Post tomorrow shaping up to be one of the best ever. Maybe I am biased…a little 🙂
LOL, thank you for adding to my points! I didn’t even think about the recirculated air. That’s another (major) point for a vacation rental.
It’s not like Airbnb hosts are very sanitary, but at least there’re mostly window units in apartments. And you can ask them to replace the filters before (with a promise to inspect them on arrival) for a few extra bucks. Try to ask a hotel the same thing just for laughs.
I’ve read about some ultra-light filter trap that zaps germs in an HVAC system. Know anything about that?
Myabe if it makes some noise, we could at least pretend it’s working.