We bring you more on the awful Covid-19 death toll, check out the best Hyatt suites, how business travel is shot, get ready for more stimulus checks, visit Ukraine and some remote island near Antarctica and Munich and Cyprus, more details on my next trip, the best Covid-19 coverage, we look at birds and we have so much that will keep you busy for at least a week. No fluffy clickbait repeated BS that is camouflage to get you to click on affiliate links….and maybe that is why my blog conversions totally suck but I like it when I look in the mirror and that is worthy for me to continue blogging…I guess.
TBB Blog Mission: To Educate. Entertain. Inspire. In That Order!
Support TBB by applying for CREDIT CARDS or visiting our LINKS or Donate
You like my blog? Send a link to someone please!
I’ll see you sometime next week, comment section always stays open!
For the month of August I am not going to set myself a target posting date/time. I will post at least once a week for sure, perhaps more if I have the time and I have something worthy to say because I always respect your time and this blog never posted clickbait crap! It means, you will have to come here every day so I can increase the page view hits so I can make more money from ads…oh wait, I do not have any ads!
For time-sensitive content that can not wait until next the next post, I will be adding it here and add NEW in the front of it.
There is a lot to unpack here. Enjoy learning and having fun with these carefully curated links and always eclectic commentary. 🙂
Appreciate you passing a link to my blog to someone you love if you think they will enjoy it as much as you.
And please wear a mask, thank you!
What a horrific number! Over 150,000 preventable deaths in the US, what an ongoing tragedy smh! 150,000 Americans have died from Covid-19. Here’s why that staggering loss of life can’t be ignored.
If two large planes crashed every day in the US, killing everyone on board, the nation would be despondent.
If the US suffered a loss of life on the scale of the 9/11 attacks — 50 times over — the tragedy would be incomprehensible.
First, let’s acknowledge this fact: Record numbers of coronavirus cases in every global region: Reuters tally. Even in countries that have done a great job in dealing with the pandemic, like Australia, Japan and even Hong Kong. Just goes to show you how darn contagious this phucking virus is! Even Vietnam is battling a new outbreak after months of having no confirmed cases, wow!
Remember when we had 15 cases and very soon it would go to zero? US hits 4 million cases of COVID-19: A look at the milestones and setbacks.

Must read: Anthony Fauci Explains Why the US Still Hasn’t Beaten Covid. When I say something is must read I mean it!
We are proceeding in full blast mode with the vaccine trials. But, again, come down! A COVID-19 Vaccine Reality Check is in order.
A vaccine, when it is available, will mark only the beginning of a long, slow ramp down. And how long that ramp down takes will depend on the efficacy of a vaccine, the success in delivering hundreds of millions of doses, and the willingness of people to get it at all. It is awful to contemplate the suffering still ahead. It is easier to think about the promise of a vaccine.
Are you as confused about the different types of tests available? Antigens, antibodies and on and on? This article will help. And it also details the testing in Michigan as well: What COVID-19 test is best? Who pays in Michigan? What you need to know. Aim for a morecular/PCR test to see if you are currently infected. Aim for an antibody/serology test to see if you were infected. I should probably do one of them antibody tests to see if my brief three to four day period in late February when I was not feeling well had anything to do with this virus. The article has a link to all the testing sites in Michigan.
Another significant development in the past week was that the Chinese virologist Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, whose nickname is “Bat Woman”, finally broke her silence. And this is a must read imho. Trump ‘owes us an apology’. Chinese scientist at the center of COVID-19 origin theories speaks out. To get the complete transcript of the answers she gave to questions posed by Science magazine, please see this HERE. You should read both and draw your own conclusions.
Speaking about confusion…how about all you hear about the virus in the air and how it spreads by droplets and possibly by aerosols too…I mean, it is enough to get you depressed trying to figure out how to best protect ourselves. Well, I think this article helped me to be less confused and maybe it helps you too. Why the COVID-19 Debate Between Aerosols and Droplets Matters Less Than You Think.
Well, in normal times I could drive to Canada in about half an hour. Not anymore, borders are closed, we are not wanted anywhere these days it appears. The writer moved to Canada and writes about his experience living there: Canada Got Better. The United States Got Trump. What if we had handled the pandemic like, well, every other country…smh. Just to give you an idea what you will read, no Karens there it appears!
The next morning, I had a meeting at the local hotel. A checkpoint had been placed in the parking lot. My temperature was taken before I could enter the building. After my meeting, I ran some of the errands that had accumulated during our 14 days in quarantine. People wore masks in all interior spaces, and often outdoors, too. I asked a clerk at the town supermarket whether the requirement had caused any trouble. She seemed surprised by the question: “It says so right on the door.”
I really like following Andy Slavitt @ASlavitt on Twitter to stay ahead of the pandemic. He does these daily update tweet storms that I think it is required reading. I really liked the one from July 26 starting with “We can virtually eliminate the virus any time we decide to.“
HOT CREDIT CARD OFFERS: For a standard workhorse card I recommend the 60k Chase Sapphire Preferred card. For a standard premium card I recommend the 50k Chase Sapphire Reserve card. For a standard 2% cash back card I recommend the Citi Double Cash card. Available with my links.
Good research on these: The most Incredible Hyatt suites bookable with points worldwide.
Remember the things we did to get to that Elite status so we can have its benefits? Like free breakfasts buffets lol. Hotels Nix Mints and Breakfast Buffets. Hand Sanitizer, Anyone? Hotel capacity in the US was down to 22% in April. So, all the hotels are scrambling to survive now…Maybe the top elites get premium hand sanitizer at check in? 🙂
Hotels are also rethinking what guests value most. “It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reimagine every single amenity, and everything is up for grabs,” Professor Dev said. “The hospitality business has to be taken apart like a puzzle and put together in a new way.”
The Marriott Bonvoy Boundless credit card for 100,000 Marriott Bonvoy points is available with my links, thank you for supporting this blog.
You may have seen posts about some study that predicted travel will not recover until 2024. Always take these studies with several grains of salt. Nobody knows…
The Middle Seat column at the Wall Street Journal is certainly influential. And this is the latest post: What Travel Will Look Like After Coronavirus. WSJ is behind a paywall, sorry about that. You see this theme forming of much less business travel which is going to challenge the legacy airlines a lot more than the leisure travel focused airlines like Spirit and yes, Southwest. Of course it all depends on the virus and when a vaccine and/or effective therapies finally emerge. I am starting to wonder if we get down to two legacy airlines if the situation does not improve or, heaven forbid, the second wave makes this first wave look really small!
Most foresee a lasting decline in business travel, but think leisure travel will bounce back robustly. That means airlines and hotels will have to change their business plans, being unable to rely as much on rich revenue from corporate travelers. Expect higher ticket prices and room rates for vacationers to cover the costs with fewer high-dollar customers to subsidize bargain-seekers.
“The airline industry is going to have to examine its business plan,” says Robert Crandall, former chief executive of American Airlines. “You are never going to see the volume of business travel that you’ve seen in the past.”
He estimates one-third to one-half of business travel will go away. More meetings will take place electronically. Trips once thought necessary will be seen as superfluous. “Everybody who depends on business travel is going to have to rethink their game plan,” Mr. Crandall says.
Your must read of the day, wow! Occupy Mezhyhirya: Squatting the Mansion of Ukraine’s Ex-President. Remember the ridiculously pompous estate of the former Ukraine President Yanukovych who fled to Russia? We go inside with The Bohemian Blog who also gets to interview the “unofficial” caretaker of the estate whose name is, please sit down, Petro! Great history lesson as well and there is just something about this Pedro Petro dude…
Well, I had never heard of South Georgia island before: An abandoned British Island reclaimed by nature. With no permanent residents and millions of animals, South Georgia island is one of the world’s most biodiverse places. Yet, few Brits have ever heard of it.
Marooned in the South Atlantic Ocean between Argentina and Antarctica, the glaciated peaks and billowing tundra grasses of South Georgia cast a dramatic scene. Though the crescent-shaped island is technically a British Overseas Territory, it’s also claimed by Argentina and is so remote and hard to get to that many people in the United Kingdom have never even heard of it. There’s no airport, so the only access is by boat from Tierra del Fuego or the Falkland Islands, a journey of at least two days and nights across some of the roughest seas in the world.
Amazing pictures: Silence of Munich.
Turkey invaded Northern Cyprus in 1974. Residents fled suddenly. Some cities just stayed abandoned since then: Nearly 50 Years On, a Forbidden Seaside Ghost Town is about to Re-Open.
I don’t know why anyone bothers with what happens in the stock market on a daily basis, what a waste! This is pretty funny: Just Another Day.
I blogged before here how we will start seeing horrific examples of rampant fraud in these economy stimulating programs, expect more! Florida man arrested after he used COVID-19 relief funds to buy Lamborghini, officials say.
As we are gearing up for another stimulating round: How Americans Used Their Stimulus Checks.

This is from the German publication Der Spiegel: Trump’s Handling of the Coronavirus Could Cost Him Presidency. Well, if you are a Trump fan you will not like it, no surprise!
I really enjoyed reading this: Statement by Jeff Bezos to the U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary.
Maybe this is the reason nobody likes him smh.
I mean, what else can you say? I guess RIP and condolences to his family #don’tbestupid And don’t take innocents you infect with you!!!
If Trumps win the election, this may come handy, save it! The best (& worst) countries for raising a family. Click to enlarge! They sure are laughing at us now, sad lol.
Wow! Watch thousands of wildebeest cross a river during great migration in Tanzania.
Amazing video of the amazing shape-shifting of the Magnificent Riflebird male as he displays to a female.
I really enjoyed reading about The Other Women in Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Harvard Law Class of 1959.
There are some really creepy people involved in yoga. This article is about the founder of the Yoga to the People chain. Who was also a disciple of that other infamous creep who started Bikram yoga. Yikes! ‘He Knew Everything’: Fear, Control, and Manipulation at Yoga to the People.
Loved this one: Your Brain in Love. What is this about? We’ve evolved three distinct brain systems for mating and reproduction: sex drive; feelings of romantic love; feelings of deep attachment. Like I said, fascinating read!
Also really enjoyed this one too! Exclusive: How Carlos Ghosn Escaped Japan, According to the Ex-Green Beret Who Snuck Him Out. Loved learning more about how the escape happened. This is going to become a movie for sure one day! Oh, the Japanese legal system is a joke.
What a sweet story, good to see some people still have ethics! US lottery jackpot shared after 1992 handshake.
If you don’t laugh with this, get help please.
Fun read about arranged marriages among Muslims in the Middle East and elsewhere. E-rranged Marriages. Would you have ever known that Tinder is crazy popular in…Saudi Arabia?
We are now entering BLOG BUZZ, a section for advanced hobbyists and veterans of this fast imploding hobby and also a section where I go on and on about some stuff that happens in my life because it helps me feel better about myself.
BREAKING NEWS: I managed to burn some hotel points for a very short road trip to the Michigan Upper Peninsula. Will be visiting Ironwood to check out Porcupine Mountains, Houghton Lake to drive around Keweenau Peninsula and Marquette to check out Pictured Rocks. It may will affect my posting schedule next week. I managed to finally get rid of my Wyndham Rewards points and used a Radisson Rewards Points & Cash rate because there was no way I was going to burn 57,000 points per night at a Country Inn property lol. Also one night at a Holiday Inn Express paying cash…for now as it was not available on IHG Rewards points. But I will be checking to see if that changes. Looking forward to getting the hell out and seeing some new places!
The Points Guy took down the comments section. And they assured readers it was not a business decision…LOL! Some blogger got really upset it appears. And some blogger likes to post old blog posts others write and just change the date, smh.
It is getting harder and harder to do this MS thing you guys…Bummer: GiftCards.com now limits Visa Gift Cards to $250 loads.
A recent DansDeals post had, please sit down, 137 credit card affiliate links in it. Yeah…137, easily broke the world record, wow!
So next week who knows what happens in my blog. I appreciate you reading what I post here, thank you.
And I leave you with this…

Follow TBB on Twitter @FlyerTalkerinA2.
You can subscribe to TBB below, winners only!
Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
More than I can post on a certain other blog.
Thought about changing your handle to “Sam_First” there for a sec 🙂
In August no more Thursday evening postings…it will be mornings at 6.30 am so the Mailchimp emails go out to list subscribers at 8 am.
Managed two Bonvoy Boundless card conversions today, WOW! Somehow your conversion from earlier this month has been taken away from me and they have not responded to my inquiry yet…I bet you it went to the “Kill TPG Comments” fund 🙂
There is a certain synergy with that TPG guy’s defense and when the airline/hotel loyalty programs do their devaluations labeling them as ‘enhancements.’
You know, ever since that dude saw the dollar signs on the conversions of the British Airways 100k Visa card it has been all downhill for the “hobby”…
In other news, the “sister” Million Mile Secrets site wants you to put your funeral expenses on the credit cards they are selling…
And, just so everyone knows the complete incompetence of the national pandemic response…Vietnam recorded its first death. Yeah, FIRST! We lose over 1,000 of our own a day, 155,000+…Any wonder nobody likes the phucking moron? I wonder if Rams still supports him…oh yeah, we know he does 🙂
For the record, Ingy still sold too early!
Few will recall that before Frugal Travel Guy, Ingy had a mortgage company. Now that credit card salespeople are pivoting to mortgages, maybe Ingy will get back in the game.
It’s all about those escrow accounts.
The leads are weak!
Been thinking to do a post
Former Blog Titans who sold out. Where are they now?
and interview them all
But I think they are in hiding 🙂
Great links George. One interesting bit about the South Georgia islands is that when Argentina invaded Falklands they simultaneously invaded South Georgia, to the surprise of the tiny british contingent there. Those islands, like Falklands, never had much value and the UK was really considering a handout to Argentina, in order to save money (remember 70s were rough for the UK). Then Argentina ruined it all by invading. And later on oil was found.
I did not know all that, thank you!
Good morning!
My contribution to the fight against the virus was to get an MMR booster. This will do zip against spread but it seems to attenuate the impact.
My doctor hadn’t heard about this but told me that the MMR booster is now recommended for everyone because of the anti-vaxers’ impact.
So whatever the MMR does for COV 19 is a free good! I’ll use that on an exam in a month or so.
I know you sent me links about this…but I am slow to catch on sometimes. This looks interesting. Let us know if you develop any side effects though!
Sooner or later…we’ll defeat the damn virus. In the meantime, if we could only contain it like everywhere else!
It’s been a week and no adverse reaction.
But who knows what that means. I’ve had a.lot pumped into me recently but nothing seems to bother me.
When I was planning to go to the April conference in Tokyo I had four vaccines. Then hepatitis pair are the start of a sequence that I finished Monday.
Odd that no one seems to discuss this.
Yes it is very odd.
Then again, so many odd things with this virus!
Option A: Create a quality post with hours of research rather than typical recycled content, have relevant card names hyperlinked and affiliated to increase conversions to make the ROI on the post worthwhile in an environment that’s tougher than it has been in over a decade.
Option B: Create a quality post with hours of research, beg for “donations”, add irrelevant affiliated links, whine about the lack of ROI, threaten readership and follow through slowing down quality posts from daily to weekly due to lack of ROI, whine about blogger with quality post for having too many hyperlinks in post, post comment in the bloggers quality post with whine about hyperlinks, whine about why bloggers don’t link back to own whiny blog.
Dan, I’ve used your links many many times and I find your blog to be pretty transparent at the time of showing what’s sponsored vs what’s not. On the other hand, George has a point that the travel blogosphere has drifted towards pumping credit cards and often pushing for non-optimal churning strategies, to the detriment of the large portion of inexperience readers. I think it’s very very hard to pursue having a profitable blog while at the same time telling it like it is, since that would inevitably alienate sponsor. How you strike that balance it’s a challenge and I don’t find the criticism to be out of place.
Well, one option is to remove comments so people stop calling you out 😀
The other is to work on finding the balance, something I’ve strived to do for years. I also work hard on creating value added posts rather than recycling content and on answering comments in a timely manner. Sure, I’ve angered several banks, hotel, and airlines over the years for being honest, but at the end of the day, readers appreciate a straight shooter and that’s more important than keeping every airline, hotel, and bank happy.
I don’t think it’s fair to trash a post like mine just because of the contextual affiliate links and personally I strongly prefer overdoing those to asking for donations, which would be anathema for me to ask for unless things got truly desperate. I’m very open to criticism, but in this case I just disagree with the premise.
P.S. Thanks for your support 🙂
137 cc affiliate links is ridiculous. The previous record was in the 50’s, it was either MMS or TPG 🙂 You more than doubled the world record in that post!!!
I would not be asking for donations if I was having tons of Amazon like diaper deals and now almost daily sponsored posts. Having said that, I got a donation today for $1.00 thanking me for continuing to blog and guess what I liked more? 🙂
Funny you mention desperation…137 (one hundred thirty seven) links in ONE post just Screams Out Loud for desperation.
Yes I have slowed down here, you know commercialization and pleasing invisible sponsors has never been a focus here. The whining is more for my personal entertainment…shit, the whole blog is for my own entertainment, the money it brings in justifies the “business” tax aspects and is immaterial. Hopefully it prevents some other bloggers from getting drugged into the hole thinking riches await them.
You certainly don’t sound very open to criticism dude…You could have simply said “George, yeah…maybe 137 was a bit too many…I will do my best to keep them under 100, thanks”. 🙂
The only blogger who went out of his way to link to me is Charlie at Running With Miles. All the others who read me…and use my links…and never link to me…what can I say other than I’ll just continue speaking my mind here.
Will you pivoting to Personal Finance? 🙂
That was a quality post but I did not want to hurt my readers’ eyes linking to it. Because…
These quality posts of yours are coming less frequently also…it is just not me posting less frequently. It is obvious I am on my slow way out…hope you can make it through this rough patch.
Oh, we are at 155,000 dead due to Covid-19. Vietnam (they closed their borders with China next door too!) just had its first death! I wonder if you still rate Trump under 3/10? 🙂
Context matters.
It’s not 137 random links dropped in a post, the links are just copy/pasted for the comparison table of each benefit. I don’t see what the difference would be for the reader if they were stripped out.
Also, you know that COVID facts on the ground have changed since 4 months ago when I posted that, right?
Tbb is jealous, don’t take it to heart. You do what’s best for your business and the engagement on your blog will tell you if you are doing the right thing, the cancel culture on blogs pushing to much plastic (not talking about thrones pushing newbies into debt) is simply trying to hang on to the exclusiveness of ft and anyone that left and opened a blog should simply focus on what’s best for their blog. \end rant
Thanks for the $1. It is not worth the time to enter it in Quickbooks for my “business” so next time a short email or a comment expressing what you did would be better for all imho.
Dan has done very well and he deserves the success. But maybe sometimes he should step back a bit a bit…137 cc blue links in ONE post is ludicrous IMHO. Talking about balance…cough.
Enjoy the weekend.
DAN ROCKS George, you sir do not
Home of Stale Content and Angry Opinion
Never heard of South Georgia?!?
Endurance by Shackleton is a riveting must read. Add to post with your affiliate link ASAP 😀
Note: The Amazon link above has been replaced with the TBB Amazon link 🙂 Thanks for choosing TBB and the idea 🙂 And this is when Rene used to pop in to FT to post about my censoring bwahahaha.
I have devoted many links/references to obscure remote islands all over the world in my blog. For some reason, South Georgia has not been one of them…until now. Strange…Then again, I look at the numerous penguins and I can not believe how the place totally stinks!
Yeah, sure, facts on the ground changed for the worse..and no one could see that coming! So…are you at 0 yet? Lol
I have a marketing idea for you: 9-9-9
9 Amazon affiliate links
9 links of your Credit Cards page leading to your subpar non direct cc links
9 links to your Paypal donation
It worked for Herman Cain. RIP, what an idiot!
I wonder if the Lamborghini man was one of the MS hobbyists…
Enjoy the UP, jealous.
What an idiot, you say. You are the idiot IMHo and probably a RACIST. RIP HERM.
Please do not call other posters names, thanks 🙂
Feel free to call people appearing in blog posts some names management will agree before we take the drastic steps of killing the comments section like The Points Guy Inc. did. If we do it…it would NOT be for business reasons LOL.
Tex, wake the phuck up!
As of typing, we have 156, 701 DEAD citizens here in the US. Herman was one of them. Because he wanted to make a statement to show up in the Tulsa MAGA rally. I doubt Matthew is an idiot but Herman is a dead one for sure!
RIP 9-9-9…I LOVED his ad by the way! And then it was all downhill from there…
Did get any PPP money?
Are you going to keep it?
Great idea for an article!
I would pay $$$ if someone did a complete search of all the blog businesses in this space and how much “free money” from the people they got!
Email management 🙂
For the record, $0 for TBB LLC…Should be renamed LCC, Limited Conversion Corporation bwahahaha
So obviously his silence is a yes. Hopefully he gets audited.
Only companies getting more Than $150k have been made public.
Idid not see TPG nor bankrate. Ritholtz wealth management got $350,000-1 million.
There’s proof today that times are tough for TPG and staff. Mommy Points is fishing for extra $$$ on her Instagram page! She posted pics of kids’ clothing she ordered, then posted a referral link! They save $25 on their offer with her link. Times they are a changing.
I am not going to mention it until she does it 137 times 🙂
Dan, you’ve been around here several times to defend your practices.
Your tRump-like attitude each time has consisted of multiple aggressive replies, each dismissing any (constructive) criticism, no apologies for obviously ethical/moral/religious lapses. Just a general belligerence towards anyone having the audacity to, again, criticize constructively.
I didn’t know anything about you before.
Now, I actively dislike you, your unethical practices, your poor attitude, and your penny blog.
Love Dan’s posts when he tries. Wish he does it more often as he used to so we can all benefit.
Still listed here:
Dan has done an amazing job with his blog over the years. I just wished he would have stopped at 50 instead of 137 affiliate cc links in ONE post though 🙂
I do not agree with your assessment and since this is not TPG…you can post here.
I agree with T.A. 🙂
Maybe it is time to can Anonymous posts…just pick a handle, come on!
I am deep in researching our trip to the Michigan UP…oh how I missed this part of my life 🙂
Well, dan is someone that doesnt like any critique/criticism. Always has.
Always has censored comments he doesnt like/want posted. I suppose that’s better than tpg.
Has been a supporter of the clown in the white house.
Took a big hit when his direct cc links to chase were taken from him even though they applied pressure to alter his posts about them.
Back in the day he was far more informative about miles/points (24 bm for as cards).
Still check his site every so often but its last on my list to check. No useful info that i dont already get elsewhere lately.
Remember, any time you click his (or anybody else’s) amazon link, they get a commission on all your amazon purchases for 24 hrs. He can argue that its pennies, but if you have thousands of clicks, that can be alot of pennies.
(Or anyone else that can answer this. You say: “Remember, any time you click his (or anybody else’s) amazon link, they get a commission on all your amazon purchases for 24 hrs. ”
So…. if I click on one person’s link, and not buy, but then an hour later, click ona *different* person’s link, the pennies go to person # 2, right? Or does the first click shield the other click from registering?
I’d like to know.
Depends. Clear your cookies first.
1. See “HOT” deal on DD. Copy deal
2. Go to your favorite blogger (TBB of course)
3. Click on TBB’s Amazon link
4. Past in deal
5. Add to cart
6. Buy
7. Double TBB’s revenue
Carl: I think it goes to #1. Sad. I should start doing deals with my Amazon aff links you guys 🙂
I like ABC’s method a lot!
Amazon paid me $101 for a few months ago. I can not believe the last time my blog earned three digits. I think Dan rounds up to the nearest thousandth 🙂
I never click on the Deals and sponsored posts there. Dan can still bring it when he wants and has time…used to happen more often. Oh well…he’ll be around longer than this blog for sure.
I just scheduled the next post. And now to finish packing and leave way too early in the morning! #excited
Have a wonderful Road Trip! I haven’t been out of the county since I got back from Italy in January except just over to the next one twice to get two Cataract Surgeries.
I try to always have my Amazon stuff go through your link but never know if it works. I saved your home page and that is my Amazon tab so I do always go through it, but sometimes I see stuff on other pages and then save to my want list. Maybe I should just write it down and then put it on want list or buy once I have clicked your link.
That’s about why I was asking though. Anyhow, have fun!
2nd click overrides first click, unless the 2nd click has no affiliate tags.
Good to know!
Thanks for letting me know!!
If you sad and if you’re lonely and you haven’t got a friend, maybe you shouldn’t read this
“ How the Pandemic Defeated America”
Do you think Leonardo di Caprio will start in this tragedy?