We bring you the different Covid-19 futures, banks pump money to airlines and hotels, retirement contributions, tech adoption in the US since 1900, the best Covid-19 coverage you can find anywhere I dare you, a list of all the friendly changes by the banks on their credit cards, free night extensions, elite status and expiration points, we travel to Nicaragua and Bhutan and, you know, I really need to finish this post and get to bed. Rest assured this post is yet another amazing one because I can’t quit you guys. Be like the reader who was first in May to get a card with my links, enjoy the Citi Double Cash card, it should be all cash back cards now that we are stuck at home! Yeah, it sucks but it sucks more if you get the virus and die ok?
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I’ll see you Monday, enjoy the weekend. Lets continue this social distancing, it is working, don’t get greedy now for Pete’s sake. Say a prayer too, can’t hurt.
This will explain all about the vaccine development efforts under way: The race for coronavirus vaccines: a graphical guide.
I almost skipped this read, I am so glad I didn’t. It is about a doctor at the University of Michigan hospital next door. Heck, some of the photos and scenes he describes in local parks I am so well aware of. In fact, I may have seen him walk these trails as I am running around, small world hey? Article has it all, the path of a doctor who also likes architecture, the tight bond with his family, incredible tragedy due to failures and addiction, the severe strains these medical workers are undergoing with Covid-19 and more, wow: ‘Let’s Save Some Lives’: A Doctor’s Journey Into the Pandemic. Andrew Ibrahim was just finishing his surgical residency in Michigan when the coronavirus surge hit. It took a lifetime’s lessons to face the challenge.
We need to be prepared for this. Then again, never before there was such a concerted and concentrated effort to find a vaccine! What happens if a coronavirus vaccine is never developed? It has happened before. Article near the end lays out some ways what it is going to be like and, oh boy, it is not going to be good.
Since we are on this path what is ahead: Three potential futures for Covid-19: recurring small outbreaks, a monster wave, or a persistent crisis. What do you think is going to happen? I am looking around and see scenes everyone out mingling in beaches, national parks, state capitols (Lansing in Michigan), Atlanta and continued attempts from the current administration to get the economy back to normal…
This is about Laurie Garrett: She Predicted the Coronavirus. What Does She Foresee Next? If you want to feel upbeat you better skip this article, you have been warned.
“I’m quite certain that this is going to go in waves,” she added. “It won’t be a tsunami that comes across America all at once and then retreats all at once. It will be micro-waves that shoot up in Des Moines and then in New Orleans and then in Houston and so on, and it’s going to affect how people think about all kinds of things.”
But there is one part of the story she couldn’t have predicted: that the paragon of sloppiness and sluggishness would be the United States. “I never imagined that,” she said. “Ever.”
The highlights — or, rather, lowlights — include President Trump’s initial acceptance of the assurances by President Xi Jinping of China that all would be well, his scandalous complacency from late January through early March, his cheerleading for unproven treatments, his musings about cockamamie ones, his abdication of muscular federal guidance for the states and his failure, even now, to sketch out a detailed long-range strategy for containing the coronavirus. Having long followed Garrett’s work, I can attest that it’s not driven by partisanship. She praised George W. Bush for fighting H.I.V. in Africa. But she called Trump “the most incompetent, foolhardy buffoon imaginable.”
What was it like for the doctors in Wuhan? From The Frontlines: A Steep Learning Curve, a Bittersweet End.
I have stated this before…that someway somehow I think that this virus has been with us way earlier than thought. And news like this makes me believe it even more! French hospital discovers it treated coronavirus patient in December.
This story made me cry, you have been warned: The Morgue Worker, the Body Bags and the Daffodils.
Must read: Profile of a killer: the complex biology powering the coronavirus pandemic. If you were going to pick just one to read in this section, make it this one. We have so much to learn about this one phucking virus! And just brace for a long time before we are all comfortable burning miles to fly anywhere we want in a moment’s notice, so sad.
HOT CREDIT CARD OFFERS: New: The CitiBusiness AAdvantage Platinum now offers 70k AA miles. The IHG Rewards Club card offering 140k points too, highest ever. For a standard workhorse card I recommend the 60k Chase Sapphire Preferred card. For a standard premium card I recommend the 50k Chase Sapphire Reserve card. For a standard 2% cash back card I recommend the Citi Double Cash card. Available with my links. Lets move on!
This is really good: Summary of Consumer-Friendly Changes to Card Benefits and Loyalty Programs. So many changes to keep track, good to see them all in one post.
If anyone cares: Caesars Rewards: Elite Extension, Easier To Earn Elite Status & Pause On Rewards Credits Expiring. I was never into gambling…I just don’t see how gambling can be done the way it was before Covid-19.
United staff better sharpen their resumes: United Plans More Than 7,000 Pilot and Management Layoffs After Relief Rules Expire. The loyalty program to bail them out was not going to save them once again. I think United is the most realistic of what is ahead. I am wondering if we will see further consolidation by the end of the year. Wild guess: Southwest buying United? Good thing I did not transfer a bunch of Chase Ultimate Rewards points to United!
Expect more promos and of course devaluations: Marriott Raises $920 Million In Cash From American Express & Chase. Can you imagine where all these airline and hotel companies would be without their loyalty programs and the banks?
It is getting ridiculous to keep track of all the changes lately! Master List: Extensions On Hotel Free Night Certs, Elite Status & Points Expiration.
DO NOT BUY MILES AND POINTS! Unless you want to make the bloggers pushing them to you rich or something. You should read blogs that have a built in quality standard, it is called ethics, something the vast majority of “travel expert” bloggers are certainly missing, especially in these difficult times. And go out of your way to help these few bloggers left before they give up ok? Missed Out on Air Canada Aeroplan Miles Sale at a Penny Each? Congrats, You’ve Dodged a Bullet!
Seriously, don’t buy miles. It’s ridiculous.
Nice trip report with some great photos from Nicaragua.
This one is mostly about soccer. But why am I sticking it in the Travel section? Because it is my blog and I can do what I want lol. Okay, seriously, it is about what they did in Iceland to upgrade their soccer which has led to some great national team results lately, I really enjoyed it. Soccer at the End of the World.
MUST click. A dog shows you the prettiest place in the world. Apparently, it is Switzerland, WOW!
Take a virtual tour of the Tomb of Pharaoh Ramesses VI. WOW. I would like to say “you are welcome” in advance to the numerous “Thanks TBB” comments. Yeah, right…
What an awesome short 3.52 mins Vimeo video: Madman Trails of Bhutan.
Amazing shots! A Flying Photographer Looks Down On Earth In Awe And Sorrow.

This is always timely: Where should you put your retirement contributions?
This is very good: Which Portfolio Is Right For You? So which portfolio is right for you? The one that you can stick to.
Wow! These Are the Best Architecture Photos of 2020. MUST click!

This really belongs in the Oddz & Endz. There is this guy in Spain who is a fan of North Korea and sets you up to do business there, for a fee of course. Wanna Do Business in Pyongyang? Call North Korea’s Guy in Spain. He looks like a blowhard too…actually, if it was not for this gig the guy would starve I am guessing.
This is a long article that goes way back into history and charts the conservative movement and how over the years we managed to find ourselves governed (if you can call it that) by Trump. Very educational imho. We go back to the Bush dynasty early years, the rise of the hedge funders and stuff like that. Read it while you practice social distancing at your porch or wherever you like: How Greenwich Republicans Learned to Love Trump.
MUST CLICK: Technology Adoption in the US. Press Play and sit back and marvel at this! This will get you so excited you will immediately use my links to get your grandma the amazing Chase Sapphire Preferred card, right? Riiiiight? Ok, don’t answer it please.
We are now entering BLOG BUZZ, a section for advanced hobbyists and veterans of this fast imploding hobby and also a section where I go on and on about some stuff that happens in my life because it helps me feel better about myself.
I wish I could get my daughter involved in this to celebrate her graduation. Graduation 2020: Some Good News with John Krasinski Ep. 6.
Travel With Grant blog turned 7 years old. We are both veterans and have witnessed the death of so many other blogs!
Going a little deeper on them cards offering extra miles and points on grocery spend: Two great, one good, and one marginal grocery store earning boost
Don’t spend your way to Southwest elite status by putting ridiculous amount of spend on the Southwest cards, okay?
Sometimes I feel the second wave will be here way earlier, brace yourselves!
So sad to see this: Stranglers’ Dave Greenfield Dead at 71 After Coronavirus Battle. 2020 just continues to suck! My fav Stranglers song (which was not typical of them) was “Golden Brown”. Years later after its release it was revealed that it was about heroin and not a love song! Some other songs from this band you may want to check out are: “Peaches”, “No More Heroes”, “Nice ‘N’ Sleazy” and “Hanging Around”.
And then, bang, the very next day we lost a true legend! Kraftwerk Co-Founder Florian Schneider Dead at 73. Kraftwerk’s pioneering use of keyboards and synthesizers would later inspire artists in all genres of the musical spectrum, from rock and electronic music to hip-hop and pop. I am so sad, Kraftwerk was one of my favorite bands of all time. I managed to see them live twice and their live shows were something so unique it is hard to put it in words. It was all about the machines, the robots, the electronics way before these things were even around! I have so many favorites I don’t want to do this justice here and even pick one, I am torn. So just a photo. #RESPECT
The 2020 Ann Arbor Art Fair has been canceled. And the stay at home order in Michigan has been extended to May 28 with only the car manufacturing industry starting up under strict guidelines next week.
Remember back before the virus came into our lives, The Points Guy kept hiring and had many open job positions listed on its website. Well, ooops, they all vanished, so sad. Maybe I should bid for some talent at last. Bwahahahaha. With one conversion down this month TBB Inc. is going on a major offensive! Bwahahahaha2. BREAKING: Thanks to reader G who made a $50 Paypal donation and asked me to reinstate Wednesday posts. Every supportive gesture like this keeps this blog going. The momentum is definitely turning now, there is a rumor that there was an emergency meeting called over at TPG Inc, they are afraid I can feel it. Bwahahahaha3.
And I leave you with this…
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Good morning.
It will take a long time to read all the interesting links you have this morning. Thanks.
Good Morning Buzz,
Seems that 60k bonus for the United Explorer card was yanked back down to 40k. I’m ready to go for the 60k if you spot a source.
Ethics for bloggers. Always kidding around, aren’t ya!
@DML: You have the whole weekend, enjoy!
@Sam: You are right, I just deleted the 60k United card offer…At this rate, what am I supposed to sell lol. I think we will be seeing increased offers ahead.
Funny how on Twitter some bloggers are arguing with me how it makes sense to buy miles. So, I sent them Andy’s article to shut them up. Unbelievable…
But only TPG will do glorious articles about the Ink Business Preferred still. And since Chase pulled all business credit card affiliate links…they do whole articles about this card WITHOUT a single link to apply for the card. Because, sending them to the public Chase website is just so hard to let a sales commission go away. I bet all the remaining staff will be updating the post with numerous IBP affiliate card links when they get them back. Blogger Ethics at its finest!
You all enjoy the weekend, second day of a conference that was canceled. Virtually now. I am starting to dig it a little bit. Instead of $795 conference fee, airfare and lodging and other expenses…I pay $195 and get the same number of CPE credits and I can multitask a little bit with my shorts and needing a haircut and shave badly. So, continuing ed and travel for my real business are also expected to go way down this year #winning Kind of.
How do those virtual conferences work out?
Sure participants can log ina and listen for talk, but you can’t really interact, with colleagues to establish relationships and further discussions. And as an organizer it must be hard to attract sponsors and especially vendors.
This is a lost year. Everybody’s hoping that next years conference will be back to normal. Otherwise Orlando, Las Vegas and parts of San Diego, Philly and DC will be screwed. Poor workers.
I was shocked me to find out that Kraftwerk was not in the Rock’nRoll hall of fame. It’s one of the most innovative bands ever. Up there with Einstürzende Neubauten and Milli Vanilli on the West-German music scene.
Yeah, the conference differences are exactly as you say, not the same. But they are hell of a lot cheaper!
Yeah, it is a felony Kraftwerk are not in the Hall of Fame, totally ludicrous!
Omg, Einstürzende Neubauten——>I could not never ever get into them…for obvious reasons lol. And Milli Vanilli…what a tragic story that was.
I am attending an economic update right now and I am typing here #multitasking
If I hear the world “unprecedented” one more time I will barf!
Wow, a link from TBB! It’s been a while. Glad you enjoyed the pictures.
You are coming back because you are smelling something from the TPG corner…It is the revenge of the small bloggers, LETS ATTACK!
Thanks for the mention George. Long live the 7 year old travel blogs. Enjoy your weekend and stay safe my friend 🙂
Ha, I’m pretty sure that’ll be my last blog post for at least another year.
Apparently Kavanaugh had too many beers and had to flush the toilet during a Supreme Court session. Ladies and Gentlemen please MUTE your microphone when you’re visiting the restroom at home.
2020 turnout out to be a bad remake of the Naked Gun movie.
Had to be him lol.
Where is everyone, you must be all busy checking out all my links it appears 🙂
It may snow here tomorrow, WTF!
Sorry about the snow. This has been the most glorious spring I can remember in all my years in NC. It’s been mostly sunny and usually in the 70s for about two months, though it’s only going to be in the 60s the next few days with this cold snap.
When TPG has to resort to listing the dog as a member of the staff, you know things are bad. Then again, maybe the dog is pulling in money from the PPP.
Lol…on even the dog pulling in money from the PPP!
Maybe the company did and this is why they have not let go of any full timers yet…This lasts until June 30.
Classic. how did I miss this before? TBB lets me down–I had to read it in the NYT
Also, the DJ here deserves a fucking GOLD medal!
Was that Maher dude ever funny?
Lol on the DJ