We bring you the best Covid-19 coverage online, we try virtual travel, IRS extends tax season to July 15, latest James Bond Daniel Craig retires, recommend many places to travel to online, learn how doctors help injured war veterans, go inside the Venezueal crypto Petro story, take another dump on the racist orange buffoon leading us to ruin while he rates himself 10 out of 10, beat up on the usual suspect blogs instead of crying for continuing to pour so much time in my blog while never even making at least minimum wage and wondering if I am insane, trying to come to grips with the new Covid-19 world and the deep changes that are already here and in the months ahead while hoping the scientists save us again soon. So, take care of yourselves, these are difficult times for so many people, be kind and generous and we shall beat this virus together…by standing six feet apart, what a mind bender huh?
TBB Blog Mission: To Educate. Entertain. Inspire. In That Order!
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I am going to do this week’s Wednesday post on this but because everything is moving so fast I am going to throw you a few links here, so here we go:
This is a must read. The Doctor Who Helped Defeat Smallpox Explains What’s Coming.
But did we get good advice from the president of the United States for the first 12 weeks? No. All we got were lies. Saying it’s fake, by saying this is a Democratic hoax. There are still people today who believe that, to their detriment. Speaking as a public health person, this is the most irresponsible act of an elected official that I’ve ever witnessed in my lifetime. But what you’re hearing now [to self-isolate, close schools, cancel events] is right. Is it going to protect us completely? Is it going to make the world safe forever? No. It’s a great thing because we want to spread out the disease over time.
Because of the intense interest in getting [Covid-19] conquered, we will put the scientific clout and money and resources behind finding antivirals that have prophylactic or preventive characteristics that can be used in addition to [vaccines].
I’m in the age group that has a one in seven mortality rate if I get it. If you’re not worried, you’re not paying attention. But I’m not scared. I firmly believe that the steps that we’re taking will extend the time that it takes for the virus to make the rounds. I think that, in turn, will increase the likelihood that we will have a vaccine or we will have a prophylactic antiviral in time to cut off, reduce, or truncate the spread. Everybody needs to remember: This is not a zombie apocalypse. It’s not a mass extinction event.
The other must read document is this and I am afraid we are way too late but maybe not that late if we get lucky but with so many still going outside and carrying on their normal lives I start to wonder aloud WTF. The Hammer and the Dance. Yes, must read too. On Twitter I had suggested we shut down the country for two weeks when the first few cases appeared, basically give everyone a two week paid vacation (by the Feds) while focusing like a laser beam on getting the tests ready…well, it is now late March. Apparently this is not a hoax and it is just not going away…
Folks, this is not like the flu, okay? A Medical Worker Describes Terrifying Lung Failure From COVID-19 — Even in His Young Patients.
Imagine if experts were doing the briefings instead of blaming the media when all citizens are looking for direction…I know, I know, I must control myself. Oh, here is the expert: Dr. Emily Landon at the Illinois Governor’s COVID-19 Press Conference. Or this masterful speech to the nation by German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Check your risk for COVID-19 with this Coronavirus Checker.
The latest column by Detroit’s own Mitch Albom: The epic struggle of the coronavirus pandemic: What and who to believe.
HOT CREDIT CARD OFFERS: Two new offers on United credit cards, a personal for 60k and a Business one for up to 100k miles. The IHG Rewards Club card offering 140k points too, highest ever. Other credit cards offers that stand out for now are the 100k Southwest Performance Business card and the 100k Ink Business Preferred. In addition, there are personal and business offers for the 70k Amex Delta Skymiles Gold, 100k Platinum and 100k Reserve credit cards. For a standard workhorse card I recommend the 60k Chase Sapphire Preferred card. For a standard premium card I recommend the 50k Chase Sapphire Reserve card. For a standard 2% cash back card I recommend the Citi Double Cash card. Available with my links. Lets move on!
The whole miles and points industry is hurting. BAD! I mean, what did you expect with travel grounded? If you think about it…sometimes we all have a hard time comprehending what just happened and what lies ahead. This phucking virus was a little different than all the others. So, brace yourselves. I haven’t checked my Award Wallet balances for a month now lol.
Next time you see a blogger writing about how you can travel to Hawaii for free only if you apply for six travel rewards credit cards on their site…perhaps you may want to tell them to inform their readers that this comes with a 2 week mandatory quarantine, okay?
Since you have lots of time these days and can not travel, how about traveling virtually to UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Lets keep this going with Museums!
Explore abandoned places, wow! The Proper People.
If you are freaking out while you are grounded, well, get used to it. And maybe click this to go on a Train Journey to the Norwegian Arctic Circle freeeee!
We are hopefully going to see some help from the federal government to help all the people who have gotten hurt if we only had prepared for it. First thing out was some tax help: July 15 tax filing and payment deadline Q&A. And of course it was announced by a tweet and the IRS had to scramble to explain what it all meant…just your typical moronic way of doing things lately, getting used to it yet?
You can keep track of all IRS developments in its own Coronavirus Tax Relief website.
Folks, this is why you should avoid debt and have a very well funded cash emergency fund. Because, SHITHappens…when you least expect it. Remember when I was saying to stop checking your portfolio every day and never to fall in love with the highest number you see in it?
Saw something over the weekend and wrote it down to share with you: “…if an investor missed the S&P 500′s 10 best days in each decade, total returns would be just 91%, strikingly below the 14,962% return for investors who held steady throughout the ups and downs.“. Let that sink in…
Must read by Al Franken: The Last Straw. This is how it starts and just never lets up, bravo!
Well, it finally isn’t funny anymore – the grandiosity, the ignorance, the cruelty, the bullying, the racism, the petty insults and incessant stupidity. But especially the non-stop lying.
This is a deep piece on Daniel Craig: Heart of An Assassin: How Daniel Craig Changed James Bond Forever. It goes way back in his childhood and how he got started and how they found him to be the next James Bond and how many were opposed to him (including me, I did not do anything of course…I just thought he never looked the part okay?). Well, he proved us all wrong.
Fascinating story about Venezuela and the efforts behind the introduction of its virtual currency Petro and the guy behind it all. The Coder and the Dictator.
We never talk about genital war injuries. Until now that is. How two British surgeons took on the wounded soldier’s last taboo. War sucks!
No wonder North Korea has been so successful dealing with the virus you guys:
We are now entering BLOG BUZZ, a section for advanced hobbyists and veterans of this fast imploding hobby and also a section where I go on and on about some stuff that happens in my life because it helps me feel better about myself.
We are bored. But staying home…
Thank God for wifi, it that goes down, the real depression will hit…
I am focusing on my work as I will likely start to slow down this blog. First casualty will be the Wednesday posts as conversions and Amazon clicks have dried up. If I am hurting, just imagine the coming carnage at The Points Guy. I saw on Twitter the company let go two more people…
RIP Kenny Rogers. I never liked any of your songs but sad to hear.
Remember Million Mile Secrets? The site has turned into a pure credit card sales “blog” now, it should be renamed Million Miles of Shit! I mean, in these unique times, here is a list of its most recent blog posts, WTF! Thanks Daraius and Emily, we miss you…not really!
Blog reader suggested to me instead of quitting here to turn my posts into a newsletter and make it subscriber only. Interesting idea. I don’t have the technical expertise to do this and I have a hard time coming to terms with the fact of restricting the educating/entertaining/inspiring blog mission. But something has to give…
We are all stressed out, take care of yourselves, stay home if you can and do something useful and productive.
Unless a miracle happens, Wednesday posts starting in April go poof, just two days posting here. I guess if you build it they don’t come without any marketing whatsoever. Shocking!
And I leave you with this…

Follow TBB on Twitter @FlyerTalkerinA2.
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Gold for the first time this year? Will really miss Wednesday posts, but I understand.
Buzz-The Al Franken piece is gold. So focused and so correct. Thanks for that.
We went to a park for a walk on Saturday. There were many Covidiots (new word) yakking it up, lots of contact, no separation. And why wouldn’t they when the President was on TV a week ago shaking hands with everybody?
Speaking of that Rose Garden press conference with corporate America, do you have a link to that website the 1,700 Google engineers built? I couldn’t find it. Also, I drove past Walmart but I guess the testing in the parking lot was done for the day. Seems they take the testing area down each night as I couldn’t see any sign of it.
I no longer watch the White House briefings. I just read later what Fauci said. Then I get on to reading or whatever else is I have going on.
But help is on the way, at least for your links. I need to see which Marriott card gives the best front-end bonus so I can apply with your links. I could care less about Marriott hotels but I am pretty sure those points still transfer under the old Starwood program.
Guess who this guy voted for:
I wonder what Jim Cramer’s latest trading signal is?
Stay home and hang in there Sam and everyone!
Spot on, Sam.
Good morning!
This will certainly take the commercial miles&points blogs out. The Crafters will replace them?
Wonder how long you lie about this? https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-coronavirus-rally-remark/
Pretty soon this guy will tell us he never downplayed it and he does have a natural ability to know about these things and he knew all along it was a pandemic.
Trolling, trolling, trolling…George, your blog must be doing something right to attract trolls 🙂
Terrific comments, as usual. Nobody has ever seen comments like yours anywhere, ever. You just do such a spectacular job on those. We’re lucky to have someone with your special commenting talents helping with this Chinese Flu hoax.
I am done watching his press conferences, I can not take it anymore. The guy will not change now, what a hideous embarrassment.
I am focusing on things I can control. It’s been quite a stressful time for all of us.
Ignore the troll, he is not offering anything news. Deep down he is a good guy. And so is Ramsey. Even missing Ingy/Rick, I miss him so much. Would love to see his take on cocaine BK 🙂
That Mitch Albom article makes me puke even though I really dislike Trump. He did a good job stirring hatred against China
I am not sure I follow your reasoning here, did I miss something?
Albom making you puke, really? What does DT make you do in comparison? 🙂
When can I refinance and borrow straight from the Fed? I don’t need a middle man. There’s only one bank now.
And WE demand 0% interest rate for the foreseeable future or WE will default on our mortgages. Trust me, we don’t want another housing crisis!
Thanks Fed for bailing us out again (oops).
Thanks for the GIF, that one is awesomely funny. Good timing too as I NEEDED a laugh this morning. Understand about the Wednesday posts and all. I don’t think a newsletter would be a bad idea. Maybe Mile Nerd would give some tips as to how it all works? Then send whenever you feel like as opposed to a schedule or something.
Stay safe and healthy!
99c/gal in the Great Lakes? Why am I paying $2/gallon? I’m no even in CA or HI.
“But did we get good advice from the president…” Ha! Had no idea the people of NYC, SF and Seattle hung on every word the president says. If that statement were true (and it’s not), you have to admit it’s kinda awesome that the coastal lefties fell for it and got themselves infected. In reality this is an imported virus. Coastal elites have until just recently been complaining about travel bans, even after it became pretty obvious that people were bring in the virus from abroad. NYC should get decimated, with all the illegals shacking up 10 to an apartment. Multi-generation families living in close quarters. “Tight knit” immigrant communities (WTF does that even mean…tight knit. I take that to mean they’re either racist, not interacting with others. or refuse to assimilate). Reliance on public transport. Coops and condo building should start blowing up soon….1 case should mean the entire building is potentially infected and needs to be sealed. People dying in hospital hallways while Chinese in Flushing complain no one’s visiting their restaurants. Illegals with five kids each in line in front of you while you wait to get checked or receive care. Sit back and enjoy this total shitshow.
NOBODY in America trusts politicians, main stream media or so called “experts” because they’ve been lied to for so long. Self isolation is not a real problem for most of America because you don’t exactly need an excuse not to interact with people of a different race, age, socio-economic background or religion. Most live in their own house and drive their own car. Why aren’t you out hugging your nearest illegal and welcoming refugees into your own house now? Now more than ever, they need you.
My response:
Thanks for all the comments. I can not respond individually to all and I have no interns or social media team or a SEO team.
I have no idea who this Andy is but I do welcome different views so we can all learn how other people think. I guess.
Our Michigan Governor finally issued a stay at home order for 3 weeks. Some time ago I had tweeted out that we needed to do a 2 week strict stay at home policy and everyone gets paid as soon as this thing started or, at the latest, as soon as the first few cases happened. And focus on phucking testing to test everyone and isolate the positives. The sooner we did that the sooner we can get back to normal. Now it is is just insane and so many are and will get hurt. If only we had prepared and not consistently (even to this day!!!!!) downplay it, all the way from the incompetent top.
That is all, time to run, I am so much looking forward to that to work off some of my stress!
Titles on the 8 first chapters of this book nobody wanted to write are ready:
Dear Andy,
Please see above the post that was made earlier this afternoon. I feel you should be aware that some asshole is signing your name to stupid posts.
Very Truly Yours,
Thought Leader
If you have different opinions than me I hate you and want your voice silenced.
Be sure to tell your doctor that you just have a difference of opinion when you can’t even get tested for corona. It’s 15 cases and we’re going down to zero – another opinion. Earth is flat? Opinion. Alex Jones could possibly be selling saline water or the cure for the virus – depends on your opinion. You might just enjoy your conscious, or subconscious, permission structure created by electing an 8Chan mod as the president, but hey that’s just my differing opinion.
Your buddy Frequent Miler is going all out on TPG mode:
“The best credit cards for social distancing”
“Best shiny bit of plastic to pay funeral expenses”
Fucking ghouls
It’s tough out there, they have expenses, this is a business for them, some have payroll.
Judging from the complete drop of my few conversions…it is widespread I am afraid. I mean, who is traveling right now?
Im guessing you dont want to talk about my latest appearance? TBB can you at least be honest and say you also think there is something wrong with Biden?
The stable genius who has natural ability to understand anything, on February 24:
“The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”
But no, lets focus on Joe.
WTF is wrong with you?
come on bro another one today. WTF is up with this guy. He isnt even coherent. They cant keep runnning him out on tv
You are going to love my post tomorrow!
This will go down as an Ann Coulter classic.
Comments are hilarious.
She should date Ron Paul
I can’t find that link to the Anal Bleaching kit from Amazon on the TPG site, so thought I’d hook you up with a click – It’s been impossible to pick those up locally now since all this damn Covid-19 lockdown and it’s getting “forrest-y” up in here…
The two recent fires from TBB were because those amateurs couldn’t get Brian Kelly any decent cocaine or decent man whores for his Vegas parties – It’s freaking VEGAS ffs…I would have fired them too.
Lastly, who can recommend the best card for large, frequent purchases of used 80’s vintage, Japanese panty vending machines? Some guy named debit from another blog keeps insisting that I sell him 15 of these for a business idea he has…?