We bring you the best links about the Covid-19 nightmare we are all living through, an FAQ on the stimulus checks, how nomads travel these days, learn about the diamond industry, travel to Greece some day, suggestions on what to do now that you can not travel for real, a stimulus check calculator, how you can help people suffering in this pandemic crisis, an excellent article about one of the first school shootings, watch a dog jump into leaves, and so much more. And get this? I am doing this for a ridiculous amount of money when I don’t have to and I could sure do something else and help more people in my day job…been doing this for over seven years. Well, I hope I am doing my part to change the world. I guess. Or I am just insane…don’t answer this. Be well and virus free!
TBB Blog Mission: To Educate. Entertain. Inspire. In That Order!
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I have no sponsors. This is a blog by one crazy dude who has been at it for seven and a half years. I can assure you it is NOT about the money that I continue! It is my baby and I blog what I want. And lately I have many anti Trump views because I am VERY angry pissed off for the rolling nightmare of Covid-19 and the way it was not taken seriously and the way it has been disastrously handled. If you are a Trump fan you would probably not enjoy my blog, you have been warned. But you can stay and get educated and even comment with some logical arguments if you can do that too. You all have a good week, stay inside, pray and support all the heroes out there.
We are starting off with a bang today: The President Is Trapped. Trump is utterly unsuited to deal with this crisis, either intellectually or temperamentally. This is a vicious well deserved beating. God help us all! Must read. I could excerpt the hell out of it but I won’t. We have lots to cover today.
Here is an interview with the Director of the Chinese CDC: Not wearing masks to protect against coronavirus is a big mistake. If only we could find them just for the medical personnel man! I think you will learn a lot from a source we don’t hear much from. After reading it I am scared to run outside!
Such talented writing. And gut wrenching. ‘Since I Became Symptomatic’.
I am on a roll today, another fascinatingly educational article: How Genetic Mutations Turned the Coronavirus Deadly. It is about tracing the path of the virus.
So far, there is no sign that the virus is becoming any more deadly or infectious—although neither is it becoming any less so. Near-stasis is typical for a new human pathogen. From an evolutionary perspective, SARS-CoV-2 is already doing a great job of reproducing itself. It’s therefore feeling little evolutionary pressure to change.
It is maddening to watch the half ass attempts to do this social distancing thing. I was advocating COMPLETE lockdowns/shutdowns when it became apparent that the virus was here circulating. The sooner we did this the sooner we can get back to normal. Instead, even today, we have governors still not on board with it which I find completely hideous. I saw a picture yesterday in a Florida beach where half was empty and half was full of people. The difference? It was the county line, WTF! This may get through to you: The Math Behind Social Distancing.
Amazing photography: The Great Empty.
This doctor in West Michigan posted a video on Youtube and went viral. Oh, wait a minute. Maybe we should retire the phrase “going viral”? Just saying. Anyway, this is great, it sure changed the way I handle my groceries! PSA Safe Grocery Shopping in COVID-19 Pandemic.
I don’t mean to panic you guys but this is really scary: Global condom shortage looms.
I may have posted this before, I don’t remember. Every day feels like a Tuesday these days. 40 meaningful things to do when stuck at home in a pandemic. Which one is your favorite?
Late addition: Hey, I can not help it. Here is Mitch Albom of the Detroit Free Press: Hey President Trump: Her name is Gretchen Whitmer. You just lost Michigan &%$)&#@!
More, I just can’t help myself: Our Political Leadership Is Failing Us at Every Level. Must read, vicious beating of those who were supposed to protects us. How can you go from “15 cases and going down to 0” to over 140,000 and over 2.500 dead. I mean, WTF? How can you excuse this gigantic failure? I feel rage, this is hitting us all. And this phucking asshole has time to tweet about his TV ratings…his godamnPhucking TV Ratings. Who does that????
HOT CREDIT CARD OFFERS: Two new offers on United credit cards, a personal for 60k and a Business one for up to 100k miles. The IHG Rewards Club card offering 140k points too, highest ever. Other credit cards offers that stand out for now are the 100k Southwest Performance Business card and the 100k Ink Business Preferred. In addition, there are personal and business offers for the 70k Amex Delta Skymiles Gold, 100k Platinum and 100k Reserve credit cards. For a standard workhorse card I recommend the 60k Chase Sapphire Preferred card. For a standard premium card I recommend the 50k Chase Sapphire Reserve card. For a standard 2% cash back card I recommend the Citi Double Cash card. Available with my links. Lets move on!
Newbie Tip: I try to have my credit cards’ statement dates close around the 5th of the month. And I sit down on the 6th or 7th of each month and pay them all. It is a routine I have been practicing for years decades. I have never paid a penny of interest on my credit cards. If you do pay interest on your credit card balances, well, thank you for helping us all travel for free! And stop it. The quicker the better. Find what works for you. Get a system down and follow it. You don’t have to be like us veterans who used to apply for several credit cards at a time (remember those good old days you guys?). Actually, nobody can during these difficult times with all travel shut down. Ok, where was I going with this?
If it was not for donations and gift cards to help local stores this would be the month with my lowest spending in a very long time. Especially gas and dining out.
Late addition: Travel hacking during the plague.
I was talking the other day with my client at his cottage up north. You know, in this coronavirus world, the absurd idea of buying a cottage out in the woods near running trails (and wifi of course!) may not be as absurd as I originally thought. The virus is changing us…I can not believe what I just said!
The Norwegian dude over at The Garfors Globe is back with an excellent post with many recommendations on what to do when Traveling While Not.
This is pretty basic but it is still nice to promote my home country with a tourist season coming up that may be a total nightmare: 18 Beautiful and Best Places to Visit in Greece.
All the nomads out there, I feel for what they are going through. Here is a perspective from one couple: Coronavirus: How Our Plans Are Changing Drastically.
Find out how much your stimulus payment check will be with this Stimulus Check Calculator. (HT: Charlie)
Probably the best write up I have seen to date on the new CARES Act just passed: F.A.Q. on Stimulus Checks, Unemployment and the Coronavirus Plan.
We need all to help out! Here’s how you can help people who’ve lost jobs or housing in the wake of coronavirus.
Interesting site. ClassicReload.com. Over 6000+ DOS/Windows and Console games preserved for future generations. For the gamers out there! 🙂
I love Texas Monthly. I should add it to one of my good lists! This is a fantastic read: The School Shooting That Austin Forgot.
This guy won the internet. Must click…and sit back and watch.
If you are interested in diamonds and like to read about amazing women, I got the perfect article for you: The Woman Shaking Up the Diamond Industry.
All right, you will smile with this, we can all use some smiles: Stella’s Best Leaf Jumps Of All Time.
We are now entering BLOG BUZZ, a section for advanced hobbyists and veterans of this fast imploding hobby and also a section where I go on and on about some stuff that happens in my life because it helps me feel better about myself.
I have not had a credit card conversion here in weeks. I mean, who is even thinking about that right now? How can you even accomplish the minimum spend if you are stuck at home? There is always online shopping of course but still, you know what I mean. Weird times indeed! Expect some commercial blogs to start laying off people and some to fold.
Short post coming on Wednesday with some posting changes…I may unload some Covid-19 links in it because I need to justify my paycheck here, LOL.
Starting to really enjoy our family meals, looks like we’ll be stuck at home in April too.
Follow TBB on Twitter @FlyerTalkerinA2.
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Good morning! Glad you are ok.
The meal looks great.
It will be important to remember how different airlines handle cancellation refunds. But I suspect some commercial blogs will send this to a memory hole.
Silver! Great links as usual George. Hope you and your family stays safe.
On the politics side, I think no matter how disastrous the handling of this crisis is being, is very likely that it’ll be over by election time, and the orange guy will take credit for defeating it. This is like a war that the US will win on way or the other. Very rarely war presidents aren’t reelected, sadly.
Bronze! For the Pacific Northwest! Taxes…. I am still crying over filing my taxes. First I pay to have them done, then by filing before I had to, lock myself into this year’s comparison for the stimulus, or whatever you call it and now I am paying again because 2019 was a very good year. Oh, the inequities!
But not all is bad. That’s a nice spread for dinner. Hey, is that home made bread?
Skagit Valley Corole needs your Baritone voice, Carl. Bring doughnuts for everyone.
Hey Ramsey, you are back already?
Agree about the taxes. Screwed myself.
@DML: It may not matter to remember such a thing if they go bankrupt, sad! Humans have a short memory, industry is consolidated enough even before the virus hit. I guess time will tell, as always.
@Peteco: I think you may be right. I find it totally absurd this phuckup is more popular. He now even wants to thank him for only having 100k to 200k dead and not 2 million. We are living in the theater of the absurd. I stopped watching his press conferences, it is better for my inner peace.
@Carl: The stimulus check calcs are tricky. If you do not qualify for either 2018 and 2019 but do qualify based on the 2020 numbers, you WILL get the stimulus money when you file your 2020 income tax return by April 2021 because it all works as a 2020 tax refundable credit. What happens if you got it based on either 2019 or 2018 numbers but then 2020 somehow was a great year and clearly do not qualify? You do NOT have to pay it back #winning.
Home made bread from a local farm store, it was delicious. I need to control myself lol.
Thank you for continuing your blog, I do always enjoy reading it! You are the one that is not afraid to speak the truth, and that is what I have always enjoyed. The blogs still pushing the credit cards, are losers. I agree that Trump is horrid, and that people are idiots that are still supporting him. I live in a very republican area and most of our friends and family are pro Trump. It is so hard to listen to, but they will not listen to reason or logic. Anyways, just wanted to thank you again for your wonderful and educational web site!
Thanks for the kind words.
“They will not listen to reason or logic” – I know, it is so sad to watch. I mean, what else can this guy do? Now he wants to take credit for having only 100k to 200k dead and thank him for his great 10 out of 10 job performance for not killing a million? It is just amazing to watch…maddening actually. I have been shaking my head so much I should probably come up with a bobble head doll and sell it using my Amazon link 🙂
Great content today.
One thing about the guy with the CoronaVirus groceries video: he doesn’t mention gloves at all. So, we wear gloves or we don’t when shopping? Also, we wear masks or we don’t?
he didn’t talk about this so I give him a “B” grade…or maybe an “incomplete”
Mask yes, gloves no. You’ll still be touching things with your gloves and transfer microorganisms. And it may give you a false sense of security. It is easier to wash your hands very frequently. Buy a big bottle of lotion (insert Amazon link here w/ affiliate link).
Yeah, I am starting to get convinced on masks…
So sad it is not established here. I think this will change.
Yeah, not convinced about gloves…
Can someone explain to me why babies and newborns test positive? When mother is not?
Cross contamination from the environment (nurse/midwife/room). Babies see many ppl in the first few days and take a guess where there are a lot of COVID carriers (hospitals, patients and nurses/doctors).
If we have lots of testing and the disease is under control it should never happen.
From from January 30th:
Coronavirus Is Coming—And Trump Isn’t Ready
Thanks for the explanation.
And the Trump fans thought it was going to disappear, just magically disappear LOL
Actually, no lols….blood in his motherfuckinghands!
But where can we get masks from? Aren’t they all gone? I know medical personnel need them, but I would feel much better if my wife and I had a small handful.
Yeah, good point…
I just got mine from China. Only level 1 though. Buy from Alibaba. eBay is another option. And DD found some on Amazon that will be shipped in a month or two. Yes it’s a sad joke.
If u want to make them urself, use vacuum bags. But thanks to Dyson nobody used them anymore.
I admit Trump doesn’t communicate well, but I don’t really think any of our recent presidents would be faring any better with this pandemic. Biden is just as bad at communicating as Trump, so that wouldn’t be any improvement.
Any president not dismissive of science and expertise (so, literally anyone) would be faring better. In fact, not having a president at all would currently be a better option because at least there wouldn’t be someone with a giant megaphone saying going from 15 down to zero. You’re believing what you want to believe.
@TexDoc: I am going with Bill on this one. Trump makes GW look like a genius! At least GW had a really good sense of humor around and had humility and could defer to experts because he fully realized he did not have a deep natural ability for many things 🙂
I can not believe anyone supports this guy after what has transpired in the past two months. Unbelievable imho. And then after clearly downplaying it for so long to turn around and say “I knew all along it was a pandemic” and still support this motherfracker is inexcusable. Come on, WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My 8th grader listens better than Trump. Corpses listen better than Trump. When you pick the people around you and then “go with your gut”. the country is screwed. Narcissistic egomaniac talking like he is providing something other than entertainment value. He does have quite the cult following though. Just be careful when he tells you that drinking Koolaid will make you immune to the coronavirus. 🙂
I think your 8th grader is going at the same middle school as my 12th grader. NO doubt she listens better! 🙂
Just wasted 2 hours playing Wolfenstein! Brings back memories of playing it 30 years ago.
As a kid I played pacman and one with Mario or something. Ever since, nothing! My son on the other hand is back home and we are back to the usual “stop playing games!” routine lol
I enjoy the links from this blog a lot, however now I’ll just skip those new “political” ones to find the cool visual capitalist or those blasting TPG’s absurd behavior.
But it’s so funny reading these posts and comments. ‘Trump is the reason for the outbreaks and deaths!’ (Not China, not the W.H.O.) Birx and Fauci are on the front lines advising and have a central role in the daily briefings. but but but #orangemanbad! so all associated must be too! Yes, Trump is an @sshole, but we all knew that. He doesn’t take the crap that the media dishes, and a lot of people agree with that, many in fly-over country.
We can disagree on our views (this is America!) but there is a reason Trump was elected, and the media played a LARGE part in that, and frankly have continued to do so.
I, for one, am so going to enjoy his reelection in the fall.
He is not the reason for the outbreak. He was not prepared because he is a phucking moron as he downplayed it for almost two months. The bucks stops…well, according to him, he is not responsible at all and now he says 200k dead is an accomplishment…Come on man, stop justifying the inexcusable, Jeeeeeeesus!
Yes, there was a reason he was elected. Actually, many reasons that all amounted to that perfect storm.
You will enjoy his reelection? Seriously? smh…WTF is wrong with you guys?
In the meantime, enjoy the rest of my blog and thanks for your support.
Post coming tomorrow…
Hey to other bloggers: What is what I am hearing about bank affiliate links going poof?
The world ends at 5pm tonight?
Love the blog and the links, even the credit card links!
But @John is right – the silent majority and fly over country? We are alive and well.
I said the following verbatim in an earlier post – just as true today as it was earlier…
If you think that any government bureaucracy, politician or political party would have done any better with any of this crap, you just fooling yourself. Not Reagan, Bush (either one), Clinton, Obama, Trump, Hillary, Biden, Sanders, Chinese, Russians, Thanos, etc.
Unfortunately, virii mutate, pandemics happen, people die. The circle of life isn’t going to be interrupted by some elected (or un-elected) jackass or party. This isn’t the first and is certainly won’t be the last.
Saying wrong things over and over doesn’t make them correct. Though from the positions you’d made very clear, I can understand why you think bloviating word vomit equates to a persuasive argument.
I thought you told George you were leaving or will you not be satisfied till you drive more readers away?
South Korea and Japan have done much better. Germany looks OK. And NL and SE have take a completely different approach that seems to be working out reasonably well.
The leaders of those countries had a game plan and did NOT spend time tweeting sh!t like this from 3/9/2020,
“ So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!”
Well whatever your name is at the moment-
You can post away about what others would have done (in your imagination). The only one we know for sure is #45 and it’s all on HD video, day after day, snarky tweet after ignorant answer, needless death after sorrowful death.
Eat it up, pal. You and the bots own it.
I found John’s post above revelatory. An apprently intelligent man who chooses to not write about the health crisis, but rather why the leader who has failed us-as Buzz recaps (15 going to 0)-is fine with him. For three years, we’ve read from time to time of people who say “I’d rather be dead than vote for a Democrat”. Well, have it your way.
I read that the pillow guy, after mentioning his company over and over (free advertising), said that we should all get our Bibles out. Those that do might do well to tear out the 23rd Psalm and use the pages for a face mask.
Let’s see how strong/weak our regulatory system is:
“ White House pushing regulators to speed unproven Japanese drug for coronavirus treatment, after Trump meeting with Japan’s Prime Minister Abe. ”
Bank of America affiliate links gone
Chase business card affiliate links gone
TPG about to implode?
Off topic, but Ric, at the Loyalty Traveler, hasn’t put up a post since March 19; any news? I enjoy reading his comments about all his and his wife’s European travels, and hope all is well with them.
I don’t know, I will try to contact him.