We bring you more crazy Delta award sales, heads up that Amex Hilton cards big bonuses are coming next week, Syria’s Palmyra rises again, a very disturbing article about concussions, a hilarious video about Crypto Money, an even more disturbing article about the lack of sperm in da world, how not to save for college, visit Burning Man and lots more for you another day for almost freeeeeeeeeee. For real #Resist
TBB Blog Mission: To Educate. Entertain. Inspire. In That Order!
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More crazy Delta award sales again! Something is brewing over there in SkyDongs land! With Delta’s recent wild award promotions, you may soon find yourself in an A350. Here is a decent review of its main cabin flying Detroit to Amsterdam.
Some new rule clarifications from Marriott Rewards. And good luck to y’all!
Apparently, all credit card salesmen bloggers are now saying that all Hilton AMEX cards will come with higher signup bonuses next week. If you fell for their recent “Last chance” and “Hurry” screams for lower bonuses…well, you were screwed! Anyway, hold off if you were going to apply and consider getting them with my links, gracias!
Can’t keep up with all the new flights to Europe. From Florida again too! WOW Air Announces UK-Orlando Routes. Wait, there is more! LOT Polish Airlines Announces Warsaw-Miami.
Great news! Among all the mayhem in Syria: Ancient Syrian city of Palmyra hopes to reopen to tourists in 2019.
Have you had a concussion? This is a Diary of a Concussion. It is a stunning read. Can you imagine what the NFL players go through and are you still wondering why so many of them get their brains all messed up?
Another stunning read where a scientist was doing research on psychopaths…only to discover he is a psychopath himself, wow!
I am on a roll with stunning reads so let’s now switch to stunning videos: What does a nuclear bomb blast feel like?
In the 50s and 60s during tests of nuclear weapons in the South Pacific, thousands of British soldiers were deliberately exposed to the blasts “to prepare them for nuclear war”. Motherboard recently traveled to a reunion of atomic veterans to talk to them about their experiences. This is a powerful video — the men shared what the blasts felt like and how it affected the rest of their lives: medical problems, not being able to have children, etc.
You know I am no fan of bitcoin and all crypto currency crap. And this video pretty much epitomizes what is wrong with it. Mega ridiculous, LOL big time: Crypto Money.
Your personal finance fix of the day: How NOT to save for college. Be careful out there!
TBB, you are on a roll today with awesome links, can you top the above? I sure can 🙂 After Sandy Hook, we said never again. And then we let 1,833 mass shootings happen. These web guys can put together some amazing stuff and I am happy to bring it to your attention! I could be doing endless posts pumping plastic but…I…don’t!
You know I have always liked photos from the Burning Man festivals. Here we have more stunning shots from the 2018 Burning Man.
Xiaohe: A 4000-Year-Old Desert Cemetery.
The cemetery was nearly forgotten until the early 2000s, when Chinese archeologists conducted an expedition to the site. They found that Bergman’s discovery was far more remarkable than initially thought. Archaeologists found hundreds of bodies buried five layers deep, along with intact mummies—the oldest and best-preserved mummies in the Tarim Basin area of China.
Are we doomed? What the hell is going with sperm??? Sperm Count Zero.
Good advice again from Milenomics: Keep These Things in Mind About Hilton Weekend Certificates.
Marriott Rewards did what again? Yawn…
Another transfer bonus from Amex Membership Rewards. This time to Cathay Pacific Asia Miles. But this one is weird…You need to log in to see what your bonus is! You may get 30% or you may get 10% like me. If you are unlucky as me you will think I just wasted a whole minute of my life checking this out. I gotta tell you…if Amex offered 30% transfer bonus to Delta I would jump right away. Oh oh, I may be doing that jinx thing…because Delta can make us feel very sorry suddenly!
Two targeted spend promos: A 10k AMEX Business Platinum and a 5k Citi Prestige. Good luck!
The Deal Mommy is joining Mommy Points at The Points Guy Inc. Well, CONGRATS as the $ was good I am sure. I should have a contest to see which blogger joins that company next! And this was… a little much? “I agreed to join Summer at TPG because I believe what she is doing over there is important – getting family points and miles travel to the largest audience possible.” I am sure what she is doing is very important to the company’s profitability…selling plastic to the largest audience possible 🙂 I am just going to stop here before I start whining I can’t even get one conversion almost a whole week in the month of September #boome.
I think Mile Nerd is timing his blog retirement perfectly…and I should just join him, sad! Hit another dry spell you guys, $5.92 in September and no conversions #winning #losing. Enjoy my blog while it lasts!
Sooooo, who is joining team TPG next hey? I have some duckies to give away lol.
What if one day TPG makes me an offer I can not refuse huh? I guess I will have to go to Kroger with my favorite travel rewards credit cards to buy lots of broccoli 🙂
Closing in six years of regular blogging. When so many others have quit. And some complain from the sidelines. I miss Ingy who sold so early 🙂
Another day, another 3 mile run…no calf pain. The comeback continues!
I started a client meeting yesterday with “So, who wrote it?”. The New York Times op-ed. Do we live in weird times or what! I say it is one of the deniers…Thanks for reader Sam for this tweet that sums up perfectly the insanity going on!
And I leave you with this…People get drunk…and then there is this guy, smh!
Okay, one more for you, it’s the weekend!
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Good morning!
Helpful information today. Thanks!
Blog until I drop
Not really, just saying
So, the Mommy Points brand is gone….I would advise her to enjoy the money and hopefully one day she does not regret letting that brand go…
Two posts yesterday to welcome the other mommy to The Points Guy:
The US Bank Altitude Reserve Is Now the Best Card for Costco Purchases
The Best Credit Cards for Families Who Eat Out
About 30 affiliate cc links in the BODY of the blog. Not even counting all the others all around the pages. It is about the hobby and the community or is it about shoving plastic down the throats to the “largest audience possible”?
I think Mattis wrote the op-ed. You?
John Kelly
The Crypto Money video is da bomb, thanks.
Has to be one of those two.
Obama trolled Trump today finally. Just listening to these two…how did we fall so low WTF!
I’ll be honest I don’t recall if I’ve ever heard of Deal Mommy but…“I agreed to join Summer at TPG because I believe what she is doing over there is important – getting family points and miles travel to the largest audience possible”
LOL! Not sure I’d ever classify blogging about miles as “important” – I kinda save that word for stuff in life that actually IS important. Not to say it isn’t useful or good or that I don’t like many of them…I do! But if all miles blogs disappeared tomorrow, life still goes on! (No offense to anyone!)
Still too bad to see independent folks get bought out by corporate entities, as they usually eventually lose what made them unique – that goes for most any line of work IMHO.
Next one to go to TPG? Hmmm….I’d say Points With a Crew, only because that’s the only other blog that’s sort of family-travel focused that I can think of offhand…and that segment seems to be what TPG is working on at the moment. Although I suspect it won’t be the last new “channel” at TPG.
PWAC: This blog is LATE on everything. I mean, they are later than TPG, which is amazing! Actually, the writer there had a fit when he learned MP got taken over by TPG and complained he was the original family travel blogger. MP had the nice package and looks pretty good too 🙂
I’m gonna say that, lately, I’ve actually found TPG to be useful to me.
I needed info on “the best card with XXX feature” and, when I google for that, his blog comes up with a 2018 post. No one else comes up.
Sure, I then had to wade through the BS credit card touting but I’m good at that by now.
If only Google could be useful. You pay to play.
For the first few years of blogging I thought it stood for an airport code lol.
BIG expenses, 40 plus staff, SEO, Brian’s dog grooming expenses, etc.
I dont think anyone “lets mass shootings happen” just like we dont let drunk drivers kill people in cars (29 ppl are killed every day in the USA by a drunk driver). It happens and at a rate that is way too high but when you have 330+ million people there is a subset of the population that has zero regard for human life.
Regarding car accidents, there’s a lot governments can do to reduce that number.
Seat belts helped tremendously. Airbags helped even more. Safer roads and cars etc. Some countries treat drunk driving much harsher than the US. Sometimes it takes decades to change behavior. Nobody smokes in bars and restaurants anymore.
Absolutely and car driving and drinking alcohol arent even rights in the Constitution. Point still is that there are some people out there who dont care about human life and no matter how illegal we make something some are just going to wrecklessly endanger or kill others.
True, but the role of an educated society should be to minimize the # of mass shootings. Within reason of course. Worked well in Australia. Can be done here as well. But this country is stuck in a culture war regarding select issues. In a world were facts and common sense are constantly being assaulted, it’s hard to find reasonable solutions.
Max Plank may have said that “science advances one funeral at a time”. Race relations in the US has experienced a similar trend. LGBT rights too. Perhaps we just have to wait for a younger educated generation to grow old.
MileageUpdate has been making the same progun arguments for a very long time. A look at the percapita shootings clearly shows the US is PHUCKING OUT THERE IN LA LA LAND
It is depressing to type this…Yeah, hopefully the next generation will change it. They got used to going under the desks for crying out loud!
Damn that pesky 2nd Amendment. I hate making cases for the Constitution.
You can make sensible changes to machine gun / automated weapons without infringing on the 2nd amendment. The right is not unlimited. There is however, limited political will.
Or, more honestly, “Damn those pesky ‘bought-and-paid-for-Republicans on the Supreme Court who willfully politically misinterpreted the’ 2nd Amendment.”
Fixed it for ya
Anon – No you didnt. Good luck with the tribalism
America lost it’s finest Actor yesterday.
Burt you will be missed, especially that little boy laugh of yours.
Who among you could ever forget that scene in the movie Deliverance where a studly Burt Reynolds kills one of the horny hicks making Ned Beatty “squeal like a pig”. Classic!
Welcome back
And Boggie nights
What’s the best credit card to use to pay a fine in Federal court (asking for a friend).
Got the perfect cartoon for that, I will post in my normal Twitter account, thanks for the idea!
The deal mommy lady seemed nice but that’s gross what she said about doing something important. That’s TPG level BS.
“I did it for the money. You would too”
I would highly prefer that 🙂
And I must note, that is exactly how Ingy explained his (too early) sale. Remember ‘The checks keep coming in’?
Maybe TPG can get Ingy out of retirement, perhaps get him to write a column every couple of weeks. Could call it either “Tips from old timer Ingy”, or “Get off my lawn, Jack. Now, ok?”.
On a personal note, Buzz, I’m glad it was only 14 days. Just make it Tuesdays and Thursdays, ok?
Any coffee endorsement deals likely
It was Ingy that showed Brian how to do it…
Now he is like…who is FTG???
14 days, judge was a good man, he fell for my genuine remorse
Still no coffee company endorsements, so sad!
I should shave more 😉
you can do too as well!
Seems like every chad, hanna and dick is doing it.
When I saw that…I vomited. They probably saw TPG or MMS and decided to…imitate them…so many experts out there lol.
They tried to do an AMA on reddit in the award travel sub. I was first on the scene and asked “how are you personally profiting from all the attention?” Eventually enough people made similar comments and pointed out how most of us actually know more than them, that they deleted the post and abandoned ship…
Are.You.Serious? They had the nerve to do a reddit AMA…WTF to infinity!
Unbelievable. I still bet all my blog revenue they got started after reading TPG or MMS 🙂
you can do it too as well!
Seems like every chad, hanna and dick is doing it.
party on Elon
I think that guy has lost it!
So what did you expect the “Travel” blogs to do? The exact same things the companies they pump are doing… consolidation.
Everyone and their braided pubes had a travel blog a few years ago – you know to help friends and family. A few of them found they could pump newbies cards for conversions… so those guys are now like the “legacy big three”.
They pumped and pumped and got bigger and bigger, while most of the #losers found out that in reality they only had like 2 friends who actually had a decent credit rating and 1 family member who was already a Delta diamond and couldn’t convert newbies because they had nothing interesting to say. They stopped blog and went back to smoking weed in Cambodia with the economy tickets they got for free.
The Big three however – started scooping up the little guys and pretty soon the independent ones that were left got acquired by one of the big three. Now that there are only the big three – they copy each others moves, their service is now indistinguishable, quality has suffered and prices have risen.
Now you are going to try some foreign blogs, find much better content, a friendly staff who don’t pump pump pump! You’ll start to prefer the foreign blog postings and you’ll never go back to TPG/VFTW/FTG <- wait strike that last one – in honor of selling to early.
Also – off topic. That mass shooting article counted suicides, gang and drug violence – 99% of the numbers they were using. Not being a conspiracy theorist, but that was some serious fake news.
Great wrap up, thanks!
LOL on that FTG<—-wait strike that last one…..Woohoo.
On the shootings article…yeah, kind of…but the points is TOO MANY GUNS HERE!
With a solid argument like ” TOO MANY GUNS HERE!” I find it shocking you cant win the discussion.
Dude, we can limit guns in many ways. WE ARE WAY OFF compared to everywhere else. and NOT EVEN CLOSE! I don’t know, you know, maybe we should try it??
We go through each time this happens…and it is way too often.
I like the “maybe we should take away your rights, lets try it” seems like a real persuasive argument. I think you missed your calling.
Remember that Republican Congress man who got shot by a leftist wacko? Almost died. Came back and he did not change his pro gun views. I think you are like him. Meaning, you will NOT change your views abt this issue. In the meantime, TOO MANY INNOCENTS ARE DYING and it is not even phucking close when u compare the incidents and victims with ANY other country on earth. Maybe we should change our views/biases and laws.
Please insert your “constitutional’ argument for the nth time.
Lets move on. I reserve the right to post what I want instead of writing posts after I answer the question “how do I sell more carsa to the largest audience possible?”
So if you want the Admendment changed get it changed. Please please please run lots of your socialist/fascist buddies to run for those spots in Congress. But your counter argument of “gee lets take away your rights and maybe that will help” has to be the worst hawt take in the whole discussion.
Unbelievable, smh.
You keep bringing up the 2nd amendment. Again and again.
I am saying some sensible gun control measures will help. I don’t know…maybe allowing kids who can’t drink not go to a gun show and buy a phucking machine gun is probably a good move?
My father was a hunter. He had the biggest rifle at one point…bought in the States…Remington. He used to joke “if a robber came in I will blast him with my Remington”. I thought it was cool as a kid. Machine guns belong in wars, not in our streets. I can go on….
Please lets stop this…we will not change each other’s views. That is OBVIOUS. You vote your views, I will vote mine. And life will go on…Hope noone close to you gets shot. Because you will still scream 2nd amendment blah blah blah…
Awesome post tomorrow.
Machine Gun? With arguments like these no wonder you cant convince anyone. I hope no one close to me gets shot, killed by a drunk driver, killed during a robbery, stabbed to death, abducted, gets cancer or dies early also. Same for your family. But tell me more about taking my rights away.
Just curious, why do we need to be compared to everyone else?
I don’t know…why do we compare GDPs? Child mortality rates? Unemployment rates?
Or you mean America is so exceptional it can do…whatever it feels like!
I am going to have a sandwich now…
George Papadopoulos gets 14 days in jail ….. you just can’t this stuff up
Buy Low.Sell High
Never Lie to the FBI
The Buzzer takes the gloves off (or “I Ain’t Gonna Work on Maggie’s Farm No More”).
He is too young to have memory…issues, WTF!
“As far as I remember, I absolutely did not share this information with anyone on the campaign,” Papadopoulos said, adding, “I might have, but I have no recollection of doing so. I can’t guarantee. All I can say is, my memory is telling me that I never shared it with anyone on the campaign.”
One day CNNTravel will do a segment on me:
“The Mysterious Case of Blogger TBB” #dreaming
Impressed by his attorney speaking outside the courthouse though, sharp guy. Must not be cheap…therefore, Georgie is set to go on ABC next tomorrow 🙂
I still say this was just a minor dude who somehow managed to blow his own horn and got a seat at the big table in that infamous photo. Manged to BS his way with Greek politicians mostly due to his father’s connections. Met the Greek foreign minister who is a Trump mini me figure in Greece. Recently gave a Kalashnikov as a gift to a departing deputy minister. What a bunch of characters. How did we get to this? Who are all these morons in Trump rallies clapping, WTF is wrong with all these people??
Just crazy times man..
baking you a cake with a file in it…..suggest you watch the Movie Alcatraz before you go to lockup…..your too pretty for jail George, i would avid the shower for those 12 days
Thank you.
You just gave me an idea. I have a few pics from Alcatraz 🙂
I’ve been reading your blog for the last few months since I got started with the hobby, but god, I missed out on some golden times and I can’t wait for your titan takedowns. Here’s to patronage of your links!
You missed out on some great posts in the first couple of years here. This is my all time fav:
More original stuff here:
But my blog has evolved. Mostly positive now, Buzz round ups, always trying to educate/entertain/inspire
Thanks for reading!
Yeah, haha, that was one of the first posts I found a few months back as I was researching Level 1 MS opportunities. Love that credit card pump tho
To Mileage Update:
“But tell me more about taking my rights away.”
No I won’t. You remind me of voters who ALWAYS vote Republican because they are pro – Life. Always. And you will always put your rights first as the body count piles up.
It is unbelievable really…
Yawn…Lets move on.
Why are you so interested in taking away someones rights? Never gonna side with you when you want to take rights from people. I always side against you , ever time you attempt it. I know its cool for your side you embrace the socialists and the rights grabbers but I dont ever see myself coming over to your side