We bring you the best of Web links: We learn Da Vinci Investing and lessons from it, it is time for a post liberal order, we freak out about the Russian Operation Infektion, the sad story how a #1 Best Burger Joint collapsed due to the immense crowds, a list of common MythConceptions that will blow your mind.
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Every Sunday I pick the best reads that blew my mind in the previous week. It can be…anything! I like to be eclectic and despise salesy/clickbait/sameold content you read…everywhere else!
As always, click on the headline to be taken to the original source. Sometimes I insert my incendiary comments on article excerpts between [brackets].
If you enjoy my blog, please pass it on to someone you care about so they can enjoy it too. And do some clicking on the colorful linkies above, thanks!
Four Things Leonardo da Vinci Can Teach Us About Investing
I really enjoyed this post. And learning about Leonardo da Vinci.
Leonardo da Vinci was far more than just a painter and an artist. He was an anatomist, a military engineer, a scientist, and the list goes on. Leonardo theorized that the Earth was not at the center of the solar system decades before Copernicus’s revolutionary work On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres. He pioneered the field of ichnology (the study of fossil traces) and made discoveries in optics that weren’t re-discovered for over a century. One of his most impressive feats was modeling how blood flowed through the heart, something that medical researchers didn’t confirm until the 1960s, over 450 years later.
And the author proceeds to make his main point, which I agree with…to a point!
We should study many disciplines because the study of investing is not only about returns, diversification, and compounding. The study of investing is also the study of human behavior. And in order to better understand human behavior, you should expand your interests beyond the finance aisle of your local bookstore.
The passage below is so true…having been through the dot com stocks crash and the financial crisis ten years ago makes me a better investment manager. All these kids starting since early 2009 have not seen what a REAL bear market is like…
This is one of the most important lessons we can utilize as investors because investing is a domain where experience is far more important than theory. All the theory in the world cannot tell you how it feels to live through an asset bubble or a 50% drawdown.
And really LOVE this at the end!
No matter what, stay curious my friends.
We need a post-liberal order now
I think Yuval Noah Harari is right…
Though the global liberal order has many faults and problems, it has proved superior to all alternatives. The liberal world of the early 21st century is more prosperous, healthy and peaceful than ever before. For the first time in human history, starvation kills fewer people than obesity; plagues kill fewer people than old age; and violence kills fewer people than accidents.
In place of violently establishing a global empire, some nationalists such as Steve Bannon, Viktor Orban, the Northern League in Italy and the British Brexiteers dream about a peaceful “Nationalist International”. They argue that all nations today face the same enemies. The bogeymen of globalism, multiculturalism and immigration are threatening to destroy the traditions and identities of all nations. Therefore nationalists across the world should make common cause in opposing these global forces. Hungarians, Italians, Turks and Israelis should build walls, erect fences and slow down the movement of people, goods, money and ideas.
…this vision of friendly fortresses is that it has been tried—and it failed spectacularly. All attempts to divide the world into clear-cut nations have so far resulted in war and genocide.
Such extreme isolationism, however, is completely divorced from economic realities. Without a global trade network, all existing national economies will collapse—including that of North Korea. Many countries will not be able even to feed themselves without imports, and prices of almost all products will skyrocket.
Even more importantly, whether people like it or not, humankind today faces three common problems that make a mockery of all national borders, and that can only be solved through global cooperation. These are nuclear war, climate change and technological disruption.
Operation: Infektion
Wow…You should probably watch these…I was blown away…by how far back this goes and how the Internet is taking it to a whole another level, sad!
Russia’s meddling in the United States’ elections is not a hoax. It’s the culmination of Moscow’s decades-long campaign to tear the West apart. “Operation InfeKtion” reveals the ways in which one of the Soviets’ central tactics — the promulgation of lies about America — continues today, from Pizzagate to George Soros conspiracies. Meet the KGB spies who conceived this virus and the American truth squads who tried — and are still trying — to fight it. Countries from Pakistan to Brazil are now debating reality, and in Vladimir Putin’s greatest triumph, Americans are using Russia’s playbook against one another without the faintest clue.
I Found the Best Burger Place in America. And Then I Killed It
What a story!
About a guy who owned a small burger joint. And then, you know, lists on the Web took off. Ten best of this and that. And then this writer decided to actually go eat them burgers and he proclaimed that small burger joint to be “The Best”! And then it all came crushing down…
In my office, I have a coffee mug from Stanich’s in Portland, Oregon. Under the restaurant name, it says “Great hamburgers since 1949.” The mug was given to me by Steve Stanich on the day I told him that, after eating 330 burgers during a 30-city search, I was naming Stanich’s cheeseburger the best burger in America. That same day, we filmed a short video to announce my pick. On camera, Stanich cried as he talked about how proud his parents would be. After the shoot, he handed me the mug, visibly moved. “My parents are thanking you from the grave,” he said, shaking my hand vigorously. When I left, I felt light and happy. I’d done a good thing.
Five months later, in a story in The Oregonian, restaurant critic Michael Russell detailed how Stanich’s had been forced to shut down. In the article, Steve Stanich called my burger award a curse, “the worst thing that’s ever happened to us.” He told a story about the country music singer Tim McGraw showing up one day, and not being able to serve him because there was a five hour wait for a burger. On January 2, 2018, Stanich shut down the restaurant for what he called a “two week deep cleaning.” Ten months later, Stanich’s is still closed. Now when I look at the Stanich’s mug in my office, I no longer feel light and happy. I feel like I’ve done a bad thing.
And then he tracked Steve down…and you won’t believe what happened next!
Common MythConceptions
World’s most contagious falsehoods
I could be pumping you every day with credit card sale posts, clickbait headlines with moronic shit that should never see the light of day…and I could go on and on. Instead, I take my time to bring you gems like this one!
I picked some of my favorites. Which are your faves?
Fatwa = death Not a death sentence. It actually means ‘non- binding legal opinion’.
No Sex Before No evidence sex impairs athletic performance. Could even help athletes due to increased testosterone.
Bulls hate red Bulls are color-blind. They actually react to motions of the bull fighter’s cloth as a perceived threat.
And I leave you with this…
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Good links! Those commas are such a pain.
Good morning, where is everybody? #Sunday
Thanks for another conversion, I hit 10! Ten conversions that used to go to Titans #feelsgood And I still do not have shocking videos or 769 reasons I like…the card that pays me the most!
Depressing mood in Ann Arbor after that hideous beating Ohio State inflicted on us. 10-2 season and it feels…just awful.
I have most of tomorrow’s post in draft mode already #winning
Good thing you have tomorrow’s post in draft mode, because I don’t think you’ll get much internet access in prison…
Sadly guys, no posts for the next two weeks
Ten conversions don’t amount to a popcorn fart to those guys. You are irrelevant
Help me change this…
Thanks 🙂
“You are irrelevant” says the guy who took the time to come post…
I hope he was joking around…
If not, it is probably Rene or Ingy 🙂
That punctuation stuff is fascinating. I’m thinking of buying this book for Ramsey for Christmas:
The title evolves from a story about a crazy panda:
“A panda walks into a café. He orders a sandwich, eats it, then draws a gun and proceeds to fire it at the other patrons.
“Why?” asks the confused, surviving waiter amidst the carnage, as the panda makes towards the exit. The panda produces a badly punctuated wildlife manual and tosses it over his shoulder.
“Well, I’m a panda,” he says. “Look it up.”
The waiter turns to the relevant entry in the manual and, sure enough, finds an explanation. “Panda. Large black-and-white bear-like mammal, native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves.””
So, Ramsey, tell us:
Why is it a good idea to give crazy pandas guns?
Thousands of blog posts yesterday from bloggers passing their Amazon & other shopping affiliate links…which continue non stop, especially at Dans Deals!
my Amazon clicks yesterday: 0/Zero