We learn about the Daily Getaways deals, dig into the AA & US Air award charts, we listen to a podcast about the state of manufactured spending, learn about Virgin America, visit Kyrgyzstan and Iran, we look at cute baby kangaroos, and totally freak out about sex world records!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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Daily Getaways 2015 discount hotel points preview for March 23 to April 10 – Loyalty Traveler Brace for impact of numerous posts dissecting the same crappy deals. If one of them is not crappy you may break your finger clicking to get it!
Charts: The AAdvantage and Dividend Miles awards you need to book before April – Milecards Really good analysis of what is about to occur in a month or so. I also expect a major devaluation of the combined program by the end of the year. Hey, I have been wrong before!
Episode 4 (3/10/15): Reflecting on the State of MS – Saverocity Observation Deck I am not the type who listens to podcasts….I just never got the feeling for them. Just a personal thing. But I did listen to this and I was very impressed by the quality of the production and the knowledge of the speakers, great job!
Best Radisson & Club Carlson Hotels – Travel Is Free Great list, this one went into my Evernote archives. One day I am going to blow my ridiculous number of Club Carlson points!
Virgin America Is The Michael Jordan Of Airlines – FiveThirtyEight Article is by Nate Silver. I would have never guessed the winner, woooaa!
This delightful short totally captures the heart of New York – Matador Network Yes it is short and it is delightful indeed.
I Walked 400km On Skis And Snowshoes To Capture Amazing Landscapes In Kyrgyzstan – Bored Panda Amazing is a gross understatement!
Incredibly rare photographs reveal the intricate and beautiful design inside Iran’s magnificent temples – DailyMail I may have shared this before but…hey, it’s my blog and I can do what I want! Love these pictures so here they are again for you to enjoy too!

21+ Finalists From 12th Annual Smithsonian Photo Competition – Bored Panda More incredible photos here!

A Sanctuary for Orphaned Kangaroos Whose Mothers Have Been Hit by Cars – Twisted Sifter Cuteness overload!
Can you break these sex world records? – theCHIVE These are unbelievable!!! Speechless!!! Got a string OF WTFs shouted…and shook my head violently…with stuff like “most orgasms by a woman in an hour: 134 For a man: 16″….How in the world (pun intended)?
Sorry no personal finance gems in this post already over my allotted time!
Thank you for reading and supporting my blog by clicking my $$ links! The more you do the more motivated I get to keep this baby going #truth. Definitely not getting rich doing this you guys!
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Theme song for the Daily Getaways: http://youtu.be/abOxrx8gfUk
Fourth six hours later?!
Buzz I know you are a Piston basketball fan, long live Lambeer. I do not know about you but when I watch the Blazer’s on TV it kills me to see all these women sitting in the $250-$500 seats not even watching the game. You see them all the time staring at their cellphones sending Instagrams of themselves #attheBlazergame, or whatever these self consumed people do with phone. As for me, I have no idea how to use half to things on my phone #proudtohaveneverdownloadedanapp………………….this very short video clip gave me great pleasure, PLEASE WATCH AND ENJOY.
Loved the video, woohoo. Looks like she was shot! You are at an NBA game lady, you can watch the phone at home, geesh!
I miss Laimbeer!
Why Mondays suck so bad? I think it may have to do with slacking in the weekend! Got the grill out already once! Game tonight with my team “Gasping For Air” playing the Bourbonators who are 2-0 and we are 1-1 and reigning champs. We need to BRING IT…I am doing this to mentally psyche myself to be…ready 🙂
Buzz, you are still playing futbol??? I thought you lead them to the championship last week? You da man Buzz! The only sport I participate in nowadays is Pocket-Pool http://onlineslangdictionary.com/meaning-definition-of/pocket-pool
Yeah champions in the last season. Each season is 8 games. We are now 2-1 after tonight’s win. I got a yellow card which I fully deserved and enjoyed it! Never knew what Pocket pool is…I know now.
Heads up everyone.
Life is going crazy. My cell phone just died and feel so…inadequate without it. Business is taking off, working on two new potential clients that will totally eliminate any free time for TBB. The end is closer. May turn into a once a week rant…