Things really slow way down in the blogoshpere over the weekend, especially this one! We have just a few items that we felt worthy of including and commenting here in our little blog. Our blog’s size, compared to the big time bloggers, is a rounding error. Do we care about that? Absolutely not! We like having a place we can speak whatever comes in our minds! Thank you for reading. We hope you are entertained a bit, break the monotony from reading the other blogs and hopefully learn something useful.
I am becoming a little bored. In slow days like this I think it would be fun to answer readers’ questions. Anything goes in this blog, fire away! Please email me at
Maybe I should do a giveaway one of these days, everyone appears to be doing it!
I really enjoyed the trip report “Aqaba Jordan Diving the Red Sea” from Pointsandtravel. The contrast in the pics of the families swimming, the great money shot in the dive, the camel at the beach and the amazingly fashionable womens swimsuit in the end. We like the commentary too! “Funny thing about Jordan is you can tell you are not in sunny California!” and “I am no fashionista, but I know what not to wear when I see it”. We laughed!
Peter Greenberg wrote “How to save more than $100 at the airport“. We welcome newbies to our blog, we were all newbies once, we never forget our roots!
FlyerTalk member Gasguru posted something in a thread that is a great reminder for all of us:
“I’ve been buying reloads with cc for a while at one particular store, no problems. Then one day, one particular cashier says “you got cash for these, honey?” I say, no, it’s ok, I’ve bought plenty with a credit card, it’ll go through. She says, honey, you ain’t supposed to be buying these with no credit card. Just as I’m about to tell her never mind, I’ll put them back (and play the long game, by just coming back another day when she’s not on duty), she hollers across several aisles: Hey Steve, get over here! I say no no no, that’s OK, I’ll just move on. And she says, no, just wait, I’ll get Steve the manager over here and he’ll prove it to you. Steve saunters over, and cashier lady with the attitude says, this guy wants to use a credit card to put $500 on ALL FOUR of these…that ain’t right is it? See how it says cash only right there on the card? Steve says yep that looks right…what are you trying to do with these anyway, we’re trying to prevent fraud here.
Next thing I know, every cashier in the store has now been “trained” not to accept credit cards.
I’ve learned my lesson.”
Dansdeals member Achas Veachas posted this about, well, similar topic as above:
– Psalms 7:16
Ben had a post about “Advice for picking a hotel chain as a leisure traveler“. Maybe I woke up in a bad mood or my coffee was bitter. But reading that article several thoughts immediately crossed my mind. Because my therapist has highly encouraged me to “let it go” and just write it down….I wondered:
-(and tweeted! Follow me at @FlyerTalkerinA2 ): I am starting to think bloggers revolve what they will write about based on what credit cards links they can push…shocking!
-commented: “I bet if Club Carlson credit cards had affiliate links they would certainly be included here as the program can be quite a good fit for the leisure traveler. Instead, we get the Marriott Ritz Carlton $395 fee card pushed? Come on dude!”
This is subjective stuff I realize. Or maybe I was still upset watching the Lions lose yet another game in Green Bay (how about 22 straight there, omg!). I am not sure what else Club Carlson has to do to break into the top programs to be considered for a leisure traveler! Maybe it is because I had a fantastic stay at the Radisson LAX during FTU recently? The General Manager complied with my request to let the Miss California pageant contestants know that I was a contestant judge and my room number; oh yeah baby, it was a wild LA style time! And WTF is the Ritz Carlton $395 card is doing in this article??…This stuff drives me completely nuts. I can’t help it. Even my therapist tries hard but no cure about this yet…we are working on it ok? Ben, I still love you dude but oh so I loved you more befrore you too started pimping cards like everyone else! I remember the days when you did not know what churning was!
There I feel better now, thank youuuuu!
We introduced to our readers the best twitter handle we ever encountered a few days ago:
Well, he is very worried after reading this Economist article “Study suggests sperm numbers are falling in rich countries” Oh Nooooooooo!!!!!
TravelBlogger Buzz, thanks for the shout out! Jordan is an amazing country to visit and relatively easy with points.
You are very welcome nofashionista! I really enjoyed that trip report and the commentary was excellent!