We bookmark the vanished Delta Award Charts, travel to Tajikistan and Shaghai, learn about drone pilots and the Bling dynasty, look at some people of Wal Mart and much more!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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We are going to bounce all over and keep it short, just sharing with you what I thought was noteworthy over the weekend. #taxbeastmode
Screenshots Of All 34 Delta Award Charts That They Don’t Want You To See – DansDeals Probably a good webpage to bookmark now that you can’t find these.
Mysteries of the Pamir – Horizons Unlimited MUST read. This is a fascinating trip report through…Tajikistan. I LOVE these trip reports of places I will likely never get to…in the near future anyway. No Vendoming here, you see that crap so often elsewhere! HT: Thread Tripping
Drone video captures Shanghai from a different perspective – The Adventure Blog Yeah, another drone video. Because they are awesome, that’s why!
The loneliness of the long-distance drone pilot – The Kernel Fascinating!
The Bling Dynasty: China’s Wealthiest 1 Percent – $16K Banana-eating Lessons – Yahoo via GQ OMG, SELL SELL SELL that banana eating lesson for $16k WTF. I read this article (which can’t find) while flying to San Diego in one of my “catch up on reading” marathons and it was one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read. And now here on video! I am sure Jane it was worth every penny lol.
The people of Walmart are on another level – The CHIVE No comment, just LOLs! I was going to post one every day but can’t take it, here is all of them. Now excuse me while I go to eat a banana with a fork and a knife smh!
SELF- The most important ticker symbol – Malice for All Pretty good life advice I say.
This is the crap I have no time to be negative about…

Speaking about being negative, Delta Points is having a new direction of his blog, going non positive about Delta which includes not selling Delta credit cards—->just kidding. One more that jumped out at me. One Mile at a Time now got his mother involved in his blog who flew Emirates in First. And she said, please sit down, this gem: “The service was good but not amazing. The flight attendant serving my aisle did not smile nor did she go above and beyond in any way.” Like mother like son I guess!
And I leave you with this…

Thank you for reading and supporting my blog by clicking the crap out of my $$$ links! By doing this YOU are taking a stand against endless plastic pimping, you are taking a stand against plastic terrorism, you are taking the stand against bullying, you are taking the stand for originality, you are taking the stand for whatever you want, out of my hands anyway! The power is in YOUR hands. Personal trainer annihilated my abs which I am still trying to locate in my body! Mrs. TBB discovered a Malaysian restaurant in Ann Arbor, hooray! #taxbeastmode
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Second – surprised there was no oligatory rant about Delta? Everybody is doing it, LOL.
Trois. Tres. Tre. Shalosh.
Help, somebody save me!!
I’ll have a little lasagna on the side.
If Delta has a mistake fare on its frequent flier engine, they don’t really have much standing to argue that it was a mistake, do they?
You are so right, would love to have the opportunity…NO MERCY 🙂
Love the humor, thanks!
Important stuff out, check my twitter feed:
SMD6, more Delta horrors, FTG troll wanting to educate and share LOL
back to #taxbeastmode
Behave 🙂
Many of the pumpy blogs seem to have a real content problems these days. Let’s face it, there’s just not enough to write about on a daily basis. ThePointsGuy seems particularly challenged editorially. MommyPoints content can be weak, but at least she tries. Say what you want about Gary Leff, but he seems to try the hardest. None of them is as good as FrequentMiler in generating content (although he hyped the 1-800-Flowers deal too much), and he handles the referral business the best.
Without enough new cards on the market, I foresee declining readership — and revenue — pumping credit cards to frequent flyers. Just look right now at ThePointsGuy’s last 5 posts. Try not to fall asleep reading them.
BTW, this is also bad for you making fun of these guys. There’s nothing new.
The flounder of tbb makes a habit of doing what’s bad for him and his blog. His envy and anger control his content. I think I’ll install a Whine O Meter on his blog. Today’s is only a 3 on a 10 scale. He can whine much more than this 🙂
@ iahphx: I enjoyed MP’s blog post on the Maldives Park Hyatt’s options 🙂 GL used to try much harder, these days he just pimps plastic and rails about the govt or posts super boring trip reports about the same places and food pics. FM’s 1800flowers “deal” was very bad & I agree about how he conducts the referral business…if only all of them did that (do not bank on it lol).
I disagree. There are so many newbies who are plastic virgins.
Hey, we have 60k Ink Plus to pump next. And rip on Delta too. Yeah….kind of boring stretch indeed.
Wicky, you da woist!
Who is this guy who thinks what is best for others and their blogs, geesh! He sure reads and comments here than he does in his own blog! Maybe IB does not allow him to comment there?
Back home on US soil TBB. Other than Delta shenanigans not much going on lately, it is boring.
Welcome home. I was thinking the same today…this is a very boring stretch in the hobby!
Reposting my recent comment since i did not get a response from you last time. may be you were too busy.
“George, you did recently ask your readers to suggest pruning your like list. This is my suggestion. Please exclude all sites that write about ways to MSing, excluding reselling and those that mention them subtly. They are in a way culprits for the declining MS avenues. Writing user guides on grocery stores to buy GCs – WTF? Today a popular grocery store that i was using to buy GCs freely, said cash only. They have 100s of GCs in stock but cash only. I see it becoming the next 2+1 letter drug store in the making. At this going rate, God save MSing and MSers and the art of MSing. Hinting grocery stores should be sufficient. Writing user guides are for kids. Let adults figure out where the $&@) needs to be inserted. There is no need to tell them where to find them and insert them. Sorry for being unparliamentary but i get a feeling that at some stage the great art of MSing would simply die or as you rightly said will be totally underground due to these irresponsible bloggers.”
This is the comment i left at DOC’s site today on their today’s article on GCs. This site is going down in standards set recently.
“So everyone is happy to read this so called excellent article. Not me. Every time you write about MS deals publicly, you go one step down in my personal ranking. I think the strong areas of focus of this blog when it started was bank bonuses and information about credit. I think you should continue to focus on these areas rather than getting in to letting out MS deals. That is not your focus area. You are doing it for clicks. It shows. It is your site. You can write what you want but as a critical reader, i need to point out that more you write about MSing, you are creating more mess in this already over crowded MS area. This blog will be the ultimate loser – may not be money wise but definitely in terms of standard. Good luck to you and your blog.”
Kumar, yeah things have been a little too busy lately. I am right now nursing my head as I got elbowed hard in the back of it at my soccer game tonight and almost fainted. And it hurts and feel so heavy…this is new to me.
Anyway, I hear you and agree with you. I am just too lazy to deal with my lists right now 🙂 This MS stuff is just not for the masses. Bloggers do it for clicks, pure and simple. I mean in a way when you blog you do stuff for clicks…well the commercial ones do for sure. I don’t write about MS stuff, there are so many others (too many!). Today Deals We Like gave an extensive account about (shock!) using Redbird.
This is a long debate Kumar….like credit card pimping. It can not be stopped I am afraid, it is here to stay.
Ok, my head feels like a bowling ball right now….hmmm, weird feeling!
Sorry to hear about the injury, George. Hope it heals soon. Take care, friend.