We make fun of Delta SkyMiles, discover new prepaid card loading places & limits, visit communist Prague and the paradise of North Korea and more!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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Tomorrow I will have an important announcement. Stay tuned.
Delta SkyMiles Saves the Day (Not an April Fools Post) by Devil’s Advocate at Travel Codex. Loved the Delta beating and yet…miracles can happen I guess. If you are hell bent on getting a Delta credit card you can feel better if you get it here #BOOM #hypocriticalpumping #mesobad #lol.
Well, in this hobby, excuse moi, in The Hobby, you learn something new every single day. Did you know that Bluebird has a $100,000 limit per year across all spending transactions? Me neither!
How long before this one shuts down? If something really important pops up, TBBBreakingNews is awesome in the TBB Comments. Come back here and increase our ad revenue….oh, wait. What ads?
Well, last time I posted a landing video it was posted in Titan blogs, among other stuff I bring to your attention first. It pisses me off when it is always attributed to Alan H. and Paul. H. Anyways, here is another super awesome landing video (HT: Dan on Twitter).
British vs American English. Illustrated. This is about the education part of the TBB mission. According to a few haters, I am a hideous pumper hypocrite so I am thinking of changing each link I feature here to my $$$ links #lol.
The Seinfeld cast sent birthday wishes to a terminally-ill fan. This is for the inspiration part of the TBB mission. #respect Must click, awesome.
Beneath the Velvet: Examining the Scars of Communism in Prague. So much crap travel blogs out there but The Bohemian Blog rises a level or two above.
Would you let a mystic manage your investment portfolio? Great personal finance piece. Oh, this is for the education part. Man, this TBB is such a hideous pumper, hey?
Come over you guys to my mansion, it cost only $60 million that would be a hell of a lot of clicks, hey I could buy Boarding Area and Internet Brands and every one of these pumping bloggers lol. #dreaming

What today looked like in North Korea.

And I leave you with this…

At the end of the day, this site is primarily about entertainment. Mostly my own. Love seeing the strong reaction by some haters due to my hideous pumping while they stay silent and applaud/admire/link to blogs that have defined what that is, up to 40 direct plastic links at at time in a single post #smh.
So, come back tomorrow. The important announcement. This is only the beginning.
Did nothing with son becoming 18. No time. It happens a lot lately, all this pumping here takes time woohoo!
Thank you for making TBB a part of your life, I am honored! Help bloggers you appreciate & make a positive difference in your life by spreading the word about their blogs, emailing and commenting and using their few $ links.
Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs To Ignore
Today’s my day!
Still waiting for that golden streak.
El Segundo.
That’s my important announcement. I am second. Just here for a second.
http://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/its-rotting-decorative-gourd-season-motherfuckers #TBBBreaking #getready #pumpinggourdsnotcards #blogsIneverreadanymore #ionlyreadforthepicturesISWEAR
That link was funny Segundo!
Good morning TBBers!
Get 1,000 Delta Skymiles. I know I know but it is pretty easy if you use this hideous “loyalty” program:
kind of boring out there, is holiday mode on or what?
18 means Luck to my people. ๐
My wife and I survived. You will too.
What? Is this referring to the Roomette comment in the other post? Or I am just too slow today, it was a hell of a day!
I read this first, then posted. Then, I read your other Titan post. ๐
I know if I respond you know I’m reading. ๐
Three times now I have read statements by Bloggers (who were actually actively staying at Hyatt’s to persue Diamond Status) complaining about how Diamond Status at Hyatt was recently hackable by the rest of us peons.
Based on a few angrys around here, the word “Hypocrite” has my beautiful mug shot next to it at some online dictionary named google or something…
I can’t wait for the important announcement!! ๐
I wish I could invent an app that can read my thoughts and automatically relay them into a beautiful blog post in WordPress, pictures and all…
On a second thought….maybe not, I will be totally kicked out lol.
That’s an awesome flying video! Seems like an potentially interesting show to the aviation geek, but looks like only 2 episodes were ever made. Plus, not sure I would trust the channel producers not to really mess up the great flying footage with a load of unnecessary bullocks and drivel!
I see so much bullocks and drivel online trying to pick the stuff that is TBB worthy to bring you here for your entertainment, education and inspiration.
On a different thought, I am still devastated by that Favre, oops, Rogers hail mary pass to beat my Detroit Lions…I am such a loser!
80,000 Hilton HHonors points for the Amex Hilton Surpass:
Pays $0 to bloggers, TBB is such a pumper, he never stops!
Thanks Buzz, hope you are not announcing your retirement, take a break every now and then maybe instead OK ?
Didn’t understand about the BB/Serve/etc story, no matter, I’m not going to go over that amount anyway. And wasn’t Redbird pretty much turned off anyway ?
Yay ! It’s Friday ! ! !
No retirement…at least not yet!
I am taking a break over the holidays. Or at least that is what the plan is, we shall see.
Redbird is dead. Now it is Serve at Rite Aid. Before them pumping Titan bloggers kill it again.
Fridays are awesome, unless you are a fan of the Detroit Lions who watched your team lose in the most incredibly devastating way possible with no time left on the clock on Thursday night.
It’s Iran; you’ve booked a trip to Iran.
You win!