We have a TBB post that is full of credit cards! Yet again we have no direct links in it, it’s probably because we do not pump hideously enough to have a shot at them but I digress. We show you how to sign up for the 10% Discover It promo, learn of changes in the Starwood Amex, Gold Amex, Chase Freedom, we show you a direct link to the best Hyatt card offer, get you $100 to get the Alaska Airlines card AND miles, check out the new Hyatt Elite offers, travel to Bolivia, get you FREE donuts to get fat, and look at some pictures from the Tiananmen massacre.
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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Ok, if you have the Discover it card call them up to enroll in the Double Cash promo! (via The Free-quent Flyer)
The new Hyatt Gold Passport Platinum & Diamone Elite Tier Offers are out! (via Loyalty Lobby)
Changes in the Starwood Amex card. That come with a higher annual fee. And Amex continues to suck even more…You want proof of how they keep on sucking? They plan to reduce the number of Avios when you transfer from Membership Rewards points, boooo! (via Travel With Grant).
Some changes in the Gold Amex card (and how it is different from the Amex Premier Rewards Gold card) (via Milecards)
New Chase Freedom credit card offer out, valid until June 24. Spend $500 within 3 months and earn 20,000 Chase Ultimate Rewards points. Add an authorized user for another 2,500 points. Yes you can get it at the best place to get your credit cards to travel for free #winkwink. Or, if you have it already, you can refer others and earn 5,000 Chase Ultimate Rewards points yourself for referring others using the chasereferafriend website. If your favorite affiliate link pushing blogger forgets to mention the 5k points referral it is because they want you to get the card using their affiliate link and care much more about their pocket than you getting the best deal. Run away from them! This is the DIRECT (meaning no dinero!) link for the card. If you go for it, consider applying through a non Titan blogger out, thank you! We all want FREEEEEEDOM (HT to Spencer F.), mega LOL.
New best offer yet on the Hyatt credit card from Chase: no annual fee for the first year, 2 free nights, $50 credit statement credit with first purchase, 5,000 points for adding an authorized user. All for spending (and paying off of course!) $1,000 in the first three months. This is what I am talking about, this is what the hobby is all about. Get free nights and free hotel points and get $50 for free groceries (or condoms or booze or whatever you want, it’s not like you have to pay it back sometime like them hapless Greeks lol). Miles to Memories has the details where he provides the DIRECT LINK to the offer! We get a kick out of providing YOU the BEST offers, unlike those other blogs where “conversions is what counts” and your well being is secondary!
Doctor of Credit tells us that we can now request a product change with the US Airways cards that became AA cards with Barclay’s Bank. Nice table comparing the four different versions. My gut feeling is that these cards may not be around with Barclays a few years from now, I hope I am wrong.
The $100 credit link for the Alaska Airlines visa finally died. But Milecards shows you how to still get it.
Big Habitat has a fantastic post pondering about some (mostly) dead deals in our hobby where Marketing forgot to check with the Finance Dept. This is more for the veterans and reminiscing about some exciting old days. I miss the days when I was giving clues about that Speedway deal and risking physical injury hauling the US Mint dollar coins to the banks and… I think the Finance Dept will intervene at some point on #8.
Travel Codex with a solid post (geared to newbies) explaining how to book cheaper flights to Europe with Stopovers and Open Jaws.
Drone flight over Bolivia in 4k. This is just stunning (via The Adventure Blog)
We show you here how to get miles and points to travel for free. But we don’t stop there. How about FREE donuts too this Friday!
John Oliver does an epic beatdown of FIFA!
32 pictures that will change the way you see the world. Click this if you having a bad day and need a pickup! (via BuzzFeed)
25 photos China wants you to forget about Tiananmen Square massacre

7 common myths that can ruin your retirement (via The Fiscal Times)
Son graduated from high school on Wednesday. It was an emotional moment for us. Good kid so far, finished high school with 4.0 GPA and we are very proud. We then proceeded with another feast with the inlaws.
Come down to the Greek Festival in Ann Arbor this weekend, my daughter is dancing and we’ll be there on Friday night with the inlaws unless they want to eat Chinese…again!
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Congratulations on your son’s graduation. Big day for him, and for Mom and Dad.
Congratulations to your son and to his proud parents!
Great post! Congrats on your sons graduation – I’d love to go to the Greek festival!
4.0 GPA, very nice! He deserves a first class trip to HKG on CX with you! 🙂
Just $65 in taxes per ticket, you can swing it. #cheappresent
Hey Buzz-
Here’s an idea to help TBB pay the bills. Just write-up half a post, then force your readers to click through screen after screen to see what you’re writing about. You could even do it more honestly than the Titans-just say “Dumb readers click here so I can make more money”.
Maybe have a joke section. You know “Did you the one about the three Titans who walked into a bar? Click here….”
Thanks to all for the congrats about son’s graduation. I gave him $100 instead 🙂 He complained, I said I got notice of the room & board bill at U of Michigan a few miles down the street lol.
Thanks for the kind words about this blog post too. I think I covered all that you needed to be aware of and a few interestingly educational and funny links thrown in. Yet again, the site brought in just 88 cents yesterday. I would be more than happy with covering my coffee at Panera and the occasional cc thrown in. I don’t see how many other bloggers in my position keep going, it is insane!
Can anyone comment on my Amazon “problems”? I tweeted this earlier today:
“Reader said she bought $1,600 with my Amazon link. Never showed up. Regularly, orders over $100 show up but never pay. Is Bezos screwing me?”
Same with the cc’s….Basically, we are at the mercy of these vendors to account for these correctly…think about that for a sec and the potential for abuse? It’s like a FIFA type racket!
Gotta run, behave!
Amex to continue to suck some more again…story at 11
Good luck in Greece, we are all counting on you to get the financial mess fixed for them, even if you have to kick Yaris Varoufakis in the balls.
Varufakis is the Delta Points of economics!