Here is another post with five Best of Web links I have found worthy to share with you: A gut wrenching personal account escaping from Russia, a very helpful checklist for stock market corrections, we go deep inside Putin’s 20 year march to the invasion of Ukraine, legend Francis Ford Coppola talks about his iconic films, the Battle of Kyiv must read Twitter thread and a majestic photo of cherry blossoms to brighten you up. See you Friday…I hope.
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The Best of Web posts are much shorter in length with material that is a notch or two above what you see in the regular TBB posts.
Click on the headline for the link!
‘The Dots Were All There. We Just Couldn’t Connect Them.’
One of the last American journalists in Moscow recounts how she — and her dog — escaped Russia as Putin’s new iron curtain fell.
Gut wrenching personal account having to leave everything behind without knowing when (if ever) you will be back…You know, one of these articles you start and…you just keep reading until the end…
I wrote a to-do list: get money, buy storage bins, make extra keys, get a PCR test and a Covid antibody test, call the vet for the departure documents, pull out the big suitcase, move files to Dropbox, decide what to take, pack the family photographs and letters into the storage bins for friends to rescue if something happened to my apartment (what, I had no idea), buy European medical insurance, move the car (to where, I didn’t know), empty the refrigerator, do laundry, set up automatic bill-paying, find out how cold it is in Riga in March.
I had wanted to transfer ownership of my apartment to a Russian friend, or, if there wasn’t time — and now there wasn’t time — to give someone power of attorney that would allow them to do it after I left. But when I called a real estate lawyer, he told me a law had just been passed on March 2 requiring all real estate transactions involving foreigners to be certified by a special governmental commission. It was unlikely that any transaction would be permitted.
I hoped to at least give someone power of attorney to do things in my name — what things? I had no idea — but when I called a notary to set it up, she politely asked what country I was from, then asked me to hold for a minute. She came back on the line to say that they’d received notification prohibiting them from preparing power of attorney documents that had to do with real estate for citizens of “unfriendly countries” — me — and she was very sorry but she wasn’t sure if she could do anything for me at all.
It gets better after this. I mean, the writing. Because the reality gets worse…
A Checklist for Corrections
Who knows if the recovery of stocks in March was a dead cat bounce or the beginning of the way to a new all time high? The question is irrelevant for the vast majority of normal people! Anyway, good start to the article here:
The markets are volatile, the news is bad, and the value of your portfolio is going down.
You’re afraid things may get worse and you want to do something about it.
This is a perfectly normal reaction. When faced with something painful, we look for ways to ease the pain.
While such a response serves us well in many areas of life, investing is not one of them.
Because pain is an inevitable part of investing, without which there would be no gain.
And the good advice comes next:
The problem, of course, is there’s no such thing as a safe time to invest. Risk is always present, even if you can’t always see it.
And by moving to cash, you not only have to get the sale part right, but also the timing in buying back in. Few have shown the ability to do so on a consistent basis.
The proof: the list of billionaires, which is filled with long-term founders/investors and their stories of hardship, and devoid of market timers who sidestepped all pain.
If selling everything and moving to cash is not advisable, what should an investor be thinking about during market corrections?
Here’s a checklist to consider…
1) First, Do No Harm
2) Find Your True Risk Tolerance
3) Make Sure You’re Really Diversified
4) Rebalance to Manage Risk and Buy Low/Sell High
5) View Declines as Opportunities to Add to Exposure

Francis Ford Coppola Breaks Down His Most Iconic Films
Incredible to watch this legend talk about his films. The vision, the creativity, the art…Some tidbits he reveals:
- Coppola didn’t know anything about the Mafia before making The Godfather.
- The studio did not want to call it Godfather Part II. And now explicit sequels like that are ubiquitous.
- He praised the way Marlon Brando thought about ants and termites?!
Vladimir Putin’s 20-Year March to War in Ukraine—and How the West Mishandled It
Incredible article by the Wall Street Journal. Which also comes with an incredible paywall, so good luck accessing it. Many behind the scenes reports and I just want to say history will not be kind to Angela Merkel…
Update: Here is the archived link to the story.
Best Twitter Thread on the Battle of Kyiv
This makes a lot of sense…
We know NOW that yes, Putin had a 4 hours plan to win the war in Ukraine
And his ‘Plan B’ was a 3 days plan to defeat Kyiv if the 4 hours plan somehow failed
He deployed both of these plans with MASSIVE military force, against Kyiv. We now know how
Putin plan to defeat Ukraine in 4 hours involved an air assault force of 1,000 men taking Antonov Airport at Hostomel, then IL 76 transport planes would land 7,000 men and their armored vehicles, to take the Presidential Palace (& TV stations) in Kyiv
Anyway, it is fascinating…
Cherry Blossoms at a Tea Plantation
Enough war and destruction, let’s end with an uplifting image!

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First! Non-paywall WSJ link:
I am disappointed that Radisson is discontinuing their credit card. Sure, they’re not Hyatt but they do fill in some gaps in Hyatt’s portfolio. Oh well…
Good morning Buzz, thank you
Bronze! For the Pacific Northwest… until 4/28!
Great collection of stuff. Gonna be reading at this off and on for a goodly chunk of the morning. Putin was sorely ill-advised I think, but also his aging and a desire to reunite the old USSR, or part of it, has become an obsession. SO many people dead on account of this one man. I hope things change soon over there!
Hello from Las Vegas!
Thanks for the links!
Are most if not all casinos/hotels open now?
Hotel prices were ridiculous earlier this year.
The conference rate cut the casino fluff out. No room coffee is a real poke in the eye.
Hello to all, thanks for taking the time to comment constructively.
I canceled that Radisson card a few years back…the writing was on the wall on it, not shocked by what US Bank did.
I guess the only news out there is all the Apple Group brands Hyatt bought….I am finding myself pulling out the Venture X card more…the whole space is just zzzzzzz.
Got my 2nd booster yesterday…and my arm is still sore!
I am going to try to a Friday Buzz post…will do my best. And it is not the conversions for sure lol.
Today was the first Spring like day here in Ann Arbor, Michigan….Spring is coming!
And JetBlue making a go for Spirit….Again, all them blogger airline experts did not predict that too!
I’ve had vax + booster + Omicron. Does anybody know if there’s any data on whether a second booster would be helpful here? Moot point for now since I’m under 50 but I’m curious.
Well, if you had omicron just a few months ago, you should be fine. Data from Israel suggests a 4th dose adds additional protection
It appears that taking 90+ “boosters” are safe
Hey Buzz,
nice job pulling all the links on Putin/Ukraine together for us (your readers). I don’t post my thanks enough but I often think “I should tell George how good this post is”. So…this post is really chucked full of interesting reads!
Thank you for taking the time to give me this feedback…it helps to…keep going.
Love seeing your travel photos.
Miss you and your crazy friend 🙂
When will banks start paying decent interest rates on my savings account?
In the future
Follow me for more personal finance insight and tips 🙂
If you see me doing posts like this you know I am mailing it in and only doing it for the (clickbait) clicks.
Today in Boarding Area:
Sick: Southwest Passenger Masturbates Four Times In Front Of Seatmate – OMAAT
Vegas Visitor Found Peephole Looking Into Her Luxury Hotel Room – YMMV
New World Of Hyatt Business Credit Card Review (2022) – OMMAT
Huge 120,000 Point Offer For No Annual Fee IHG Card With New Benefits – VFTW
Man refuses to give up armrest to middle seat companion – some new blog, never heard of it
The Best Current Credit Card Bonus Offers [April 2022] – VFTW
“Rosa Parks” Refuses To Wear Mask On Southwest Airlines, Then Compares Herself To Anne Frank While Being Removed – Live and Let’s Fly
and these two posted at almost the same time smh:
The White House Spent $2 Billion On Tests, Has No Intention To Stop Requiring Them For Int’l Travel – VFTW
White House Has No Plans To End Testing For International Travel – OMAAT
I now need to take a bath smh…
I remember when you posted the article a few years ago. It was completely surreal reading it.
Yeah, I remember when that first came out also. I still can’t get past the “dad moved into daughter’s dorm” statement, that it would have been tolerated at all by the students or the college. I could see maybe one night, tops, in an extreme case. But beyond that? Like if her friends/dormmates noticed and asked about it, the daughter would explain, “oh he’s an ex-con and needs a place to stay.” Like that would make it better!!??
Thanks Chris for bringing this into my attention. I sure remember posting that story and it feels great to see JUSTICE. Yeah, as flyernick states…that was just one bizarre situation and this is just a really bad dude…Some people are born bad like this or are they made…philosophically speaking.
Back to 0 conversions month to date…I have not started the Friday Buzz post yet…not feeling it, after doing my speed workout today…maybe I take a nap.