We check out the latest post by Yomadic about Europe on trains or roadtrips, shake our heads on an article about Travel Hacking in mainstream media, we hope that this year’s FBT ballot is not altered in any way and we can again hike Caminito del Ray after way too long.
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Hi, another short post as life is completely nuts in the last week before April 15th!
Yomadic finally made another blog post! Why You Should Never, Ever, Catch a Train in Europe Check out this building, wow!

Check this out in mainstream media about a “travel hacker” – This guy has gamed the airline industry so he never has to pay for a flight again Wow, for real? Get outta here! The comments are, well, don’t waste your time. The readers who get hooked by articles like this become Titan victims 🙂
Here is another ridiculous article in CNBC of all places: The VIP doggie hotel suite, only $200 a night Sometimes if I was a dog I hope I was elite in Pet D Hotels LOL.
Watch our old Blue Cash cards (yep, still got mine). I was told that the $6.5k spend that is required before the 5% categories get going is based on calendar year. Well I took care of it on January 6th and just now noticed that I am NOT getting 5%, booooo! So I called Amex. The calendar year suddenly became January 4 to January 3rd of next year. Well, ummm, okay. I directed the friendly Amex rep to the charge on January 6th and, well, he escalated the issue to the Membership Rewards folks who, he promised, will call me back with resolution. We shall see. I think Amex is getting kind of sad these days…
Well, TBB apparently has been nominated for the 2015 Frequent Business Traveler GlobeRunner Award. If you all remember, this is the award last year that Delta Points photo shopped TBB out of the ballot, still shake my head about that one! Anyways, I am not one to beat you upside the head to vote for me and this is probably the last time I will mention it as I don’t like pumping in general, especially about myself. But having me included, among all these Titans, in a way makes me feel good that I have accomplished something….what else do I have to prove really? 🙂 Ok, here are the nominees and if you wanted to vote here is the ballot. Ok, lets move on…And someone should tell them about Travel Codex replacing Hack My Trip!

Ok, one more before I say good bye to go fight the heroic battles against the evil IRS. I win every time, maybe because I am meticulous in record keeping and not very aggressive lol.
Caminito del Ray is open again!!!

For my friend Ramsey, I found it just for you! I laugh every time, this is classic!
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You need to post more first.
Second the more posting nomination 2nd
I third the motion.
Good post, George. My boss Ramsey always deserves the best, doesn’t he 😉
I haven’t paid for a flight in a long time – unless you count MegaDo 6! Although, given European fuel surcharges, I don’t feel I am ‘flying for free’!
I am currently in a £1700 per night suite for 9 nights in Dubai and not paying a penny – with lounge access and brekky included! That is more like it ….
What is there to do in Dubai? Serious question……also is that the city that is using slave labor? No joke tell us about your visit, never been there.
I have a 3 year old and a 7 year old. Sun, beach, pool. Mummy and Daddy like the easy flight from London, minimal jet lag and the ultra-lux hotels available.
It also has astonishing infrastructure. Last time we were here my German wife had toothache. There are actually multiple German dental practices here. If you need something for a baby, you can buy it within 10 minutes of your hotel – hypermarkets here are a ‘greatest hits’ of global retail.
Spent today in probably the best water park in the world. Free, of course, because it is run by the people who run our hotel. The hotel we are in, its neighbour hotel and the water park collectively employ 600 lifeguards. The main pool has 7 on duty at all times and 24 hour coverage. The private pool for our villa, shared by 16 rooms, has a permanent lifeguard. As I said, great for kids.
If you don’t stay in a beach resort, though, there is little point coming here.
What about culture?
Why on earth did you (of all people) pay to join smd6?? 😮
Tax deductible, interesting blog copy, not exactly a major strain to get there living in London, two nights without having to put the kids to bed ….!
Which hotel are you at? Sounds crazy.
Kumar get back to work!!!!!!!!!………………………………..I want to take a minute here to thank God (insert one of your liking) for putting an end to those horrible Rob Lowe DirectTV commercials.
Thanks Buzz, that gif will bring joy to all. I am going to find a way to make it my screen saver….between you and Kumar I can now sing that song from the movie The Hangover 1 “were the best 3 friends thart anyone ever had, best 3 friends anyone ever had” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsGP35Vd6qQ
Yep, I’m dumber now indeed after reading that BI article and especially the comments. The funny thing is I bet most people thought it was bullshit like many of their articles and that’s fine by me 🙂
Seriously WTF is up with Loyalty Traveler? It used to be a great blog covering hotel loyalty programs and is even in your Blogs I Like for that. Now it just seems like it’s copying posts from the Flight Deal.
Just saying hello before I take a break from a crazy day to stretch my bones in piyo class (pilates/yoga combination) Ouch in advance!
A few select replies quick:
On Dubai: Interesting info. My kids are older now, too bad we missed it. Oh well, I like to treat them a little rougher than that lol.
I have been meaning to state my thoughts on Loyalty Traveler. WTF is going on, in the past month or so the blog has completely turned to a “Flight Deal” kind of direction, WOW! Is it because the ad revenue from Boarding Area has come down even further and feels compelled to pump any content out? Amigo Ric, do what I did. Loyal readers will help you. Heck I would too!
To all thinking about that Prestige card everyone is selling…look at my page 3 #hint Gracias!
Suddenly everyone likes the Prestige card even though ppl have had 50K and 60K offers for months.
I think you’ll like Dubai if you treat it the same way you’d treat a vacation to Miami or Vegas – hanging out by the pool, checking out nice malls and restaurants and seeing crazy attractions.
Thanks. Now I know to avoid Dubai. Hate both Miami and that dump called Vegas…
Oh, Yomadic. I LIKE riding trains. I love European train stations. Though i completely understand the arguments and agree with them. There’s a great trade off. I don’t have to worry about drink-driving on a train! Sure, I might miss my train if I’m drunk, but there will be another one along soon!