We have some more promotions for you like an extra SPG promo and a United partner promo, Hotels invest in Wi-Fi, travel to the Big Island volcanoes and Philippines, check out photos of the lunar eclipse, visit classrooms, get blown away by Kraftwerk in concert in Detroit where assholes still rule and lots more!
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I will be adding some personal and what not news below, above the final (usually funny) pic.
Delta to begin Detroit – Munich flights. This is great, I may be able to burn my Skydrachmas as I have given up about Australia already #toomuchpain
Check your email inbox. I received an email by Starwood for a targeted promotion (or so they say) which should stack up to the regular fourth quarter promotion. Together it’s a pretty good bonus! See if you can register HERE.
United to give 30% bonus for miles earned with some partners. Register HERE (HT: Frequent Miler)
Hotels invest to improve Wi-Fi for guests. This is as necessary as a bed and water!
This site tells you what size bag you can take on board. You are welcome.
How to explore the Big Island’s volcanoes in Hawaii.
Munger’s Advice on Shamans, Humility and Attention Spans. Great stuff.
Photos that will make you travel to Philippines

Photos of the total lunar eclipse

30 Classrooms Around the World

I went to see Kraftwerk in Detroit on Monday night. Absolutely phucking amazing show, I got goosebumps just watching them. In 3-D. Hard to describe the experience, there is nothing like it, I guarantee it. These are the guys who started all this electronic music back in the early 1970s! Creating music about computers and robots before they even existed #mindblown. What an amazing career. Sold out show. They never sold out and went mainstream #respect. It is likely the last time I will see them live, they are going to retire soon or die. Last time they came here was in 1994 in a legendary show at Detroit’s State Theater. I was there as well. That was the best concert I attended. Until this one. I am so blessed.
Anyways, I went from a super high to a super low as I discovered my car window smashed and my wallet stolen. Apparently, this happened to many cars around me as well. Even with police presence around the phuckers still went ahead. Detroit comeback my ass. Sick, just sick. I went to the police station and there was a line so I left. I drove to Ann Arbor with my window down. I probably have pneumonia and croak tomorrow. I spent lots of time cancelling cards. Soon I will have to redo the automatic pays. This is time I don’t have folks. Thanks on Twitter for some phone numbers as I was dialing away.
Speaking of time I don’t have, apparently there is a new policy with my credit card provider and I can’t even have a damn link to my credit cards page if I mention a credit card by name. WTF!!! So I was given 48 hours to go back and delete my links if I mention a card in my post, which I usually do. Unbelievable hey? And here are the mega pumpers pumping away their direct affiliate links and they bother me for having one link on the top in a paragraph. Time I don’t have, I may outsource this one. Or just walk away folks, the BS is piling up.
I am done with canceling/replacing the cards. There has been no suspicious activity. I now need to fix the window, get new ATM cards, new speedway & panera cards and more as it comes to me. Big downside of having so many credit cards no pumping blogger will tell you: It BLOWS when this happens, major sucktime! I need to cancel more and continue to simplify my life.
Responding to email/comments will be affected this week. Maybe blog posting too. Unless you go nuts on my links and then I feel bad about it and find some time to keep this baby up…for our entertainment that is!
Creepy cow, go away, moooo!

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Ouch on the window and loss wallet… But, who leaves their wallet in the car in Detroit?!
+1: dude, what were you thinking? I never ever leave anything behind in the car!!!???!!
All the useless card never enter my wallet anyway, only about 6 in there in the first place…
In retrospect it was a stupid move indeed!
Last moment decision, I wanted to be comfortable inside the venue. I put it under my seat. I saw police cars nearby, even a cop riding a horse. I drove the small Fusion. I thought I was safe. But the phucker not only took the time to smash the back passenger window but had the time to search through the car to find the wallet…wow. Stopped at a police car across the block they had made an arrests, some junkie looking way too high, left my number just in case on the way to police station where I gave up. Waiting for dealer to open now to fix window. What a pain…
When you make all that $$$$ from credit card referrals, a wallet can be way too heavy to carry around…
Learned lesson: I have too many cards and a very thick wallet. Which led to last moment decision to hide it in the car. I should do a post “Don’t open so many credit cards, use one or two”…Oh wait. That would be not too $$ friendly for me. Maybe I was born not to be a Titan lol
That must have been an insanely good show!!! Love ’em, wish I could see the band in concert. Good stuff.
Sorry to hear about the damage and theft, Sorry. At least you and your family are safe.
It was beyond amazing. Was taking it all in with my 3D glasses feeling so good about myself, just enjoying the whole experience. They played for over 2 hours in a packed venue. Triple encore. They all exited the stage one by one after soloing some amazing beats…and bowing to the audience. I am out of wow’s!
Here is a video for you, my video fro the show. “we are the robots”, enjoy!
Well that’s the story I tell people when they get all concerned that my daughter lives in South America. I tell them the worst robbery she ever had was when she came back to the US on vacation. This same thing happened to her in Miami visiting a friend there in broad daylight. And it had her passport which was a royal pain to replace during a shorter trip home. Leaving anything valuable in a car is never a good idea. Her friend left his computer. All they did was walk a couple of blocks to see some street art. So sorry for you as it is really a hassle!
It was just a bad moment. I am very careful. I was too excited about the concert and seeing the cops around made me feel comfortable or stupid enough to do this. Giant pain. All good so far. Waiting on the cards to do the auto pay thingie. I managed to take my drivers license. ATM cards replace already. Window to be fixed tomorrow.
Elementary my dear Buzz…..Doesn’t that Delta Points guy who as a beef with you live in Detroit? Does he know what kind of car you drive? Ingy is a known Kraftwerks fan?…………….S.R.
It was some junkie desperate for a fix but nice try 🙂
It must be revenge for those toilet bowl violations :p
Except at a beach, I’ve never left a wallet in a car. I guess I’ll continue that strategy.
BTW, I always carry my wallet in my front pocket. Two reasons: 1) safer from pickpockets; 2) fat wallets in your back pocket can throw off your spinal alignment and give you lower back problems. It actually happened to me. And everyone who reads your blog probably has too many cards in their wallet.
Yep, same here, always in the front. I usually never do that, it was just a momentary lapse, too excited about the concert.
Sounds like you need Coin or Wallaby or whatever the Titan’s were recently promoting as a single replacement for all your credit cards. I used to have a concert wallet during my college days – basically a very small wallet with enough space to carry ID, health card, ATM card, a credit card or two, and some cash. That’s it. I would take that one and leave my real wallet at home. And whoever had the crappiest car would drive, no need to draw attention to the vehicle (even though we left nothing valuable in it).
Thanks yesterday for the Australia tips, I think it was you.
Hell no I am not doing the Coin or Wallaby thing, I can’t see how these outfits will survive.
I now need a new wallet. And carry less cards with me for sure.
I have tiny one from Mont blanc since 7 years now. Just the right size for ID, business cards, 5-6 CC, one or two bills. What else does one need?