We learn about farflung hotel redemptions, smile at blogger PSA posts since we started it here, visit Hong Kong, Bulgaria and Greece and also learn some world idioms…
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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7 Farflung Hotel Redemptions Travel is Free Some interesting places here. That Fairmont in Kenya looks nice.
PSA: Don’t Listen to Certain Bloggers & Signup for a Chase Bank Account with a $250 Bonus – PointsCentric I like it when bloggers name names, I started it 🙂 It’s all about taking care of the public and not fleecing them.
Apparently there is open award space on Japan Airlines JAL flights out of the US. And I have no doubt that Delta will be making a marketing campaign that it is the only airline having 5.000 miles award flights…so typically deceptive assholish behavior of them. Mrs. TBB knocked out another 3 award round trips NYC-Detroit for the in-laws using one of my Avios accounts, nearing 500,000 miles/points burned in 2015, hey not too shabby. Things will slow down here when we travel to Greece next month, maybe it will be the best time to kick this blogging habit…I know, I said this several times already…Mad Max: Road to Fury is a movie masterpiece, blown away!
Another incredible timelapse video found at The Adventure Blog. This one is of Hong Kong, when you get away from the cement and the malls!
National Geographic’s Instagram account is amazing. Here are some awesome pictures found in it.
Abandoned Communist Headquarters in Bulgaria. For some reason, I am fascinated by these sites…

Abandoned factories in Greece. It is a very sad state of affairs. The author thinks most of these were due to the recent sharp recession. Actually, most of these were from the 80s and 90s when the industrial base was slowly demolished while the corrupt politicians kept borrowing and giving money away to the people who got lazy.

The best idioms around the world, ranked. Very cool!
40 Quotes that will quiet your mind. Because part of TBB’s mission is to inspire you know.
How a Bowl of Cashews Changed the Way you Save For Retirement Excellent article about behavioral economics and stuff like that.
7 common myths that can ruin your retirement When I post stuff here involving personal finance, it is usually about education.
If there is a gif that defines TBB…this is the one! 🙂

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I love the new Lufthansa travel/points blog although it is written in German. Thank goodness for the Google translate app. It is call travelmitgrant.com Lots of Duesch Bank Express Offers information.
Thier blog mission is a little different from TBB’s. The blog mission of TRAVELMITGRANT.COM is…..YOU WILL READ IT AND YOU WILL LIKKE IT or else.
Everytime I see the “About Gary Leff” section on the front page of VFTW, I imagine Gleff writing all those acolades about himself. What an arrogant egotistical a..hole. Can I say that here at TBB?
In the interest of fairness, everyone writes accolades about themselves. Every website, book, social page, newspaper and magazine article. No one will write it for you, it’s a common practice.
You’re defending Gary freaking Leff? Come on. Didn’t think anyone actually liked the guy. First post was right. That guy is arrogant as they come.
I am alive!
Mondays blow.
Speaking about blowing, my “Gasping for Air” soccer team was blown apart 4-0. Happens when 3 guys email at the last minute to say they can’t make it, caught short again. It was rough…
We don’t like censoring here. You can say whatever the hell you want. But always try to be respectful. Good to vent once in a while, therapeutic indeed 🙂