Well, Brett Favre came back from retirement so many times, why not me?
Here is the deal.
I review the blogs anyway…so I plan to just do quick posts to share with you the blogs posts that totally impressed me! There will be an emphasis away from the big bloggers who most of you read anyway. No categories, just quick links w/ a very abbreviated commentary. I just do not have the time to add my expert commentary on each one! These posts would be candidates for MVP posts in the former Buzz format!
These posts may appear here at various times, mostly due to my schedule and what I find that is worthy of sharing! So check back often:-) I will announce each post on Twitter, follow me @FlyerTalkerinA2
TBB comments are proudly not censored!
Wandering Aramean wrote “Crossover Rewards and the evolution of loyalty programs“. I agree, this is BIG. It looks like a true enhancement and not like the ones we have been so used to lately!
There is a NEW travel blogger aggregation website First2board. The very interesting thing is it has two bloggers who also blog at Boarding Area so I have no idea what is going on! First2board officially launches March 1st. Competition is good in any market! (HT to Wandering Aramean on Twitter!) Let me know if you know more about this venture!
Very positive and civilized discussion about travel blogging in general in this thread. (Full Disclosure: TBB is known as gpapadop in FT/MP)
Travel Summary wrote “Bluebird Suspicious Activity“. Good to know not to have the same bank account in two BB accounts!
TJ on Miles and Points wrote “My Top 10 Club Carlson Redemptions“. The Moscow Radisson Royal hotel looks amazing, wow!
An amazing and very long piece on the soldier who killed Osama. Something is very wrong how his life is in shambles now! From the Center of Investigative Reporting.
10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was Your Age. This is really good from Marc and Angel.
I missed you guys…
Woot!! – I got all bummed out over the weekend. But then today, Google Reader had a surprise under my travel-folder tree.
Thank you!
Saw the First2board announcement – definitely peaked my interest as well!
Yes, very interesting development!
first2board – what is going on here?! It looks rubbish and is populated only by 2 Boarding Area bloggers! Perhaps they have both given notice to BA and will be jumping over?! I accept that LH Flyer wouldn’t have got much out of BA (the best ad rates are for US eyeballs and I assume there weren’t too many of those) but its not clear what the new site would change.
If they want more money, they could simply go back to doing their own hosting and keep 100% of the ad income. Although its not quite that simple … Adsense only lets you have 3 ad boxes, BA seems to be a ‘premium publisher’ as they have 4.
Launch is March 1, I think the site looks good so far. And it won’t have affiliate cc links I am told.
First2Board is a brand new travel blog aggregator. We officially launch on March 1, but thought we’d share the news early with many of our friends and colleagues.
While First2Board is new in the space, we have two very well established bloggers – Lufthansa Flyer and Very Good Points. We will also be adding new bloggers to the site soon – so keep your eyes peeled.
Thanks for the support and be sure to keep in touch – http://www.first2board.com
Well noted. Best of luck in this adventure!
Very curious about this new site. Who is running it? I know Boarding Area is Randy P. And very curious as to why 2 BA bloggers would leave BA when BA has very high Alexa ratings for anyone whose url is http://www.boardingarea.com/nameofblog.
It is Very Good Points and Lufthansa Flyer. Not sure why they are doing it, I am sure they have their reasons. Do not know anymore.
Welcome back TBB!
Knew you couldn’t stay away long – you love your readers more than FMG loves his readers money! 🙂
Thank you!
Welcome back and thanks for continuity 🙂
I was having TBB withdrawal symptoms already 😉
I love reading your blog instead of wasting time on the travel blogosphere.
Good luck with your other ventures too.
– Chanakya
I will post as my time allows. Thorough complete daily review/buzz posts are definitely not coming back, way too time consuming!
Hey, good to hear again from you! Do you check your travelbloggerbuzz at gmail address? I sent something to you the other day I think you will want to read. Thanks for all of your work!
I do. I get several emails thrown in with blog posts & comments. So, not sure what you sent me, please refresh my memory or resend it. Ok, Anonymous? 🙂