It is Sunday so we will keep it very light today, just Top 5 links I have found around the blogosphere…
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Could I get some feedback on yesterday’s post? Thank you.
Some people collect stamps. Other coins. Some odd balls collect frequent flyer miles lol. And there is this guy who collects…Flight Attendant Uniforms! He now has 1,320 uniforms from 487 different airlines. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Cliff Muskiet’s Stewardess /Flight Attendant Uniform Collection. WOW!
Uniform Freak
The stats are grim here: American Household Credit Card Debt Statistics: 2015. Thank the notorious credit card pumpers, boo!
Average credit card debt by a US household: $15,706
$890.9 billion in credit card debt
A Group of Friends Build the Solar System to Scale in the Middle of the Desert
To Scale: The Solar System from Wylie Overstreet on Vimeo.
Well, it is Sunday so it is NFL Day. Here are the beer prices at every NFL Stadium.
A distinction without merit. This is very short by one of the top personal finance writers. It begins with: “IF WE WORK LIKE DOGS for 40 years, we’ll get our reward, which is the chance to sit around and do nothing for 20 or 30 years. That’s the definition of a successful life, according to conventional financial wisdom. But it doesn’t sound like a whole lot of fun, does it?”
Enjoy your Sunday. And Go Detroit Lions! #restorethemeow
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A West coast first!
Third! Because I like hardware!
On yesterday’s post:
1. I have no useable suggestions for your trip next June. I loved Hong Kong and am anxious to go back, but I assume you knew that.
2. I have no desire to get together with other hobbyists. Travels with Grant had one last week about 5 miles from my home and it was fun and informative. That’s enough for me.
3. I will likely go for the 100k BA offer, and if I do, my app will start here.
Have a good Sunday everyone.
Yeah, flying/lodging/payingfees/eating/drinking just to get together with other hobbyists is getting a bit much lately 🙂
I prefer smaller casual/informal free gatherings nearby. Grant is cool.
Thanks for the BA offer, hope you are not First hehe
Regarding HK: I went, I saw, no desire to go back anytime soon, so much else to see I have not seen yet!
Grant is cool indeed. I really do enjoy doing smaller meetups, which reminds me that I need to schedule some Bay Area meetups over the next 1-2 months.
I can fly up to Vegas for ~$150 that weekend. They mention something about you could get the rooms at a discount which you would know how to do had you attended their last wangdoodle but alas I didn’t.
It is at the Monte Carlo. So how do I get the discounted rooms ? ? ?
? ? ?
I wouldn’t mind going, maybe someone can explain some more of this stuff to me. What’s the demographic ? ? ? Do they have Walmart in Las Vegas ? ? ?
Which Stewardesses currently have the loveliest uniforms ?
What exactly does Cliff do with all those uniforms ?
Just wondering.
Thank you, that is all.
Don’t know about the discounted rooms…I am not going. it’s Vegas. Isn’t everything discounted there? 🙂
Demographic is..all over the place.I am sure you will find some to click with…we get along with each other…for the most part lol.
Several Wal Marts in Vegas.
Ask Miles To Memories blogger, he lives there.
Different tastes with different folks regarding the FA uniforms. It’s the person beneath them 🙂
Cliff probably wears them too!
If Descarte woke up for the grave he would probably say, “I google; therefore I am”………. losing the ability to think,
This is the beginning…