We talk about whether the Golden Age of Points & Miles is over, travel to South America, beat up on Millenials, visit UNESCO and colored sand beaches, read a letter by Sampras, watch inspiring Wambach, and marvel at this dude Brumotti and more!
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Good post with interesting comments at Personal Finance Digest: The Golden Age of Points and Miles is Over Just two quick points: There is no doubt that many deals have been killed, no doubt. As well as the economy is doing very well. At some point, the economy will turn eventually and everyone thinks we will be back in the good old days. But what if this time is different and it doesn’t happen? #deep 🙂
Travel is Free had another interesting post on how to get to South America in 2 Miles tickets. I actually prefer one but seeing all the combinations may be helpful to some readers.
If you are going to stick with Club Carlson and have stays between July 7 and September 27 you should register for this promotion to earn 2,000 points per night.
Apparently there have been sightings of an 80k Marriott card and a 75k Hilton HHonors Visa card #wink Email me if you can not find the links 🙂
Is Boarding Area ad revenue down again? Interesting stuff in this Flyertalk thread.
This one for my Ann Arbor readers. See the top 10 Ann Arbor area hotels by taxes collected.
Millenials are least likely to join travel rewards programs. WTF millenials!
24 new World Heritage UNESCO sites

15 gorgeous colored-sand beaches around the world

Incredible summer lightning photos!

North Korea has a new airport and is actually very nice, take that LaGuardia!

Pete Sampras writes a letter to his younger self.
Abby Wambach gives amazing 7-minute monologue.
Brumotti-Road Bike Freestyle 2
TBB…Always deep 🙂

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Glad to see your internet issues fixed!
Unfortunately, they are not! For some reason, I can not access my own site at home! It appears to be an ISP issue. Everything else works normally. I am typing this up from Panera. I published this post last night with my phone using the Sprint network as I was done with it and the problem started when I was about to hit “Publish”. Very weird problem, never seen it before. Makes me want to give this up….talking to techies at godaddy, comcast and linksys is not my idea of a good time, on the contrary!
Back for a 1st
Guess it’s good old 2nd
oh just like the good old days 🙂
The golden old days are over because this hobby has been massively exposed and we are at critical mass. I welcome hard times. It will cull the herd.
I agree. I never liked to be in the mainstream…but this hobby now is getting ridiculous 🙂
any thoughts on the OMAAT article in which he trashes industry executives as Idiots?
The handjob story reminded me of the crazy FA Ramsey stories that used to populate the comments section here.
Post #430
To all: If you are are reading this and you or your family want to get the Chase Sapphire card please get it with my cc links so I can buy my mom a condo too, gracias! I spent three freaking hours on the phone with tech support for $5 in Amazon money (huge day!) last night wishing TBB was never born 🙂
The CSP reference is mentioned here with Ben’s “welcome RS readers” post #brilliant hehe
Some herd-culling may be good, we’ll see.
And George, thanks for the Greece article, I was waiting to hear your take.
Could someone please post a link to the handjob story? (Or were you just jerking us around)?
See link to FT thread above and post #430. It appears it is no longer available?? Can someone email it to me?
I met Pete Sampras once. In Paris. He was an ass.
As for Lucky, I hope he realizes that this was sexual assualt and reports the creep that did this to him. He needs a true friend right now instead of all the media hype.