We read about the guide to hotel credit cards, watch a Rio timelapse video, marvel at the pictures depicting the Chinese art of crowds, learn about the economics behind 2% rebate credit cards and a few comments about my Chicago Fairmont stay.
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Just a quick weekend post to try to keep my Alexa ranking numbers up. Hey Rick, how about an update lol!
I could be using part of my quick getaway weekend in Chicago to doing a “summary” post providing you with a bunch of internal links (hear it is good for that SEO thingie) but instead I am sharing a few links with you to adhere to the blog’s mission!
I think the best post of the weekend was by Running with Miles who took a comprehensive look at all the hotel credit cards.
Must watch video! Rio, a 10k Timelapse. I guarantee you have not seen anything like it! If you click my links a lot I can afford to buy this camera for YOU 🙂
The Chinese Art of the Crowd. Must click! I can not describe it, you just need to see these…
And an excellent post about the 2% rebate credit cards and the economics behind them by Ron Lieber of the New York Times.
Or I could be using part of my time to take a bunch of pictures of the Fairmont Millenium Park and doing a hotel review to catch googlers who are doing a search for it, I hear this is also good for SEO. But these hotel reviews bore me to pieces and I do not like doing things that I do not enjoy, life is too short for that (yeah, I cringe when I do that monthly support post!). I just want to say the suite upgrade was excellent, the welcome Platinum amenity was fantastic and my time in the hotel restaurants was well spent! This after a fiasco megabus ride that had us come in to Chicago 4 hours late! (Megabus issued a refund). And I also used Lyft for the first ride and someone out there got a $25 (or maybe it is $20) credit. I am going to add this to my links! I liked Lyft, driver was much more casual.
Please don’t be Connor!

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Second again
Third but should be first as a get to claim F2F.
Guantanamo Bay prisoner torture by water boarding has been replaced by having them call British Airways Avios Reservations and making them listen to that horrible music over and over as they wait for an operator for hours…………………………..HT Ramsey