We rant about the Hyatt Diamond fiasco status match, weep with Air Canada going revenue based, laugh at a hilarious pilots parody Video and much more!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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Mile Nerd goes on a rant about the cluster cluck that has been the Hyatt Diamond Status Match offer recently…
You could get free money with Samsung Pay. So many companies vying to get their mobile pay established, good for us!
There is a nice award sale for flights to Europe by United and now it is open to all. Must book by December 8 for travel between January 11 and March 10. Sorry, only for economy class.
Maybe the point did not go through or you are in denial. Another major airline, Air Canada, just went revenue-based too! You can run but you can not hide…unless you spend lol.
Office Max Visa Gift Card mega deal, run! You, I know I am talking about you, stop hoarding them and hiding them, come on!
Hilarious video titled “I Sit Around” by an airline pilot, parody of the Beach Boys tune “I Get Around”. Wow, these guys do a lot of sitting around lol. Well done Sir, well done, hope to fly with you one day!
26 Amazing Temples Around the World, another gem AFAR list.
Crazy dude descending via ferrata on a mountain bike. Wow, this is nuts!
FSA vs. HSA: How to make the best choice during open enrollment. This may still help some of you.
And I leave you with this…

TPG off on the Residences on a $32k ticket, OMAAT relegated to the Apartment, both selling the lifestyle so they can sell more credit cards to an army of newbies.
Reader comment: “Looks like TPG outdid OMAAT as he got the residence and OMAAT is in F. Loser!” – Lol!
And then VFTW making posts like this:
while OMAAT writing deep posts like this:
The ridiculousness of this hobby keeps amazing me…and I have been amazed SO MUCH previously! #pumpcity #24/7
Fight back! Choose a small blogger, DON’T LET THEM WIN, YES YOU CAN!
Ok, I am going to eat my sandwich now…
Thank you for making TBB a part of your life, I am honored! Help bloggers you appreciate & make a positive difference in your life by spreading the word about their blogs, emailing and commenting and using their few $ links.
Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs To Ignore
First! 12:30 here in Milan, that helps…
I hope plane2port is okay!
Some stuff that does not make it to the body of the blog but it is important and may help some readers. Nothing goes by this TBB guy, he is amazing but just sucks selling his links!
Virgin Atlantic 90k offer (direct, NOT affiliate link)
Get free 100 Aeroplan miles
Did that yesterday but noted that I needed to manufacture a CANADIAN postal code (Their “Zip” code). Was easily done just using the Google to find one by typing in a city.
Mile nerd nailed it.
Yep, as usual.
Million Mile Secrets is getting divorced. Even the announcement is full of BS words. Sadly, also this “Nothing is changing at the blog!”
Well shit! Who will be the subject of every picture he posts on MMS now?!?
In other news we will no longer see Emiliy in every second picture MMS takes…
also interesting is that the number noted as comments is seriously off at that MMS blog post. Frontpage says ’22 comments’, comment section only has 12 comments… 🙂
Never anything funny about people divorcing, but interesting that they probably can’t split ownership of the blog as it’s likely by far their highest valued asset so looks like co-ownership there continues…
“Daraius & Emily: We continue to be friends! We continue to work together on the blog, speak at conferences, and share our (separate) Trip Reports. Nothing is changing at the blog!”
She would get half. And I bet he doesn’t have the cash on hand to buy her out.
Exactly. Or vice versa. So they either need a 3rd party (TBB fundraiser anyone?) to buy one of them out or continue to operate in partnership. Messy!
A long, long, long time ago I wondered out loud here that it would be such a bitch to alter/delete all the Emily pics if they ever got divorced.
22 vs 12 oh boy
Absolutely nothing funny about divorce. Getting married is easy, staying married is hard!
But omg, all the fuzzy words, this read like a corporate BS announcement. All this crap about hopeless romantic blah blah blah
RIP Mother-in-law rule
Gotta tell ya, I had a client couple divorced with 2 young kids. They both kept me and working with both of them is, well, aaaaaaawkward!
Announcement: There would be no fundraiser here lol.
“Nothing funny about divorce…But omg…” [proceeds to rip on post about divorce.]
George stop. I’m so disappointed to see that even during a real life struggle you STILL won’t give the shtick a rest.
Unless you really do think making jabs about someone’s real life struggle is acceptable, don’t. Just don’t.
Thanks for the comment.
>>>>>>>Absolutely nothing funny about divorce. Getting married is easy, staying married is hard!
They have a shtick they have been pounding on to oblivion that just happened to revolve around my beloved hobby! #Fact
I was responding to my readers’ comments like I always do. I am doing that right now responding to you.
I use my blog to express myself. No marketing BS designed to pump plastic to numerous newbies who probably could not even balance a checkbook and burden them with debt the rest of their lives selling a certain lifestyle as a loving couple which THEY choose to brand themselves with. Heck, look at their logo!
You got me started. I also believe that divorce should be celebrated instead of all feeling sorry about it. To get to that point it is clear it is best for both sides. So I have no idea why everyone is sorry about it.
I wish the best for all people. Even for people I do not like and barely know personally and most of what I know is by reading their blogs for a long time. (Note:I do not read MSS since it was relegated to the Ignore List, just could not take it anymore)
It is amazing really how blogs and online behavior forms a certain opinion about others. I know many in this hobby who I have never met personally but feel like i know them so well. And that is kind of amazing.
Tell them I really wish them the best.
My readers can express themselves here. I mean, someone just compared me to Ron Paul and an old crank and….I LOVED IT, I want more 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving! <----------one exclamation mark
Carrie, get a frigging life…
Paul, come on man, that was not necessary….I can see Rick I coming now saying we are the angrys or something!
I respect Carrie’s opinion.
I still think divorce is such a big taboo here in the US. So is death. Money problems too.
I will say it again. If it got to that point, perhaps we should be celebrating divorce instead of all feeling sad about it!
I think I better stop spending so much time on my hobby blog site. Proof? TBB brought in 19 cents yesterday #thinkbig
Ok, I am outtaheretothegym
I am here, hello from Seoul!
Reddit is all over MMS and Emily
Good to see you are alive! Thought you had pulled a Steve around here 🙂
I am genuinely sorry for Daraius and Emily, who I met briefly at BACon last year. Given the time commitment to run a site 24/7/365 there will always be strains.
In my English way, though, I did feel a little nauseous when I read the blog post.
In my Greek way, I felt the same as well.
Agreed on the strains! Hope some click my links so I can show my wife that this blogging thing is not so dumb 🙂
I guess we are all English.
So what to do with the Hyatt Diamond status? They status matched me (from Hilton), I have 1,000 Hyatt points, never actually churned their card, and apparently suite upgrades are only for paid stays. I am a bit confused, why is this is the most coveted hotel status, am I missing something? The breakfast? Is that the big deal? I am serious, I’d like to know what I should be doing now that I have this status…
I also got matched to Hyatt Diamond and could’ve used it last year. Breakfast at PH Vendome and PH Maldives ran up! Anyway I just today switched a (points) stay from IHG to a Hyatt cat 6 points + cash + suite upgrade… Trading a IHG free night cert for 12.500 HGP points and $150 and getting a suite and free breakfast for the family. Not sure it’s a great trade, but hey gotta use that status!
I think the breakfast is the big deal (for some/many) and the upgrades are, I guess, common even in award stays. I used my 2 free nights and trial Diamond status at the Andaz Maui and the breakfast for all 4 came in very handy. But other than that, I am no Hyatt fan boy. I expect them to devalue as well soon. Before IHG takes them out 🙂
I guess free breakfast for the family in Hawaii next winter…
Personally, I still like my Hilton Diamond status the most, but I know most people don’t care for Hilton in our “The Hobby”.
I have had the most memorable stays in Hiltons. I have been treated very well there as a Gold. After the latest HHonors massacres it is not up there of course but…still…I am always treated like a valued guest there and I normally don’t get the attitude I have encountered sometimes in Starwood and Hyatt properties.
Now wondering whether to blow HH points, at 80k per pop/night at the Tokyo Conrad to be finally done with that program as well…been on a burning kill mode lately 🙂
OMG MMS!!! What will happen to his mother-in-law rule???
Lets have a moment of silence for the mother-in-law rule please!
Etihad lost TheCashGuy’s carry on, who knew the residence had a basement LOL
He is milking that…
And I am still looking for the first credit card sale this month! Come on you guys!
Too bad to hear about MMS. I’m no fan of their blog but can appreciate the pain they’re going through having just signed divorce papers myself last week. It’s the most gut wrenching experience I’ve ever gone through and I don’t wish it upon anyone. Thank goodness (as also in my case), no kids involved. It must be a legal mess with that million mile (or multi million dollar?) blog though.
I agree with everything you said.
What makes it really interesting is that the brand must take a hit as so much was built on this hopeless romantic husband-wife duo image with mother-in-laws in between….Divorced couple just can’t sell as well. And what this blog has really stood for all along was:
Oh wait, what about the logo???????????????
Whats with all the Ashley Madison talk surrounding MMS?
That site needs better IT security!
I wish Em and Dar talked to me first, I would of given him some of my Zoloft. I am a walking advertisement for that stuff. No more anger, stress and yelling……just who gives a shat about everything. I love that stuff!!!…….On a more serious note, I am sad to read this, as I always have admired (yes, despite all the pictures) the way he wrote and showed his love for Emily. Or (the cynical bastard in me thinks) was it just all part of the big picture in his marketing of the Blog. I hope not…….Dar call me if you read this, I am here for you. C.R. PS let’s get together and do ribs sometime.
You cynical bastard 🙂
That toilet pic is going up tomorrow…so there!
Hmmm, no audio or is my computer phucking with me?
LOL if you read the mile nerd post in the voice of Steve Carrell it’s even more funny
He should star in the tv reality show about our hobby before TPG dude does it!
I am sorry for Daraius and Emily. That’s tough stuff for anyone, and all the more so when they’ve built a very public persona around their couplehood. Kudos to him for taking the hit in his comments.
And of course the morons are out in full force to throw an elbow at anyone who is a success. They ought to have a test to join FT these days “How big a jerk are you?”.
I have not followed the comments in FT. Sometimes I am embarrassed by some of them, so angry.
No one is angry here, we just like to have fun.
Sometimes I wonder if we are taking all this divorce stuff the wrong way. What I mean is….hey, for the decision to be made it meant it was not taken lightly and it is likely better for all, especially when there are no children….So, instead of all feeling sorry about it, maybe we should be celebrating it instead? #thinkingoutloud
Ever notice how when a blog prints a post that just doesn’t work, or is wrong on the facts or just plain dumb, the blogger often then prints several other unrelated posts within a few hours. I’ve always suspected that this is to bury the problem post way down or off the front page. I’ve wondered if bloggers keep a stash of disposable posts just to throw up when they need a bailout. Sort of like keeping matches in the bathroom for when things get too smelly.
Buzz-You’re a big league blogger-what do you know about all this?
One Mile at a Time had a post last Saturday in which Ben outlined why he is going to stay loyal to AA despite the recent devaluation of the AAdvantage program and elite benefits. As I read it, I wondered whether he was going to mention that one good reason he should stay loyal to AA is because United told him to take his business elsewhere, at least according to the Rolling Stone article. Well, whadya know-Ben didn’t mention that, although several comments to his post did. I didn’t see where Ben answered those comments, but a bunch of other posts on other topics went up on the OMAAT blog shortly after the ‘loyalty’ post.
The big money maker in Boarding Area are lucrative ad placement. That whole field has been taking a hit in the past few years. So, bloggers must work harder to earn those page views which translate to dinero. They just work harder at it now compared to a few years ago. So, imho, I think just putting up new posts helps to gather those page views. So, if you are hell bent to read that crap, just do it off RSS (if it allows full post) or subscribe and only click on the ones you are really interested.
As Jon Steawart said, when you are angry, say something…..I say, DO something (by withdrawing your clicks!)
Or something like that.
Man, I am already in Thanksgiving mode!
Regarding The Divorce…I am so glad that they refrained from using the well-placed exclamation point. If you read “We are getting a divorce” with about 4 “!” behind it, it just sends the wrong message….
I hope all the extra exposure of the blog didn’t contribute to their breakup. I know some people were making too much fun of the two of them and it must have added some stress.
Full disclosure: I learned how to properly use exclamation marks from MMS.
It has been the best of times and the worst times these last few weeks observing the ‘Hobby’, while getting mainly fat on all the popcorn being spilled. We seem to be suffering from malady but I couldn’t quite figure it while. Then it finally hit me that we suffer from our own version of the Fox New Derangement syndrome, henceforth known as ‘Hobby’ derangement syndrome or HDS. Root for both of these malady has been total and complete exposure to how insignificant the people who suffer this syndrome are in the grand scheme of things. Looking more deeply HDS share quite a bit overlap.
In HDS we the ‘Titan Bloggers’ and their copycats that are charlatans\snake oil salesman selling credit cards and life styles instead of gold and apocalypse preparations.
Delta is the Clintons, immensely powerful, popular and successful but you know that something sleazy is happening there and people are getting screwed one way or another.
Ingy is Mike Huckabee a whimsical southerner who wanted to help the small folks but then went all snake oil salesman.
Southwest as Howard Dean and outside agitator that has been observed into the power and sleaze.
Gary as Mitt Romney a previously accomplished player who has jumped the shark and is chasing clicks and relevancy selling his own reputation to get there.
Titan blog readers/defenders as ditto heads that will mindlessly follow their overlords until finally getting buyer remorse.
Wandering Armean as the Nate Silver all facts no BS
Blackstone Lp as Gorge Soros, immensely successful that drives the HDS into tizzy and conspiracy theories.
Starwood as JFK all nostalgia but if you look at the actual results it is very mediocre.
Chris Elliot as Bill Maher the resident outside ahole.
Marriot as Barack Obama, immensely popular, efficient and well liked, causing mass hysteria and loathing just by being itself.
Loyalty Traveler as NPR just the interesting stuff.
TBB as Ron Paul some interesting and factual stuff on finance but mainly an old crank who post interesting pictures and stories.
So how to cure HDS, take a car, bus or train for your next trip. Go stay at some B&B, enjoy the vacation instead worrying about lounge access, upgrade priority or suite availability.
Just my
two cents20,000 Sky pesosHave a happy thanksgiving and may you be stuffed by turkey and gravy and not popcorn while watching the Lions do the exact opposite of what they should be doing.
That WAS totally AWESOME! Made my day, thanks for taking the time to write it
I say…”Buy Gold” 🙂
But a lot of people actually like Bill Maher…
I am not old and certainly don’t feel old so I am not sure where he is going with this 🙂
No more status matching from Alaska Air with your Southwest C P:
Thank you for contacting Alaska Airlines Customer Care. We need additional
documentation in order to review your request. Please re-submit a copy of your
flight history that would show you earned Companion Pass status by flying
either 110,000 miles or 100 flights. Once received we’re happy to review your
request. Unfortunately, we no longer offer 75K status based on Companion Pass
status but we will offer MVP Gold.
Please be advised that a Tier Match is only offered to a member who has
achieved elite status by actual flight miles flown and has not been granted
status based on credit card activity, transferred points, or any promotional
Some Titans may need to update the bullets on the next pump Southwest cards piece? 🙂
Wow most comments I have ever seen on this blog.
Milenerd link is broken, or his page is down, or ? ? ?
That guy on the mountain bike 😮
I don’t read MMS and don’t know anything about the couple in question. Funny how the blogosphere of this hobby is like a little community of its own.
Oh yeah I coined a term “cluster effect” which I believe passes the sniff test.
This is nothing. There were posts long time ago that crossed 100 several times. It was usually when the founder of Frugal Travel Guy was here showing us all “angrys” (intentionally misspelled) how to be nice delivering insults because he had only good things to say and someone must say them by golly in a blog he despises where most of us regulars here never read his 🙂 Dang it, that is a long sentence I just typed!
You are right about the blogosphere being its own “little community”. Not so little anymore…
Mile Nerd link works for me, looks like a temp hiccup, website provider was probably updating stuff or maintenance crap.