We continue with the Hyatt Diamond status match saga, learn of plans to devalue United Million Milers, travel to Patagonia and fly over Warsaw & more!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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Dear Hyatt Gold Passport: Is It You, Or Me? By The Deal Mommy. If there is a way not to run free Diamond Status matches this is it! Advice to hotel loyalty programs: Spell it all out up front. Perhaps add a number as in the “first 500”. And/or have specific targets of competitors, as in SPG/Marriott elites, etc. You have botched my request. Amazingly, I am still in the running and, at this point, I don’t want it as I already got Hilton Diamond. I feel sorry for the true Elites, I would be pissed off too! Be your own elite, be a free agent. Or a Lifetime Fairmont Platinum like me 🙂
Sometimes I wonder if all airlines are trying to be like Delta these days. There is a strong rumor that United will pretty much copy Delta in devaluing the benefits of its Million Miler status. Why are you leisure traveler doing mileage runs, are you a victim? Be a free agent, flying domestic coach is not going to kill you, spend miles to fly up front internationally. While you still can. Before we all learn to fly coach at all times while only true warrior elites and fat cats fly up front. #thegameisendingslowlyandgradually
PSA: December 7th is the last day to transfer ChaseUltimate Rewards points to Amtrak Guest Rewards. Bye bye sweet sleeper cabins, thanks for the memories!
I had no idea there was a way you can get that 2% cash back straight out of that Fidelity card without the hassle of having a separate Fidelity account!
The Essential Patagonia, an AFAR Guide. This one went into my Evernote travel list vault. One day when a Titanic company buys me out hehe.
14 Most Inspiring Travel Photos this week at Matador Network. I absolutely adore these!
How to Say “I Love You” in 50 World Languages. S’agapo all of you, even the haters. Well, just joking about the haters. At the end of the day, nobody is forcing you to read any blog.
My 7 Smartest Financial Moves by Jonathan Clements. Good stuff.
3,000 ft over Warsaw You can check out the amazing photographs of this guy at WarsawOnAir.com

And I leave you with this, the BEST deal EVER baby!

At the gym I was reading some of the comments in OMAAT’s “Welcome CNN readers” post because I had gone through Feedly and I was bored on a machine. Lol, some can be so angry out there! By opening this hobby to the masses and having many of them scarred for life in the meantime while Titans line up their pockets pushing plastic while we are all suffering the effects of continued beatings devaluations.
Game is ending folks, buurrrrrrrn! I am up to 1,265, 596 miles & points burned year to date. And I am not stopping anytime soon!
There may be an announcement soon about a special trip.
Oh, and son turns 18 today, I need to get him started. Don’t worry he won’t be ruined, he has signed a contract to never ever pay a penny of interest to any bank for a credit card, EVER!
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No tie today! First.
New phone…
Here we go!
Damn. Next time….
Today’s Club Carlson Cyber week offer:
Free Candles to the first three commenters!
Candles are for suckers! Walmart’s still offering a free bottle of soda when you open their card. Anyone needs me, I’ll be at Wallyworld having my thirst quenched.
Candle vs bottle of soda
How can we scale this?
Happy 18th to your son…
Gracias. Time to get started with a Bluebird card first #easy
Buzz you mentioned last week on your TIF downgrade post that you were going to post a new list. Perhaps it was to be a list of Blogs you use or check out. Please post, I would love to know and also to see if I am missing some.
F Lucky ( re: CNN and other high profile appearances) and his quest to kill this Hobby for everyone else. He lines his pockets and ego is swollen but he is killing this hack for everyone.
You have been very help to all of us of the years, thank you. S’agopo Satan.
If The Beatles were Greek so many of their song’s would sound so much different ” ALL YOU NEED IS S’AGOPO “…….” CAN’T BUY ME S’AGAPO”…….”ALL MY S’AGAPOING”
The way I move that list will be posted in…2017 🙂
The extreme mainstreamness (lol) wave by slick business men pumping plastic credit card links is a major factor to the continued devaluations simply due to the larger amounts of this currency floating everywhere. You add that to the fact that most people are really bad in handling credit and basic finances and it is a sign of extreme discomfort to them and the family/people around them while Titans continuing selling the false unhealthy lifestyle.
Old Titan quote: “What matters is conversions”. At least the few ones around here are from qualified people who know how to handle money/credit. I hope 🙂 And this won’t last as I am on the “audit” list for stuff that is selectively applied only to me as Titans are allowed to pump direct links to olivion and lie/mislead. It’s a screwed up space Satan! Give them hell lol.
SATAN’s BREAKING DEAL (let’s hope Lucky does not out this one)
Too bad I’m bald…. boo hoo!
(How do baldies were yamulkes, btw?)
TBB where you get free candles and cheap buns woohoo!
Thanks again Buzz.
Wondering if I ought to transfer and how many URs to Amtrak with the idea of taking a scenic trip somewhere across the western US, I looked up the most scenic routes but can’t figure out if you can link any of them up together on one longer trip, such as the Pacific one with the one from British Columbia. Also, if I booked the roomette for myself, it says it sleeps one or two. I presume I get it to myself if I book for one, and pay for two if I book for two people ?
Sounds like it could be awesome, I know you enjoyed your trip.
Yeah, what did I get for signing up for Costco’s card, let’s see a travel coffee mug, woohoo ! ! !
And you must see this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5h2HZe3f2T4
Got to run !
I am rushing today….
Just want to say you do NOT want the roomette. It blows!
There have been other bloggers who did this, try the posts at Travel With Grant and Frequent Miler come to mind. I did it here:
Amtrak train travel is not for everyone.
You only have until Dec 7 to transfer UR to Amtrak. And then Amtrak devalues soon (date???) so the sleeper cabins go away. Maybe way too late to book something.
Coastlight train LA to/from Seattle was very nice. No idea about BC, not with Amtrak points.
Gotta run, greek salad and lentil soup is calling me!
Lentil soup? Oh dear… poor panera customers sitting close to you tomorrow.
BTW, noticed that none of the Titans plug the Avianca CC issued by US Bank. LH First inventory appeared there again on December and none of them mentioned the CC 😮
I bet if the card paid them they would pump the crap out of it, si?
Chennai has had 50 cm of rain in two days.
Pictures: http://qz.com/563843/chennai-flooding-photos/
The airport: https://twitter.com/billmckibben/status/672478719689236480
Wow…especially that airport photo!
Yes, my birthplace is in a great mess. My parents, friends and all chennaiites are facing great hardship. Airport will be shut down for 3 more days. Only mode of transport is through boats. No food, water.. People are stuck in their terraces. 5-10 feet of water in some areas. Very bad situation. Praying for speedy recovery.
Sorry to hear it, hope the rain stops soon and all goes back to normal asap!
Here’s What You Need To Know About Loading Serve At Rite Aid
Awaiting pic of Emily at Rite Aid killing this one as well…waiting….
I may be board out of my mind, but I booked a Roomette DEN/PDX. It was on my bucket list to ride the rails long distance.
Booked a couple of months ago. I’ll tweet to travel Titan TBB from ‘the road’ next spring.
Rumor has it TBB’s bucket list includes the famous in his own mind Brooklyn Reality Tour. Cough.