We weep about Hyatt ending its savings deal with Amex OPEN, get a step by step guide how to sign up for the Citigold Promo, more digging through the Aeroplan changes, some thoughts about the Milepoint rebrand to Inside Flyer, travel to Switzerland and Singapore, visit the best restrooms, and save some dough from Uncle Sam through tax deductions and so much more that you will click my links to infinity #hoping #dreaming
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If you saw a blog post about the end of Hyatt being part of the AMEX OPEN savings program it was FIRST reported at Chasing The Points. So, if you read it at a Titan blog (or you were referred to a post appearing at FTG….really, FTG? WTF!!!) just know it appeared here first.
Miles To Memories leads you through it, screenshot by screenshot, on how to go for that 50k Citigold checking account promo.
The Lazy Traveler continues the surgical look through the Aeroplan changes to uncover some gems. There are…a few. Aeroplan was dead to me, now it is even more dead (is that even possible?)
If you wanted to read some excellent stuff regarding the rebirth of Milepoint as Inside Flyer check out this FlyerTalk thread (how ironic hey?) starting at Page 8.
The Point Princess is no more in Boarding Area. Caroline is rebranding to, well, CarolineLupini.com which looks pretty nifty. Wish her well. One of her first blog posts is, well, writing how to travel as on online student, something she knows well!
Locals share their tips on visiting 18 popular world attractions. Some of these are really good.
Video: Switzerland in Timelapse and 4k. I am out of wows!
If you like to laugh (huh, who doesn’t!) and you are on Twitter (you should!) you must follow this one: @_youhadonejob Trust me, not going to click bait you or stick an affiliate link in your eyeballs. Just do it. Sometimes I am on the floor….amazing job!
Getting ready for tax time. Well, tax time should be all the time. By the time you get around it, if it is after January 1st, there is not that much you can do. So, this refresher about Tax Deductions is really good.
24 Best Things to Do in Singapore

Another article about a young lad who has traveled to too many countries. I am seeing these articles more and more lately, not sure why. This dude is a new one to me. 21 year old kid from Siberia, traveling for three years and been to 107 countries. Or so he says. Done some crazy stuff; no Hyatts!

America’s 10 Best creatively designed restrooms. With apologies to reader Ramsey, I just could…not…resist. Oh shit!

TBB’s cat. Not really but close lol.

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So consistent, so worthy of Gold!
Amazing Switzerland footage! Great find, thanks for sharing.
Posted it just for you! 🙂
Ugh, you’re posting about tax season for 2015 & I’m still waiting for my damn refund from 2014. God bless the IRS so so so much. Its only been 8 months and counting.
@Mike, me too! Were you (also) a victim of IRS ID theft?
One hint: call them up, wait the requisite 1 hour on hold, and be sure their computers did not “Miscode” you for additional followup. This is what happened to me…it was a bug that kept them from sending out my refund.
They uncovered it when I called up. Supposedly, my refund check is “in the mail”
U can check your IRS refund status online:
If identity theft victim…ouch, IRS works VERY slow when that happens.
Yeah I was ID theft, my company got their payroll system hacked. I check the status weekly & it keeps saying it’s being processed. We’ll see what gets here 1st this year, my refund or Santa. I think the lesson for this year to recharacterize however much $ in my IRA into my ROTH to bring any refund down to zero. Assuming that’s legal. 🙂
Oh Shit is right…….Triple Secret Toilet Bowl Picture Probation for you……T.S.T.B.P.P…………any more pictures of the Can and you get Canned.
I knew I would not escape the punishment, nothing goes by you!
Eh this is the other Mike, I thought I posted this morning but I guess it didn’t go through. 🙁
Anyway, yes I recognize the Matterhorn from Disneyland.
The no horizon pool scares me, doesn’t it look like you could fall right out ? ? ?
Thanks for the tip Sam !
Yeah was also wondering if there’s time enough to get a citigold CC and then sign up for the bank account thing, I mean I wonder if the bank account thing will still be available. Hmmm. . . could always try it.
Gonna post now before I forget to click it again.