Riding through the IHG Rewards Pointbreak hotel list which just blows, Japan tour, Eiger, Kastelorizo Island in Greece, more World War I photos, Tabloid Buzzard Express.
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The IHG Rewards Pointbreaks hotel list came out and the hordes of credit card blogger pumpers took a moment to cut and paste it and then go on selling the Chase Ink cards. When you find a hotel in this list it is an awesome deal for just 5k IHG Reward points per night. The problem is…this current lineup BLOWS! Not even one Intercontinental, seriously? I am a little upset right now.
Other than this noteworthy item I am not seeing much else you need to know. Instead my eyes were brutally assaulted by a gazillion posts about the Chase Ink cards. Every “sale” surpasses previous decibel levels. I mean, this whole space has just become a credit card pumping machine.
Thank God most of this post was done late on Monday as I am catching up with the blogs very late Tuesday night!
So, let’s have some fun as I need to add some miles/points content here as what this blog represents is primarily an entertaining view of this quirky community I have had the opportunity to observe for many years. Delta Points called TBB Tabloid Buzzard. Since this name is totally ridiculous I like to adapt it, thank you DP! But to avoid another lawsuit threat, I will diabolically change it to “Tabloid Buzzard Express”. Brilliant if you ask me! Look for it near the end of the blog post. My satirical edgy comments in brackets. Don’t take anything personal. TBB is the SNL of miles/points. In my mind at least lol. If you are offended by my satire, I am sorry my blog is just not for you so you can Buzz (get it?) off. We always invite laughs at our expense. Like the TBB Amazon link, it made $7 yesterday! Phucking A Pedro!! That’s like a Greek salad at Panera AND half of a small coffee (hazelnut is my favorite!). The hilarious thing is that about $4.50 was due to my own shopping for house supplies. Lol to me, love it! I wish I knew how to make a HUGE arrow here to point to my Amazon link LOL.
A tour of Japan through the lens of an Urban explorer. By Twisted Sifter.

25 of the world’s hardest mountains to climb. By Matador Network.

32 Beautiful tiny Villages Around the World. By Bored Daddy.

More fascinating unpublished photos of World War I.

Personal Finance: 10 Ways Rich People Think Differently. Good stuff!
If I did not put a WTF as a caption to this photo…it would be a shame!

Titles of blog posts (no links provided, you can find them, I don’t do pics and arrows here!). Tabloid Buzzard Express coming, duck!

Delta Points – Delta “downgrades” blah blah blah no more Woodford Reserve blah… [A truly tragic development, I share your pain! Well, not really. Click my Barclaycard link]
Delta Points – Blah blah blah FA’s command breast-feeding mom blah blah [ No, no, no! Let the breasts free! Click my Barclaycard link]
Points Miles and Martinis – 5 More Days To Get ~$1,881.25 Business Class From US Airways 100% Bonus Offer [taking a break from selling the Chase Ink cards to sell the Barclay US Air card, click it!]
Noob Traveler – How does a business credit card affect your credit score? [this is just original killer content folks! There are only several hundred blogs that have posted this information, click my Chase links]
The Points Guy – Credit Card Sign-up Bonuses: When To Wait for a Bigger Offer [Will we see a “When to NOT wait for a bigger offer” tomorrow? Hired gun Jason does the pumping this time, at least Brian does not pretend it is himself who came up with the content. Click my links 24/7]
View from the Wing – Followup Test to Understand Chase Transfers to Singapore Airlines [Just because one was not enough to sell the same cards. Why don’t you do a test every freaking day until June 1st Gary? Click my links again]
Million Mile Secrets – Emily’s 4 Cards. 140,000 Miles, 60,000 Points + $600 in Statement Credits! [ ladies and gentlemen, Emily: the plastic card model holding just nine cards. Pffft, that’s it? Let’s see 23 cards huh? 9 cards is for beginners…oh wait. Anyways, did you write that? How about the Daily Getaway deals? At least The Points Guy does not pretend he writes them you know?]
Milevalue – Make This Two Minute Call Before Your Next International Trip [ Most pathetic of an excuse post to sell the Barclay card Arrival, come on! Please run from the links!]
Mommy Points – Upgraded to Barclaycard Arrival Plus World Elite MasterCard [ OMG! My card is going to get upgraded. I am telling you because you moms do not read any other blogs but mine so you hear it from me first again. Click on my Barclay Arrival card link, I need to get Little C a Business Class seat!]
One Mile at a Time – Using Chase Ultimate Rewards Points For “Pay With Points” Option – [ Was sitting in a First Class seat minding my own caviar and decided to come up with post #128 to sell more Chase cards. This full time traveling thing is a bitch, need more revenue. Click my links every day. And donate to my kickstarter campaign to Fly Etihad Residences because it is….ridiculous! Click my links…ridiculously often!]
Frugal Travel Guy -A Divide Among Travel Hackers: Newbies and Advanced Players [OMG, a blog post at FTG without a single credit card link in its body! Hey Marathon Man, maybe you should start giving back to the community man! Tell me again why you are presenting in Chicago? No worries though. Holly Johnson in the next post told us all about who qualifies for a business card, WOW! As usual, FTG blog went back to pumping credit cards, phew! Yawn]
Delta Points – [Links to FTG (the blog and the person) and affectionately calls him the Legend, how cute! Looks like a fireplace interview coming up? Oh wait…Screw it, click his Chase links]
Points Miles and Martinis – You’re Approved – How To Earn 60,000 Bonus Ultimate Rewards with Chase Ink Bold and Ink Plus Cards [When you are approved we all have an orgasm at PMM headquarters! We like orgasms so see you tomorrow with more Chase card links, we can’t get enough! I don’t blame you, we like orgasms too! I think Boarding Area must be a truly orgasmic place to blog in these days! May I suggest to call it ChaseCon instead of BaCON? ]
Buzzing away…
Tough week in the personal front coming up, not sure if I can keep up the pace but I will try because I love you all! Click my link LOL! I am such a link whore, what can I say?
Oh God, how I wish June 2nd was here…I need to substitute Buzz with something else so I can get out of this blog review gig, my eyes can’t take it anymore!
Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs I Ignore
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Second 🙁
Hi Georgie
Thank you so much for the blog! I love it. What is the last day to apply for Chase Ink card? I successfully got a Chase card last year, can I apply again using your link?
I can haz miles from Chase?
Take a few days off. You won’t miss anything. Maybe there will be real blogs after the Inks run out.
I was able to get a hotel in Amish country from IHG. Only because i was already staying down there. Plus the hotel we stayed in Friday was on there. A nice jumping off point for the Ludington Ferry. Otherwise, agree.
I have some shopping to do in the next few days. Hopefully, you get a coffee.. 🙂
DP is SOOOOOO cute the way he’s always fawned over FTG. its super adorable…. remember when “angrys” was an igny thing, and then DP copied it bc its what his idol was doing? Remember when Ingy said that DP was “crushing it” – that must have made him so happy!!!! ….well until his chase/amex links got taken away.
anyhow, what i thought was most eggregious about the MMS post is they clearly pump the fact that the cards come with $600 in statement credits… but where is it that the mention the cards carry $539 in fees ($450 + $89)… not to mention the cost associated with manufacturing spend to get $20k in CC sales. but no mention of that.
So this is the first time I actually looked at the Pointsbreak list… And had the same reaction – useless. And then felt like I was missing something with all the hype (ie credit card selling) posts. Damn peer pressure! Thanks for calling what it is. I’ll keep my sanity and my $ rather than buy into the ridiculously worthless program.
And with amazon link – I didn’t think it was possible to use your own link. In fact, even when my sister used my link (different last name, lives half way across the country) I didn’t get any commission. Amazon CS told me that they were able to establish that she was a relative and therefore her activity wasn’t eligible.
@ John: Congrats, yuneeq is going WTF!
@ yuneeq: I am sorry, we thought you had this one in the bag!
@ AgendaGuy: Thanks. I blog to entertain ourselves primarily. TBB is not accountable to any bank and you bet I am certainly proud of that up to this point! Now go off on my Amazon link lol.
@ Mel: I would love to take some days off. But got a tough stretch ahead to clear my schedule for…World Cup soccer fest coming up! Several years ago I got a Pointbreaks in a Western Michigan. Forget the city, maybe it was Ludington. Had a Holiday Inn with rooms designed for kids who loved it. Beautiful State park too…Slim pickings since then. Thanks!
@ James: I will refrain from further comments for obvious reasons, see you at next Tabloid Buzzard Express 🙂 Avoiding the annual fees $$$ and focusing on the $600 in credits has been proven scientifically that it increases sales/conversions. The only thing that banks understand. That’s the way this industry rolls. Which I would have no problem with it at all if they were upfront with it. Instead, they need to portray themselves as “experts” who are doing it all to help “friends and family” travel “for free” when we all know better that their level of expertise is laughable, could care less for friends and family and nothing in this life is for free but sure sounds better to sell them cards.
@Dima: Yeah, Pointbreaks is starting to become kind of irrelevant…I have not had any issues whatsoever so far using my own link. It’s really not a big deal. Revenue from Amazon pays some costs and helps me stay “in business”. This has become an addiction for sure. Not sure how or when it is going to end…it’s like going 200 mph down a San Francisco hill!
Was there some sort of inside job to try and make yuneeq first? If so, oh the horrors!
Yeah it was…yuneeq was teasing me on twitter that he kept refreshing the page and asking me to hurry up. And then YOU came out of nowhere 🙂
It helps to be lucky, not to mention in a time zone multiple hours behind you 🙂
Can you find a list of the 25 easiest mountains to climb? I would like to have the accomplishment and bragging rights of reaching a high summit without all those ice axes and crampons. Thank you.
I signed up for another MS tool today (the Boston Garden one), and I took some time to think over whether one of the credit card-pushing blogs might soon out the technique with arrows and circles and ruin/end it. This concern, to me, is the root of distrust in this hobby. I hope it stays alive; I’d appreciate a way to pay for child care, and the facility doesn’t accept credit cards.
I will be on the look out for such a top 25 list but I am not that hopeful lol.
You can drive to the top of Pike’s Peak and Mt. Evans, both above 14,000′, in Colorado.
Thanks for the response, but I was referring to walking up. There are stickers back East that declare “This Car Climbed Mount Washington” and every time I see them I think they should read, “My foot was on the gas pedal.” I’ll have to hike Pike’s Peak one day.
I think one can walk up Chimborazo or Cotopaxi without technical skill. Those mountains are on my to-do list. One can summit Kilimanjaro with just oxygen, I believe (but am too lazy to verify on the internet).
I just had 6 yds of black dirt dumped at end of Driveway. It’s a nice little hill and you can climb it over and over all in 5 minutes :-). Seriously, the trek from katmandu to Everest Base camp and back is an experience that simply can’t be described in words. At least I can’t. I think you can get there with UR points earned from 60k ink cards.
The Pointbreaks list was simply an excuse to trot out the UR cards – “here is how you can quickly earn points by applying to these cards”.
I dont even remember the last time I read beyond the headline at most of these blogs – thank you for reading them for us!
Yeah it’s been quite nauseating! Have no idea why I don’t get really angry LOL
Yet more evidence that we need more diverse voices! My “Family travel for real life” (#FT4RL?) is gonna happen!
And I must be the only one that actually likes this pointbreaks list…Williamsburg, VA, Solomon’s Island MD, Downtown Montreal, some hidden gems on there.
Let us know the dates and I ‘ll post it here.
My feeling is we have SO many of these meetings now…It starts to become, you know, kind of normal 🙂
Great you found some useful properties in the East Coast. Not much happening around the MIdwest. I like that Bucharest CP but how am I going to find the time to book my flights there…
Downtown Montreal? Try 30min away in the suburbs, next to a giant mall. I got excited too, but I did the research. The other two have TripAdvisor approval rates hovering around 50% (that’s really bad). Not sure how these qualify as hidden gems.
50% on Trip Advisor means it’s a negative star property in the real world.
Typing this from HI Solmon Island, MD. Check out Instagram (thedealmommyblog) and tell me it’s not worth $35.
FTG travel challenge: how to stay at Holiday Inns on a 2 week road trip…
I booked 2 rooms for 3 days in Barcelona through the Points Break deal, but the hotel is way out of the city, so decided to cancel it and go with Airbnb. PB hotels are hardly *desirable* properties, either in quality or location.
The Travel Challenge sounds about right 🙂 I am an Airbnb virgin!
I don’t know. While Airbnb has a slick interface, it comes with a price. I found it’s much easier to negotiate with Home Away or VRBO owners, well one company, actually. Airbnb is simply more expensive than other vacation rental outfits (but unlike others, they code the charge right for Barclay Arrival).
“FTG travel challenge: how to stay at Holiday Inns on a 2 week road trip”
Here are the top options to have a 2 week roadtrip at IHG hotels as per FTG:
1) Open a 60K Ink Bold card, enough for 12 pointsbreak nights
2) Open a 60K Ink Plus card, enough for 12 pointsbreak nights
3) Open up CSP, enough for 8 pointsbreak nights (not even factoring in the WOW!!!! 3X DINING ON FIRST FRIDAYS!!!!)
4) Buy points at .7 cents each using the C&P trick – buy it with the CIB, CIP or CSP
5) Open up a Barclays Arrival – the signup bonus can get you 20 free nights at the roach motel tallahassee airport
6) Screw IHG, here is the Radisson credit card (but only the 1 that pays me commission)
7) US Airways card, just because
8) Chase Ink Bold and Plus – DID I MENTION 60K!!!!! HURRY!!!!!
9) Chase adds Singapore as UR partner. Wait, what are we talking about again?
412,851) Open up an IHG credit card
You are killing me…Not sure I can keep up this Tabloid Buzzard Express lol.
Steve an expert at lists. I propose you turn over the blog for 1 day for comments only in the form of top 5 or 10 lists? The winner gets a digestie!
Now here is a blog contest I can get behind. http://travelisfree.com/2014/05/27/epicly-dumb-hotel-reviews-contest/
Anything that brings out laughter is welcome!
“Oh God, how I wish June 2nd was here”
The offer won’t go away June 1st. In fact, expect June 2nd to be a day of “BREAKING: CHASE EXTENDS 60K OFFER UNTIL XYZ!!! WOW!!!! HURRY!!!!” posts
Hopefully the bloggers will remember to wear their surprised faces when they make the announcement
Good point!
Don’t worry, the usual scumbags surely have their “didn’t see that extension coming” blather already done.
Am I the only one who thinks FrequentMiler has gone downhill too? Another post about the Barclay Card being upgraded?? I know he’s ‘tight’ with you guys so you won’t criticize, but his blog has had worthless content for going on 3-4 months now.
to a degree, ditto. but still the best out there along with you know WHO.
Toughest part of blogging is to keep up the quality original content coming! I like some of FM’s content. What I admire about him more is that he blogs daily, tries hard to come up with original content and, most importantly, does not pimp away like the others. When I find something awesome I will feature here. It does not happen very often. #subliminalmessagetobringit;-)
I had the same thoughts about that Barclay card…I will still take that over Woodford Reserve in plastic bottles 🙂
Then just don’t blog everyday. Save our eyeballs and our sanity for stuff worth reading. Of course if that were the criteria to post, 99.9% would disappear. And yes, FM started to slide months ago. His last hurrah was his million mile madness schtick. Been slim pickens for a while.
Only speak when you have something important to say? That’s a lost art form (if it ever existed). FMs exercise in point valuation and redemption values is wonkish.
These topics has been discussed ad nauseum and perhaps it can be helpful for folks with great flexibility. It frequently leads to a penis measurement competition (and that hurts my brain rather than my eyes).
Posts about valuations bore me to pieces…Always have, always will.
Is a random thought still worth 2 cents, or has that been devalued too? Because I’m really counting on those!
I think FM is caught a bit between a rock and a hard place. I think he’s trying to do the responsible thing, which makes for less interesting blogging. I’ll take that over the alternative.
Yep, exactly!
BUZZ, this post reminds me of TBB in the good ole days…..a blog by blog mini review exposing the greed! Welcome Back my friend, my eyes are filled with tears of joy.
Speaking of missing things, we want your avatars back!
Yes yes yes!!!
I lent my avatars to Doc Venkman and he won’t give them back
DP inspired me! I might as go well go down having fun while pimping my Amazon link.
Frankly, the number of posts I see in Feedly coming at me makes me reconsider…I just can’t keep up with them sales pumpers! This title and my insightful edgy commentary in brackets may work though…Will see how long I can keep it up.
Thank you for your support, sure appreciate it 🙂
I always found DP to be a PITA…
Misty. Raine. LOL
This can’t be good. George remembers Misty Raine? Does Mrs Buzz read your blog?
Yes. Lets keep it quiet please.
I have a picture with Ginger and Evelyn. But I will never post here to preserve my sterling reputation lol. Speaking of Sterling, this asshole bought a team for $12 million and selling it for $2 billion which makes him a very smart asshole!
You know how to entertain! I tremendously enjoy reading your blog ~ 3 times a week… keep it my!
Funny how I mentioned Pedro in this blog post, coincidence? 🙂
3 times a week plus a filler post on Sunday with selected gem comments. Hoping to stick to it.
Thank you very much.
I am determined to increase the satirical content in this quirky community, everyone takes themselves so seriously.
Vote for Pedro?
Too bad Drews contest requires reviews be at least a week old
I was about to submit a review for the Park Hyatt Maldives under my pen name Gary L and I think it would’ve been a strong contender for his contest
“I stayed at the Park Hyatt for 5 days last month. I am a Hyatt Diamond as it is my favorite chain so that I can get Lemon Poppyseed Pancakes a couple of times a year. While the premises is phenomenal, and as close to being worthy of my presence as any hotel, I found a few issues that I want to elaborate on. Firstly, the seats on the seaplane only had coach. That’s unacceptable for a resort which people shell out thousands to stay by (nevermind that I didn’t actually pay thousands). Secondly, I specifically requested from the hotel to have 52 bottles of water waiting for me upon my arrival but when I got there, I only counted 48. Next, I saw other guests at the hotel checking the internet on their phones despite being at a remote resort. Who does that on vacation? I immediately whipped out my phone, took a picture of them using their phone, and uploaded it to the internet. Seriously, how ridiculous are those people. Thirdly, there were only 4 outlets by the desk, 7 around the bed, 3 in the bathroom, and 2 more near the lamp. How is one supposed to charge their laptop with so few outlets? The meals at the hotel were ok, but I was dissapointed that i was able to pronounce all the menu items. I’m a food connosiour. Don’t believe me? Just ask me. While I do plan to return, I would hope that the manager on premises would next time have me teach all the guests there what they are and aren’t supposed to do on vacation. Ok, now time for me to go check whether the 43rd transfer I made from UR to SQ miles went through”
and here is a picture of me in my bathing suit taken in the lavatory/cockpit of the seaplane I flew to the resort.
You forgot about the indignity of the wrong type of coffee creamer.
Common Man help me out on this, didn’t Gleff get upset when a hotel ran out of room service chocolate cake and they had the nerve to send up cookies or something else as a substitute?…. I think this may of qualified to be an item on the Ahole VS. Douche list Buzz posted the other day.
Indeed – it was part of his review of the W Austin (relevant excerpt below).
Buzz, The Ahole vs. Dbag list was AWESOME. Count me as someone that learned something new from the blog that day.
“After ordering in-room dining one evening, I got a call back. Ironically he said he was calling from the Whatever/Whenever line. What I wanted was a piece of chocolate cake, and he was calling to tell me I could not have whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted it. (They ran out. But they did send up a couple of candy bars as an apology.) “
Steve, you are on a roll today! Very entertaining, thanks!
That Asshole vs Douchebag graph was very popular on social media! I knew it was great but not that great! Glad you learned something common man. But, more importantly, is whether you come here to get entertained and laugh. Laughs have priority.
And yes it’s ok to laugh at my expense, I won’t get angry or anything.
So I decided to jump on the Ink bandwagon, despite having virtually no business income. But I went into my Chase branch where they know me by name and call me whenever some good offer comes around (like deposit some new money and get a nice cashback bonus). I expected to be denied but thought that if the banker calls recon and establishes that I am in the branch and a good customer, it might help.
Well, it didn’t. I spoke to recon and then a recon supervisor. But the banker said she can escalate to a third level, by asking for a special review. I was convinced it would be a no go anyway: too little income, too new a business, too many inquiries and too many new cards. In fact, I was lectured about how I conduct my life by both the recon rep and the recon supervisor. But low and behold (!) I got a call from the banker that the card was approved with a hefty credit limit and she had already asked that it be expedited to me.
So if you are willing to deprive your fav blogger of the affiliate click and have a personal or business acct/relationship with a Chase branch/banker, you might try my route. I’m convinced that an online app would have stayed in the denied pile.
And you are in luck…..!!!!!!!
There are still a few more days to apply……!!!!!!!!…….!!!!!!!
I am sensing Chase is on a mega push mode for these cards…
“Four Days to Get the Overlooked Ink Cash 30,000 Bonus Point Offer”
No Gary, the 30K offer wasn’t overlooked – it got the coverage it deserved
I think you might be confusing “not giving the 30K offer enough coverage” with “giving the 60K offer 20x more coverage than it deserves…. including in the post talking about how the 30K card is overlooked”
No reason for anyone to go for the 30K offer when it is possible to churn the 50 with a new EIN any day of the year. No doubt Gary is laughing all the way to the bank, but you have to wonder if deep down he feels like a cheap whore after publishing this daily claptrap.
He sunk below “cheap whore” about 7 Chase posts ago
Who was it last year that did the by-blogger count of Chase 60K posts? Was it Wandering Aramean? I hope he has a sequel ready this year – I would be shocked if Gary’s count is under 20
I think he asked whether the 50k or 75k offer (don’t exactly remember) for the Amex Gold Biz was THAT amazing.
For 2 weeks all the BA bloggers and others kept on touting how amazing that offer was. Then he counted a ridiculous number of posts covering it during that time span
Yeah, I think it was Seth at WA who did that post counting the number of Chase posts…Hope there is a sequel. 20 is a layup these days…
I call them Disa-Pointbreaks on my blog, I can’t get over how few Asia & Pacific properties there are! The whole damn thing is small town USA.
Yeah really…about so much small town USA.
TBB, The travel bloggers have to make a living. Go easy on ’em (so we all can make fun of them instead).
Now I have to register a complaint. The photo of the Greek island above reeks of favoritism. To show my displeasure, I’m going to pop one of my mini Woodford Reserves that I picked up on a recent Delta flight, instead of Ouzo. 😉
There is another blog post coming up on Friday about the best 40 beaches and I want to warn you I did NOT choose the Greek one…so there 😉
But it appears to have electricity. Doesn’t that count for something?
Last. 😉
Just want to let you know that people actually come back to read additional comments.
I also want you to know that dhammer53 does not always win Last 🙂
Last is the new first?
Keep up the humor. I fell off my treadmill laughing so hard. Hurt my ankle but whatever.
Please please please no injuries, save the ankles!
Tomorrow’s Tabloid Buzzard Express will be epic….20 entries and counting…
From MileValue:
“Recently a friend came to me with an award request….
I helped book him an 11 day trip that uses only seven vacation days, gives him time in each city, and costs only 140k miles roundtrip.
He had gotten all of his US Airways miles from The US Airways® Premier World MasterCard”
Wait, huh? He got all 140K miles from the US Airways card? How? Since he says his friend got the 40K card, that means he couldn’t possibly have had enough time to churn it 4 times. Did he spend 100K on the card? None of those 140K miles came from the myriad of sources that you don’t make affiliate commission on? (i.e. SPG Amex, buy/share miles, butt in seat/mattress miles etc.)?
Either MV is lying about how his friend accumulated the miles, or he gives his friends the worst advice. Hard to say which since both are entirely plausible
That guy is something else…
TBB get with times, it time to get and start pimping Ali Express, amazon is so yesterday.
Ali Express? How did I miss this opportunity to pimp? I am spending all my time looking for more ways to pimp it here…how did I miss this??? Please fill me in pronto. No pimp till…Brooklyn! [Beastie boys mode]
Well I am done with all this. View from the Wing, MMS, TPG, MommyPoints, OMAT are all being deleted from my feedly and I am just going to stop reading their shit. Bunch of phucking whores all of them. I wouldn’t mind so much if they just made their sites “commercial” travel sites, but no this bullshit about being “blogs” and “advocates” for us is just a joke, that is no longer funny. Done, done, done. Milevalue and DP are going too but they were only in there for comedic affect in the first place
VFTW is really plumbing new depths with his latest flurry of Ink posts. I had written off the rest in any case (I dont even remember the last time MMS had a CC-free post), although to Lucky’s credit, his posts on routing rules etc are still very good (I dont care for the TRs or the panhandling).
I feel the same man, it is just a major assault going on! My blog post tomorrow will be EPIC!
You pumping salesman “travel” “expert” blogger: Be afraid, be very afraid.
I am mad as hell and I can not take it anymore…
but I am not angry hehe
You should be adding MP, OMAT and VFTW to Ignore list.
Just deleted from feedly, feels good lol. Down to about 12 miles & points blogs now
Milesabound, don’t forget to remove VFTW from your sites Blogroll too…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
……………………………….DEE SNYDER
I think this might be my favorite avatar yet.
Looks like that dude from Twisted Sister? 🙂
MP is in, I just need to edit that page.
Leaning towards the other two too…hoping the cc biased posts decrease…At this point, VFTW is ahead of OMAT to make it there…I move slow!
Just want you to know that TBB always has the last word…always 🙂
…I got he last word in one of your entries.
So there. Nyah.
FTG made the obligatory Thursday post about the First Friday of the month 3x CSP mega deal…
Too bad it is only May 30 tomorrow…Just could not wait to pump the Chase products again…
What else can you say? Credibility is your most important asset.
never angry
There is a reason why “spam” pervades all over the Internet.
It is because people patronize them.
There is a reason why telemarketers solicit people via the telephone.
It is because people patronize them.
There is a reason why “bloggers” keep pumping credit cards.
It is because people patronize them…
…and it is because they keep getting attention.
As long as that happens, it will never stop.
Awesome! Looks like a gem of a comment to me! 😉