We show you how to still get points for the IHG Rewards Priceless Surprises promotion, watch the GoPro Best of 2015 video, travel to Bled Slovenia & more!
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To my complete shock and surprise, IHG Rewards appears to be honoring that Priceless Surprises promo. You know the one where you mail a bunch of cards to somewhere in Michigan and they are supposed to email you a code that is “guaranteed” to win some points. Good job on those who already got the points. I have not done it because, well, these days I give priority to bringing you TTB so I can make a few peanuts here and then get yelled out for being a sellout, wth! I seriously thought IHG was going to kill it. You never know with these guys, they run the weirdest promotions! Yeah, you can still go for it I guess #ticktack
How to search for Korean Airlines Award Space for SkyPass members. Good stuff here.
There are some category changes at Hilton HHonors. Loyalty Lobby posts them first…again. And then Titans get their ghost writers to…copy lol.
GoPro’s Best of 2015 Year in Review is Awesome. Oh yeah, pure aweomeness!
The remarkable story of the World War II ‘Ghost Army’ that duped Hitler. Wow, what a phenomenal story. Movie is next!
Biggest squid ever filmed, holy mother of fish!
WTF to rebrand! Relax, it is the World Taekwondo Federation you guys!
I really like the advice by Mike Bloomberg to people who want success.
Here is Bled, Slovenia again. Wow, so pretty!
Winners of National Geographic’s Photo Contest. There are some pure gems here!

The world’s longest tunnel connecting Italy and Switzerland is done! 35 miles long. If something big happens here, you are toast!

And I leave you with this video, cuteness overload
On my way back from Dallas I turned down a bump for just $200 for a short flight to Houston, total delay getting home was going to be 8 hours. In Houston, of course I always go first to the gate agent and volunteer. And BOOM, the mother of all streaks is finally over. I scored $400 United travel voucher, a First Class seat and getting home just 2.5 hours later #winning. This was a paid one way ticket DFW-IAH-DTW, it cost me $86 wow. This is how TBB rolls #titanism
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Tomorrow I’m flying Cathay First ord-hkg and my waitlist from sin-nrt in singapore suites just cleared! I’d I can just figure out a way to get home the dream will have happened… (there were etihad apartment flights that I couldn’t figure out any good ways to connect with, but if I got those, would I have even have a reason to keep living…?)
Oh, and my ihg priceless surprises points posted! Happy New year!
Dude, this is so….Titanic! We are not worthy!
Chase Southwest Airlines Refer-A-Friend: Read The Fine Print!
Do NOT get the Southwest card with my links, it is down to just 25k!
Year end accounts, Buzz:
My wife, our toddler, and I flew 34,893 BIS miles combined this year. Emitted 7.96 metric tons of CO2 from our flying alone, which is more than a family of four in India or Costa Rica produced from all sources the entire year (given 2011-2015 per capita averages from the World Bank).
Decreased from our 2014 total, most likely because in 2015 we didn’t leave North America.
Still trying to figure out what to do about accounting for emissions (and the moral responsibility to do so). I’m exploring a career change to more directly deal with climate change and adaptation to it.
** Totals calculated including radiative forcing here: http://www.carbonfootprint.com/calculator.aspx
You would thrive in northern Europe. You get to sort garbage, bicycle and interact with folks that are genuinely concerned about emissions. You also get to own a very small car and pay plenty of taxes (including CO2 taxes). You’ll also notice that there are more immigrants than in the US and before you know it, you’ll be living in one of Syria’s largest city.
Happy new year!
Are you living there now? If yes, where?
When I was in Norway I did not see many immigrants at all. All I saw were beautiful blondes everywhere around me 🙂
Can you imagine the carboon footprint of the One Mile at a Time dude, wow!
I have never kept track of my flight miles….well, since I gave up on the Elite game that is.
Enjoy the New Year!
Last comment of the year?
Thank Buzz.
What is that little guy eating carrots, a hampster ? ? ?
Whose feeding him when we are out globe-trotting ?
Speaking of The Globetrotters, I suppose you heard of the passing of Meadowlark Lemon, he was one of the greats.
How does flying first class SAN to EWR have a 2.29 metric ton carbon footprint but in economy it is only 0.57 ? Do first class seats take up so much more room ? I just don’t understand how this is calculated, etc.
OK what about a class action suit against the airlines and credit card companies for scamming us with frequent flyer miles deals, then changing the rules on us ? All done under the mantle of “proprietary information” which is actually just used as a veil of secrecy for their collusion to mislead and take unfair advantage of consumers ?
Trying to figure out where else to book flights on Volaris during half price sale. Cabo, Puerto Vallarta, Guadalajara, Leon ? I only want direct flights so I don’t have to hassle with transfering in Mexico City. So far I have learned that there are some very cheap and some very expensive accommodations in Cabo San Lucas. The trick is finding the optimal balance or “sweet spot” between the two for a somewhat budget minded traveler who still wants some comfort and so forth. Thinking of two or three more trips besides Mexico City. Funny thing is the tickets there were only $67 round trip but with fees and taxes it was $235, that includes sitting in the exit row, remember this is Mexico we are talking about. Still a decent deal and not too long a flight so should be tolerable.
Tomorrow is my birthday, Happy Birthday to me ! 😀
Happy New Year everyone !
I think the legal game against airlines was done and they…won. They can do whatever they want with their loyalty programs and they do!
You are the only person I know flying Volaris so much and have so many Hawaiian Airlines miles!
Happy Birthday. A New Year’s baby. Did you know if you came out hours earlier your parents could have had an extra tax exemption for the prior year AND the year you were born? I am already going to tax beast mode…. #exciting