We talk about the species of Internet trolls, why investing is so hard, and we marvel (or get horrified) about Tinder & hookup culture of dating apps everywhere online these days.
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I hope everyone’s weekend is going well. If you are interrupting it to read my blog I am honored. As the summer is ending I will keep it very light today with just a few eclectic finds and my colorful commentary. I thought about taking a day off but I changed my mind when I got to Panera early Sunday morning…#addiction At the end of the day, I blog about stuff that interests me ALWAYS looking to satisfy the mission of the blog, which I have never wavered from: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
I found “Internet Trolls: An Open Letter to Shawn Coomer of Miles to Memories” at The Gate to be a great read! Not sure what is going on in the blogosphere lately but I see more of these personal cathartic type rants coming, I wonder who started it hehe. Out of so many bloggers these days and so many varying approaches how to handle trolls (who can not be escaped online these days, unless you turn off comments and then they hound you via email or other social media) I agree with Brian, especially with:
They most likely have nothing better to do with their time than to attempt to cause trouble for others. Perhaps it is out of jealousy. Maybe it is desperation or depression…or could it simply be a lack of understanding? [TBB: Yes, likely all of the above]
However, I just let the vitriol directed at me roll off of my shoulder. That is not to say that I do the same with comments which legitimately criticize me or what I write. I try to learn from them and answer them. [I just laugh at them and I am grateful for the opportunity for FREE entertainment!]
Because if the person who left a legitimate critical comment for me was willing to take the time and effort out of his or her day — even if it were only for a few minutes — to bother to give me feedback, then I feel honored. [Yes, but if it’s the same arguments all the time…yawn!]
If a person is willing to take the time to post positive or negative reviews instead of using that time on something else, then it should be appreciated. I have said it before multiple times — such as in this article — and I will say it again: Constructive feedback is a gift. [Yes, constructive is always welcome and thank you for it!]
Realize that trolls affect virtually all who dare post on the Internet. They are like an indiscriminate disease which affects everyone — regardless of the creed, religion, race, gender, age, size, beliefs, sexual preference or history of the intended target….but unlike a disease — which usually needs to be fought and treated — the worst thing you can do in the eyes of obstreperous Internet trolls is to not only ignore them; but to ironically leave alone what they posted for the world to see. Allow those who read your weblog to judge for themselves when they read the vapid and asinine malarkey — residue of the poor man’s “virus”, so to speak — designed to compete with the bandwidth of the exchange of authentic information. [TBB:YES! I have left them all here, you can make your own judgments, you don’t need pics & arrows lol!]
don’t let the deliberate obfuscation of some nugatory fatuous quasi-coccydynia with a sanctimonious bent and nothing better to do than be the source of unproductive virtual palaver derail you from your mission and goals. [TBB: I am still googling the definitions of these words, WTF! 🙂 ]
Let’s move on to talk about “Why Investing is so Hard?” at ETF Reference. This is a fantastic post if you are interested in the subject! It explains in detail all that stuff that gets in the way to mess you up. I have always said that what we financial advisors do is not rocket science. It can be done if you have the interest and the time to devote to attending to it. But most could do better when a different set of eyes are involved and some effective action is administered without…procrastinating. Bottom line, what we do is behavior modification. Anyways, great read on a subject that still fascinates me!
I was blown (pun intended) by this article at Vanity Fair: “Tinder and the Dawn of the Dating Apocalypse“. It is about the hookup culture dominated by web dating apps and other online “tools”. Oh my, how things have changed from my youth! I kept shaking my head. I also felt kind of sad too, is this what we have become lately? Is all this obsession with our phones and swiping healthy? Probably not. Full disclosure: I have never swiped other than my credit cards to earn miles and points! This quote sums it up: “It’s the same pattern manifested in porn use,” he says. “The appetite has always been there, but it had restricted availability; with new technologies the restrictions are being stripped away and we see people sort of going crazy with it. I think the same thing is happening with this unlimited access to sex partners. People are gorging. That’s why it’s not intimate. You could call it a kind of psychosexual obesity.”
Well, you could read about another blog post touting the SPG Amex card or you could read TBB and trolls, investing, online sex. Well, I would read TBB, sounds like a lot more fun 🙂
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Get out there, turn off your phones, be positive and if you get bored come back here and take it out on my links 😉

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Hey Moe look at the Grouse.
TBB Management: Seeing a new pattern developing!
Thanks for the ETF Reference article. Much better than all of Matt’s stuff, and most of the financial articles you recommend. (How’s that for a backhanded compliment?) “Turn out the noise, Read, Read Books, Get Help.” Basic truths often overlooked or forgotten.
Hey, I’m not disagreeing that it might be a better article than the crap I put out there. But I did lose all interest in reading that article right on point 1 where they lied about the image “B” being the exactly the same as the image “13”.
It wasn’t a case of the surrounding environment influencing the decision on what the shape was, the shape itself was manipulated to create proof for that inference…
Thanks to both for taking the time to comment, the kinds words and the constructive criticism.
Sometimes I like the beating I get from trolls, so entertaining 🙂
As far as investing goes, keep life simple and follow Warren Buffet’s recommendation (just like Hillary Clinton did) and invest in Vanguard’s 500 index fund VFINX. And then forget about the money for a few decades.
“Honey, what happened to our retirement investments?”
I liquidated back in 2015.
“What?!? Why?”
Something about the yuan…”
Haha, way too funny. And very sad too as it probably has happened!
i started out here many moons ago for the snark. i’m finding myself much more drawn to the financial stuff now. love the evolution of the site. keep it up.
The site will keep evolving…because that’s life.
I throw in some financial stuff here and there but it will never be a main ingredient here. Because, you know, the name is TRAVEL Blogger Buzz 🙂
Travel is a hobby of mine and this miles/points stuff is an addiction. The financial stuff puts food on the table. The whining about clicking my links here and there is all about preventing me to say “Just phuck it” and quit and stop this blogging nonsense lol.
Thanks a lot for taking the time to comment and the kinds words. It is greatly appreciated.
Oh, about the snark….it will never go away, it may fluctuate (heavily at times) but snark is in the TBB DNA….all in the name of entertainment!
I think the space is so boring right now. There isn’t much going on except for the constant pumping. I was out for a few weeks and when I came back, it didn’t look like I missed much.
So think of the trolling as to keep yourself entertained. Otherwise it’s business as usual. Pumpers pump and MSers keep MSing hoping that blogs don’t pick up on it too much.
I agree, I am getting bored too…
I have a great post about Tinder next week. Just wait :p
I can’t wait…If anyone swipes left at you tell em TBB is looking for them and they should be afraid, very afraid 🙂
Why sointenly Amex offer blog update barrages/content fillers are about as useful to Da Hobby as Popa John’s pizza coupons to buy1 get 1 half off. I think I’ll do a flyertalk Papa Johns wiki. What is your favorite pizza Buzz?, Popa John’s, Papa Murphy’s or Papa Zit’s? Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk
Hey Curley, I am sorry to inform you I gave up pizza on 1/1/2014. Why? Because I LOVED pizza and just could not stop after I had the first bite. It was harder than quitting smoking! I also gave up pop/soda & potato chips and a few other things…I need to control my weight….I got this binging problem once in a while.
Gotta run now, Straight to Compton movie night, I should probably binge on some LSD to get into the mood lol.
Thank you for the mention and link, George. I appreciate it.
You smoked at one time?!?
Yeah, I used to be a smoker, what a moron!
I smoked my last cigarette in my garage at 11.59 pm on New Year’s Eve…in 2001. Been nicotine free ever since. What a stupid habit that was, I can’t believe it!