Life on the Tibetan border. By Matador Network. Wow…THIS is what I am talking about!
Lost Egyptian City Found Under the Sea. By Twisted Sifter. Epic!
This Trey Ratcliff dude at Stuck in Customs goes out and takes a video with his Google Glass at the top of CN Tower in Toronto. Don’t watch if you are afraid of heights!! And he takes the BEST photographs! Like this:
Inner City Surfing, the latest urban adventure craze. By Gadling. I must admit I have never seen anything like this!
Photographic Tour of Italy. By Looptail.
Good summary of all the different promotions Priority Club runs! By Loyalty Lobby. Yeah, apply & see what gets credited. For crying out loud, never call ok? Besides, the PC phone reps have no clue what you are talking about…they have no clue PERIOD! It will take a while to learn how to say IHG Rewards instead of Priority Club! While we are at the subject, take some promo codes from Head for Points, “the UK’s leading blog for British Airways Executive Club and more!”—->LOVE the tagline!
Giddy for Points finally gets what I have been whining about…These Daily Getaway deals are a joke. First, they are not that great deals. Second, and most importantly, there are so few that you are likely wasting your time trying to get them. She proves my point! Can you bloggers write about something more useful? Say…the amazing new 40k Citibank credit card offer or something? 🙂
If I made a post about every time I helped family and friends fly for free I would not have any trouble filling my blog with filler stuff. #justsaying
It was a Barclays and Rocketmiles pay day today at Milevalue.
Mighty Travels had a Citibank 40k link (a bit late) post and had this at the end:Â HT MilesMomma. You saw this at MM…really????
Mommy Points posted fifteen pictures of her daughter. Since this blog gave Emily some grief I must, being fair and all, state that fifteen may be, just maybe, a little, just a little….excessive?
New blog altimetr, done by that talented filmmaker who did the mileage run film, did not take long to do a post “Top Credit Cards”. Site is so new that I do not see how it can get affiliate links. Or are these links generic? Can someone explain this stuff to me or direct me to a tutorial or something? I am trying to get Saverocity to do a long post on this stuff but he is too busy flying around the world right now:-)
Noob Traveler found an excuse to push some more links. This time? Father’s Day Gifts! Oh boy, I see more of these coming!
It hurts me to see Ariana, one of the most talented writers in this space, continue to adapt her style and write on topics (credit cards) for that corporate owned blog (FTG) that is a shadow of its pre corporate days. Well, at least she does offer some better non affiliate links. I am surprised these links survived through quality control. We all know that comments do get editorialized…to oblivion!
I am honored that Delta Points reads my blog and takes the time to comment here and serve his signature link. Adding links to the actual body of comments tends to be considered spam and will likely get deleted. Speaking of spam, it is out of control! I see now why bloggers go all commercial…It takes a lot of time to delete this spam…it keeps coming and coming and coming….like a &*^% tsunami! I do not want to institute spam software that will discourage from engaging my readers…If I had a dollar for every freaking spam that comes in I would have a shot to make that Forbes list:-)
There is so much I would like to do with the blog that I just don’t have the time for…It’s been like this for a while now you know:-) So I keep going. We’ll see where this baby goes. What I hope I do not compromise is the content which should always come first. I guess I could give it a rest a bit and dig in to other matters…but I will get to them when I find some time #viciouscircle
I still need to book several nights for my Banff Springs/Lake Louise trip plus the rental car. And I may need to take a quick trip to Greece for some family matters…Plus the trip to Greece for Christmas. And daughter still wants to do Australia with me… #somanytrips #solittletime
I play indoor soccer every Monday night. My team’s name is: Gasping for Air. Properly named:-)
This dog has a moustache…really! Sorry Miles, this dog is cuter!
Down and out in Athens. Well, I usually post some funny stuff. This is anything BUT. As you know Greece has been suffering its Great Depression in the last five years. Seeing homeless was only on American TV shows. Now you see them often because so many have lost their jobs. Despite what you hear, only VERY few working for the government sector lost their jobs. To protect them…so many in the private sector have been sacrificed and left to fend for themselves. Heartwrenching photographs:-(
Buzz it up!
You are at your best when you’re cranky. Today was good.
I think you have a good point…Maybe I can inspire people too using my crankiness lol.
@TBB – Must be nice to decide what is censorship and what is not (how very N. Korea-ish). I doubt VftW would censor like you say you will (likely this comment). Your other FT’er feel your stand is censorship (here is the link). At least I can now LOL each time I see TBB yelling around the web that TBB does NOT CENSOR as now we know better!
TBB censors spam.
You promoting own link in the body of your comment is spam.
Isn’t it too ironic we are discussing censorship in the comments of my OWN Blog?
Thanks for inspiring me to keep going:-)
And thank you for waking up so early to read my blog;-)
@deltapoints you are a sad and petty man.
Hey, TBB, some OTHER flyertalkers think you are a North Korean-like censor, so therefore you must be! Now THAT’s a citation (and logic) that would make any thinker proud!
Maybe I will now post on flyertalk and say you are great. Then DeltaPoints will have to recant.
Maam, may i suggest a product called Midol to help you get thru this period of time.
Speaking of North Korea…There is a parody twitter account:
that sometimes has the most hilarious tweets. Such as:
In North Korea, we would never use the Internet to spy on people – that’s what neighbors are for.
Shame on the US. I would never collect North Koreans’ phone records, even if they had phones.
RT if you somehow gained access to the Internet in North Korea and want to be arrested.
Remember that time DP was criticized, and took the feedback as a way to improve his content instead of just trolling enough to deflect from the issue?
Neither do I
Not to mention, what DP is linking has absolutely nothing to do with TBB saying he’ll delete comments that have links in them. He’s not even good at trolling, to make no mention of blogging
You had me there for a while as I read your first sentence;-)
Spam software – be clear, Akismet almost never treats a real comment as spam. Literally one every couple of months. Get it installed, you don’t even pay for it!
Thanks! Does Akismet add any moderating features? For example, making the reader type some stupid codes? Or somehow “validating” him/her (approving first post & then rest go through).
I do NOT want to add roadblocks to having readers THINK before they post something…I like the open style commenting, it makes it so much easier to engage with readers.
But the spam is getting too much to handle…so I may have to go down that route to preserve my sanity.
I am trying to understand the logic behind not wanting readers to enter a code. Are you talking about those hard-to-read-except-supposedly-for-humans “codes” in boxes that people need to type in before posting? Even an old guy like me gets pissed off by those but that NEVER stops me from posting.
I can’t understand why you believe this inhibits posting. It even makes me wonder if you have some other reason (like laziness, or an actual subliminal desire to have something to complain about) for not doing it.
No. Akismet works like your email spam filter – it looks at a comment and puts spam into your spam box in WP, from where you can rescue it or delete it.
Readers don’t see any difference.
If you want to add a Captcha as well, get a plug in such as Constant Captcha (free). But you don’t really need it.
@bluecat: When I get these codes wrong and have to reenter them again….I have trouble containing my violent anger:-) Seriously…yes, it stops me from commenting sometimes. I believe adding that extra step will stop SOME readers from commenting and I believe it is important we all have important things to say and some good may come out of it.
Laziness is not it and no actual subliminal desire to have something to complain about (good one). I believe in hard work and I do have enough to complain about reviewing other blogs.
@ Raffles. Got it. I will look into Akismet then, sounds wonderful. I am afraid when I update plugins…some technical voodoo happens and my blog disappears or something…I wish I can say I am kidding about that!
1. “Mommy Points posted fifteen pictures of her daughter. Since this blog gave Emily some grief I must, being fair and all, state that fifteen may be, just maybe, a little, just a little….excessive?”
Sorry. Not even close to the same thing. MMS posts pix of his wife in a bikini holding credit cards. There may have been a bunch of photos in that MP post, but Lil C wasn’t hawking credit cards.
2. “(FTG) that is a shadow of its pre corporate days.”
That blog started sucking AT LEAST a year before it was sold to IB.
1. I agree. I was mostly simply referring to the NUMBER of photographs. I think adding family pictures adds a welcome personal touch to each blog. Even if the post concerns how a kid handled the trip, two digit photographs may be a little much. Hey, it is their blog and of course we bloggers do what we want:-)
2. I am not a betting man but I will bet you are not angry at all:-)
Sorry George… I enjoy the pictures of the little one because it reminds me of when my daughter was that age and we travelled quite a bit. Now that she is in graduate school, if we travel together, all I hear is. ‘please tell me we are in the front of the plane….’ I think I created a monster……..
My 10 year old told me the other day “If it’s not Business Class I don’t want to go with you Dad”…
Yes, I wonder if we in this hobby are indeed creating monsters!!!
I love the photos you find and post. No matter how bad my day might be, I look at the photos and smile, and am reminded how I am transformed by travel.
Thank you for the smile on my face after reading you have a smile after reading my blog:-)
You said… ‘Can you bloggers write about something more useful? Say…the amazing new 40k Citibank credit card offer or something’?
I say ‘Don’t bite the hand that feeds you’. 😀
… or, just as witty, ‘Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth’. 😀
I have no doubt that some bloggers took me seriously;-)
Buzz good luck with Mo. After watching him coach every game for 2 years out here with the Blazers I can tell you a couple of things with certainty. One, Maurice Lucas is going to beloved in your town for being one of the nicest, down to earth people in professional sports. Two, he is not a very good professional basketball coach. Don’t go by his record here with the Blazers, that team that was handed to him here was stacked and they under performed bigtime. The inmates ran the asylum for The Portland JailBlazers when he was the Warden. Good Luck Buzz, at least they didn’t hire Isiah Thomas as GM………………..Why won’t they hire me? Bill Laimbeer
Yeah, I think you are right on about Mo! Dumars here has been searching ever since for a coach who will stick. His player moves and drafting have been suspect. Nicest guy too but maybe he is just over the hill. We just don’t have enough talent here. And we have Villanueva collecting milions too.
RIP Coach Chuck Daly, he was DA MAN!
I want the Spurs to smack the arrogant Miamiasses tonight!
I agree with Kathy, I like your pics, esp the seal smiling from the other day 🙂 And thanks for linking my post!
Very welcome. I have bookmarked the blogger database. I have a long list in my Google Reader. Wonder if it is easy to get it to you… I don’t have time to find out how to do this:-)
Huge props to one of the more underappreciated bloggers from a “good blogging ethics” standpoint, OnlineTravelReview (rare pimping, and when he does have an affiliate link, it’s always disclosed, and always relevant)
He posted about all the Southwest 50K cards returning, and posted links to them
Expect the frantic “LIMITED TIME ONLY. HURRY NOW” cadre of bloggers to post about it too. Once all the affiliate links are live. And when that happens, make sure to wear goggles to protect the eye sockets
Yeah, I like OTR. And yes the onslaught has already started.
Oh no, delete the spam!
Spam is getting absolutely ridiculous!
The price of fame my friend…
Akismet is terrific! Almost 100 spam comments caught and directed to Spam where I have it set up to be deleted after 100 days. NO spam comment has made onto the comments since installed. I got my life back, hooray!
Thanks for the share this wonderful information about your experience of Egypt this beautiful pics.
Keep it up…best of luck…