Fairly short blog post. I post what I find worthy. Much more art than science!
You know I love Yomadic‘s posts! Here is the latest one, he gets to ride on Tito’s train in Serbia with two blondes. Yugoslav cool. This train ain’t no Yugo!
ISS Cupola. Holy Mother of God! Sweet Jesus! I would burn all my miles to visit this and take in this view!
American Airlines enhanced (relax, this time is a positive enhancement!) the reduced mileage awards reserved for its members holding Citibank AA credit cards. We will now have monthly destinations AND be able to do one ways too. Very nice AA. The last positive enhancements before the USAirization begins?
Roms Deals was the first one in the blogosphere who posted about the Fairmont Card with NO annual fee! Nice post with proper HT to some dude in FlyerTalk and it is a non affiliate link (it is the last link at the bottom of the post!). Love the card and Fairmont hotels, it’s a keeper for me. But wife will not keep it, better cards for spend are out there. If you recently got the card and paid the annual fee, send Chase a secured message and inform them of this offer and ask if they can kindly refund the annual fee!
Part 8 in the Million Mile Secrets Lufthansa Award series. Is it over yet?
One of the most annoying things in this space is having bloggers so conveniently keeping us informed of their card churning. Of course the affiliate credit card links are conveniently provided. Then we have couples doing it so we pretty much get double the fun. Who will be the first blogger to conveniently take charge of their kid’s financial life and let us know too? (oh the ultimate low!) Easy content that can pay very well. You can bet nobody would be so eager to let us know about it if there were no $$$$ involved! Dead giveaway!
Mommy Points had a confession about her husband and the reason he was not participating in mega miles earning with credit cards (oh the horror!!). He is now free to join the rest of us! He went for three cards, one being the AMEX Benz Platinum, really? Coincidentally, in my other “blog” I talked about the other B word. Can you guess what B words TBB is referring to? I owe you a Southwest drink coupon if you guessed right lol (kidding… don’t have any).
Delta Points (can’t help it!) told rookies 10 reasons they should fly Delta. Oh boy….My head this time almost snapped from my neck from the violent shaking. I can think of 30 plus reasons people should not fly Delta…no, 40 easy:-)
Extra Pack of Peanuts had a survey for his readers asking for feedback. Here is some feedback: Please no more graphics with legos. Establish some pattern of regular posting. Don’t sell so blatantly. Establish your identity…Not sure who you are, what you stand for. No podcasts, we don’t have the time…well, I sure don’t. You are welcome.
The new movie by Seth Rogen and Jonas Hill “This is the End” is brilliantly funny. Then again I love their kind of movies. Two more days of school for the kids, it will be quite different around here. I can’t believe my daughter will be going to Middle School next year. She will be in tears the last day saying goodbye to her beloved teacher and classmates. But she’ll get over it.
I need to slow down the blogging…I’ve been saying it but can’t stop. Maybe I need some intervention? Either by my wife or some sweet affiliate links so she can see I am not spending all this time for “personal satisfaction” lol. I need to get me another Chase card as I will cancel my Sapphire Visa; no need to keep it as I have the Ink Bold and Plus! One of these days I need to get the blog business a Tax ID to do another round in business cards. It is definitely getting more Chase cards as I have had almost all of them.
And on and on it goes…
Yes, Credit Cards Are Making You a Bad Person. Thanks a lot you credit card pushing bloggers for spreading evil. I better tone it down because you guys will be all over me if I do the same one day:-)
40 Hyper Realistic Artworks That Are Hard To Believe Aren’t Photographs. By Bored Panda. Words can not begin to describe how real these look!
Ok, this will be quite odd…but I really liked what Martha Stewart had to say in this article “Don’t retire: Martha Stewart to Boomers“. I think she makes some excellent points!
Buzz On!
Wow, you are impressive! Doing a daily summary is SOOOOOO exhausting. I am switching my format. 🙂
The PROCESS of producing the summary is very exhausting. I go through over 2,000 blog posts daily plus FT plus twitter plus FB. I mark the ones worth looking into more and then from there I pick what makes it through TBB. I bet you I spend more time on ONE post than what my favorite bloggers spend on theirs for a whole week…Combined:-)
For the record:-)
The Atlantic article isn’t terrible. It cites studies that are fairly good. (I had to check the Jrnl of Consumer Behav. one out because I was skeptical, but their observational data is backed by a small field experiment.) The comments below the article, however, in which people submit their stupid political opinions or anecdotal evidence as fact and clear-cut refutation of the studies, are terrible. The comments do, however, tend to illustrate the exact biases and flaws in reasoning that the studies cover, which is both funny and sad.
I hope my site here does not go down that same political or religious ranting crap! This is why I generally avoid both of these topics…it’s like a giant pit and no one wins. In the contrary, taking some shots (with constructive criticism) against some bloggers is a lot more fun and may influence some behavior.
Have you ever read the comments in the Wall Street Journal? It is so unbelievable how fast they generate into some heavily conservative nomoretaxes Obamaisevil crap:-)
bahahahaha! “Please no more graphics with legos.”
It looks like 1/3 of the TBB mission was accomplished. Entertain at least one reader. Gracias!
I know I know TBB, you hate accusing people without concrete proof
But I’m going to say it – this is blatantly plagiarizing The Miles Professor (and/or all the bloggers who reposted with appropriate hat tip). I don’t buy it for 1 second that he found out about this deal by just coincidentally walking into a Chase and seeing it….. and not because TMP has been reporting on this for the past month
Especially because it’s hardly an isolated incident for TPG and his website – he always conveniently sees these hidden gems after they have been extensively reported on by others
“I had to stop by my local Chase branch yesterday to take care of some everyday banking and as I was waiting to speak to a banker there, I noticed that they had brochures out for all their current credit cards. Most of them were the same as what you can find publicly online, but as I was perusing them, I came across offers for each of their United co-branded cards, the MileagePlus Explorer and the Club card that have bonuses as high as the best targeted offers out there and both of which have their first year’s annual fee waived”
Load. Of. Shit.
Thank you for expressing your feelings.
I have noted before that I find it peculiar that TPG, with the staff in its ranks, is consistently late in reporting/breaking out new developments in this space.
As far as actual plagiarizing, I am not going there….Impossible to prove so I am not saying anything!
I need to stop by at my local Chase Bank branch:-)
You know how Gary, Lucky and a few others pump out posts with high frequency, throughout all parts of the day?
But it seems like every time they do one of the filler CC posts (i.e. Gary’s chase linkfest), there always is a big gap before the next post is made. Amazing considering the frequency at which they usually post.
It’s almost as if they want those posts to be at the top of the page for an extended period of time. Much moreso than their average post is at the top of their page
Hmmm….. coincidence, I’m sure 🙂
Actually, this never crossed my mind but it would appear it makes perfect sense. I would do the same if I was them:-)
There are SO MANY things that happen in this “hobby” that are coincidental;-)
Buzz Dude, Now I was just readin how your pal Pack O’ Nuts is taking your advice on this Legos obsession of his. He is switching it up to a more mature look by now using Dr. Seuss to convey his thoughts. BRILLIANT!!!……………Now those Korean Wingz you enjoyed, were they North Korean style or South Korean cookin? Northern style uses a dry rub with a skinny malnourished Salmonella infested bird. While the South marinates its bird in Buttermilk overnite and a wet spicy sauce baste………………………………………………………………………finally…..Buzz, I tell you this in confidence, just between the two of us. I just picked up a rental tuxedo to wear to my vasectomy tomorrow. I wanted to look impotent if I was going to be impotent. ribs.
Definitely South Korean!
Happy impotency:-)
Ribs and wingz rule!