We rant about killing deals that will not make an iota of difference, caution you to avoid the front desk scam, where to go see the Northern Lights, marvel at the 35 best Reuters photos, visit Istanbul and avoid Bellandur Lake and moooooore.
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As soon as a blogger learns of a new deal, it is the race to the death of it. Same thing happened with the Office Max $500 variable load paid with some card that earns 5x points. Bloggers rush to post about it to get more clicks and then everyone else pretty much copies each other. So, when it dies, blame them. I knew it before it hit the blogs. I would not post it, TBB is not a deal killer. Then again I am not making much off this blog either so it shows lol. Yes I took advantage of it, so good to see my girlfriend Kate again, I missed her 🙂
On reddit there was a lot of action on the thread with this title: New CC OfferBanker here. Any ideas on how I can create a new credit card that everyone loves AND that makes money? And the comments kept on coming. You see stranger things happen…well, not really.
Two miracles happened this weekend: University of Michigan lost a football game in the last play in a freak play and the Detroit Lions finally won their first game. Wow.
I will be away at a conference the rest of the week. I have draft TBB posts prepared but miles/points action may be on the low side and emails/comments will certainly be affected as well. I am sorry.
I managed to write some more on my Hong Kong trip report. I am actually to the point about to land in Hong Kong. Next revised target release date at my pace: Mid 2016 #slow
Where to see the Northern Lights AFAR list.
Newbies: Don’t fall for the hotel “front desk scam”. Just don’t give in no matter how smooth the “manager” sounds!
Finance advice for my new son. Wonderful!
35 Best Reuters photos of the year

48 hours in Istanbul, in 24 images

Bellandur Lake, in Bangalore India, is so toxic it burns! WTF! Here is a video of it too.
And I leave you with this…
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Second. That last play was worst than even the Colorado hail mary.
Son is having nightmares about it, he was in there…Still can’t believe that happened, wow!
That Michigan kicker can feel better because he was one-upped by the Colts last night. Here’s a link if you haven’t seen it: http://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2015/10/18/9565897/the-colts-ran-what-may-be-the-worst-trick-play-in-nfl-history
I heard about it but had not seen it. WOW and WTF!!! Thanks….I miss Sportscenter, too much Feedlying so I can be TBBing for ya all 🙂
First off I love your blog o have it on my blogs that make me smile list. However, I have one issue I like to take up with you.
You mentioned that the bloggers we’re going to kill the OfficeMax $500 cards.
Now you say you knew about it but find not post it. If not then very cool
My question to you is did you mention it to a select group of friends? Other blog guys/women you like?. Or maybe there are others who keep select information to “certain inner circle people”
If you did, then my point is why should rest of us not have knowledge to the same deal?
So you believe they kill the deal but if the deal doesn’t reach those of us out of the inner circles than it is dead to us anyway…
That is my rant..enjoy your conference.
Thanks for the kind words first. I should probably answer this in a blog post but I am off tomorrow so I won’t have time.
You state the eternal argument in this hobby! In the good old pre blog days it would stay between us. Now it’s a whole different ball game. One bloggers gets a hold of it and then everyone races to post it to “help” their readers. And yes some would be helped by that deal because they would not have learned it otherwise. BUT, the fact remains, that the motives of said bloggers are not altruistic. I would argue that they are primarily selfish as they want to be FAST and solidify their stature as “expert” and hook some newbies who get helped who then stick around for, you guessed it, credit card clicks where the dinero is. So it just becomes a free for all and UNDOUBTEDLY it leads to a deal being killed FASTER. Soooooo, you keep it quiet and you can enjoy the fruits of your travel hackiness (just made that up) much longer. Of course, in this day and age, that has become almost impossible! But I will NOT contribute to the demise of a deal, just not me man! Even with the Speedy Rewards deal I just gave small hints here and there encouraging readers to THINK for themselves to figure it out. You know, teach to fish or however that thingie goes.
Yes, there is a fundamental unfairness you point out. But from the true Hobbyist perspective, doing it this way makes me feel better about myself. One of these days I will start a mailing list and maybe add it there. But that does not keep a Titan from subscribing and then blasting it to their readers with a bunch of affiliate links. Like MMS who FINALLY got a hold of it on Wed morning, opened post with “Fantastic news” lol and then proceeded to blast 16 Chase links. This will lead newbies to waste their time as many OM stores have been cleaned out by now…
This is where the value of networking in the hobby is…
Hope this helps.
Nobody has clicked on my cc links in the past 5 days man. Maybe I should have started with “fantastic news blah blah blah” instead of doing post with pics of vagina emojis lol.
How long has the OM deal been going on?
This is clearly a local phenomenon.
I think since early Sunday… Both OM’s dried up already. So I get no more Ultimate Rewards points and still looking for a cc click Life is so rough sometimes 🙂
George, thank you for your honest response. My eyes are wide open to both sides of this arguement. I believe the Titians are outing to be greedy and the “insiders” are keeping it to their group for the same reasons. You want to keep a good thing going as long as possible,
Trust me, I am not knocking it, I get it. I believe many of our choices are based on the politics of personal perspective. If I was an insider I would want to keep a deal for me and “my guys” as well” However, since sadly I am not, I am grateful to the Titans for giving me information that I can act responsibly on and earn more miles for travel. My eyes are not close to the why.
However, from my perspective I would not be enjoying the Game as much as I have been doing the last several years without them outing deals.
The Titans are doing it primarily to line up their own pocket leading to the destruction of this obscure hobby. Well, due to their excellent marketing pumping abilities, more people have gotten into, now what has become known as The Hobby, that has led to a substantially faster pace of killing any deals that contributes to the slow death of this hobby while they enjoy the fruits of their “work” by having newbies think of them as true experts even though that claim is laughable in reality.
Many have come to expect to just read a Titan for a few minutes and then make thousands of miles so they too can travel for free lying flat sipping Krug. It is one of the biggest frauds in the market place today and these business men should be ignored. When the music stops, they will go on to sell the next big thing while you fly on Row 38 window seat.
6 days in a row now with no credit card clicks on TBB. I am fully aware that if I had posted this first (I could have) I would have many singing my praises and could have earned some of those clicks. While the Titans are laughing all the way to the bank. Sometimes I wonder if I am clinically mentally disturbed or something. Sometimes I want to say phuck it, this is absurd. Yet again I persevere because it is entertaining to me….thank God for the day job.
Not sure if this makes sense. I see a sense of appreciation for the Titans. They key question is whether the same Titans (see TBB’s Ignore List) would be blogging about this stuff IF they would NOT be earning mega dinero from CC clicks. And I bet my left testicle the answer to that is a BIG FAT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. So you and many other “non-networked” hobbyists, by supporting them, you may be gaining a few crumbs in the short term we are ALL losing in the long term while them Titans laugh their way to the bank. And that is a very unfortunate effect of the capitalist system in place. In the end of the day, you do what you decide and live with it. I am fine with my choices.
TBBon 🙂
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Free Vagina Emojis for you BestOffersPatrol #respect
“Senator, we are all part of the same hypocrisy, but never think it applies to my family”
Michael Corleone Gohdfather II
Last Chance, Hurryyyyyyyy.
Oh wait…
Will NoobTraveler again be going with you to this conference? Sharing a room too, I presume. Say Hey to N.T.
I doubt it. Not this one. May be in the Sept 16 conference I am going, that is where I met him 2 or 3 years ago. Nice guy, they all are. But…
Tomorrow’s gif is even hotter than them vagina emojis!
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