TBB Mission: To Entertain, Educate and Inspire. Aim to at least do one well!

The Uncanny Places on earth That Look Like were made by Alien. By Bored Daddy.

15 Aerial Photos from Around the World. By Wild Junket

2014 Olympic Host City Sochi Is A Strange Place. Photos by Rob Hornstra.

Visions of Vietnam: 21 Beautiful Faces from Saigon, Hanoi and Beyond
Read more at http://www.vagabondish.com/gallery-faces-saigon-hanoi-vietnam/#xOdbqto4QozVbg7p.99
Another day another devaluation it appears. AMEX Platinum card holders will not have access to the American and US Air lounges as of March 22, 2014. Which absolutely guts this card. View from the Wing has the details and a trick to allow access for just a little longer.
A big part of what TBB stands for is entertainment. Or I would like to think so anyway. Point me to the Plane wrote “Delta’s New Award Calendar Trick-Impoper Mileage Crediting” about his experience dealing with getting Delta to correctly post the miles he flew in his Skymiles account. The correspondence is hilarious (when you are reading it) and I am sure traumatic going thought it yourself! Then he follows it up with another epic exchange of a customer and Amazon customer service support! Hope Amazon’s drones do not deliver with such incompetence!
Travelblawg has the scoop on “What’s Next, Mall Kiosks? In-Person TSAPrecheck Rolls Out“. Exactly what you needed to know. I don’t know about you but this is just not what it used to be anymore…
Frequent Miler wrote a post about how to Maximize Amex Synch Offers. I like the browser trick. Doing it through any other method always confused me! I quote:
Multiple Browser Tabs
… Usually, a new offer will appear under all (or most) of your Amex cards in the “Offers For You” tab. Once you add an offer to your account, though, it will disappear from the other cards. The work-around here, is simple: Open your American Express account in multiple tabs on the same browser. Within each tab, pick a different credit card and navigate to the Offers For You section. Once all browser tabs show a different credit card, but the same offer, then go one by one to each tab and click “Save Offer”.
FlyertTalk member Prospero has done an absolutely awesome job with maps for fantastic award values in the British Airways Avios program. Found my way here from Head for Points blog post “Interesting Avios anomalies in Avios reward pricing you can exploit – more examples!”
- Aer Lingus ex-Dublin
- airberlin ex-Dusseldorf
- airberlin ex-Berlin
- American Airlines ex-Los Angeles
- American Airlines ex-New York
- American Airlines ex-Chicago
- American Airlines ex-Dallas
- American Airlines ex-Miami
- British Airways ex-London
- Cathay Pacific ex-Hong K
Here is what they look like (red means they fall just outside the band and priced at the next higher level, boo!)
View from the Wing is doing a pretty good darn job covering the Supreme Court vs Delta lawsuit by the rabbi who got kicked out of the Northwest frequent flyer program. “Here are some highlights“.
Announcement: I got way too much on my plate until I leave for Greece on Dec 14th. Sorry dear readers this is not my business, it’s just a hobby that turned into a blogging addiction. I am working on dealing with my addiction 🙂 Keeping up with the Feedly list going forward would range from very difficult to impossible. I just signed up to finally get a new website (for the real job) after 10 years and would be working with a developer plus got way too much client work to wrap up. Then I get hit by quarter/year end avalanche. Then tax season (it never ends lol). TBB is NOT going away; just don’t expect the same thoroughness in covering this space. If you come across any MUST READ posts please email me or post in the comments, thank you!
I am going to meet with an FT friend in Chicago for lunch. I think my best day would be Tuesday December 10th. Anyone else available let me know. I am staying at the Radisson Blu.
I can also refer anyone to get the following AMEX cards: Starwood Personal, Premier Rewards Gold and Platinum. Don’t even think about the Platinum card now! The other two offers are the standard offers everyone gets from affiliate links. Since I don’t have any aff links, if you were planning to get those cards please let me refer you (I get 5,000 points, you get the same offer like everyone else). Or you could hold out for a better offer as Amex likes to hold a one or two days sales once in a while. Thank you. Email me! if interested.
The FIFA World Cup soccer draw is happening today and my own brother will be present! He has been assisting the Greek team delegation (he lives in Sao Paulo and speaks fluent Greek, English, Portuguese. Excellent French and Spanish too) and is getting paid very well by FIFA. Yes, I am jealous.
How Three Special Friends Stole Our Hearts and Won the Internet. At Twisted Sifter. How adorable!
United Nations Mission Photos. Excellent photos!

Well, as previously stated, to keep this blogging hobby under control a few weeks ago I decided I will not waste my time criticizing blogs I review. I graduated all my blogs into three lists which I am very proud of! Please send friends here, especially newbies! We were all newbies at one point, NEVER forget that!
I should have added one more: Blogs I Avoid. I would add the Milevalue blog in that list. No, not for posting the Lifemiles deal that pissed lots of people off. TBB is not in the business of spelling out deals. In my own humble opinion, there is always a fine line between publicizing certain deals in blogs. Some you do in various methods of “explicitness” and some you should not. This one was one of the “should not” ones. But hey, anyone can publish whatever they want in their own blog.
What got me visibly angry (I felt my stomach turn and I think I felt ill but that could have been the amount of salmon I consumed for dinner) was the follow up post about how good is to kill deals for the most hypocritical excuse I ever read: to increase overall welfare. Really? Remember, this from the blog that still pumps the inferior US Air credit card offer after posting that this blog would never post inferior offers. I apologize to the other blogs in the Ignore list for adding this one in the same list. There, I feel better. I reserve the right to go off in my own tiny blog once in a while in extreme cases. Thank you for your support 🙂 Don’t fall for the trap to comment on that blog to increase its traffic!
And I leave you with this…

Join over 2,100 TBB followers on Twitter @ FlyerTalkerinA2 and add TBB on Google+
First again?
You are on a roll!
My team (Japan) is in the same group stage with your team! Best of luck!
I always liked the Japanese team, they play so hard. They are way overdue for a nice showing in the WC. I just hope they don’t do it against Greece 🙂
hey back 🙂
This was the final straw. I’m done reading Mile Value. I will not give him any more clicks.
I agree. Please support bloggers in my Love and Like lists!
Love the pyramid. Wifi indeed.
But really, what a day. Much of my twitter feed alternated between admiration for Mandela’s lifetime achievements and condemnation for MileValue’s activities today. Seems weird to mention them in the same sentence.
And now they are predicting temps in the teens which would not have been too notable when I lived in A2 but is practically a weather emergency here in the Rose City!
Stay warm, y’all, and have a good weekend.
Teen temperatures are like a heatwave up here in Michigan 🙂
Read Mile Nerd today, short and to the point!
I went to a Milevalue dinner a few months back in LA and met that Scott Grimmer dude. I thought I could bounce some ideas off him my upcoming trip. He says “hey” when I introduce myself in. For the next 2 hours, the dude ignores everyone at the event who doesn’t have tits and persistently creeped on these two poor girls until one had to leave from embarrassment. The Milevalue guy is a douche… definitely avoid.
Comment of the month right there!
Brad, that’s the funniest story!
George, keep up the good spirit my friend. You’re a good man.
It is stories like this that provide something that money just can’t buy in blogging. True entertainment. Thanks Brad!
Better than my story of Cher and Gene Simmons and the Mile Hile Club!!!
Correction…Mile High Club (must be effects of my stroke).
Cher and Gene Simmons up in the air is better lol
George, did you want to meet in MUC on the 14th or the 30th? Send me mail…!
Dec 30. I have a six hour layover in MUC. Get in at 9.35 pm, flight to ORD leaves at 3.40 pm, fyi.
Will get to email later…
It’s one thing for guys like TPG and OMAT to pump inferior CSP offers, but does OMAT really need to lie in his disclosure at the end about him providing the best offer?
And I see FTG is starting a pointless series about how to “stock up miles with different programs”. It’ll be the top 30 list part duex
First installment…. apparently the best way to get Chase UR points is to sign up for the Chase UR cards. Good to know. I eagerly await them telling us how the best way to accumulate SPG points is. It could be anything!
I ‘ll take an A for Amex 🙂
I’ll take P for prostitution.
Love the comment and your support of the blog. Thanks for reading everyday. Did the idea ever cross your mind that the series is not written for individuals as brilliant as you want us all to believe you are? The posts are written for newbies, which is the market I believe FTG is trying to reach , granted with mistakes and all.
You are truly a dying breed. Kind of “Last of the Mo’Angries”
The new forum on FT has died way down with angry comments. Hell, even George realizes there are 8 minutes of commercials in a half hour network show and he can’t do a thing about it.
It is what it is and you can whine all you want, but you are wasting your breath. Unless maybe it is therapy for you as well? Between your paper route and lawn mowing schedule.
Milevalue’s “Killing Deals is Good” post it was definitely on the douchey side. However, I find it curious how much shit he is getting compared to Mr. Pickles who published the same deal in September. I’m curious to see if lifemiles actually shuts it down. While it is certainly more known now, I wonder how many people will actually take advantage of it. While cool, it still puts you in NRT without a return flight home. So there is still some inconvenience involved in getting home by either using additional miles from NRT or buying a ticket to Guam and flying home from there. I think deals are killed not from widespread knowledge but from exploitation of that knowledge. I’m not entirely convinced this is something that has enough mass appeal to be exploited.
Yeah, I agree. But with the much wider readership of MV you will no doubt see more take advantage of it. Will it cross that line that Lifemiles will take notice? We don’t know, time will tell.
Mr. Pickles readership is just not that large to make a dent. He should not have posted it either. But who are we to judge what bloggers post in their own blogs. What ticked me off about MV was the hypocritical attempt to pass as a Robin Hood of the people.
Read today: Mile Nerd and Travel is Free. No wonder these two are in my “Blogs I Like” list
I need to stay away from blogs today….Big client meeting tomorrow!
MV can kill a lot of deals if he really wanted to. This is obviously more about boosting readership than welfare. We have seen other d’bags use this angle to get where they are now (most blogs who started in the last 2-3 years). As long as there are dumb people using affiliate links to signup for cards due to ignorance, these outfits will continue to provide crack in the name of welfare.
Crack is very addictive 😉
Rob Ford may disagree.
Reading MV’s “doing it for the betterment of society” post just makes you appreciate Dan and his relative honesty about why he shoves credit cards down his readers throats
Thank you Dan for not trying to pretend you put 75 links in a post for humanitarian reasons
Yeah…really. He would have gained more respect if he had done that instead. That welfare crap was just way too much to take. I got angry there for a second. 🙂
Loved the mile nerd mini rant today!
His rants are the best!
Anyone in the know, care to explain why Chase decided to sever/cut some of the bloggers. It was not like these bloggers were employees directly and so they didn’t cost a penny? I understand the not-exactly-revenue-generating angle but they didn’t cost a dime and should have been happy to see free pimping on their behalf.
Who benefits from this?
What is the money trail?
It appears that the compliance issues – seems the bank has to spend a lot of time looking at each blog to ensure they are not making false statements about the card – mean that if you don’t do enough business then you are out. That is how I understood it from what I’ve read elsewhere.
Compare that to normal affiliate links for hotels etc where, in general, as long as your site isn’t dodgy you are very unlikely to get dropped if you get even 1 occasional booking.
So they do have to spend resources. That explanation definitely makes sense. Thanks.
Spot on Analysis
Thanks Raffles, well done.
Wait…screw the LM thing…how did I miss the Cher and Gene Simmons story?
Courtesy of Ramsey:
check the comments on Cher & Gene Simmons love story 🙂
Hahaha! Gross.
My Feedly list is about to explode….
I need to find time to attack it…
Hang on, TBB will be back!