This is a catch up Buzz type post. Some of the items featured here may are a bit dated. There may be another catch up type post as it is right now 1.56 am on Sunday night and I need to catch some sleep! Stay tuned!
Did you miss me? I sure did:-)
Life got in the way. I attended a fantastic conference in Las Vegas. I stayed at a nice room in Luxor for $43 per night (Priceline) and got a Full size car from Payless through Autoslash for just $12.42 daily rate (after 6 automatic rate reductions!). Then I “splurged” on two nights at the Red Rock which is away from the strip and was fantastic! Mrs. TBB joined me to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary and I took her to watch the “O” show by Circque de Soleil at the Bellagio.
I could go on doing a trip report by taking many pics of the hotels and flights (yes, Southwest all the way, on points) but I will not bore you with them. How can I do that when I still haven’t done the Norway trip report! (should happen sometime in 2013).
One funny thing from the conference that made me laugh. Former Governor Bill Richardson was one of the speakers. If you remember, he is the diplomat who likes to go abroad in some difficult situations (hostages, wars, etc.). He said that Bill Clinton used to say “Send Bill over there, bad people like him”.
The opinions stated here are my own!
Well, this was fast. The 5 Thank You points per dollar credit card offer vanished….Poof, just like that!
Delta will start paying a dividend of 6 cents per share quarterly. This is very unusual in the airline industry! They could have spent the money on fixing the award engine…but what is broke why fix?
MileWise was acquired by Yahoo. And it will be promptly shut down. One less bookmark to worry about, yes!
Another Million Mile Secrets interview with a renowned expert…oh wait, now we have “travel blogger”…now that’s more like it!
Ariana of the PointChaser blog wrote a guest blog at the Frugal Travel Guy on “5 Reasons to Love Ultimate Rewards”. There goes PointChaser from my Top 10 Blogs…back down to 7 or so. Notice the nicely placed affiliate links and the great information such as “points don’t expire” and “easy redemptions”. Sad.
Delta Points had a post titled “Now that I am Diamond Medallion I am going for Platinum! Uh what?” Thank you for letting us know that you are going for Starwood Platinum and for presenting your readers with the same darn affiliate credit card links for the 765,459th time!
The Starry Starry Night: 45 Beautiful Examples of Astronography. From the Blog of Francesco Mugnai. MUST click. Wooooooooooooooow!!!!!!!!
Paragliding in Rio:Best Layover Ever! From Gadling. Watch the video, how cool is that?
Did you know I LOVE roller coasters? These new ones will make your head spin! The best amusement park for roller coasters is Cedar Point. I can’t wait to ride the new record breaking Gatekeeper ride!
Do you remember when I posted some time ago a link about that crazy plan to send people to Mars on a…one-way ticket? Well, guess what? 78,000 lunatics have signed up to earn a spot! Reading the interview of the “genius” behind this idea…I can’t help but think the guy may be brilliant or just a brilliant scammer!
10 Unusual Adventure Activities. From Wild Junket. I think I will pass on swimming with sharks!
Trekking Nepal’s Langtang Valley. From Matador Network. Fantastic pics here! You won’t have to agonize if you will get upgraded and/or have access to the lounge, hehe.
Film shows students the horror of debt. From Tip Hero. There is no doubt that many people who click on credit card affiliate links so helpfully shared by so many bloggers get into this mess which allows the banks to keep doing…more of the same.
Charles Ramsey Songified! Dead Giveaway. I love this guy, hope he keeps it together! “We eat ribs with this dude”.
Is it just me or is Nancy Grace the most hideous “news” person on TV. Apparently not, as Jon Stewart rips her to shreds!
It’s easy to get out of debt – just start a blog! All you do is put out some free content for a few months to get readership up. Then you introduce an innocuous first affiliate link that you joke about to your readers, all the while snarkily pointing fingers at other “greedy” bloggers. But you continue to hint how you “could” put links in and how easy it would be.
Sure sounds familiar, eh?
Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment here! Despite what others say when you click on their cc links, I really DO appreciate it as I labor through for hours trying to produce a quality read hopefully adding some value (either by educating, inspiring and/or entertaining)to you.
I have been doing this for over 5 months now. I have made my views on the subject well known and I don’t have time to repeat them here as I need to catch up!
Instead of making snarky comments yourself can you please be somewhat productive and tell me what you suggest I do? I do read and try to respond to every comment!
Thanks again.
For the record, for the nth time, I have not spent any time looking at adding cc affiliate links!!! Please don’t equate me with so many others cc pushers, thank you!
Will I ever get there? If I was greedy, I would have done it some months ago right? Sounds familiar? 🙂
Jesus Christ!!!
The Starry Starry Night: I’d be willing to PAY good money to learn how to take photographs like that!!
Any takers?
I’m serious.
I’m in love with photographs like this and this blog piece took my breath away.
Yeah, that is the reaction I had too when I first saw these pics!! I so suck in taking pics if I can only get 10% as good as the ones featured in this post!
Am I a bad person for wanting to sign up TPG and MilesMomma on a one-way trip to Mars?
Only YOU can answer that:-)
Happy anniversary to Mrs. TBB and you. Here’s to another 20 years – health and happiness.
I may receive compensation for some of the links in this comment.
Well, 20 down, not sure about #21…just kidding.
The only compensation you will receive is a warm Thank you;-)
Good to see Mrs Buzz pic there with you 🙂
Even better that she actually is holding a purse and not a set of reload cards.
She is running a little behind on her VR runs, I need to step in gently again;-)
Random factoid – mrs MA and I were married in 2000 in Montreal and had a band learn how to play the main theme song for “O” for our opening dance at our wedding reception 🙂 I still have a CD recording of them playing it. We are big Cirque fans. Have seen pretty much all their shows. They do the first runs in Montreal which is fun because they often make mistakes… and when they miss, it really makes you realize more just how hard what they all do is. Also my wife used to teach a gymnast who does trapeze with Cirque now.
The only other Cirque show we saw was in Quebec city outdoors and it was free! And it was FANTASTIC! O was also great but at $150 per ticket was, you know, not too great of a bargain:-) Goes to show you how expectations you have shapes your final opinions about pretty much everything.
“Did you miss me? I sure did:-)”
You missed … you? Maybe Mrs. Buzz should buy a GPS bracelet so at least one person knows where you are. You know, in case you forget and lose yourself.
20% of the comments in the recent MMS post are by the so-called Robert Hanson bot, v. 1.2.2. Obviously this prototype needs further testing before it can be deployed.
Happy anniversary, George and Mrs. Buzz.
Haha yes he has his head buried in a smelly part of his body and likes it there. I think he might the only person(bot? lol) that has tried harder to post on MMS than the miles professor. Unlike TMP though, he never forgets to kiss MMS behind on a regular basis.
“bot v. 1.2.2” – So funny!
Thanks for the HA wishes too. Can’t believe 20 years have passed already!
Anonymous: Be nice now.
I just put the youtube 10 hour loop version of DEAD GIVEAWAY on morning, opened up the windows, cranked up the stereo, and went to work. I don’t like my neighbor, dead giveaway.
“We ate ribs with this dude Bro”