We bookmark a Miles/Points Resources page, register for the latest SPG & Hyatt promos, register for the exciting Discover 10% Cash Back, learn of improved Delta Amex offers, look at a bunch of the latest cards offering free hotel nights, marvel at the awesome Cameron Airshow, learn about Airbnb, and look in horror of pictures in the villages around Chernobyl. And more!
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Bookmark this RESOURCES page. Travel Is Free proclaims it to be the best miles/points page on the Internet but you all know that one is the one you are reading NOW 🙂 Problem with these pages are that they are not updated because, ya know, a certain attraction of this hobby is that there is ALWAYS something happening/changing/devaluing/MSing/Deal-ing so a resources page will need to keep up. It is a great idea but the devil is in the updating details, good luck!
Register for a Starwood promo to earn 1,000 SPG points when your eligible stay of two nights or more includes a weekend night by August 31. Certainly you are not going to text your mom about it!
Hyatt has a multi night type promotion and you can register for it HERE. I am not going to even sign up for this one, fifteen paid nights is absurd but if you are on company dime go for it I guess!
Doctor of Credit broke the news of the Discover Card offering a double cash promotion for a full year! Which means 10% for the 5% rotating categories which I still find hard to believe it is valid for current card holders. Maybe for only the new card holders to commit them to use the card constantly! Well, I will wait for the smoke to clear until I return from Greece. I haven’t left yet but I will soon.
A few improved Delta Amex card offers at the Doctor of Credit. You are not going go see your favorite Titan blogger push these too much because, you know, they don’t get paid…I think. Tough to keep up with all the offers, especially for an airline that I despise. You are not going to see this blogger wined and dined by them, they can kiss my ass! Update: Click around Doc’s website for more on the business cards offers too!
The Lazy Traveler has a nice updated list of all the rewards credit card offers that can result in free hotel stays. You can come back and apply for them here if you want. Or do whatever you want, it’s a free country!
Screw the Blue Angels, these Cameron Airshow pilots rock! (HT: Bikeguy)
How I made $41k as an Airbnb host. Wow, that’s a nice income renting out rooms in your house. Of course, location helps. I am trying out Airbnb later this month for the first time and looking forward to it. Thanks reader G for emailing me for my referral!
The 9 Most Overlooked Road Trips in the US. Fantastic piece at Matador Network. Sometimes I get this urge to fly, or to go on a long hike or long scenic drive or score some goals in soccer…instead, I go to Feedly, WordPress and Twitter for YOU! 🙂
Photos from villages around Chernobyl. Taken by them. Wow!

The largest tribal gathering ever in Papua New Guinea
8 reasons you make bad financial decisions. Great article! Not much you can do if it’s in your genes so might as well go for seven credit cards from my plastic links, thanks! 🙂
Answer these 10 questions to see if you are on track for retirement. Another fantastic personal finance article!
Actually, this picture is about a legit repair but still…I would likely be freaking out if I was watching the tech guy do this!

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Is a double 1st considered a 2nd?
It can be whatever you want it to be – TBB
Also, you’re going to AirBNB your house? Not worried about any of your personal stuff? I want to do it too, but don’t want to go through the effort of removing/hiding all our important things.
Hell no I am renting my house out! What I meant was that I will be renting a place in Greece, by the beach, in the area I grew up. Looks nice in the pics and very affordable. As long as I have a home office nobody is renting my place. Heck, I don’t even hire a cleaning lady that my wife sometimes asks for!
I called in to register my discover card in the double offer. Card easily added but rep said bonus would not start until the next billing statement.
Great, thanks, I need to do this then!
“What percentage of your country smokes marijuana” looks like BS. How can Netherlands be #55?
Maybe…they don’t consider foreigners/tourists 🙂
Buzz the use of that “special duct tape” was much more common than you think…a running joke so to speak…When an aircraft had an issue at an off line station (no mechanics except a really old dude they would dust off), they would tape things up to get the plane back to a city with legit mechanical personnel / facilities………………..Until Jenner cuts off his junk, this is just another massive publicity grab for HIS massive ego. I hated this guy since before the 1972 Olympics in the way he marketed himself even as an amateur athlete. A family man supported by his working Nurse wife……that he soon dumped when she had a kid and immediately started up with a Playboy Centerfold……So we can blame him for starting all this hyper marketing of athletes, the death of some old lady in Malibu (tailgating, speeding and distracted driving his Escalade) and getting away with it……Did you ever notice that people who drive black Escalades are aholes on the road HT George Carlin HT thehorneytraveler HT MilesToMammories
I must admit I had no idea who that guy was as I hardly ever watch TV. I have never ever watched a minute of a TV reality show, I frankly don’t care about this crap. I had heard he was a decathlon athlete and a good one and he has some association with these big ass Kardashian people. Then he came out which is a brave thing to do. But all the endless media, the Twitter account ready, there was actually a bot that changed “he” to “she” on Twitter when her name was mentioned and all the photo shoot and all that…yeah, what a media hawk. Good luck to her, I am not buying all this media whore attention behavior…
How long after reaching $25k spend on United Explorer card do 10k bonus points post?
Mine last year, if I remember correctly, posted very fast, like with the closing of that statement! I was very pleased.