I get to drive this baby for 6 months for FREE. I only pay for gas AND even get paid $200 at the conclusion of this research study. You know I am doing it to advance science:-) It is for participating on a research study about new wireless technology in cars conducted by a Universtity of Michigan research institute along with the US Department of Transportation. I have been helping them in other studies over the years but never getting anything like this. I dig it:-)
Bonus: My model has sunroof and Sirius XM. Hiya!
Is anyone else using this site? This has nothing to do with miles/points! I have a free account here and I receive text alerts from local police & other government institutions (you can choose which ones, frequency and types of alerts). It has saved me several times when a bad accident has shut down a highway or local street. Also alerts about various local incidents, such as water main breaks, home invasions, and school lockdowns, etc. Occasionally you get an alert for a local neighborhood watch meeting:-) For example, last week this is what happened. I get a text that at the intersection where I have a rental property there was a fatal accident and that the road will not be open for hours! From the description of the vehicles involved I knew my tenant was fine. I was supposed to drive on that road about an hour later; obviously I used a different route! I find this site useful, maybe you would too. And of course this is NOT an affiliate link!
Thank you for reading.
So are you going to tell how to drive that baby for free?
I updated the post. Thanks for the shout. I had explained how I got it on Twitter
@FlyerTalkerinA2 but, in my excitement, forgot to say so here!
George, better tell us or Dariaus will have a photo of Emily driving one….then the deal’s all over….
Not sure you noticed….I publicized this after I made sure I had secured it:-)
Anyways, this was open to just 64 drivers among 2,800 currently participating in the study. Smiling and being very nice to the people in charge is always a plus. You do that with gate agents and hotel checkin staff…right? 🙂
Will you and the wife be grateful if we use the link to sign up for the text messages 😛
/sorry had to play jealous hater instead of angry hater 😀
Congrats on the ride. Karma is with you.
Yeah, I know, I’ve been on a roll lately. I hope it continues!