We like to keep it light around here in the weekends so we just bring you the new IHG Rewards Pointbreaks list, get you 200 Free Hilton HHonors points, show you how to share Ultimate Rewards points, learn more on the RushCard fiasco, and bring you the best drives in the world & more!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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Brace yourselves for the new IHG Rewards Pointbreaks Hotel list! Probably one of the saddest PB lists ever #sosad
Get 200 Free Hilton HHonors points and extend the life of them 12 more months.
How to Share Ultimate Rewards points with friends.
What to do with old credit cards?ย Entertaining post. I had no idea there was an American Credit Card Collectors Society, WTF!
You realize we are in a completely new airline reality when you see a headline like this: “American to launch bare-bones airfare in 2016 to rival Spirit“. Wow. Gone are the days always turning left boarding flights by Northwest Airlines #verysad
12 fairy tale places that are actually real.
Meet “Sparkle”. Her job is to kill people from 7.850 miles away. The life of a drone pilot…
Anyone following the fiasco of the RushCard? The sad prepaid debit card with horrendous fees created by Russell Simmons to help the unbanked only to take their money it appears…
We may have shared this one before here but it came up and it is so worth it: Best roads to drive around! Just do drive it!

And I leave you with this…

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Maximum Firstage, starring Jason Statham and Jet Li. With Jonah Hill as “The Blogger”.
Thanks Buzz, I’m off to conference this morning.
Over on FT there’s a link to FTG pumping the AA Citi 75K miles bonus CC. The fee is $450. I didn’t see details about how you can make the $450 back like these articles usually have. But wondering if it is a good deal. Don’t worry I won’t click the link over there ! ! !
Read that article and decide if it is for you. I do not have that card but I am at a different stage of The Hobby. If you fly a lot and can use the lounge access and can use the airline credits and can use the AA miles it may work for you. But there are other easier ways to get AA miles. Get on that Chase Ultimate Rewards cards first, remember the 5/24 rule! But if you decide this card it is for you, it is in my links, click on CARD TYPE on top, and then “Citi” and it is there ๐
I must be more disciplined at conferences…I feel after paying the conference fee I must eat everything to make it worth it ๐
If anyone out there (besides Bloggers looking for material) not reading Lumpy76 on Reddit Churning, you should be. Here is a sample of his voluminous work on Reddit….
“Inspired by a question. Decided to lift the vail on the secrets of Serve/BB loading at Walmart. Please forgive me.
First Step, you need to Buy a Visa Gift Card of some sort from some store. If you buy it with Cash, Stop. This hobby is not for you.
Next, you have to know what the PIN for the card is. Read the little pamphlet or the packaging that comes with your card with a magnifying glass. If you still don’t know what the PIN is, buy some gas or ice cream with your Gift Card, and unsubscribe from this sub. This hobby is not for you.
Now you can bring your BB/Serve, your new VGC, and drive to that great American invention, The Walmart.
you walk through the automated doors
you look around and breath in the humanity
you scan left to right and try to find the legendary KATE, also known as the ATM machine
you stroll up to KATE, with your left hand, you pull out your BB/Serve
as you walk up, you will most likely see the big sign Out of Order
some KATEs will look fully functional, but ignore your pleas. You can touch her screen all you want, and she will just sit there silently
some KATEs will just be dark
if you are chosen, a working KATE will actually have a BB button on the screen, push the button and follow the instructions
note that KATE will shout to everyone at Walmart that you just loaded $500. This is absolutely normal, and your safety is, well…..
sometimes, KATE will request a special PIN. Take the last 9 digits of your maternal grandfathers SSN, added it to your SSN, and then take the first 9 digits. If that doesn’t work, your KATE is beyond hope.
when using KATE, do not load more than $2000 in 10 minutes. If you do, the machine will eat your BB card and send it through the shredder
if you carry a stack of more than 10 VGCs to KATE, the churner gods will permanently scramble the mag stripes on the VGCs
if KATE is not available, you have to talk to a WM CSR, either at a register, or the MC
you get in line at a register, and watch people buy dozens of soda and cookies, you wait as the CSR mechanically drag each package over the scanner
it’s now your turn, you pull out your BB/Serve, and ask nicely “Can you help me Load my Prepaid Card?”
if the CSR stares at you blankly, you will have to go to the MC. Don’t tell them you want Some 69 action code. You have been warned.
find the Walmart Money Center, wait in line again, and then ask the CSR nicely
the CSR may tell you that “Debit card only”, which means this WM is not friendly to VGCs
the CSR may tell you that the Max Load is $20, or $200, or the square root of 75. None of it is correct, but anything is possible. Just go with it.
if the CSR asks “Split payment?” You have struck gold. Start thinking about marrying the CSR, regardless of your age, weight difference, and sexual orientation.
Under no condition should you challenge the CSR on their ruling. You don’t want to get banned from Walmart. Furthermore, your churner buddies will laugh at you for months.”
CORRECTION…..LUMPYLUMP76 sorry I forgot his last name
LumpyLump76 is indeed great!
I apologize for the toilets, it slipped through Quality Control lol.