TBB Mission: To Entertain, Educate and Inspire. Aim to at least do one well!
This blog has been a labor of love so far. If you like what you see here, please let others know by passing them a link to my blog, thank you!
This post contains NO affiliate links of any kind! Please see disclosures page here.
Your Travel Experience in 36 Gifs. By Matador Network. AWESOME!

Hoyvika Beach, Norway. By Twisted Sifter

The Quagmire of China’s New Visa Laws. Excellent post on the topic by the Nomadic Chic.
Travel is Free nails it with “Why United Had to Devalue its Award Chart“. It wasn’t free then and it’s sure as hell is not now 🙂
View from the Wing tells us that “United MileagePlus has devalued its Standard Award Too“. This is like a bad nightmare that keeps getting worse. Did you see that 400k award?? What a Deltalike joke!!!
Loyalty Traveler tests the RocketMiles promo and discovers it is just not that big of a deal. You would not know that by reading the blogs that made it sound like it was the best thing that happened in this space in months. You all sound like you will sell, well, everything if you were to get paid. Come on! Used car salesmen are not that excited about what they sell (trying to make it up to reader AgendaGuy) 😉
My Final Word about United, In Which I Realize Perhaps We’ve All Been Thinking About This Wrong. By Online Travel Review. Pretty good take on the debacle. And please unspam my lost comment or I will demote you to the Blog Buzz section permanently 🙂
Forget the Alaska Airlines debit card. Frequent Miler says it is over by May 2014. I am still amazed the Delta debit card by Sun Trust is still around, tic tac.
Two things:
The W bed is in my bedroom, hooray!
The movie “12 Years Slave” is VERY powerful. VERY emotional. Superbly acted and directed, we are talking Oscar material!
GIFs proving Russia is the Most Bizarre Place on Earth. By memolition. OMG, some of these are totally insane. Many are in drunken stupors, you know, like that mayor in Toronto Dude, we can all understand some weed but crack for God’s sake, crack??? What is this, the 80s all over again? Having said that, I miss the 80s, it was TBB’s glorious decade!
A Durian in every country. By Beers & Beans. Nooooooooooooooooooo! A truly terrifying thought!

If I had a dollar for every RocketMiles link I saw and the all out on the Chase links yesterday this blog would be making a big time profit lol!
I swear that there must be another ultimatum issued by Chase and all bloggers pumped it up, way up yesterday.
A few posts stood out:
Miles, Points & Martinis used the headline “New 100,000 Business Platinum American Express Campaign (Targeted)” to reel in readers and ambush them with another FIVE Chase links and threw in there the Club Carlson one for fun. Seriously? The bias in your blog posts is off the charts!
Frugal Travel Guy was one that used an exclamation point to show the utter excitement about the RocketMiles promotion featuring Rick’s link. Don’t get on my case. I review blogs and blog about what is noteworthy and entertaining. Why not give the link to Ariana?
Both View from the Wing and One Mile at a Time had similar posts appear next to each other in my Feedly list. The topic? Trying to tell us the obvious. Chase Ultimate Rewards are a little less valuable because of the United devaluation. Or maybe the purpose was to flash AGAIN (like every day) more of those links just in case we all missed them every previous day.
The retired Frugal Travel Guy (the blog and the person) is doing a cruise. I am posting a link to pay back the “favor”, no commission needed, keep it! You are welcome. Over $1,100 for an inside stateroom for a 7 night cruise. I am no cruise expert but that does not appear too frugal to me #justsaying. So, are you officially back? Not like you ever left ;-
Update: Rick posted this very late last night, what can I say, he just loves my site, we are all a family here 🙂
First I heard of industry insiders going along was today’s post? All I was asked is if I want to go to Alaska in May and the price was right
Katy took me along on a freebie cruise to Alaska about 5 times when she worked for Holland America (yes the old folks cruise line). Now I get to return the favor.
No idea about who else is going, what media will be involved if any, and no idea if it is a charity event.
This is not my gig. I was asked, and gladly said yes. We love Alaska.
You know, it is all about the community. Dan at DansDeals has done a magnificent job with his site. Proof is the response when two of their own suffer…
In closing, I love you all and thank you for all the support.
Entertainment.For Free. TBB (it rhymes)
It is 2.22 am, time for W!
Do you ever sleep? Maybe now that you have that awesome bed?
A reason for getting the W bed was to help me with my sleeping issues! I overslept the first night on it. I LOVED it, wow! I also loved the 50% off too!
SOB. What do you have to do to be first. You won the passes, wasn’t that enough?
I do hope this was a joke. The whole business of being first is a joke, you know!
This started as a silly exercise when Canadian Jeff kept being first for a long time. Then some others started challenging. It is silly and a joke, that’s the point. I mean, come on, reactions like Another Mark’s sure made me laugh. Hey Mark, I agree, come on Nurse Traveler, why by so greedy 🙂
Smile everyone.
Of course I know it’s a joke sorry if I came across as serious
FICO Scores and Barclays:
I’m not really sure how much is really know and how much is hoping or guessing. Here is what I have learned:
1. ALL Barclays issued CC;s now offer you the opportunity to view your TransUnion Credit score. It many be 1-2 months out of date and I don’t know if that will ever change.
2. You have to sign up for the service, basically accept a terms and conditions page
3. Obviously you have to have an online account with Barclays and link your CC;s
Traditionally, TransUnion reports a score that is 15-20 pts higher than Experiean and 10-15 pts high than Equifax. I have no idea why, but that has been my observations for the past 8 years or so. I actually call all 3 services every year and almost always can get someone to give me my actual score gratis. You just have to reach the right person and use the charm all of us readers and commentators at TBB (the blog) are famous for.
All this aside, many banks calculate their own scores using proprietary algorithms. I have never been successful in learning that score from any bank I do business with.
Thanks a lot. And please check Dan’s link below on this issue!
Didn’t think you were posting today, so I almost didn’t check. Thought you might be in solidarity with the 24 hour general strike in Greece:)
Every day there is another group (or groups) striking in china, I can do the solidarity thing every day if I wanted to 🙂
Actually they have a website up, it is titled something like strike24 displaying all the strikes taking place now and the next 24 hours…crazy!
I should have went straight to bed last night but…needed my fix (unleash blog post).
The FICO score that Barclays is giving is TU-08. Not very widely used yet and with a very different composition than more widely used FICO scores:
Cool, that’s great info. I may use it in my next Buzz post…if I remember that is!
Hey good luck on the seminar. Got way too much to do, otherwise I would make it to cover it…oh wait, no press allowed…don’t worry, noone takes me that seriously anyways 😉
Maybe at the next one.
Buzz, for your newer disciples, maybe someday you can repost that video of the male model in high heels falling down and knocking over everything on the stage. I love that one!
Found it. That one I think is my favorite too, it never fails to make me laugh…Every time!!
Considering how much bloviating RIck did about FTU having “industry insiders” (even though we all know it was just out jealousy of Randy and Gary), I would expect him to back out of his cruise gig now that he has found out it will feature industry insiders
Finished blog update very late last night. I was going to say something about that but I just forgot. I remembered when I laid down on my W bed and thought about going downstairs to edit the post. But I changed my mind. I just facepalmed myself and fell asleep like a baby 🙂
I don’t like making bets but it is safe to say that those two may not get an invite 😉
And how was the bed? As good as Lucky and Gary says?
First night sleep was fantastic! Let me get to bed earlier tonight…I think I was dead tired last night so my take on it may be a little skewed 🙂
Jealous of Gary and Randy?? Now that is a good one. I’m sitting back in retirement. They are dealing with Platinum members who bought the rights to non sellout Megados and had many empty seats for those that didn’t pay Tommy Class prices and some that did ???
Jealous of Randy and Gary I will never be.
“They are dealing with Platinum members who bought the rights to non sellout Megados and had many empty seats for those that didn’t pay Tommy Class prices and some that did ???”
No, you don’t sound jealous of them at all….
You seem to have a difficult time with comprehending the English language? This is not my show. I’m not putting it together.
I don’t recall saying you were running the show
Can you, and your infinite wisdom of the English language point out where I stated such?
You constantly criticized FTU for having industry insiders partake in it. And now you have no problem partaking in a cruise (and promoting it on FTG.com under your name) despite knowing that it will have industry insiders as well
Hypocrisy, thy name is Rick
You should look into running for politics. “Do as I say, not as I do” usually goes much farther in that profession
“Constantly criticized” My what a creative imagination you have. Someone asked the difference in the two events and I stated we don’t have any industry insiders. And if I have anything to say about it, never will.
Someday I’d love to know why you are so angry. Nah never mind. Quite honestly I could care less what you say or think. You create your own reality to fit your anger.
First, I don’t think Steve is angry. Why everyone who disagrees with you is always called angry? He pointed an inconsistency in your statements regarding industry insiders, that’s all. Let us know how the signups go. I hope the 5k miles for the cruise are not United’s LOL.
There is no inconsistency whatsoever. I would not invite airline or hotel execs to anything where I was making the decisions. As a speaker, I have nothing to do with the agenda.
Apples and Oranges
Hope you can understand that. It seems pretty clear to me
How could you miss TPG’s “Top 10 devaluations that are coming” post, which pretty much lists every major point/mile system and gives the big guys plenty of ideas. It’s clearly just an excuse for a “told you so” article that he can link back to at a later date to prove how wise he is. Look, I can do that too:
“In the next 1-10 years one of the following airlines will have another point devaluation: United, American, Southwest, Jetblue, USAirways, Airtran, Alaska, Delta, Hawaiian, Jetblue, Sprit, Frontier. See, I’m such a prophet!! Now here’s a bunch of chase links!!!!!!”
Whatever keeps the light on and makes payroll. I wish I can blow $4k in the next Sundance festival…sigh.
or drop 10K on ebags.
“I swear that there must be another ultimatum issued by Chase and all bloggers pumped it up, way up yesterday”
Oh cmon TBB, don’t be so paran…..
….. Nevermind
Like I said Buzz, this “alleged” Chase link bombardment by Gary and Lucky is just a figment of your imagina…..
….. figment of your reality
I am guessing Jamie needs to scramble to save some dinero to pay more multi billion dollar fines so,I am guessing, the word is out that the bank is out to consolidate even MORE. And they are all running scared now. Or maybe it is pure greed?
Well, my little mini-not-much-of-a-hack is gone. Poof.
I had been buying vanilla at my local Walgreens for 6-8 months, at least. Although in theory this was dead at Walgreens, for some odd reason, the computers at this brand new store happily allowed it. I never pushed it beyond one at a time but as it was literally on my route to half the places I go daily, stopping by a few times a week and sometimes more than once a day, was easy. The clerk who was usually there was sweet and helpful and while one manager said it was not allowed, everyone else was happy to do it. And if my husband happened to be in the car, we each bought one.
But on my return from a month out of the country, a new clerk said no. Yesterday, with my new SPG card in hand, I tried again, and a second clerk showed me that her register specifically says no. We tried anyway; no go. Another manager walked me back to the gift cards to show me which ones they will accept cc’s for – then he looked at the amazing variety, scratched his head, and said he really didn’t know and we could just try. I told him exactly why – to get points and use them to pay mortgage – and he explained the issues re: money laundering, which I expressed amazement at hearing. So I guess I need to do some research on gift cards to see what works with BB.
It was great while it lasted. If you happen to have a new Walgreens going up in your area, give it a try. Because while the policy was in place (as the manager told me the first time I tried to do it with him, before I learned to avoid him) in reality it took the registers 8 or 9 months to catch up to the policy. And all the other clerks and managers simply did not know or did not care and transactions with them went through just fine.
There’s a new Walgreens-20100 MCLOUGHLIN BLVD Gladstone OR off rt 217
correction rt 205
Hmm, thanks, kind of far from me but worth trying should I be in the area. I have tried various Walgreens in metro Portland (like Lloyd Center and a few in Beaverton) and none of them allowed it.
That’s unusual as Walgreens is a much better managed company than CBS. Especially their computer systems! I have lots of both stores around me, maybe I can try again. Then again, I am set for a while from stacking up from my Speedway deal. I can float the money…taking a risk keeping so many around 🙂
There is another chain that isn’t CVS that continues to work
Rite Aid?
That’s the one
Not in my neck of the wood. Debit only for all and every gift card in 4 stores around me.
Although… Nothing works in my neck of the wood anyway.
None of the RiteAids around here stock VRs.
Hey Buzz, looks like MV has a message at the end of his (horrific) United post…. “Let me have it in the comments”
Does this mean he won’t censor criticism of him in this particular thread?
If so, you might want to consider re-asking the US Airways question in this thread
Starting my next Buzz post. I have that post marked in Feedly to visit to glance at the comments. I am not going to waste my time again commenting there anymore. I just wanted to prove a point to my friend ingy 😉
The guy who made the post below on FlyerTalk and many other similar ones thinks Rick is a flaming hypocrite for suddenly promoting this event that will feature industry insiders.
“I don’t need to create a contrast. It already exists. Expert Flyer, Itasoftware, etc help travel hackers play the game. Do Hyatt, United help us play the game or are they taking away from our game by charging more for changes, restricting routing rules, eliminating benefits etc.
Personally, I don’t need to hob nob with them or believe for one moment that my opinion means a thing to them. I’d like to spend my weekend with like minded people. (and this comment is neither endorsed nor approved by IB)”
So angry, so angry. U have an agenda too? 🙂
I think that Gary ate a few other bloggers after the UA devaluation. Oh, have we heard from Schlappy lately?
Wait…he and United…. 😮
You know I am not touching that one. Did you see what United did to the ones who think they had tickets to HNL for $80? Coming up in next Buzz post!
TBB needs to be on the lookout for bloggers minimizing the impact of the UA devaluation on this hobby. The truth is, it’s huge. The Sky fell a long time ago, now the Stars have fallen too. Some bloggers will forget about it and keep touting the benefits of UR points to push their Chase links.
Well…everything is falling. And the UA bang was a very major one. Bloggers will do what feeds them, it’s like crack. I just hoped they did it in a good manner. And that is very tough. Not all their fault either…
Thanks a lot for taking the time to comment. I just post here whatever comes to my head. They’ll do their thing and I ‘ll do mine. I just hope, among all the greediness and used car salesmen tactics, my readers are entertained a little bit!
Time for W.