We blog more about pandemic mayhem, introduce two new 100k credit cards, the travel industry is rocked, meet the NBA Superfan, how we are probably not going back to normal, bring you the Toilet Paper Calculator (give me a backlink for that bloggers, come on!), a positive corona virus update, breakthrough technologies are cool but can we get a phucking corona vaccine instead, whac-a-mole history and lots more…I gotta go wash my hands!
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I am adding a COVID-19 headline. Because it may be THE (evolving) event in our lifetime. Until the day a dorky scientist in a lab somewhere who hasn’t slept in days comes up with the Eureka cure moment. It will happen one day and nobody knows when.
Until then we are all coming to terms with We’re not going back to normal. Article is about all the different ways our way of life will change. Start getting ready for it…
Social distancing is here to stay for much more than a few weeks. It will upend our way of life, in some ways forever
Before we get all dark already, let me switch to entertainment once again. I bring you the Corona Virus Toilet Paper Calculator.
I see more examples of people doing their best to be kind and help than fighting over toilet paper. Mass Panic Is Unlikely, Even During a Pandemic.
Some of these may be outdated already, this phucking virus is evil! The coronavirus pandemic in five powerful charts.
When did you realize that we may be dealing with this for a while? For me, it was when I watched the Spring Breakers on TV partying without a care in the world.
Ok, another positive one to inspire you guys: 10 Positive Updates on the COVID-19 Outbreaks From Around the World.
This is great: A Visual Timeline of Pandemics Throughout History. Pray if you want. But stay home now.
This is how Soap Kills the Coronavirus in 20 seconds.
I am no fan of Fox News. Regular readers knew that. New readers, get used to it. My blog is independent and I can blog what I want, okay? Nobody tells me what to blog about, if I want to speak the truth, such as Marriott sucks, I say it, ok? Can The Points Guy Inc. say that? Nope! Oh, wait I got distracted. Why are you watching these clowns huh? Fox News Moves Closer to the Truth as COVID-19 Crisis Deepens.
HOT CREDIT CARD OFFERS: Two new offers on United credit cards, a personal for 60k and a Business one for up to 100k miles. The IHG Rewards Club card offering 140k points too, highest ever. Other credit cards offers that stand out for now are the 100k Southwest Performance Business card and the 100k Ink Business Preferred. In addition, there are personal and business offers for the 70k Amex Delta Skymiles Gold, 100k Platinum and 100k Reserve credit cards. For a standard workhorse card I recommend the 60k Chase Sapphire Preferred card. For a standard premium card I recommend the 50k Chase Sapphire Reserve card. For a standard 2% cash back card I recommend the Citi Double Cash card. Available with my links. Lets move on!
I have no idea why Chase will come up with not one but two 100k points/miles offer these days. The Chase Ink Business Preferred signup bonus is now 100,000 points (up from 80,000). But the minimum spend went up to $15k in three months. They also introduced a new United Club Infinite card with a 100k signup bonus, the card sucks unless you are in love with United or something.
Out of all the airlines, the last one I expect to go down is Southwest Airlines. They do the right thing most often: Southwest Extends Travel Funds.
Interesting list, you may learn of a few hotels you can burn some points in when we get back out there: My Top 10 Category 1 & 2 Hotels.
Breaking: My well informed insider sources indicate that the next ad campaign by The Points Guy Inc will feature the slogan “Yes you can travel for free with a ChaseSapphirePreferred card!” along with the map of your target trips. Lol!
What travel? When the US State Department Issues a Level 4 Global Health Advisory “Do Not Travel”, you know, we are in unprecedented times…
We are about to see seismic changes in the travel industry: A Letter to New Airline Employees About the Industry We Love. Airlines and hotels may get bailed out and amid the carnage we have some startups who recently got fat and of course so many were trying to get fat but now…The Travel Space Is Getting Crushed. How Bad Is That For Startups?
Many runners who had signed up for races are getting cancellation notices. It sucks but what are you gonna do? The Running List of Marathons Canceled or Postponed Due to Coronavirus. I was looking forward to run Personal Bests in the University of Michigan Big House 5k race and the Toledo Glass City Half Marathon. Oh well…
What a beautiful picture of Ica, Peru.
And just like that we are back in a bear market. We all got way too comfortable seeing our portfolios keep going up and up and up and up. And up. I mean, it got kind of boring and fat. We are back to normal again when you wake up and have no idea what the hell will happen! And the fear, oh man the fear. A colleague said this and it is so true: “The amount of volatility you experience in your investment portfolio is highly correlated with the number of times you check your balance.” So, dear readers, I have a suggestion for you: DON’T CHECK YOUR BALANCE!
This is so appropriate now: ‘Buy when blood is in the streets,’ and other maxims from bear markets past.
Can this keep going? Oh yes, it can! The Downward Spiral in Interest Rates.
And this is hilarious! Buffett and Munger right now sitting on $100b+ in cash waiting for that first phone call.
You have all seen this weird guy at NBA games. You know, the one with the stupid hat and leather jacket. The Peculiar Life of the Man in the ‘Big Lebowski’ House: An NBA Superfan’s Wild L.A. Mansion. Never liked him and now I really can’t stand him!
This may be a bit obsolete now: 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2020. I see anti-aging on the list. Screw that, how about a coronavirus vaccine so we can all live!
- Unhackable internet
- Hyper-personalized medicine
- Digital money
- Anti-aging drugs
- AI-discovered molecules
- Satellite mega-constellations
- Quantum supremacy
- Tiny AI
- Differential privacy
- Climate change attribution
This is so touching: Leaving and Waving. For 27 years, I took photographs as I waved good-bye and drove away from visiting my parents at their home in Sioux City, Iowa. I started in 1991 with a quick snapshot, and I continued taking photographs with each departure. You will probably cry a little bit…
An Oral History of Whac-a-Mole. We all played this game, very fascinating!
You probably have lots of time on your hands so here are two hours at Dog Beach.
We are now entering BLOG BUZZ, a section for advanced hobbyists and veterans of this fast imploding hobby and also a section where I go on and on about some stuff that happens in my life because it helps me feel better about myself.
I am way too busy to continue blogging here. Conversions have dried up. And Amazon revenue. I am thinking the time is coming soon to pull a Mile Nerd move going to once a month posting. Need to focus my energy back in my day job which has taken a hit because of the phucking corona virus. Don’t cry for me, I will be fine. I am more concerned with so many people who are living paycheck to paycheck. I have been buying a gift card every day in local shops I support. I suggest you do the same. We need to all rise up to make it through this challenging time. Then again, I said that so many times before…so enjoy my blog while I publish here. Sometimes after I click “Publish” I sit back and wonder to myself “Why my blog keeps losing readers and so many read so much crap elsewhere?”. Ummm, maybe it is because I do not spend any time doing SEO and promoting it? Whateveh…I feel better after whining. 🙂
Not much is going on, we are staying home. Maybe I run outside alone. We order delivery sometimes. And we are all working. If the wifi goes down then it becomes hell!
Daughter was accepted to Boston College. If they want to pay for it I might consider it. Most likely she is staying home to go to the University of Michigan. I mean, especially after what happened with the virus why be so far away?
So weird without any sports.
Dang it, Tulsi quit the Democratic Primary race for President. Just when we were all thinking she was about to break through. LOL!
Desperate times at TPG? Love it when bloggers are so charitably minded and keep promoting their brand lol. Hey, would you want to have this guy wish you a Happy Birthday, WTF! Hey, I am game too, send my wife a message: “Thanks for the cocaine!” bwahahaha….Hey, I am doing it for the kids. Actually, I donate directly and anonymously and just don’t get along with this BS! I had never heard of Cameo by the way, must be the jet club partying place to be I guess. I mean, would you want Brian to do this?
- Have Brian announce a surprise vacation to your significant other or family member that you will take after the coronavirus crisis is over [Don’t ruin it!]
- Have Brian sing your friend/significant other/family member Happy Birthday [What is wrong with you to think this is a good idea?]
- Have Brian tell your friend/significant other/family member a funny joke to provide comic relief during this difficult time [Psst, he/she likes booze, coke and techno?]
- Have Brian share any of his travel tips and advice with you and your loved ones [Wait, CSP is the best card, right?]
- Challenge Brian to complete a Tik Tok dance —–> [PHUCK, HELL NOOOOOO!]
- Challenge Brian to complete a Hot Ones challenge [Over 50 allowed? No. No $100 for you, I mean, the kids, the kids!]
And I leave you with this…

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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Glad you are hanging in there!
Congrats to your daughter for her acceptance!
TPG pushing cameos?! Guess he’s preparing for when travel credit cards tank. I’ve seen a couple celebrities do this and I wonder what their share is.
The 27 years of pictures was very emotional. As I clicked thru them, I knew what the result would be.
There’s hope after all. Native Roots says it has the only Colorado license that authorizes home delivery of marijuana products.
And, yes, they’re based in Boulder.
Gotta run-someone’s at the door.
Where is Joe? I know those arent his tweets, they are too lucid. Race aint over Joe.
Log off.
you seem like the type who would want to restrict someone from voicing their opinion.
In this time that we all have to ourselves, maybe consider why you define being an internet troll as ‘an opinion.’
@DML: I am hanging on…barely. This home confinement thing is suffocating me 🙂 Thanks but she is not going for it, this was one of her 3 reach colleges she applied for. She is 3 for 3 and her brother is here and she is having a field day with it as he was not accepted in the 2 reach colleges he applied for. A good sibling rivalry.
@Peggy: Saw on Twitter (HT to my insider sources) two staff were let go. I guess RV already started the cuts…
@JohnnieD: Yeah…same. Very touching project indeed.
@Sam: Do you open the door? When I hear the door ring I know a package is dropped off for some non essential thing my son ordered lol. I am waiting for weed by drone deliveries, virus free! I think we may have lost Ramsey for good…no sign at all, hope he is okay. Do you think he has changed his tune? Another deranged performance by the phucking moron today, we were looking good until he opened his mouth again.
@MU: Hey, at this time I will take Satan instead of the mega moron. Joe is coming…but sometimes I am not sure we will all be alive by November! Maybe your guy has a natural ability to phuck this up, how is your 301k? Hope you all have a good cash emergency fund!
Joe Biden is out of sight since last Tues 9 days. And you think thats okay? Where is this dude?
Same was said about this dude, where is he, where is he? Umm, you know, maybe he was busy?
But the dude was back and so Joe will be back I am sure. To save us all before this phucking moron kills us all! So, can you tell us, how do you like the guy you voted for, hey?
Forgot the link, hate it when I do that!
This clown is in hiding maybe he cant even stand up like wobbly Hillary. He’s gonna get routed worse than Hillary. Old, Senile and a disappearing act. This is the best the Democratic Party can do? Yawn.
As they say on Veep, we’re at defcon fuck! https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/03/quantifying-coming-recession/608443/
Yeah….could be bad…real bad….maybe this phucking virus goes away when the heatwave starts…or with enough tests we get it under control….maybe the phucking moron resigns….or he gets lucky again. Really, nobody knows for sure. But yeah, it looks bad and long…if by early May we see no improvement watch out.
This is why you eliminate debt and have a very well funded cash emergency fund. And you don’t pump credit cards to the masses every freaking day like they do at The Points Guy….Oh, another two were let go in that company by the way…I guess they must be hurting already with less conversions…like moi, sad!
I am used to days making zero having no clicks whatsoever.
But when I lose money (as in, having Amazon returns) it is beyond sad.
RIP Wednesday posts.
You all stay positve.
And MU: Senile, really? Really?
Joe Biden is senile or has dementia. He is simply too old to run for President. I cant believe this is the best candidate the Democratic Party had to offer? Old white guy with dementia.
Russian bot!
Maybe this troll can explain that this is not a hoax instead of trolling about Biden and Bernie, ignore him.
If this goes on for a while all our miles and points will be worthless