We bring you the wild story about redeeming Pepsi Points for a jet, an article about Wuhan virus protection, 12 Financial sins, how Atlantis blows, we say goodbye to Kobe, banks increasing credit lines, the hottest card offers, the German soldiers who were forgotten, an amazing photograph involving Aurora, top Michigan restaurants, the 2019 efiling tax season beginss, free online courses, Jim Lehrer’s rules of journalism, Stuart Scott’s great legacy, an amazing way to fish, my latest running accomplishment and more!
TBB Blog Mission: To Educate. Entertain. Inspire. In That Order!
Support TBB by applying for CREDIT CARDS and visiting our LINKS!
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Before we start the post, two things I want to mention. One, this post is dedicated to Kobe Bryant who tragically perished with his oldest daughter and 7 other people in a helicopter crash in Los Angeles. I am incredibly sad and still in shock, pray for his family, RIP Kobe.
Another link I want to share is: The Wuhan Virus: How To Stay Safe. It is by Foreign Policy and I think the article lays out some good ways to protect ourselves.
Now, lets move on to what you all came here for!
This is not directly relevant about miles and points. But it involves banks and how addicted they are to getting you into debt! Banks Are Handing Out Beefed-Up Credit Lines No One Asked For (HT: Nick)
“The golden age of plastic”
Research shows many consumers turn higher limits into debt. And the greater the debt, the harder it is to dig out [So many outfits and writers solely focusing on doing this…how do they sleep at night, what do they offer to the society as a whole huh?]
For consumers who carry balances on their cards, “nearly 100% of an increase in credit limits eventually becomes an increase in debts…” [There was never any doubt about this, how sad!]
On a more positive note for us experienced hobbyists, Capital One bank may be easier on approving credit card apps where we can take them to the shed by enjoying big signup bonuses, maximizing our spending rewards and NEVER carrying any balances. 🙂
I feel much better catering to more experienced readers who NEVER EVER carry credit card balances. If you are, PLEASE pay it off ASAP and realize that we have been enjoying an amazing ride on your back here in the US for almost thirty years now!
To all: Most bloggers go nuts repeatedly selling credit cards. They are running out of catchy headlines. A blog even came up with “Holy”…wow, really? Was the bonus blessed by the Pope or something? Most content you see selling a particular credit card offer…you must realize YOU have an option which link you use to reward a particular blogger and encourage him/her to keep posting. Of course you can go direct to the bank website if you want. Hey, it is a free country! Or you can use the non affiliate links at Doctor of Credit. I would highly suggest you instead use the links of a blogger you want to support. Before they quit or get hired by The Points Guy!
Getting carried away…My point is, the shiny credit card offer you have been reading all over the big blogs is most likely offered with my links too. But because I do not get the DIRECT affiliate links it is harder to track it down. But it is there!
If you click on “Card Issuer” on the top, click on the particular bank, and SCROLL down to click on “Show More Cards” if necessary!
This guy epitomizes what we do around here. He tried to use Pepsi points to buy a jet plane! He was not successful as lawyers got involved but…hey, we read the fine print and go for it lol. When a Man Took a Joke in a Pepsi Ad Seriously, Chaos Ensued. Actually, this turns out to be a serious article about…math.
He went all in. The promotion required that people claimed their prizes with an original order form from the Pepsi Stuff catalog, traded a minimum of 15 original Pepsi Points, and included a check to cover the cost of any additional points required, plus $10 for shipping and handling. John did all of that. He used an original form, he collected 15 points from Pepsi products, and he put $700,008.50 into escrow with his attorneys to back the check. The guy actually raised the money! He was serious.
Andy of Andy’s Travel Blog took an epic picture: The story of my American Airlines Aurora shot.
I really had no idea about this: The Last German Surrender. 11 German soldiers were in the Svalbard region in Norway operating a weather station. And they were forgotten there after the war ended.
I added some of these to my list of restaurants to visit: Michigan’s Top 20 restaurants to visit in 2020.
Part of my mission here is to educate. And instill good financial habits. And this is a good read: 12 Financial Sins. Don’t be a sinner! And I agree with this line so much: “going into debt to pay for today’s consumption is the path to financial slavery.”
January 27, 2020 is the day the IRS starts accepting the efiling of income tax returns. Let’s Go! All of your questions on filing taxes in 2020, answered.
Awesome: The 100 Most Popular Free Online Courses of 2019.
RIP Jim Lehrer, what a legend! Jim Lehrer’s Rules of Journalism.
This video went viral and after watching it you will understand why: The Way This Guy is Fishing is Fascinating.
ESPN’s Stuart Scott was a really cool dude! The Extraordinary Life and Legacy of Stuart Scott.
Very interesting table. Hey, be careful out there in…Montana!
We are now entering BLOG BUZZ, a section for advanced hobbyists and veterans of this fast imploding hobby and also a section where I go on and on about some stuff that happens in my life because it helps me feel better about myself.
This past Saturday I accomplished a Personal Record time on a 7 mile run. When I did not set out to do so, high five to me!
Happy Chinese New Year to all! It is the Year of the Rat.
You see the plate I am holding. That was filled way up at least twice. I must try harder to stop doing that…letting myself go after justifying to myself that I deserve it after a long run. It’s a struggle you guys lol.
Chase imitating Amex just being pity, come on! Chase Sending Out 1099s For Referral Bonuses (1¢ Per Point). So, don’t file your taxes yet…because it looks like you are going to get one of these even if you just did this one time. Which seems totally absurd!
Amex sent me a check for about $40. They made a mistake and apologized. I accepted by cashing it lol.
Son’s first flight as AA Platinum Pro and he missed the upgrade by just one, he was #1 on the list. Story of our lives I guess. Doing a 5 night stay at a Marriott property and I realized there is no current promotion going on, sad!
I still can not believe Kobe is gone. And I have always been a certified Lakers hater.
And I leave you with this…

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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Gold! First time this decade!!!
6:31 rivals Scott Castle! Wow.
Thanks for the Pepsi points piece. When you need to add a footnote something is lost.
why would you go to the Atlantis and skip over the Hyatt Baha Mar ?
This will be the decade of being nice in honor of Mr. Nice!
Yeah, that Pepsi points piece, you are welcome.
Never looked into going there. I remember saying Atlantis looks so nice, that’s all.
Oh I did so like that Pepsi Points story, then after that it goes into really interesting finance and math stuff! Great and Educational!
Congrats on the personal best (again!), George!
Looks like CNY has been extended for a few days in CN. I quickly looked on AMZN for face masks. Backordered ~30 days.
Went by Target and they were all gone. However, the store still had groceries and water. I feel like there was a reselling opportunity here. Maybe something for Vinh’s slack group.
That is reserved for Level 2 subscription in Vin’s Slack group. At only $80 per month…but if you get in before February and sign up for minimum six months, you get an extra month for freeeeeee!
$80 a month to learn how to be shutdown? Seems pricey. Everything dude touches he gets shut down from. I guess you pay $80 to learn what not to do.
Kobe raped a young woman in Colorado.
It was apparently somewhat violent, resulting in many tears and lacerations around the young woman’s genitalia, and a fair amount of blood on both of their clothing. When initially contacted by police he claimed “nothing happened”. After being told there was evidence in the form of blood and sperm, he claimed it was “consensual”.
Needless to say, the victim was very traumatized. Rape charges were filed.
Then he spent ridiculous amounts of $$$ to pay off the victim and get out of being prosecuted. Then he additionally paid off his wife with a $4,000,000 diamond ring.
Again, Kobe was a rapist.
To some, his getting paid millions of dollars to play a silly game was somehow worthy of hero worship.
Some fricken “hero”, huh?
I never said anything about a hero, all I said: “I am incredibly sad and still in shock, pray for his family, RIP Kobe”.
Show some respect to the dead please. Maybe, you know, wait a week? WTF!
About that IHG card:
“ IHG Not Releasing New PointsBreaks List – No New List Planned”
End of an era!
So many bloggers were getting ready to paste the text to create another blog post!
Not here hehe.
Bloggers killed another one….writing was on the wall when they went from 5 to 5/10/15
Need to get IHG Rewards out of my life, one less program taking mental real estate…
Er, no.
I promise you that no-one outside the FF community even knew PB existed. If they had vaguely heard of them, they were not hunched over a keyboard on the chosen Monday.
PB were effectively a gift from Hilton to us, and only us.
The real bummer of course is that you could get a few thousand clicks to the hotels on the list and each of those would pay commission if the person booked an IHG hotel in the next 30 days …..
From IHG, not Hilton 🙂
Still very early in London ….
“The real bummer of course is that you could get a few thousand clicks to the hotels on the list and each of those would pay commission if the person booked an IHG hotel in the next 30 days…”
This is why the bloggers were always so excited about posting so much about them PBs.
In the meantime, to all, wife applied for a CFU card on Jan 21 and still is not processed, status phone recording still says “2 weeks”! Is Chase slow due to many apps? Or short staffed or what?
Was counting on my wife to hit #10 this month and save the Wednesday posts! One more is scheduled for tomorrow to welcome the thousands of new readers #sarcasm
of course people outside the FF community new PointBreaks existed. Thats a horrible take no matter how early in London it is.