We learn that Plastiq totally sucks, Marriott Rewards has a new expiration policy, travel to awesome underground places and off-the-grid getaways, and laugh uncontrollably with The New Devil’s Dictionary. Not much more, deal with it!
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It’s the weekend, online activity drops off substantially so I am going to start doing mini TBB Buzz type posts, you know, keep it light so you can go out and enjoy your weekend instead of spending it here clicking my links ๐
Holy mother fracker….Avoid Plastiq, yikes. I almost cried reading this experience from a Mile Nerd reader, wow!
Per this post at The Gate, apparently Marriott Rewards has a new expiration policy. If they did have one in place they never really enforced it. It is a 24 month policy, no big deal…but still another data point you need to keep track of. Another tiny burden in your miles/points mental real estate…hey, who says all this can be so easy and so free? Oh wait, don’t answer that, it’s the weekend, not going to get angry!
The most beautiful underground places in the world.

20 Off-The-Grid Getaways. Another gem by AFAR.
The New Devi’s Dictionary. By The Verge. This is WOW stuff only TBB brings to you! Too bad it does not go with a travel rewards credit card…oh wait. Just a few entries:
blogger (n.): An invasive species with no natural predators.
clickbait (n.): A headline that tricks someone into fulfilling their own desires.
Comcast (n.):See Satan
friend (n.): Always the liker, never the lover.
MANY more…there goes your weekend!
Ok, I got distracted with the link above, there are many more awesome definitions to entertain yourselves!
I need to move on and play with my links, you know, massage them, template them, cleanse them, beautify them, “LAST CHANCE” them, you know the drill as I am such a greedy pumping whore!
Last one for the haters: whine me? I actually prefer wine me lol. But always snark me woohoo!
All right, they are starting to look funny at me at Starbucks late at night…but some here must be on drugs as they are laughing more than me!
You all have a great weekend! Yeah, all…even the haters, you know who you are ๐
TBB endorses THIS Fire Department, they are heroes!

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Up early for a big weekend. Gotta feed the chickens, milk the cows, and get me some gift cards.
Second, not for the glory, but just to beat whoever wants the glory…
Hi, love the creativity of TBB readers ๐
I miss Helixcardinal and Spencer F, what night owls!
Plastiq worked just fine for me, no complaints.
how much volume we talking? 5-10k a month or 100k a month ? Fine is a relative term
I have been using Plastiq for a long time – paid mortgage, painter, college tuition, and babysitter. No issues, good for meeting minimum sign up bonuses. Please use my link and get 200 FTDs.