It is time for my blog to evolve again…People change when they reach their threshold of pain…This is going to be long. I am doing a brain dump in a sense. It could veer right or left. Or whatever…I like to do this type of posts once in a while, they make me feel better. Having a blog that is updated regularly acts like a therapist and it is…freeeeee! So, buckle up!
TBB Blog Mission: To Educate. Entertain. Inspire. In That Order!
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The blog is not folding yet but I am taking some major steps to reduce the time I spend on it. Call this factor the denominator. The nominator is what the blog earns. Never forget that in the nominator belong the psychic rewards I get, the therapist bills I do not have to pay, some tax savings, the groupies, etc. As it is not going to get any better it appears on the nominator, I had this awesome idea come to me in the shower to work on the denominator! #Brilliant
When I started my blog almost six years ago (which just blows my mind in a sea of dead blogs out there!) I was following almost 700 blogs in Google Reader. Well, Google killed that awesome product so I migrated to Feedly. And I have had a few purges in the past six years. Went from 700 to 600 to 500 to 400. I was around that number and then during last week I went on another mega purge! Current count: 249. I can live with that for now! I will NOT let this number go over 250 in the future!
What does this mean going forward? Well, one thing for sure it means, I am spending less time on Feedly silly! Okay, how does this translate to the TBB blog product? I am glad you asked, let me explain:
Posts will likely be shorter.
Posts will be more eclectic. Meaning, something must be really high quality and must fit the eternal TBB blog mission to the T. Not sure how this T expression came about but this is not the place to ponder about such things okay?
It may mean that some days I may find just a few worthy things that made the cut. In other days, it may be close to the length of regular Buzz posts. I don’t know! We shall see, we will evolve together. I guess.
After blowing more than 150 blogs on this latest Feedly purge…I then went on a major Unfollow spree on Twitter. It is great, I highly recommend it. The Unfollow purge is ongoing. Bonus: Use the Block feature on anyone who turns your stomach, you never see ANYTHING from them again, it is VERY healthy!
I also quit the NFL. Too many concussions. And brain injuries. And former players blowing their brains out. No more watching games, no more being depressed about how the Detroit Lions can suck so bad, no more wasting time on Twitter talking about games, etc. I am DONE. No regrets!
With daughter now driving I have more time. And I am focusing it on more important things in my life. One of them is health of course. Getting back into running after suffering a calf strain recently. So far so good, we shall see. Spending time in the gym lifting weights too. If I could only stop grilling meat 🙂 Maybe I open up my regular job to accept new clients again in…2020. No rush…
I will focus on redesigning and just redoing the Blog Review pages. Deletions and additions are coming. My blog will focus even more on helping AUTHENTIC and ETHICAL blogs who deserve more support.
I may even have time to continue Trip Reports but definitely do not bank on this one. They are incredibly time consuming!
When the credit card links are taken away due to lack of clicks…the blog will evolve again. We will see when this happens. It may even come down to a once a week Best of Web post. We address it then.
Completely shut it down? I don’t see it. This blog is in my blood now, I can’t see myself without it. I will just keep working on the denominator. Or I get bored one day. Which amazingly has not happened yet. Don’t get me wrong. The travel hacking “hobby” has become boring but my blog never focused 100% on that alone. That was a wise move it appears.
If you have something important to say and it meets the blog mission lets talk about you doing a guest post. I am always open to it. If it can help readers why not? And it gives me some breathing space! Make no mistake, not having to scroll through 150+ blogs have given me valuable breathing space. Which will directly lead to less whining!
I have never ever considered shutting down the blog comments. But I may be more hands on just in case emotions take over or something. Keep it civil and respectful please, thank you.
I appreciate all feedback. Just keep it respectful, that’s all I ask. Please refrain from doing things that cross my line: 1) Stop saying you never click on affiliate links, the lifeline of bloggers. You can read for free and comment for free, just don’t say it as others will think it is cool! 2) No racist/misogynist crap, EVER! 3) No calling names! If you call someone a sad man/lame/hypocrite/c*nt, all in less than 24 hours, you have crossed the line PERIOD!
I am shutting down the TBB Instagram account. This was always daughter’s project as she is interested in Business and Digital Marketing she says. She learned from this experience that…you just need to be relentlessly disciplined in online work (like her dad). And I learned that I never really liked Instagram in the first place as I have enough places to say stuff and post pictures! I am sticking with my two Twitter accounts and personal Facebook page. And that’s it pretty much. Sorry for the experiment. Keep learning. And keep focusing!
I am going to rely more on you sending me links that you think may be TBB worthy and could help fellow readers. If you think I am posting many lefty political stuff, please send me worthy righty things I should read. I LOVE reading, I think that is obvious by now. I make the final call. I have very high standards, what can I say?
I have no intentions of adding advertisements in my blog.
I have no intention of joining Boarding Area. I probably should as all whining about monetizing will cease but, you know, I LOVE being independent. It is PRICELESS!
This blog shifted away from a focus on being a miles and points blog critic a while ago. Because, as the blog landscape has changed and the “hobby” has steadily cratered, it should not take a rocket scientist to realize what these blogs excel at (credit card sales!). This page will remain as a Public Service Announcement. I feel really sad for the newbie who thinks he/she is getting objective advice from these businesses. Oh well, suckers born and stuff like that…
I am also open to any ideas you may have about my blog. Anything goes!
Do you want to write for it regularly? Sticking to the mission and remaining quality minded and ethical? And not having a salary at the beginning?…Take a cut of the obscene profits, yes you can! Think long term 🙂 I am obviously joking. I think. You can surprise me.
If you want to buy my blog, I just want you to know that I already have an offer. From Ingy for $100. I refused it and will hold out for more! Because I am so greedy and have spent so much time on my blog “business model” lol. But feel free to change my mind lol2.
I am also thinking another evolution may be to kill the Sunday posts and just stay away for the weekends. And do the Best of Web posts as I accumulate enough links and blast them out on a weekday. We shall see.
I don’t do sponsored posts. Feel free to change my mind on this too.
That’s all for now. Thank you for reading and being part of my blog.
Support blogs you enjoy reading!
Je suis TBB and I travel for free! Just made that up, nice!
Keeping it real…To infinity and beyond!
And I leave you with this…
Follow TBB on Twitter @FlyerTalkerinA2.
You can subscribe to TBB below, winners only!
Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Reading this post was like sitting at the bar with you and having a beer.
New world, greet the numerators!
P.S. I admire your refusal to join Boarding Area. I made a similar, principled decision to never join the E Street Band, no matter how much Bruce offers me. Time with family is more important. Plus Twitter, of course.
It’s a HUGE assumption that Boarding Area would want this blog under it’s umbrella when it says to ignore other BA blogs.
BA only cares about money and clicks. They aren’t bothered by plagiarists and scammers on their site, they wouldn’t give a damn. Not that George should join anyway, but just sayin.
@ Sam: Thanks Sam. One day we will drink again! E Sreet bank analogy—>Lol
@ Fionas Apples: First, clever handle! Maybe it is. Last time I checked BA’s business model is page views. Unless BA management asks current blog members to vote up or down a new entrant. Frankly, my biggest fear in life is, assuming my blog goes there, they place my mug shot next to Rene and PM&Ms 🙂
@ Ryan: Fiona, in other words, Ryan is saying, based on some blogs in BA, making an assumption to turn down TBB because of “standards” is a bit much hey?
Thank you all for contributing. Fiona too. I don’t like apples in general, full disclosure. I am actually eating an orange now. Organic!
When did BA last add a new blog?
I don’t know but I can tell you when they last lost one 🙂
After I retired from blogging, that guy I told you about offered me $200 for my content but I told him no thanks. I’m not saying I can’t be bought, but the price is higher than my content is reasonably worth.
(I’m not joining Boarding Area either.)
For real??
I wonder how many purchases that guy has done? Shocking actually!
I guess I am not holding out hope for that to happen to me lol.
Not sure that he’s done any, he seems new to this.
I look forward to the new world!
This is only the beginning.
I always liked saying that. Any change I can get. It is…kind of intriguing I think 🙂
#TBBon, forevah
Gracias amigo, good to see you back here!
You Go George! I agree with Sam, I felt like we were having a conversation up in AA.
One day I am going to make those meetings again. Or wait until next year’s Art Fair DO. You missed it this year I think. Right? If you did, I added a nice deck. No more saving for college, you can’t believe what that does to bank account balances 🙂
Good decisions all, George! I look forward to reading whatever you put out here. As far as guest posts, do you just want proposals or send you something done and if you like it then you print it?
Thank you Carl.
Either one will do, proposals or draft…I am open. But if the title says “Chase sucks”…it will not work #justkiddingforthemostpart
If you go this direction “It may even come down to a once a week Best of Web post. We address it then” you might as well shut it down. I dont think you’ll get any clicks with a once a week blog post. Its gotta be daily otherwise you’ll always bleed readers. Dont know how many you have currently but if you go to weekly or 2x a week my guess it that you will only have a fraction of followers left just because they get used to not coming to your site on a daily basis
Thanks for the feedback amigo who never clicks on affiliate links…Management will take this into consideration and incorporate it into our business model to be approved by our esteemed Board of Directors. Bwahahahahaha.
You think I spend any time thinking how many clicks I get?
I do not know how many I have currently. The last time I checked out my Google Analytics was in 2013. Or maybe 2014.
If everyone gave me an Amazon click and/or a cc click once per month at the very least…I think that will have the opposite effect of feeling deflated when I check my $ haul once a day—–>current evolution
I am good with it as is for now.
Checking on all the material I have for tomorrow…shorter blog posts is not going to happen, at least with the post tomorrow. Some awesome stuff. Enjoy it for freeeeeee (trying to make you feel guilty)
I am going to post HIllary’s latest manifesto to mess with you. And Ramsey. Maybe. I have not read it yet but it is in the “to read” queue. That darn queue never goes down, Jeeeeesus!
Thanks for the support MU (cough)
I maybe you got confused. I wasnt referencing clicks as in Alexa or something. I was referencing comments and such. If you only show up 1/2x a week. I think most will just find somewhere to go on a daily basis. Post Hillary’s manifesto it wont bother me she got beat in the election and thats all that mattered to me. I give Trump big props for blocking her assent to the throne. #Winning – On a side note I sign up for maybe 1-2 CCs a year. If you were thinking I was ever gonna be your gravy train Im afraid you hitched to the wrong person I am/was always an MSer not a churner.
Re clicks: who cares?
Hillary’s manifesto is coming…Sunday 🙂
Gravy train? Lol. With ur 1-2 yr a blogger u read will appreciate the support. That’s all.
God, yes. Spare us all Vol 2 of the Mileage Update manifesto.
To be blunt, compadre, you drive by miles and miles of hidden card ‘click here’ déception, credit card salesmen (and women-‘cause we care) pretending to be travel advisors, Reddit and Facebook organizers with links unlimited, posts suggesting good cards but never mentioning any without an affiliate link.
And after you go past all of that and more, then you come to TBB, and you take exception to hypocrisy?
Spare me, Nostradamus.
Pop quiz, Sam. Who’s more hypocritical? A blogger who wears his religion as a sales tool while teaching people how to act immorally, or MU with his (hers?) distasteful and ridiculous opinions?
Spare me,
Personally I’d rather both of you fix your pomposity before ever posting again. Nobody likes the loud drunks at the end of the bar. We just pity you (both).
If each comment was a cc click…this blogger would never whine!
«We just pity you (both). »
Is that the regal ‘we’ or are your speaking on behalf of all anonymous posters?
I appreciate this:
2) No racist/misogynist crap
I found a certain ageist/sexist comment yesterday offensive (again)–from one of your readers who rabidly supports an even older political figure, of course.
Buzz, it’s good you’re doing what’s best for you. I’m sure I speak for many of your readers who’d say that we’d be using your links to get new cards if only we had cards left to get–and still MS’d. I still go through your links from time to time, but the AOR glory days are behind me. I’m no stranger to your Bezos link, though.
Your blog continues to inform, entertain, and inspire me. Thank you!
Thank you!
That reader got a warning. There won’t be one next time. Oh wait, I am waiting for it after I post Hillary’s latest manifesto I just finished reading. She unloads on Trump WOW!
I totally understand my nominator issue has to do with the state of cc churning. Those AOR days are long gone. And it is sad.
Thanks for the kind words and the support. Much appreciated!