We learn Randy Petersen Retires and no more Inside Flyer printed publication, visit the New York Times Travel Show, how we love Avios, travel to the Mostar Bridge, drive on spectacular roads and more!
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Randy Petersen Retires – Inside Flyer End of an era. So does this mean really retiring or just no more Inside Flyer? I can’t see Boarding Area and Milepoint without Randy. I have enjoyed the magazine over years. I think I signed up recently for two years and oh boy do I feel like a loser now.
Highlights from the New York Times Travel Show 2015 – Philatravelgirl – Flying by the Seat of my Points Lots of good info on what went down in this conference. It would be cool if one day I attended with a Press badge I guess. Especially for free!
6 Reasons to Love British Airways Avios – Travel Is Free Down to the point, leaving the fluff out.
Where bridge jumping is a rite of passage – Matador Network Mostar. This is such a beautiful video, wow!
20 of the world’s most spectacular roads – Matador Network Spectacular indeed!

15+ Of The World’s Most Magical Streets Shaded By Flowers And Trees – Bored Panda We are on bridge, road and street mode now…

Big Scary Stock Market Sell-Offs Happen All Of The Time In Bull Markets
The Disciplined Investor’s Worst Enemy: Tracking Error – Excellent read by my colleague.
Off to San Diego, posting will be affected, expect much shorter posts. Or maybe I can do a “credit card review” series and cut and paste the marketing copy like the guys at Points Miles & Martinis do….If not, they have earth shuttering “news” such as “Woman Arrested For Drowning Puppy At Airport After Being Denied Boarding”. Shaking my head…
Several bloggers also pumped this “plastc” product. Are you serious? You want me to put all my credit cards in this? Are you out of your mind? Oh, you are not even trying it yourself and already pumping it? Nice! BOO!!!
The Frugal Travel Guy folks had post #345,568 on the Amex SPG card, pump it up! #sameold.
Nice job Will, seriously?

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Third yet again…
Firth of Forth
I don’t care about Randy Peterson or Boarding Area. They can self promote it all day but it doesn’t mean a thing to me.
Okay then, thanks for letting us know. I sure would like a refund for paying for a 2 year subscription when I knew the ending was coming #facepalm
Randy loves this stuff too much to retire!
Yeah I know, just the magazine goes….it was so thin at the end I could read it in one sitting, most ads were its own!
And if Randy went, TPG and MMS would become the press ambassadors for our hobby ….
/thanks for the nightmarish thought!
Hyatt is launching a new “lifestyle” brand, Hyatt Centric. I got a kick out of reading these two takes on the brand.
The first is Gary. In typical Gary snobbish fashion and the judge of all things correct in the travel business, he thinks if it is not classic luxury it is just a fad. http://viewfromthewing.boardingarea.com/2015/01/26/hyatt-launching-20-new-hotels-introduction-lifestyle-brand/
The other is from Scott, clearly the target audience, and the reaction is more positive. http://travelcodex.com/2015/01/hyatt-centric-will-launch-summer-15-properties/
I found the contrast enjoyable because I read Gary’s post first and he poo poos all over it, then you read a reaction from the target audience. Once again, although in a more subtle way, we see Gary’s self important worldview on display. If it’s not his style of luxury then it is just a bad idea.
Whenever I read View From My Plate and Gleff post’s pictures of all the greasy, fat filled artery clogging foods he is scarfing down (or complaining about) I often wonder which credit card he is going to use for his HEART BYPASS SURGERY.
Am anxiously awaiting his expose on the horrible cookies in post-op!
LOL. Fat people stuffing their faces is always a turn off.
Man….don’t like links to Blogs in the Ignore list!
i have those posts starred in Feedly, will try to get to them tonight. IN San Diego now…
Every day that goes by I think that my Ignore list is my gift to humanity, so right on so right on 🙂