We bring to your attention some Reselling warnings, the news that Hyatt Diamond Suite Upgrades got hit, the latest on tourist visas, learn abt Best Western.
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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Some good warnings about this Reselling thingie…
Hyatt takes a hammer and just beats up them Diamond Upgrades! No, this change is not “unfortunate”…it just SUCKS!
The latest on Best Western Rewards. Mostly positive but, then again, it is Best Western. Club Carlson can rest easy, it has some ways to catch up to #ouch.
Fidelity mileage offers if you have a lot of dinero sitting around.
Another devastating hit! I am having a meeting with a Private Banker next week #developing. One step closer to basket weaving and Tai Chi or 60k Ink?
How to close them accounts, nice reference.
Amazing Architecture. Some amazing stuff here in yet another AFAR list. I always discover something new! Lame blogger question would be…”which one is your favorite?” π
Infographic: The Cleanest Cities in the World. Interesting. Shocked to find New Delhi, India in Number 2 in Asia, say whaaaat?
Painting in the Dark: The Struggle for Art in a World Obsessed withΒ Popularity. Talks about Van Gogh and how it took years to sell his first painting. This is what I feel like this little blogging project here, I am creating art since I sucked in all musical instruments lol.
A brief history of swearing in movies. Very educational. Please lower the volume if you are at work!
Giant church in shape of shoe to open in Taiwan. What the hell crazy Christians!
Key Number in 2016 Income Tax Planning. Great reference as you gather all your 2015 tax documents!
National Geographic Unique Lodges of the World. Wow!

6 Charts That Explain the State of Global Tourist Visas in 2016. Excellent charts indeed!
And I leave you with this…

Since we are on this mega bonus mode, what about this too!

I am not sure if you noticed but we are having a little bit of volatility in the financial markets lately. Of course nobody whines about upward volatility! When this happens, people like me in this business work more and make less and that is the price we pay for making more when markets go up. And thank God the latter happens more frequently than the former lol.
Time is even shorter to dedicate to my little baby here entertaining you all. I have been doing it for over three years now and it has become part of…my life. But it is now even more difficult, I am stretched to my limits with tax season about to start. I am afraid if I can keep it all together and keep it up to the level of quality I expect of myself and you should have come to expect as well. This is not a commercial blog like the fantastic MileCards and thank the Lord we don’t fall as low as Frugal Travel Guy! By the way, the founder of that pumping machine has been my most fiercely loyal reader since day one, trolling my site non stop. Yep, he is back folks, now posting as…The Truth Troll. You can’t make this stuff up! Just entertain yourself…because this site is primarily about entertainment! So wrong…so many times and keeps coming back, wow!
So, when I check once a day how much this operation has brought in to pay our fearless intern it is somewhat demoralizing when the past few days is not enough to pay for even a small cup of coffee at Panera! Thank God this is now the exception so thank YOU! No doubt we have way too many blogs and many of these bloggers will be better served by doing something else. But there are some good ones out there trying to do the right thing and enhance readers’ lives and do it in an ethical manner . But it is hard to…keep going! There is a point where most…give up. I am trying not to give up because I am stubborn as hell and like to build things from scratch. “The happiness is in the struggle!” Besides, I enjoy the hell out of it actually; if I didn’t I would not be doing it still because…you know, WTFwhy?
Actually, I like to vent here sometimes because it makes me feel better about myself and saves me money in therapist bills πΒ TBB is where I go to take a break from a fully engaged life. I am living the dream and you can too! Especially, if you click on that beautiful CSP and Ink cards in my site bwahahaha. Anyways, thanks for entertaining myself too woohoo.Β Ok, my point. Please help the small bloggers, prevent them from quitting! Because outfits like FTG and MMS win then and that does not enhance humanity and advance world peace!
Thanks to the ones going for the Ink and SPG cards, you know who you are.
To new readers: I go on periodic whining rants so I can re energize myself to…keep going! Long time readers know to ignore them by now. I am making a really strong effort to do…less of this whining. Thanks for understanding π
Please help bloggers you appreciate & make a positive difference in your life by spreading the word about their blogs, emailing and commenting and using their few $ links, thank you!
Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs To Ignore
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TBB Management reserves the right to award Gold to the reader who gets a card today. Obviously, we like CSP, Prestige or Amex Platinum…mucho dinero
Friday….comments slow down….they are all busy reading FTG π
I went for the SPG personal tonight through your link. I wasn’t due for my next AOR until yesterday and I spent that whole day being horribly sunburned and traveling back from Cancun. I nearly went from the drury inn card too, but just lost track of time…
Give me the official gold Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The TBB Board’s executive decision #235 hereby awards Brenton the Gold and takes it away from a pissed off…Brenton…wait, it’s you!
Ok then, how about TWO Golds π
Thank you very much, makes all the time spent here…hurt less haha.
Good morning TBBLandia from America Central.
TBB — the “devastating hit” link goes to the same place as the “Best Worsten” link.
Fixed, thanks for letting me know!
No sandwich for intern today. Looks like he is too tired digging that tunnel to free El Pacho…again! That Kumar co-digger…this guy never gets tired! π
Am I third? Not getting a card today from the waters off South Africa….
You still there?
I’m very glad I got into reselling last year. I am still at the opportunist small scale level but it has already paid off very well. Soon it will be the only game in town.
Getting to be the only game in town much faster than we all anticipated.
Still…not for me, it just seems too much work. And one deal goes bad and BANG! π
Also, I am shocked, SHOCKED that Hyatt would limit the diamond upgrades after handing out diamond status like candy. I’m sure those two things are unrelated.
Yeah really…the change was “unfortunate” per the Thought Leader π
Thanks Buzz, about the art thing, I’ll just say, Stay Beautiful, you are doing a great job and we won’t mind if you need to cut a few corners here during tax season, just when it passes we are going to expect a return to the high level quality we deserve for the price we pay for our subscriptions, and that’s all I’m going to say on that aspect of it.
Comments — just read half so far then getting ready for work.
But wait, you said we can post pics here now, right ? Just how ? That AFAR architecture thing got me thinking about my upcoming trip to Mexico city.
Just one more thing, at the risk of repeating myself.
Let’s empathize with that truth complainer guy. I’m guessing his feelings were hurt at some point. I’m reading this book of letters from Lord Chesterfield to his son, it is from the 1700s and it has some great advice. Well I downloaded it from a tnerrot (backwards), it is long long long off copyright anyway. So let’s try to reconcile, “can’t we all just get along”? Group Hug ! ! ! !
Here’s the thing though, and the part that may sound repetitive, I don’t have time to go through 42 different blogs everyday to try to figure out what is worthwhile info or not. Plus considering many of them have many “clickbait” (learned that word here) articles to slow me down even more. So I can come here for a digest of some highlights. Is that so wrong, I ask you ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Though I am going to start hitting FlyerTalk more thoroughly than just the premium flight deals, I’m already booked for too much vacation this year anyway but I’ve noticed some other items mentioned where people say “this was posted on FT” so there you go.
Thanks for this blog and forum.
I agree with Mike that your blog entertains. It’s one of the very few that I read every day. That is an honor of sorts, Buzz!
P.S., I much prefer Ramsey posts over FTG. Whereas FTG is cranky, Ramsey always entertains!
Thank you BC
My boss is the best in the town.
@Mike: Pics here? I wish I knew how to do this in the comments!
I have a PERFECT link for “group hugs”. It is hilarious…will post when I get to it, sometime early next week!
“So I can come here for a digest of some highlights” – Bingo. That was exactly the purpose of this blog. Almost added the tagline “We ‘ll waste time reading all the blogs and bring you the best so you don’t have to waste your time!”. I then decided that was a bit amateurish and switched it to ” An eclectic journey through the Travel Miles/Points blogosphere”. While adding my voice to the mix to…entertain/educate/inspire. That’s it, you guys decide if this is worth it. Or not. If not, you move on. Unless you are the Troll lol.
@bluecat: Thanks! Ramsey over FTG? Is that even a question, come on! π
@Kumar: Always brown nosing π
Today’s best headline: “The aliens are silent because they’re dead.”
X Files tomorrow…The Truth is out there!
Kumar report to my office right away and bring a razor, I need my back shaved. But first bring TBB a new Mine Canary down to the tunnel he is digging to get me out. Just tell him his old Canary is just sleeping, take it and get the hell out of there quick…………………………………………..HT Bluecat
If Kumar cannot find a razor for the back shaving, I have some duct tape.
Lol…duct tape, woohoo.
Thanks for playing along you guys
Did you like the latte, boss? Hope I get 1 million dollars in stock options this year. Please don’t give me 1 million sky pesos like you did last year. Even delta doesn’t think it is worthy, you know. By the way, I am yet to get my referral bonus for referring TBBBreakingnews as my co-intern who has been doing splendid job in digging your way out, so far.
When you get that million please blow it in my Amazon link, thanks amigo!
Regarding today’s FrequentMiler post by Devils Advocate…OY VEY, it must be a really slow news DAY, that is all I can SAY, OK? (hey it rhymes)
Ha I think it will be a slow year. When peanuts are left, there will be a swarm of squirrels fighting for them.
At this rate we may see Amex get bought for…peanuts and lose all them cards #thehorror
Wait, Chicago #1 as cleanest city in North America? You f-ing kidding me? I’d never had any allergies and other health problems my whole life until I moved to Chicago. Who are the morons who came up with the list? Wait, a bunch of janitors in the UK you said? Never mind then. π π
ps: Insert Polish jokes here.
Yeah, that list…shaking my head…
On MMS: My prediction is a shut down or a sell within a year. The stories there are getting monstrous such as latest and greatest βI Only Started Building a Credit History 2 Years Agoβ¦and I Already Have 20 Credit Cards!β Emily von Unreal.
I took a look at that post. OMG! I threw up inside my mouth, that was just awful…because all we needed was another site pumping plastic…eeeek!
More digging…
With Kumar…
Hang in there boss!
George, since you’re getting busy, are you looking for guest bloggers? π
Must be unique and fit the blog mission.
No “Top 10 cards to have breakfast with”, no reviews of stuff that has been blogged to oblivion, etc.
Kumar…..no sleep, we live in the tunnel, someone call for pizzas…errr, meant tacos! Keep on digging!!!!!
#sadface. My boss is going to cut my bonus this year π
As I am busy digging the tunnel to get our boss out, I am looking for a service provider who could write those IHG entries for me and my spouse. The one listed in VFTW and Angelina’s site doesn’t seem to take any further orders. Any suggestions?
Loopholetravel had a post abt a diy method that looked like a lot less work.
Are there that many folks in the MS game who are actually reselling? A few years ago, if you read a couple of the mommy supermarket sites, you could easily figure out how to get Walgreens to pay you a little bit of money to buy stuff each week (they’ve since changed their strategy, and this isn’t so easy). Sometimes you’d want to use the stuff yourself, but sometimes you could make a few bucks buying things you didn’t want — but by buying that stuff, you’d earn script (Register Rewards) to buy other things you actually wanted.
This meant that you had pharmacy products that you paid nothing for that you didn’t want. The obvious thing to do was sell that stuff on ebay. But even with your costs of goods being zero, it wasn’t exactly a great thing to do. It seemed like you had to spend about an hour to make, maybe, 10 bucks (accounting for listing the merchandise, reviewing the orders, preparing the shipping, etc). And that’s when your costs of goods were zero! It’s unimaginable to me that most reselling where you had to pay for the goods would be a good use of time. Anyone smart enough to figure out this game could probably use their talents to make much more money doing something else.
I thinks it’s a fraction of the MS population.
I agree with your viewpoint.
Citi Prestige Now Earns 3x On Gas (+ Potential 5k Bonus Points)
If you have it, give them a call and ask for yours to be added & u may get 5k Thank You points, u got nothing to lose!
If you consider the card…get it here with TBB’s links so I can eat. Now excuse me, I am going back to digging the tunnel with Kumar to free our boss, hang on El Chapo….HELP IS ON THE WAY!