If you have been around FlyerTalk for a while there is no doubt you have come across the posts by Mike Cordelli, one of the most gracious people you will ever meet in this community. The news is spreading fast…Mike passed away unexpectedly last night. We never met in person but we had interacted on FT and online numerous times and I feel like I have known the guy for years. It will be weird not interacting with him anymore. I am so so sad.
To get an idea what kind of person Mike was, here is his last message on Facebook:
Take some time to look up into the sky tonight and tomorrow night if you live away from lights. Starts tonight, but Sunday night may be the show with 100 per hour. Search perseid showers,for viewing tips
Here is a thread on FlyerTalk, appropriatelly titled: “A hole in the wall that may never be filled: RIP Cordelli”
A beautiful post about him by Canarsie at the Gate is here: In Memoriam, cordelli
I am shocked and heartbroken.
Mike, I know you are looking down on us from the sky now. Take care my friend and rest in peace. You have no idea how much we are missing you!
First time I’m #1, and not happy to be so.
I knew Mike over 10 years on Flyertalk. We broke bread many times at restaurants, WineDo’s, and in my home. A nice guy is an understatement when talking about Cordelli. Mike was a caring individual. When he found out that I was in the toy business, he asked if I had anything that could be donated to the disadvantaged children in Norwalk CT. He would come to my home annually to pick up those boxes of toys. Mike also was involved in animal rescue. His post on Facebook always reminded his followers to think about those homeless animals.
I feel so sorry for Anna, his wife. They did everything together. It’s my understanding that he died in Napa; enjoying another one of his passions, wine (and travel). Mike could be depended on to bring a good, no, exceptional bottle to our wine dinners aka WineDo (on Flyertalk).
To say I’ll miss him is an understatement. He wasn’t a screen name to me. He wasn’t someone that I met once or twice and touched me. Mike was someone that I knew and liked after multiple meals together in the Metro NY area.
To those reading that didn’t know Mike, or only knew him from what he posted on Flyertalk, you missed out. If you knew Mike, then you understand what I’m saying.
Mike was a rare breed in the online world. He was a real gentlemen. May his memory be a blessing.
George, thanks for giving me the opportunity to share with your readers.
dhammer53 Your words are an amazing tribute! When I saw Georges’ post I instantly ‘knew’ him even though I only knew him via his posts. I’ll echo to you ” may his memories be a blessing” as his life touched yours and made an impact.
dhammer53: Thank you for taking the time to post this. My heart goes out to his family and to you too. Please pass my personal condolences to his wife Anna. It is amazing how strong of a connection it can be, even in a virtual world.
If I can be any assistance to her (absolutely pro bono!) I would do my best to help. Sadly, I have had some experience with clients’ passing.
I just don’t feel like blogging right now, let alone provide any entertainment of any kind:-(
Here’s the thread on Flyertalk… http://www.flyertalk.com/forum/communitybuzz/1493159-hole-flyertalk-may-never-filled-rip-cordelli.html
George, I’ll pass your offer along to Anna. ^