Another TBB post featuring the most eclectic links around the web such as how to retire better, we are in sports gambling hell, Threads vs Twitter, AI scams will continue, The age of the idiot is accelerating, we defend the Fed, Elon Musk killed my Tweetdeck and I am in mourning, we get to the bottom of the Covid origin, learn how to uncover movie spoilers, amazing astronomy photography, we travel to the best US underrated destinations, eat at 150 world legendary restaurants, travel to Thessaloniki, Greece, dream about eight secret invite only elite statuses and a lot more, enjoy your weekend!
TBB Blog Mission: To Educate. Entertain. Inspire. In That Order!
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No ads, no clickbait. No sponsored posts.
NEW: This blog publishes every Friday. And whenever I feel like it. Or just Friday. This is a one man labor of love operation.
Interesting article in the Wall Street Journal about retirement: How to Retire Better, from Retirees Who Learned the Hard Way. With actual examples from real people. Personally, I never liked the word “retirement”, I don’t know, it just does not feel right for some reason. Someone in my industry came up with “rewirement” which unfortunately never took off. Also, this subject is so personal and different for everyone…
Do not worry or never lose any sleep over the Fed. In Defense of the Fed. It can be an easy target sometimes. Maybe you should focus perhaps on actions that are totally within your control instead? And, since the birth of history, we always had people who bitched about everything. Maybe, I don’t know, avoid these people, they are always downers! But why do they persist?
1) Pessimism is seductive
2) Politics and economics are fascinating and frustrating because causality is near-impossible to prove and anyone can find “data” that supports their preconceived notions.
3) Two opinions are perennially in vogue: the government is bad/irresponsible/ruining everything, and Wall Street is bad/irresponsible/ruining everything.
At the end of the day the Fed is doing just fine it appears…
And the job market continues to do amazingly well. I always found it peculiar when strong job numbers cause the market to drop smh…And has anyone seen lately so many market “gurus” who have been predicting a recession for so long? The economy’s doomsday clock has been reset. Wall Street’s fearmongers were totally wrong about a recession. Ignore market “gurus”, none of us have a crystal ball!
Every time I see a gambling ad I cringe. And seeing the growth in this market is depressing indeed. Sports Gambling is Tax Hell. I love the opening sentence: The lottery is often referred to as the idiot tax. Do reach out for help if you need it, gambling can be a severe addiction. Like crack…not that I have ever done crack lol.
The numbers are mind-boggling. In 2018 sports wagers added up to $6.6 billion. In 2022, the total catapulted to north of $93 billion! [Insane and so sad!]
The bottom line is that millions of online sports bettors are in a triple jam. Either they pay tax on winnings and forgo loss deductions because they don’t itemize, or they net losses and gains based on gray-area session rules and risk an IRS challenge, or they flout the law by not declaring gambling winnings and hope the agency won’t notice.
I need to confess. I was a Twitter power user for many years. Twitter has been incredibly beneficial for my career, network and yes relationships. Most people never understood the power of Twitter. But the ones who did realized how truly powerful it was. I have used Tweetdeck almost exclusively for many years which made it incredibly easier to become a Twitter power user. And the addiction grew. Until Tweetdeck just stopped working last week. We were forced to update to a new version which absolutely sucks. In addition, if that was not insulting enough, we were informed that in thirty days we would have to get verified, meaning pay $8 per month and I just won’t do this out of principle to the awful human in charge who just seems determined to destroy the essence of Twitter. It has been hard adjusting to not having Tweetdeck open and just firing random tweets throughout the day, I admit it. But the writing was on the wall and, you know, it has been kind of liberating so maybe I should be thankful to Elon Musk? I am now on Threads, follow me there. Too bad I had to open an Instagram account to use Threads. Anyway, maybe this will stick or it will fade away too like so many other Twitter clones #developing.
Elon Musk Really Broke Twitter This Time
He sure did! How about him announcing post limits while the CEO he hired is out there busting her behind selling ads, what a genius!
All the money and trolling can’t hide what’s obvious to anyone who’s been paying attention to his Twitter tenure: Elon Musk is bad at this. His incompetence should unravel his image as a visionary, one whose ambitions extend as far as colonizing Mars. This reputation as a genius, more than his billions, is Musk’s real fortune; it masks the impetuousness he demonstrates so frequently on Twitter. But Musk has spent this currency recklessly. Who in their right mind would explore space with a man who can’t keep a website running?
I have mourned two products online more than any, Tweetdeck and Google Reader. Well, it has been 10 years without Google Reader so I guess I am over it. But losing Tweetdeck hurts so much because it just happened! TweetDeck is falling apart after Twitter’s rate-limiting fiasco.
Breaking: Threads passes 30M sign-ups in less than 24 hours. Wow, that IS fast! And Elon Musk is threatening to use Meta LOL! I don’t know, maybe Elon should not have fired so many engineers and brag about it?
Did you see what I did with the headline? Here we go: AI scams contribute to rise in investment fraud. As AI hype increases, expect more! For heaven’s sake, don’t fall for this:
…one woman in Canada lost $750,000 in a scammer who used a “voice clone” of billionaire Elon Musk to direct her to a website where she could buy shares of his stock for $250.
And I almost added Crypto in the headline but maybe I thought it was a bit much…
In addition to AI, cryptocurrency continues to be a significant driver of investment fraud. A record $2.57 billion was lost to crypto investing scams in 2022, according to the report from Carlson Law.
We get the June 2023 Ponzi Scheme Blog Report where we all get to shake our heads in disbelief with how many suckers are out there…
There was a game “Where is Carmen Sandiego?” back in the day. Which reminds me in Russia they are playing “Where is Prigozhin?” these days lol. I have a feeling this dude will be exiting a window in the near future…
Still, what Prigozhin managed to do, along with the reaction of the people cheering him on, is still shocking. Makes you wonder that Putin’s Real Security Crisis is indeed real.
For now, it is not just Prigozhin who seems to have gone unpunished but also the security services who supposedly were protecting Putin from precisely such a threat. For any autocrat, this is a strange way to reassert control. In the short term, Putin may see it as the best way to downplay the crisis and move on. But his security services will be unable to save him from the new reality that has taken shape in which the military itself is open to criticism and even challenges to its rule. If such challenges continue, they may not be limited to the military. They could extend to Putin’s own hold on power.
You may have seen recently more “news” about yet another report that Covid was started at the Wuhan lab by the Chinese. Oh boy, we have been here so many times before. At the end of the day, you know, we got nothing new. Those insisting the pandemic was human-made are ignoring the known facts. People who believe the novel coronavirus was the result of a lab experiment don’t have any evidence to support their theory.
And I have always felt like this:
Of course it remains possible that Covid leaked out of a lab in Wuhan. I am not saying it didn’t, nor are the scientists who think it had a natural origin and came out of the wet market. They just want to see hard evidence for the lab leak theory, as do I. We haven’t seen any yet, even after the intelligence community released declassified material behind their assessments! If that elusive evidence does emerge, I’ll say, “Sure, I was wrong on this, as were most of the scientists I trusted.” But until we see that hard evidence, the burden is on proponents of the “lab leak” theory to disprove what remains the most overwhelmingly likely explanation of a natural origin. Frankly, they haven’t come close.
I don’t get too political here because, I mean, there are so many other places to indulge in endless fights. But this article just spoke to me and had me nodding my head in agreement so much that I may have pulled a muscle or something: The Acceleration of the Age of the Idiot. The Main Question History Will Ask About Us Is: How Did Everything Get So Stupid, So Fast?
There’s anti-scientific conspiratorialism — science is some kind of conspiracy cooked up by the Illuminati, the Jews, God knows what these days. And so you can’t “believe” in it — it’s out to get you, from vaccines, to the hoax of climate change, and on and on. That provokes the next form of stupid — violent rage, intimidation, threats. Think back to a decade ago — in most of our modern societies, anyways, it was almost totally unheard of for this kind of thing to happen — a meteorologist to be intimidated off the air by death threats from lunatics and fanatics.
Stupid is crowding out sanity. In domain after domain. In education. In public discourse. In media — which is imploding, going bankrupt. In everyday interactions, which now — well, you don’t know if that person’s going to be a total crackpot, do you, and so, like many people, you’re much, much more guarded than you used to be a decade ago, and there go social ties.
You go to a movie and after it ends you think about it. A lot. Constantly. For a very long time. What “did” that scene mean? Or what did the ending mean? Well, maybe you can find out with the website Movie Spoilers.
Amazing shots in the Astronomy Photographer of the Year contest, enjoy!

If an airline executive is reading my blog and wants to gift me one of these please reach out, thanks! 8 Secret, Invite-only Travel Elite Status Tiers That You’ve Never Heard Of.
A US diplomat was sent to Thessaloniki, Greece and she fell in love with the city and Northern Greece. Αn American Diplomat’s Love Letter from Thessaloniki. In a letter to her infant son, US diplomat Liz Lee describes why Thessaloniki and the region of northern Greece will always hold a special place in her heart. Very cool.
Hell of a list for foodies! 150 Most Legendary Restaurants in the World & Their Iconic Dishes.
Hmm, Buffalo, NY? 25 of the USA’s most underrated destinations
A section where I go on and on about some stuff that happens in my life and anything else that just does not fit in another section above
Training for the Chicago Marathon was going very well until today, some issue with my right foot, what’s new? Taking the day off more as a precaution. In my younger days I would power through…only to regret it. #LearningFromExperience. And I am not seeing myself attempting one of these by the way: There’s Nothing Quite Like Golden Hour at Western States. At this point in my life, I just want to finish a marathon under 4 hours! I was also notified yesterday I did not win an entry to the 2024 London Marathon, boo! I have failed in every marathon lottery I have entered so far, consistency! I now will need to search for a charity…
The Greek National Mens soccer team accomplished the unthinkable back in 2004 winning the European Championship in Portugal. Started the tournament and ended it beating Portugal at home. It’s always great to get Ronaldo in tears, well, it doesn’t take much. Talk about an underdog going on a hot streak! So, every July every Greek plays THIS video and gets emotional.
Kids visited over July 4th weekend. We took son and girlfriend to see a Detroit Tigers baseball game, we had great seats from Capital One points I used again. Game was awful for the Tigers who were losing 12-0, only to end the game with three runs to make it a somewhat respectable 12-3 loss. Great seats and a cool night make watching baseball games kind of fun, even though I am definitely not a fan of the sport.
Revenue earned in July in my blog is a big fat zero. So, posting once a week is likely to remain going forward. Need to focus on more important things you guys, I am definitely not going to be discovered after almost eleven years blogging away, sad lol.
This blog started with a focus on miles and points and travel. It has evolved since then. Everything below deals with the hobby of collecting frequent flyer miles and points. If you are not interested, you can stop here, thank you.
I think I am seeing more articles in the Wall Street Journal about the main object of our hobby lately. Or is it just me? The Fierce Debate Over Credit Card Costs. More noise about this, I still think it has no chance because of the entrenched interests but, you know, the more noise there is…something may break. Same thing happened with the debit cards which knocked them completely out of our interest in the miles & points game. Don’t get me wrong, the move on the debit cards had a positive overall role in the bigger picture. One day this will happen with credit cards and more than 95% of the bloggers and writers you know will vanish in an instant. I would probably still be here ranting out loud lol.
These tricks have always been a part in my arsenal how to maximize my flying experience. They are explained very well here: No Connections: How & Where to Find the Best Nonstop Flight Deals.
Just in case you forgot: Q3 2023 5% Quarterly Categories: Activate, Offers & Suggestions (Freedom/Flex, Discover, Dividend, Cash+ & More).
These days every 100,000 points Signup Bonus should be in your radar. And here it is again: Ink Business Preferred Credit Card 100,000 Bonus Points. It used to require a bigly $15,000 minimum spend in three months. But the new offer requires only $8,000 minimum spend, almost 50% lower. For a card with an annual fee of $95. It earns 3x on travel, shipping, internet, cable, phone, social media/search engine advertising. Probably not a keeper for the long term but that is just me, you can decide for yourself, we are all different. The card will allow you to transfer your Ultimate Rewards points to airline/hotel partners in case you do not have the Chase Sapphire Preferred which I prefer and hold for the duration. You can apply for the card with my Credit Card Links or you use my REFERRAL LINK, thank you! Breaking: It appears Chase again is very liberal in approving apps, even if you are over the 5/24 restriction (five credit cards approved in the past 24 months). Maybe we should go back in again #ponderingmyaddiction
We keep seeing different variations of Signup Bonuses out there, good to see the banks compete. Because when the banks compete we win! If you love Holiday Inn Express breakfasts and want to stay and eat for several days in them, how about checking out the Chase IHG Premier: 140k Points + $100 Statement Credit. The annual fee is $99 and you get $100 back AND 140,000 IHG Rewards points. What is there to think about if, like I said, you love this hotel chain and you don’t like paying for it? Available under Card Category/Hotel HERE.
You get a free Hyatt night when you cross $15,000 spend in a calendar year on the personal Chase World of Hyatt Visa. These night certs expire after one year and I was trying to time it to cross $15k a bit later this year so I will have more time to use it before it expires. But, oops, I guess Chase keeps better records than me and I now see the free night cert in my account with an expiration of July 4, 2024. I think I am losing my touch after playing the game all these years…
So, it appears those of us with points in the Radisson Americas program will automatically convert to become Choice points 2:1. I hope it goes well, I guess they transition based on the email address of the accounts if they match?
Any way to extend Hertz points without renting a car?
Another program was “enhanced” smh…if you are keeping notes: Cathay Pacific Flight Reward Devaluation On October 1, 2023. Also, Chase continues to steadily diminish its “Pay Yourself Back” benefit…
I don’t have the bandwidth to do this. Be very careful and don’t go all in ok? Using Buying Groups to Increase Credit Card Spend.
Us old timers with lots of British Airways Avios points who have been booking American Airlines flights with them for years…we have always had a revolving set of tricks to add our AA frequent flyer number in there to replace the British Airways Avios one. So we can pull up the flights on and possibly enjoy some benefits like free bags and early boarding, etc. The latest one is using the Royal Jordanian site, here is how to do it: The Updated British Airways, AA, and Alaska Frequent Flyer Number Swap Trick.
I am sure we all heard the buzz about the Chicago Seminars split by now. That there are now two competing seminars in the same weekend in Chicago! On top of that, Zork Festival is scheduled in Las Vegas the same weekend too! I am not going to get into it because I have been firm with these “seminars” ever since the original organizer salivated over the visiting Nightline TV crew back 10 years ago or something. These are social events for weirdos like us to get together and, primarily, it is for the businessmen bloggers in this space to cultivate current relationships and rope in more newbies who will end up clicking on their affiliate credit card links. It is all marketing folks!
HOT CREDIT CARD OFFERS: 75k CAPITAL ONE Venture X, 75k CAPITAL ONE Venture Rewards, 75k CHASE Ink Business Cash, 75k CHASE Ink Business Unlimited, 100k CHASE Ink Business Preferred, 60K CITI Premier, 40k CAPITAL ONE VentureOne Rewards, $1,000 Cash Back CHASE Ink Business Premier, 140K CHASE IHG Rewards Premier (with $100 Statement Credit), 60k CHASE Sapphire, 60k US BANK Business Altitude and many more including many AmericanExpress cards such as Delta Airlines, Marriott Bonvoy and Hilton Honors cards! Please check out my Affiliate links. Terms apply to American Express benefits and offers. Visit to learn more. If you do not see a credit card with my affiliate links, perhaps I could refer you?
This section is about my hobby addiction of collecting frequent flyer miles and hotel points since the early 1990’s! SKIP if you are not into it!
As of today, I have burned 741,000 miles/points year to date in 2023 and have 4,291,617 miles/points in the bank. Some do drugs, I do miles lol!
Thanks to US banks, very lucrative travel rewards credit card offers come and go all the time. This section will act as a reference point on the best CURRENT offers. I will designate new material preceded by NEW.
The Beginner’s Guide to Getting Started with Credit Cards, Points & Miles
BASICS: This travel hacking hobby is mostly about getting the fat Signup Bonus of travel rewards credit cards while of course NEVER EVER carrying a balance. Banks have a marketing budget and are willing to give us many THOUSANDS of miles/points to travel mostly for free hoping to hook us to then charge confiscatory 20%+ interest rates on our balances. The poor souls who fall for their marketing paying these ludicrous interest rates end up subsidizing us responsible consumers who enjoy taking advantage of, cough, such bank marketing budgets! Some of us have been doing this for thirty years creating amazing travel memories…Feel free to ask me questions or post them in the comments, we were all newbies once!
BASICS: Prefer credit cards from the proprietary points programs of banks, such as Chase Ultimate Rewards, American Express Membership Rewards, Citi ThankYou Network, Capital One Rewards Miles because they are a lot more flexible and are not devalued as frequently. Over pure airline and hotel travel rewards credit cards. Pure cash back credit cards may work for you best and they are getting more valuable as airline and hotel loyalty programs keep getting devalued. Sometimes, a pure no annual fee 2% cash back card works best for simplicity!
Credit Card Recommendation Flowchart: March 2023
Master Guide to Credit Card Applications: All the Rules You Need to Know, Bank by Bank
How to Sign up for Chase Ink Cards
The Capital One Venture X card offers a 75,000 point Signup Bonus after a minimum spend of $4k in the first three months. If you like simplicity and looking for one (premium) card, I highly recommend this card (and yes, I have it myself!). It has an annual fee of $395 but it comes with a VERY easy $300 statement credit for travel booked on its excellent travel portal, essentially turning it into a $95 annual fee card. But wait…there is more! On each card anniversary you earn 10,000 points essentially making it FREE! Every dollar of spend earns 2 points and flights booked on the travel portal earn 5 points per dollar. You get access to Capital One and Plaza Premium airport lounges and a Priority Pass Select lounge membership and, this is important, you can add FOUR authorized users FOR FREE who can also have their own Priority Pass Select airline lounge membership. You can transfer your Capital One points to up to 18 Transfer Partners. No foreign transaction fees. Free Hertz President’s Circle rental car top elite status. Cell phone protection and PRIMARY rental car coverage. Awesome seats at baseball stadiums for just 5k points each. And lots more. Available with my Credit Card Links, thank you for your support!
Get 75K Miles, Lounge Access & More with the Capital One Venture X Card
Other worthy credit card deals going on currently:
REFERRAL LINK: Chase Ink Business Preferred/Ink Cash/Ink Unlimited/Ink Premier
REFERRAL LINK: New Offers for United Credit Cards, Earn Up to 80,000 MileagePlus Miles
Remember, you are NOT allowed to ever carry a credit card balance if you ever get a credit card here!
Let me leave you with this:

Some of the links are behind a paywall. You can try to read them using
Thank you for reading my blog. If you enjoy it please pass it on to a family member or friend. Or Buy Me a Coffee, thank you!
You can join 568 email subscribers to receive each blog post by entering your email address below and then clicking on Subscribe:
Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Good morning!
Hope your foot gets better soon.
The Ponzi blog picks out why Ponzis are labeled “affinity fraud” — everything depends on trust and you are more likely to trust someone in your social group.
Where is the 645th Cracker Barrel? Why haven’t they visited that one yet?
Forgot to add–regarding the 25 underrated destinations, the Channel Islands in California are my favorite place on that list. Near the top of the ‘places I’d like to re-visit’ list and I rarely hear others talking about them.
@ DML: Yeah, second day off to rest the foot. “Affinity fraud” brings to mind Madoff who mastered it.
@ Nick: I went to Cracker Barrel once, it was late at night somewhere in Ohio. By far the worst food and super awful service. We all thought that was the creepiest restaurant visit we ever had, we still remember it. We never went back to a CB ever again.
Just took a look at Channel Islands, wow. But…no Hyatt? 🙂
George, are there any points and miles gatherings you’d recommend? I sometimes travel to the 3 hour gathering in Nashville but something longer would be nice.
I think all can be fun mainly because of the attendees will speak your “language”. As long as you are okay taking all this time off and making travel arrangements and of course paying the fee for the “we are doing this for charity” event. If you follow the blogs I don’t think you will learn much from the speakers. The whole thing is about business and the attendees are the product, this “hobby” has long ceased to exist being about the “hobby” and it is all dinero, sadly.
So, where would I go? I am not sure if you are following the Milenomics guys, I think the only pure hobby crowd left. Very heavy on MS and doing it all for the pure travel joy when all others have morphed into credit card and click whores. Maybe the Miles to Memories meetups may be okay as Shawn is still first class even though it appears this ship has lost that “hobby”ist feel with Mark leaving to go to the business men over at Travel on Points. I would stay away from anything organized by the Award Wallet people who pump more plastic than making sure their software is their bread and butter. As far as Chicago Seminars…what a mess.
Zork can be fun if you are into gambling related loyalty rewards, I am definitely not. And then they hired Gary Leff to be the leading speaker and I completely lost all interest on it, what is he going to talk about? Leading thought traveler on pumping plastic and clickbait shit from “shocking” videos, racist shit, porn related, etc stuff, yikes!
Hope this helps.
To all: Looks like I have a major problem with my right foot, resting it and seeing chiropractor tomorrow morning. Staying healthy at this age with everything healing so freaking slow is becoming tiring.
Blog Revenue month to date: $0. Wow….I was going to do a Tuesday post, never mind.
Morton’s Neuroma is my latest injury, story of my life, just when I am about to break out in blogging and running, external forces shut me down lol.
Anyway, Elon managed to make 100 million in 4.5 days download Threads and make him cool again, amazing genius LOL.
The story that Putin met Prigozhin five days after the “mutiny” is just another bat shit crazy moment of this whole stupid war…
Biden, 30 months of consecutive job gains #LEGEND
Zuck the cuck looks classy…..
Never thought I’ld say that about Zuck.
Maybe time to add a Thread profile to your blog.
Sticking with my personal profile on Threads. Don’t have the energy for a TBB blog one too, will let the TBB Twitter profile slowly die, there is only so much social media one can do. I can not believe I had to start an Instagram account to get Threads! Anyway, #1 accomplisment of Elon is making Zuck look cool again, what a Legend! Don’t see the Twitter CEO staying for too much longer to put up with this mfer.
Also, looks like 100k Chase Ink Business Preferred apps are being approved as easy as the 90k Chase Ink cards were!
WTF happened to Maddona?
Also, speaking of aging gracefully, just saw the Cure on a Youtube video playing live, yikes!
I was going to pop a Best of Web post today with five amazing links, took a look at conversions, still batting $0 for July so I quickly changed my mind, see you Friday.
I need to get away from the miles and points crowd….and paying to keep educating/entertaining/inspiring is just not going to cut it out as I am never going to ass kiss clickbaiters smh.
The end is near, been on a hell of a run here. I am going to squeeze a post for tomorrow. After that, with Twitter’s near demise, maybe it is time to stop spending so much time online, it is not healthy.
In the meantime, enjoy this exchange…
See, I read your blog!
“Zork can be fun if you are into gambling related loyalty rewards, I am definitely not. And then they hired Gary Leff to be the leading speaker and I completely lost all interest on it, what is he going to talk about?”
**Thank you**
(a) it’s Tahoe, not Vegas (you mentioned Vegas in the article)
(b) Gary was not hired. He offered to speak. I/we could not afford Gary.
The content and social mix is good. It’s a fun weekend. I explained a lot in the FlyerTalk thread. (including the date)
I will make the corrections, thank you.
I am sure Gary offered to do so because he loves to give back to the “hobby” and not because it is a good business practice to do such things, ok.
I still do not understand why anyone blogging so much this tabloid shit can provide value to your crowd…but hey, it’s okay, being mentioned there and networking are good business practices. But maybe, you know, approving such horrendous “content” may lead some of you business men to maybe draw the line somewhere? Are we all here to improve humanity or just enable shit to spread with so much insanity in the last several years. Also, is Ted Cruz speaking in Tahoe, I hear Gary is a bigly fan! You know, OMAAT I still have some respect for because no one has ever gotten so low as Gary. And sidekick Matthew. Whatever….
I need to move on and get out of this “hobby”, there is no value for the true hobbyists anymore, it’s too much work I don’t have the time for blogging for $0! Enough is enough lol.
See you tomorrow.
Forgot the pic!