TBB Mission: To Entertain, Educate and Inspire. Aim to at least do one well!
If you like what you see here, please let others know by passing them a link to my blog, thank you!
Kind of a slow day…
Take a Fantastic Timelapse Trip to Rio de Janeiro and Iguazú Falls. Magnificent video, Wow! First spotted at Dashburst.
Church of Saint. George in Lalibela, Ethiopia. This is just a majestic structure in volcanic rock anchored into the earth. I would like to visit one day…
Mist-anbul. At Twisted Sifter.

Is this a cool pic or what?

Finally, One Mile at a Time wrote a good post about, you know, miles & points! “Tips for diversifying your points“. Probably see you all again on Monday with a Top XX cards post or yet another Trip Report in First Class w/ luxurious hotel stay with pictures that just look like the last Trip Report. Amazingly, no people ever appear on them. Ok, if you post a picture of Janesis we forgive you lol.
Starting early Saturday with the new client. TBB will be affected. Hope you stick around. I am not going anywhere but it is time to devote to higher priorities. Enough pretending I can be Gary Leff and do dozen things at a time 🙂
This pace is grueling. I need to get rid of a bunch of blogs in my Feedly feed. 600 is absolutely, well, insane!
No intern from the local college has called, boo!
Acer laptop slowly has almost broken into two, so it is time to look for a new one. I would like to get an easy to carry PC with Windows 7, are they even being sold? Windows 8 scares me. Yeah, we have an ipad, never got into it, I am just not a Mac guy, what can I say?
Milevalue, well, you know the drill. Again and again this blog keeps selling the inferior US Air card offer oblivious to what educated readers know. Do you know what is even more pathetic? You go and read the comments and they are all so positive thanking MV for the excellent work, including another blogger who has been featured here in this section of TBB. Hmm, not even a negative comment managed to get through! Words completely fail me…again.
Million Mile Secrets had another Friday interview with new blogger PointsAway. A 25 year old consultant, looks like a nice kid. A constructive comment I posted never made it; very disappointing! I thought my comment was quite constructive. Okay, I could not help but throw in the usual TBB snark I must admit. But, if I try to remember, my wording went like this: “Why do you feel we need yet another blog in this very crowded space and how would you differentiate it from the rest? And why do you feel justified to do so? “After amassing enough miles and points to travel anywhere in the world for almost free in less than six months, he developed PointsAway as a way to help others make travel dreams big and small come true.” I also thanked him for the Jacksonville Jaguars being reliable to lose against my team the Detroit Lions. And that my friends says a lot 🙂 I also welcomed him to this crazy blogging world. Hope he has some thick skin stored…smh. I wish I had his web design skills though…
Frugal Travel Guy (the blog) now has a guest blogger cheerleading the accomplishments of the all mighty Barclays Arrival World Mastercard. Maybe it is a new requirement to write for the blog?
Delta Points recycles some old posts. And discovers that Staybridge hotels are actually very nice! I miss Tamara!
Interesting comments in this Flyer Talk thread: “Is there no honor among bloggers? Should There Be?”
And I leave you with this:
Love the cute baby animals twitterer!
Yeah, me too!
Jeff is very consistent being first 🙂 Windows 8 is not too bad. If you still want Windows 7 laptop, just make sure that you get the 64-bit OS and get enough RAM (~8GB), and you will be fine. Good luck and have fun with the clients tomorrow. Thanks.
That’s actually not good, I should be studying!!
What I have seen and read about Windows 8 scares me. Then again, Windows 7 may be obsolete soon and concerned about the new software running on it…
I need to ponder this decision some more…
Good Morning!
Have a Surface Pro, love it. The Atom based Lenovos look good, the Samsung one rocks too. Win 8 grows on you, it bought our 2006 Dell Desktop at home (2ghz, 2gb ram) back to life, and it works well now (previously xp).
Not a big fan of Windows here (not a big fan of Apple either!). Need to ponder my decision some more. My laptop works fine but just can’t take it with me anymore. It can become a backup desktop I guess.
Some Windows 7 laptops here: http://dealnews.com/c49/Computers/Laptops/f25/Windows-7/
The Toshiba for $699 looks pretty decent but lacks a backlit keyboard which I would consider a must for a new laptop. I’m still typing away on a 7 year old Dell E1405 w/ XP. Best… laptop… ever…
Interesting, thanks for the link!
I will never ever buy a Dell laptop again. Last one I got to know the DHL guy very well as he returned it to me about five times…major issues with the monitor. On the other hand, a Dell desktop I had years ago was a workhorse, lasted me 10 years!
Best laptop I ever had was, surprisingly, an e-machines one! Workhorse at its finest, I miss it!
Oh, I wasn’t touting a specific brand per se. All manufacturers (including Dell) make junk. Give me a lightweight 14″ laptop with a high resolution screen, not ultra high resolution that is too small to read at native resolution. And give me a normal sized touchpad that doesn’t get in the way of typing, not an oversized palm magnet. I shudder the day I can no longer find replacement parts on ebay. 🙂
Looking for parts on ebay is way down on my list….waaaaay down;-)
“New gal here introducing a blog http://www.havekidsandtravel.com … I started this hobby on Feb 6th of this year ”
Which I guess is ok, as long as there’s no claim to be an expert… Countdown to MMS interview and credit card links?
@ABear did you check out the Newbe guide tab on the site?
@Carlos Danger… Well there’s nothing there yet. It could get written as “here are a few things I learned in my introductory months that I wish I had better understood right away” as opposed to “here’s my expert advice for newbies.” I am not hopeful, but I will reserve judgment.
Yeah, it’s getting out of control. I think my cat now feels like he is an expert on this stuff after watching me all these years lol. I am waiting for the new blog ‘Hi, I am Bob, I just learned you can earn miles by putting your spend on a Suntrust debit card & cash 60,000 Skymiles on a trip to Orlando. Since my friends & family are going to start asking me about it, I decided to start this blog to help me share all my secrets!”
Good morning! I suggest you buy an OEM version of Win7 on DVD (now, before they’re all pulled!). (Amazon still has them, I think.) I bought the XP OEM disk — because then I *owned* my own copy of the Windows program for use on any machine. Currently, I have the Win 7 OEM. It means I’m not reliant on the assembler of the computer (Dell or anyone else) to provide a legit copy of Win7! But, when next I buy a machine and it comes with Win8 {shudder} — the VERY first thing I will do is reformat it and install Win7. I cannot imagine EVER going to Win 8! (Who in the hell uses a touchscreen on their DESKTOP?! Talk about repetitive stress injury — having to reach across the keyboard up onto a monitor?! NEVER going to happen…. (Stupid stupid Microsoft!!)
I also (three computers ago, I think? Maybe four?) graduated from Dell and now buy a “spec your own” from Cyberpower. TBB, you probably wouldn’t want that, because you’re not techie enough to want to decide which brand, which size, which type of hard drive/RAM/vid card and etc. you want. But Cyberpower (and other such ‘spec your own’ outfits do sell ‘pre-designed’ computers: That is, THEY make sure all the bits work together correctly so you needn’t worry! (Not much tech support though — great forum(s) but they figure you have your own resources… And good prices for big, fast, smart machines!) (I’m not related to Cyberpower in anyway, except for having bought 3-4 of their beasts! And been very happy with them!)
Thanks for the blog, George!
p.s., LOVED the time-lapse guy — except I prefer his Iceland vids at Vimeo. Gorgeous! Iceland is SO extraordinary! (When we toured, I kept teasing my husband that “we could move there, they have UPS, we could move the biz there!” He wouldn’t go for it.)
p.p.s., Yes, 3-4 computers — the first was the {wince} $3,500 ‘gaming’ machine my late husband bought to go with his 65″ TV (back 6-7 years ago, when a big fast machine cost a lot — and yes, I *loved* playing Halo on that set-up; it was like BEING there! Run for your life!). Then I replaced my old Dell. Then he replaced HIS old Dell… I think he also replaced his first work-desktop with a second Cyberpower machine — he wanted bigger/faster…. Because I have the Win7 OEM disk, I have reformatted that one, and will eventually swap it out for my desktop, just as soon as it rises to the top of the list of things that need doing!
All I ever wanted was a laptop that works and stayed in one piece 🙂 Apparently, I dropped it once in the backpack and must have cracked the corner of it and slowly from use…the darn thing just started breaking and now…I can’t close it at all:-) So it has become my 2nd desktop in a way.
I am scared of Win 8 too!
I’m still using DOS…………………..it’s FABULOUS!
I use Windows 95…Start me Up!
I see the last unexploited travel blogging niche – “Techno Travel – proudly pimping affiliate links using the most technically advanced techniques to Greeks, er, Geeks!”
You do have a sense of humor deep down;-)
“Disclaimer: I do not get any affiliate credit from this card, but if I did, I would have them change the money into pennies so I could swim through it like Scrooge McDuck. Well, maybe in a kiddie pool. Okay, I’d put the pennies in a jar and shake it so I could hear it jingle.”
That’s an awesome disclaimer, lol.
Thanks for catching it.
Thanks! 😀
It is funny watching Delta Points try to keep up with the new BA bloggers. One a days just will not cut it anymore! So, he pulls old posts that were better off left dead to recycle. Fail – no work at all, just 5 seconds to repost (or roughly 1/10 of the time the original post took). No anger here – just basic observation.
As for your computer choice – I was a windows guy for 20 years and switched last year to Mac because of quality control issues with countless Dells. Will never look back. The hardware is top notch and sturdy and everything just works. You can still put Windows on if you need to. After the refresh next month, you could pick them up cheaper!
Re Delta Points: I wish be brings back Tamara!
Have tried the Macs…I just never got along with them. And some software I have runs only on PCs. Yeah, I know I can run windows on the Macs but seems a little too complicated for me. I like to keep things simple. I dread down time due to tech issues….ok, reading this should make me go to Macs right? 🙂
Upgrade on American Airlines new 777-300 just cleared (77W ). Anyone wants a picture of the restroom? Amazing toilets! Whoever said business class is all about the seat hasnt seen this toilet. Amazing, cant wait to spend some time there rather in the new 180 degree lie-flat seats. I’ll try to sneak into the 1st class toilet when everybody is asleep (hopefully the toilet police is off duty).
I am tempted to ask a stewardess to take a pic with me using it. Is this just the champagne talking ?
Toilet police ARE on the job! Watchit Fella.
Come on ABC, you aren’t done yet, come out!
I am still on Vista Pro Bus MS Ed. Thats how long ive had my laptop. Love it and the OS is STABLE. I have both OEM Vista, WIN 7 Pro/Ultimate w/ Office Pro Suite as my backup DVD in case I need a new laptop. Fujitsu S Series Laptops r very good for prof bus users. It’s cool I can login to Windows with the builtin fingerprint scanner, in case I forget my passwd.