We bring you the virus silent spreaders, how airlines want you flying again, investment product offering 13% yield warnings, credit card farmers, the best Covid-19 coverage, we start a new blog session due to coverage of the George Floyd systemic racism and protests worldwide, make the case that Chase Sapphire Reserve card is the best premium product, we travel to Greece, LA, Bangkok and the Dali Museum, we talk about how fitness is changed, send RIP to Christo, talk about monopolies and drugs, go over the new Aeroplan and Etihad partnership, look into booking Royal Air Maroc awards on the AA website and lots more you guys!
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I’ll see you Monday. Be excellent to each other.
It is amazing we managed to get the global pandemic off the news huh? Let me get back to the Covid-19 latest and here is one area I think it is making it so darn difficult to get it under control: The Mystery Of Asymptomatic “Silent Spreaders”. Actually, back in the Spanish Flu era, there was the famous “Typhoid Mary” case; she ended up being kept in confinement for 23 years until her death! Where would you learn stuff like that? For free! 🙂 The answer is…test everyone! And good luck with that here in the US, sad!
This is just excellent! Monster or Machine? A Profile of the Coronavirus at 6 Months.
“We are really early in this disease,” Dr. Ashish Jha, the director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, told The Times recently. “If this were a baseball game, it would be the second inning.”
And there we have it: an organism, or whatever the right word is, ideally adapted to human conversation, the louder the better. Our communication is its transmission. Consider where so many outbreaks have begun: funerals, parties, call centers, sports arenas, meatpacking plants, dorm rooms, cruise ships, prisons.
Ok, it is a really small isolated country and that sure makes it much easier, come on! How Iceland Beat the Coronavirus. But still, so many lessons we can learn from them. Oh, please sit down, they took testing and contact tracing seriously, wow!
This is really good, simple and powerful. Found here.
Sometimes I feel like…screw it, let’s just get it and…get it over with! I am pretty confident I am strong enough that I will beat it. And then I read about stuff like this that makes me say…naaah, I would rather not take the risk, thank you very much: For Some, the Effects of Covid-19 Last for Months.
Let’s not all forget: Ten crises to remember as the world battles COVID-19.
HOT CREDIT CARD OFFERS: The IHG Rewards Club card offering 140k points too, highest ever. For a standard workhorse card I recommend the 60k Chase Sapphire Preferred card. For a standard premium card I recommend the 50k Chase Sapphire Reserve card. For a standard 2% cash back card I recommend the Citi Double Cash card. Available with my links. Lets move on!
Important question: Does Upgrading To Chase Sapphire Reserve Restart My 48-Month Signup Bonus Clock?
Or maybe it is time to get the Chase Sapphire Reserve. Please use my links, come on!
This is a good Roundup of US Airlines Offering Bonus Miles Or Free Tickets For Traveling And Elite Miles For Credit Card Spending.
You can get 2x Gold Plus Rewards points on your next car rental with Hertz. The same company came up with a way to get more cash now while it is officially bankrupt, you have been warned.
Running With Miles is doing a great job updating us with the latest about traveling to Greece in these corona times. Greece Is Opening to the World – Here Is What You Need To Know. And as the hotels open or open soon Traveling to Greece? Here is What to Expect at Hotels This Year with COVID-19 Protocols.
Lets visit the Dali Museum virtually, enjoy!
If you go: A Weekend in Los Angeles: The Perfect LA Itinerary.
This building in Bangkok always looked very interesting and unique: Visiting Wat Samphran.
Well, this is not personal finance related. But it is from a colleague. And it is good as I sent it to my high school graduating daughter: To The Class of 2020.
There is a lot of shit dressed up in fancy terms and eye popping returns that salesmen masquerading as advisors are always trying to shove down your throat, be careful out there! A 13% Yield: What Could Go Wrong?
My gym has not opened yet. And frankly, I am not convinced I am going to go back this spring and summer at least. How Fitness Will Change Forever. I feel so horrible for all the fitness industry people!
I was all for legalization of marijuana. My main reason was the huge burden in our courts and prisons! After you read this you will understand. Most of the Drug Arrests Involve a Gram or Less. And I have not even touched on the racist aspects of it all!
I am still blogging because, in addition I love you guys, another big reason is I learn new stuff! And this link is very representative of TBBing for you and I excitedly share it so you can learn too…and there is a degree of joy I get from that. Which of course gets quickly deflated when I check my conversions LOL. Monopolies Normal People Have No Clue Exist. For example, just one company controls ALL aspects of cheerleading, a quarter of all trade with Canada is through one bridge owned by one guy who is a mega asshole, we get bombarded by Nutcracker shows for a reason every year, half of the world’s soccer balls are made in one town in Pakistan (where cricket rules), 80% of eucharist wafers are made by one company and, please sit down, tabasco is made in just one factory!
Only in Australia LOL: PM interrupted by homeowner telling him to ‘get off the grass’.
RIP to Christo: How the Visionary Artist Christo (RIP) Changed the Way We See the World. Must click imho. What he created was mind blowing! The Works of Christo in Photos.
We are in the middle of the biggest global pandemic since 1918 and these news ever since the video of the horrific killing of George Floyd managed to eclipse that. I am adding this extra paragraph here because I found myself inserting lots of material in the BLOG BUZZ section. Which I do not think they belong there. This paragraph will likely be temporary.
I can not watch that video…my stomach turns and emotions overcome me. And I feel rage inside me. I have been participating in local protests. With my kids. We need to stand up and express ourselves. Non violence please!
Ok, a few links:
This may piss off some of you. Like I care! Straight from Obama: How to Make this Moment the Turning Point for Real Change. Let’s get to work!
I am a fan of Gregg Popovich, the legendary coach of the San Antonio Spurs. As they were beating us Detroit Pistons in the NBA Finals years ago…I was not even mad. Instead, I was happy it was to him and the all class Spurs organization. Here is what he had to say and it is phucking amazing! Gregg Popovich: ‘The System Has to Change’. I could excerpt so many parts but you think I am getting too partisan. Actually, I am tired and I just want to finish this post. Not getting paid even prison labor wages here to keep you all educated and entertained. Sometimes even inspired too lol! Ok, I think it is a must read.
Let’s focus on the positive aspects of the people rising up! 27 Powerful Moments Of Hope During The Protests Over George Floyd’s Death.

David Lynch with his daily weather report on June 3, 2020. Making the point in his “typical” way.
I am a big fan of The Daily Show: When you finally reach the front of the line at Popeye’s and they’re out of the spicy chicken.
We are now entering BLOG BUZZ, a section for advanced hobbyists and veterans of this fast imploding hobby and also a section where I go on and on about some stuff that happens in my life because it helps me feel better about myself.
In normal times this would be very exciting. In these pandemic times…ok, maybe one day we will get to it and it will likely be after they jack up the award prices again: Etihad Partners with Air Canada. Opportunities Abound.
I am in a bind blogging here. Going to twice a week posting has caused the blog traffic to suffer substantially it appears. And conversions have diminished to a trickle. Do I add Wednesdays to space out the content better instead of loading up so much content in just two weekly posts? But why should I add even more time in my blogging adventures for even less conversions? Going in circles here. I am getting tired. Let’s see what happens this month…
You can now book Royal Air Maroc awards in the AA website…I have enough miles to fly round trip there way too many times but, you know, corona…
Do NOT ever give out your SSN okay, WTF! The Chickens Have Come Home To Roost For Credit Card Farmers; Indicted For Fraudulently Obtaining 790 Million AMEX Points.
For the gossip potential only: Is TPG a Bad Guy? Some fun stuff here regarding some bloggers. I miss Rene #notreally.
Anyone else remember the Stereo MC’s? Whatever happened to this band? I always loved this song below, enjoy:
And I leave you with this…
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Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, hotel, airline, or other entity. This content has not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of the entities included within the post.
Lots of memories today! Credit card farms, Delta points.
And home surgery!
Multiple comments since we only get 2 days a week to make any:
1. Monopolies-My wife did consulting for a company that pretty much cornered the market for placing Santa Clauses in malls. (You don’t see the plural of the phrase ‘Santa Claus’ very often).
2. You can jump the pay wall on Morningstar (13% Return article) by getting a library card from a library that subscribes to Morningstar. And many libraries give cards to non-residents. Plus, they have a lot of other cool stuff online. Sort of like TBB.
3. Buzz broke the code: Colorado legalized pot to reduce jail overcrowding. Well, that and the Berry Blue Zowie they have down at Terrapin Station.
4. People knocking Brian Kelly for allegedly taking coke and allegedly being a jerk boss can write many sequels about other alleged jerk bosses who toot up. I’m more upset that TPG is rapidly helping kill our hobby, and TPG writers think exotic travel is seeing both parades at Disney World on the same day.
5. “Full of himself and kind of a pompous ass”. So is described our old friend Renè. Where’s that picture of him and Ingy?
Have a good weekend, Buzz.
Busy planning our trip to ATH for November… Are you still planning to come? Noticed it’s the election week… I wonder how you were planning to run a marathon that weekend in the first place…
Your buddy Frequent Miler continues to…turn into a credit card sales blog. Today he posted “How to get all 5 Marriott Bonvoy cards”. Conversions must be desparate like you have been pointing out ever since the virus entered our daily lexicon…
Trump is of course taking credit for the latest jobs number. Thanks for driving away all the extreme right racist folk from here 🙂
Enjoy the weekend, great post today. As usual.
Frequent Miler is only describing the benefits of having multiple Marriott cards; no links to sell cards. If you had read the article, he explains his reasoning why someone might want to obtain the various Marriott cards, but does not have links to sell.
Good morning Buzz,
Pop, yep, a great leader.
The Dali Museum in Figueres is worth the trip, once we’re all able to travel again. Not to mention so many great small towns along the Costa Brava.
The hysteria created in the major news outlets and by the US gov’t regarding cannabis usage among minorities led to its eventual prohibition. If people only knew the truth, the hundreds of beneficial products made from the plant, we would have a much healthier planet to call home.
Prohibition never works.
Thanks for another great post, have a great weekend, best to the family.
I would like spacing out to 3x a week as there is SO much good stuff every time to read. But you gotta do what works for you, George.
Today’s is another case in point, as I already have opened like 9 tabs to yet read from here and that doesn’t even cover everything. I learn much here and always enjoy each new posting.
I am fine with the fact you do not shy from giving your opinions about Politics, finance, or anything, for that matter. Much better than impersonal credit card hustling 24/7.
Thanks as always for the good stuff here!
People are reading too much into the Greek and Spanish news releases . The real news is that Europe is opening to tourism this summer for Europeans. As far as countries outside Schengen, that is still undecided.
Just because you see United or Air France have flights scheduled to Europe in July/August, doesn’t mean that a US tourist can actually visit Europe. The Schengen area opening to external countries will be coordinated and Greece is not dropping out of Schengen.
I doubt US tourists will be in Europe this summer. Even September would be a surprise, probably sometime in 2021.
@ DML: Enjoy the links and the weekend.
@ Sam: Wow, lots of comments indeed 🙂 It is June and in the past few days I am noticing a slowdown in the Feedly activity, maybe writers are starting to take vacation? GREAT tip about the libraries! At least one reads the gossipy posts about bloggers all the way 😉 Enjoy the weekend…Even George Floyd apparently, after seeing the jobs numbers, thinks it is going to be great! smh.
@ oliver2002: I need to check if Athens Marathon registration opened, they keep putting it off. As of now, my flights are not canceled. I guess I am going if the Marathon is held…until I change my mind when the second wave hits. Or maybe the virus is weakening…I DON’T KNOW YET, too early amigo. I am learning towards playing it safe…as I expect the marathon will likely be canceled. TBD.
@ Matthew: Holy crap, I guess it is Sofi day there? I should probably start pumping it too. But naaaah, I like whining more it appears lol. The whole economy and stock market behavior is just unhinged right now, nobody knows WTF is going on. But…we are opening up…subsequent waves be damned.
@ David: I agree on the benefits of the plant! All of that crap was done on purpose to pummel the minorities and justify spending more on guns and…lethal weapons shit. Maybe systemic racism has something to do with it. Where is Ramsey to congratulate Trump for finally building the wall to…protect himself form US citizens? And Mexico did not pay for that wall either, sad covfefe! Enjoy the weekend, thank you.
@ Carl: Yeah, spacing out makes more sense but this is not paying the bills and I have better things to do 🙂 I noticed slowdown starting in June so maybe the load is not that heavy in the summer. We shall see I guess. Yeah, this blog always acted as an outlet of my expression and…therapy 🙂
@ walter: As Dr. Fauci said “It depends on the virus” 🙂 I think this is a wait and see thingie and developments on the ground will show what happens. At the end of the day, we still have 100k cases around the world every day!
7 miles progression run today with 1 mile cooldown. Capped it off with a BBQ family platter feast 🙂
I thought post tomorrow was going to be much shorter but it is starting not to look like it…again.
Greek soccer is back today after a long absence. My AEL Larissa hometown team lost 2-1 at home and when that happens the rest of my day is…down!
And now a nap, hope you are all having a great day, protesting and all lol. To my right wing gun enthusiast readers (you know who you are), just know that Soros is having Antifa fans brought in to your town by his private jets, no buses this time LOL.
Charlie at Running With Miles writes so much about Greece that he should live there.
I read TPG article a couple of months ago. It’s interesting to get another travel blogger’s take on him.
Keep up the good work and thanks!
Maybe Charlie lives there 🙂