We visit Skylodge Hotel, check out San Francisco, travel to Lake Bled, look at the Instagram account of a Tibetan Monk, learn how to appear smarter on Twitter, take in weed & sex, and learn about ridiculous Market Crash predictions and how Buy & Hold to building wealth.
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I have no miles/points posts that passed my hilariously strict TBB screens! Therefore, what follows is mostly travel related and whatever. Oh, something about United phasing out First Class or something, I am sure the Titans are taking into consideration how it will affect credit cards sales/conversions.
You have NEVER seen suites like these! Gorgeous and terrifying views at the Skylodge hotel that hangs off a mountain. Must see video! TBB approved.
San Francisco cityscapes. Wow!
Lake Bled Slovenia: Incredible Views from Tito’s Private Villa.
50 maps that will give you a glimpse into how the world works. At Matador Network.

A Tibetan monk is communicating with the world through his stunning Instagram feed. Well this is kind of cool…If you on Instagram he is worth following. And no I am not on Instagram…that’s all I need yet another social media time waster!
13 Tricks to Appear Smarter on Twitter. If you are familiar with Twitter, you will find this list one of the funniest ever, a classic! LOL
How legal weed can change the future of sex. Mind blowing (pun intended) article, wow!
A visual history of market crash predictions. In other words, avoid the charlatans.
Why Buy & Hold Works. Short and very powerful.

With no miles/points making it into this TBB edition…is the end near? Discuss. This daily posting is nuts, WTF!
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Either you’re first or you’re last.
Unless you are Spencer F….he is pretty much always second!
I bet you never miss AMEX sync deals.
I think the contest these days is over who is second.
I think I should have a contest to guess which mainstream publication a Titan blogger will appear next.
It’s everywhere today globally. I’ve seen it in the British, Australian and French press as well as on the front page of Yahoo and I have not been looking for it. The somewhat funny thing about the poorly written Yahoo piece is that it suggests that the Mint gig is live and that people are still buying coins with a credit card. I can just see it now. Noobs galore contacting their banks to buy dollar coins for miles and points with a credit card. Shaking my head.
What is remarkable is that you never see any reference to how much these guys make from pumping credit card affiliate links! Like I always said, this is a hobby designed to thrive “under the radar”. If not, bad things happen. And the keep happening in droves lately!
Third? We visited Slovenia several years ago and Lake Bled is quite beautiful (actually, the country in general is very scenic since it is mostly located in the Julian Alps). Do you see those steps in front of the church? Apparently when the local guys get married, they are supposed to carry their bride up the nearly 100 steep steps to prove they are worthy. I think it would be quite the challenge, especially if they first had to row their bride from the shore to the island.
Fantastic feedback, thanks. I love it when readers comment about destination links I feature. I learn this way…heck we all learn this way. Remember the mission of the blog 🙂
I preferred marrying in AA county court and going for dinner in the old railway station 🙂
Had to do it that way too….hilarious story. My immigration attorney said to do it as it would save me about $5k…so I did!
Back then I had no money so we made a run for the border at Taco Bell.
Ok, kidding about the Taco Bell.
Been very weird summer in Ann Arbor. Lots of rain and not hot at all.
Well, the ‘Gandy Dancer’ ain’t Taco Bell, but yes, we also had a gunshot wedding because of the immigration laws (E1 dependent visa)
The miles/points space has been a big hobby of mine for years. So boring lately and pretty much any real “news” has been negative. I used to spend 10+ hours/week on this stuff, now I might spend 25 minutes. In relating to the theme of your post, I’m now spending way more time learning more about destinations and focused much more on the actual “travel” these days. Maybe it’s a good thing afterall?
Ps my 25 minutes next week will be focused on how to burn my 260000 AA miles sooner rather than later 🙂
I hear you. I am very bored at this stage, nothing excites me lately. Waiting for the next shoe to drop. And I think it is going to be AA in early 2016. Hope I am wrong.
I think the more publicity this quirky hobby gets the worse it gets for us…
I think it’ll be the AA premium cabin partner awards that get slaughtered. Just like UA. Also, in point of fact AA doesnt hardly release any saver biz space anyway (internationally I mean) so whatever they do to their own awards doesnt really matter to me. I’m thinking an announcement will be earlier than 2016 but I have no factual basis for that, just a feeling.
The publicity is bad, but I think it’s getting close to critical mass , where the devaluations will start to keep new folks from entering the hobby and the folks who don’t really have a true interest will stop paying attention, then the stock begins to rise again. Well, hopefully anyway.
What will save “The Hobby” (love saying this as much as “The Titans”) is, sadly, another recession. But with such consolidation in place the very good old days are likely never coming back.
Of course AA will tone down its FFP the moment the merger is complete. Anything else would be stupid.
MMS has seriously the most WTF post I have seen in quite a while. Some choice excerpts:
“However, I don’t like being sold to, and Robbins’ used literally every influence tactic known to push his courses and products.”
“I particularly disliked it when the seminar would transition (without warning) into 2-hour long sales pitches without any warning.”
“I was also put off by the aggressive up-selling for Robbins’ other courses, products, and business interests.”
SERIOUSLY? Have you read your own blog, dude?!
What? He wrote a piece on Tony Robbins. WTF!!! Hey, it’s all about the newbies folks! That Tony guy gets a lot of hits online. Beyond hilarious to bitch about his aggressive selling. In the good old TBB days I would be all over this blog post and ripping into pieces. But I decided it was not good for my health and I just ignore them. Thanks for reminding me what I am not missing. Shaking my head….bitching about Tony’s aggressive selling…Whip me please, this is just too much….I think If I go to read it I will just start flipping!!!
Yeah I saw that piece of work! Couldn’t believe it. MMS seems like a really strange dude..especially if he goes to those seminars often.