Some notes from a financial planner conference I attended recently. Topics include retirement, Millennials, death, adult care, care giving, seniors, etc. You all enjoy the weekend and behave!
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By the time you are reading this, I am somewhere in Brooklyn NYC on a pizza eating tour with many Flyer Talkers. So this is going to be a short post.
I recently attended a conference of financial planners.
So, some non technical notes from it that may be helpful to you.
There was a presentation by Mitch Anthony, the author of the book “The New Retirementality” (AFFILIATE LINK) which was very influential in my personal life and career and how I approach life in general. I highly recommend the book! Some quotes I wrote down from his excellent presentation:
“The key to a successful relationship is proper spacing.”
“What is worse than death. Boring!”
“Retirement is not good for you. Traditional retirement that is.”
His method is EPIC: Engagement, Purpose, Integration, Curiosity
“Retiring at age 65 is an artificial culturally imposed finish line.”
“Life is too short to do something you hate with people you can’t stand.”
“Age is a chronological fact, old is an attitudinal fact.”
“Money can fund a purpose but can not find a purpose.”
“Curiosity is the fountain of youth.”
A few other nuggets from other sessions:
80% of married men die married and 80% of married women die alone.
Biggest difference between divorced & widows? Divorced get 50% of the money and widows get 100%.
34.2 million adults provided unpaid care.
You can find great info on caregiving, advanced care planning, hospice & palliative care, grief and loss in each US state at:
It takes 26 hours to report a lost wallet. But only 68 minutes to report a lost cellphone!
Millennials: Born early 1980s to early 2000s. Most educated generation in history (61% attending college). 42% are non-white.
Always a tough topic…Taking away the car keys from parents. This is a great brochure helping you with a roadmap. And here is a state by state look at driving rules for older drivers.
You can download your state’s Advance Directives.
As always, I leave you with something funny…
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Back with a night shift gold. Enjoy the time away!
Back with a night shift gold. Enjoy the time away!
Second. Great post!
Buzz here is some advice from a Brooklyn born self proclaimed pizza expert, me. Do not order a Hawaiian Pizza with pineapple and ham!!! THEY WILL KICK YOUR ASS. I know things have changed a lot in Brooklyn with all this Hipster crap, but in my day if you ordered a pizza in Redhook (where my Dad was a fireman for 30 years) that was not just a ‘cheese pie”, you were lookin for trouble. Sure mushroom or sausage were acceptable but only if you were a tough guy, CAPICHE?
almost forgot, always get your pie extra well done / slightly burned
” Millennials. Most educated generation in history (61% attending college). 42% are non-white.”
Great business for universities.
When will society feel the impact of this tremendous brain power? Do we have to wait for older generations to leave this earth?
What are you saying, kill the old white people?
They f’ed up our entire country because they’re so stupid, gullible, and hypocritically religious.
The “Greatest Mistakes Generation”.
You sound soooooooooo intelligent yourself, GGMMS
This interaction was hilarious
Great doggy gif !