We learn how to fly Southwest to Mexico/Caribbean, we have hopes that FlyerTalk does hotel reviews right, learn of Evolve evolving, visit Bishek Kyrgyzstan and Bagan. Oh get some FREE Wi-Fi too!
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30 reasons Southwest points are now the best for Mexico / Caribbean travel – MileCards As I am flying Southwest tomorrow to Phoenix to attend the #WestCoastDO I thought this was appropriate as Southwest continues to do its thing. And we keep hearing about them flying to Hawaii eventually. I really enjoy flying them, always a pleasant experience especially when I checkin at 12 hours earlier and get me an A Zone boarding pass! I actually remembered to use one of those Amex Platinum credits on the outbound (which gets me double points due to a targeted promotion). Switched that from an award, just called them up, less than five minutes. No fees whatsoever, so smooth! Up yours Delta!
New Hotel Property Review Format Introduced on FlyerTalk – The Gate Looks like Internet Brands is finally putting some money towards doing something about the horrendous interface of FlyerTalk. Upgrading the hotel property reviews looks like a badly needed feature and makes a lot of sense. Still in beta…
Evolve Money Adds Discover Credit Cards as Bill Pay Payment Source – Travel With Grant Well it is good to see that Evolve is still evolving breathing. Very interesting arrangement to add the Discover credit card as a bill payment source. And more credit cards are expected to be added in 2015. I always wondered about this company’s business model…I didn’t think they will still be around but hey, it appears there is still a lot of money being thrown around in the tech startup world.
Good Old Fashioned Communist Propaganda Survives in Kyrgyzstan – Yomadic Nate visits the State History Museum in Bishkek, formerly known as the Museum of Lenin...The captions he adds in the communist propaganda pics are hilarious. For example, in the mural showing a baby thrown up in the air, he adds “Throw your children in the air, like you just don’t care.” Lol
Unbelievable Photo of Triumphant Mountain Climber Under Northern Lights Will Take Your Breath Away – Dashburst Wow!
All the National Chains That Offer Free Wi-fi – Lifhacker Because you just never know when you need it!
Life Expectancy Calculator – Social Security Just because you just need to know this!
An 80-foot inflatable tree in Paris looks a lot like a giant butt plug – Mashable Really Mashable, really? WTF!
Free Wi-Fi at Marriott! – Million Mile Secrets Must be so exciting! 45 links, two affiliate credit cards ones so nicely blended. Learn how to pump it properly folks! Oh, we told you about this shocking “news” early in the week. Zzzz
A Miami Mileage Run: The Delta Skyclub in MIA – Delta Points Not over yet, one more. Just your typical value added information and so tiny pics you need to click on them to increase the pageviews. Does anyone care about the Miami Deltaskyclub? Do a google search if you are dying to see what it looks like. Hint: Looks similar to other Skyclubs!
Here’s How To Earn The Miles Most Quickly – View From The Chase Wing Your typical it’s time to get paid blog post recommending the same cards the site did…last time! This post had appeared a few days earlier but was pulled for “testing”. Apparently it tested very well and boom, in yo face!
And I leave you with these…
- Best rejection letter ever! Found here
- I hope this is a joke…Found here
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The Double Deuce
Tres? Mama Mia!
So I should remove Ebay feedback from my resume too? That’s lame, I’ve worked really hard for my 3,900+ positive feedback transactions 🙂
MV feasts on readers who don’t know any better
he brags about his award booking service spending 2 hours on the phone to book a skymiles ticket for 160K miles and 300+ in fuel surcharges
Of course, not mention that this person could’ve spent fewer miles, paid no fuel surcharges, and done the phone calls himself in 5 minutes had he booked essentially the same award in AA – and added bonus, he probably wouldn’t have to sit in coach for the ATLLAX portion
ATL –> PPT = 62.5K
PPT–>SYD = 30K
SYD–>ATL = 62.5K (route via PPT or HNL if Qantas isn’t available)
So assuming this guy bought 2 tickets, he spent about an extra $600 in YQ, an extra $150 or so for the MV award booking service, and had to spend about 5,000 miles of his itinerary in coach
He could’ve gotten better advice for free by shooting an email to TIF than what he paid hundreds for from MV
Hello all,
I got a flight to Phoenix in 3 hours and I gotta….pack!
TBB writers will be occupied over the weekend and heavily under the influence so you all behave around here 🙂
TBB on!
Make sure you buy the alcohol at a place listed as a restaurant/dining establishment
You know what today is….
But which card should I use? No, don’t tell me, I can get this one…
It’s the Hawaiian Airlines® World Elite MasterCard®, right? That’s the answer to everything I’ve been told by the Internet, and the Internet wouldn’t lie to me right?
Or could it be the incredible Lufthansa card? I see that one mentioned everywhere, it must be good!
No? The US Airways MasterCard? I hear that’s going away, must cash in NOW!
Ah, this is too complicated. I’ll just use a paper check.
To the guy who keeps clicking the Visa Black card on my links….Dude, what’s your problem? Stop phucking with me 🙂
I woke up this morning, not in a great mood. It’s dark, cold, and there is nice drizzly cold fog hanging over my fair city. I thought to myself how depressing why should I even bother getting out of bed. But then I remembered, It’s first Friday, IT’S FIRST FUCKING FRIDAY! There is no greater day as an American than the first Friday. What a great day!
I’m under the impression that that’s 180 days of the year in Portland.
Lazy person’s guide to getting a good Southwest seat: have an infant. We get to board after all the A passengers, and don’t have to set an alarm to check-in. Winners!
Buzz, you didn’t see that vandals popped and deflated the Louvre tree? It then looked like a large condom on the ground. That was last week’s news.
I went looking for award tickets for the in-laws, who have odd point balances among programs. They need to fly round-trip around the Upper Midwest. I found 20K options on United and 60K options on Delta. What a crap program the latter is.
Actually in rains in Portland everyday of the year. Please be sure to tell anyone you know from California that is thinking of moving here.
Scott: You are on fire. Read that on the plane but couldn’t laugh as much as I wanted because I was pinned by the largest guy on the plane who decided to pick the middle seat next to me 🙂
60k only on Delta? Wow. Hope some blogger does not kill THAT deal. Actually I have known of people who were spending 50k to Orlando from Detroit and were ecstatic about it….
And hi Jake from State Farm
and before any of you ask……………………………khakis
I TOO woke up this morning, not in a great mood. It’s dark, cold, and there is nice drizzly cold fog hanging over my fair city. Then to make matters worse, enjoying my morning cup of coffee reading Frequent Miler was not that great, it was guest author day…………Maybe no FM is better than faux FM…………like they say sometimes LESS IS MORE…………….Which is also something the readers of TBB think when they see my comments everyday.
Well, For the record, I woke up in a great mood. Played with elephants today, and enjoyed the third and best day of Loy Krathong/Yi Peng in Chiang Mai! (however 1:30am and loud firecrackers are still going off, oh well).
Tomorrow I promise to wake up not in a great mood. I have to start traveling back home then :-/
A round of apps coming up. QOTD: how should the percentages of apps be divided between Drew/Buzz/Non-Affiliate? I feel Drew has been on fire the last 3 months, but Buzz kinda deserves a tip, or I can protest the system by checking none-of-the-above.
You are protesting the system by refusing to go with the Titans!
Give them to Drew.
Add TripHackr to the list of people who censors comments when I called him out for not mentioning that his “$25 Airbnb credit” link was a referral link that gave him credit too. Such an easy and harmless thing to divulge, but instead he passes it off as if it’s some magical link instead of the referral link that everyone with an AirBnB account has.
That goes on a lot online. Actually there is a lot more of it in non miles/points blogs….blogs like mommy blogs, personal finance blogs, etc. And they do it without blinking. It is quite something to watch….shaking my head.
Congrats TBB,
This is your first post since your infamous Nov 3 quote where you haven’t mentioned your credit card tab. I was right that you were setting yourself up for failure with the I am going to shut up about it line.
” I added a “Credit Cards” tab finally! It was time, nearing the end of the year and readers will finally stop asking for it. I am now going to shut up about it.” TBB, Nov 3, 2014
What I meant by “mentioning” is serving the darn link in blog posts.
I post it on top with the Amazon & the referral links. That’s it.
Of course I am going to mention it (without linking) in blog posts because this is what I do around here, make fun of stuff like that. And, like other monetization avenues I have tried, it is also a joke.
Travel With Grant lost his cc links yesterday. You guys like to bitch about us trying to monetize in a noble way by trying hard to provide good content and NOT pumping away but it is NOT working…
Just my two cents from the “pimp” side….This whore (stop laughing Phil!) is still trying to make its first sale lol.
I am learning more about how this stuff works….very educational…I will tell all about it when they take mine away for “inaction” 😉