We register for another SPG promo, learn about doing Guest posts, learn all the In-N-Out Menu Hacks, visit Donetsk and Tokyo and so much more!
TBB Blog Mission: To Entertain. Educate. Inspire. In That Order!
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There is yet another Starwood SPG promo that stacks on top of the other promos. Get 2015 Starpoints by completing one stay between November 30 and December 31, 2015, register HERE. This is the type of post usually covered by intern TBBBreakingNews in the TBB comments like this one where you can register for the latest Hilton and Club Carlson cyber Tuesday sale (oops, you missed it, this is why you need to be visiting my site several times a day so I can make money from you from ads..oh wait). Anyway, this intern quit so here I am again posting this promo in the body of the blog. Oh, BestOffersPatrol intern also quit, not reported to work for days. No wonder noone else other than me has clicked on my credit card links #sosad.
Apparently there is a 25% bonus this month that gets your Membership Rewards points to transfer 1:1 to Iberia Plus and onwards to British Airways if you like.
Mile Nerd looked into my brain and answered the issue of “guest posts” the way I was contemplating it. Thank the All Mighty he did not look into my soul ๐
Apparently there is a charity action that has (to this date) some great bargains in Hyatt hotels. I bet after all the publicity in the blogs they won’t remain great bargains. But hey, it is for a charity! How can you say no to veterans who happen to be wounded? Or something like that. Make sure you bid with a credit card you buy here. Sorry, after all this blog pumping around me I am picking up bad habits. (HT: Travel Codex)
Where is Jeffsetter? Well, I was wondering that too. An introspective post that gets to the heart of the matter, how freaking hard it is to maintain a travel blog, especially when you are traveling! I am traveling between my home office, Panera and Starbucks to bring you pure moment of joy and serenity reading my blog. I though that was funny, maybe you didn’t. Click on my Amazon link to feel better, thanks! Love it when readers accuse me of pumping it like this lol.
For some reason people in The Hobby like In-N-Out burgers. I am not sure what’s the big deal but hey, I am here to enhance your life and add to your enjoyment so, I bring you, drum roll please, the Ultimate Guide to In-N-Out Menu Hacks!ย Still would not touch the fries!
Donetsk airport. From the air. After the war. #destruction
These photos are why I’m trapped in Tokyo right now. Wow, love this, so cool. I can’t wait until I visit Tokyo next year!

The Wolds’ First Indigenous Games were held in Brazil.

To beat crooks to your tax refund, start taxes now. Readers, this is no joke. You want to start early AND file early. So many scammers out there filing on your behalf FIRST! Filing early beats them. Don’t let it happen to you! If you wait to file, you are a duck sitting, or a sitting duck if you prefer!
And I leave you with this…

There is a very long exchange between me and Tahsir (Bengali Miles Guru @TahsirAhsan) on Twitter regarding the upcoming FTU “Signature” seminar. Anyways, seeing three bloggers I respect next to bloggers permanently in the Blogs To Ignore list…hurts. Not going to restate my feelings here, I am already over my ten items limit, prescribed by my therapist to keep my sanity. I am trying to make it work , thanks for your concerns. I just want to say if you see a blogger pushing the crappy 40k Plat link, STAND UP AND SAY SOMETHING! Staying silent is equivalent to condoning such shameful behavior. There is no excuse for it!
And as I went to bed after pumping (according to some) non stop I get this beautiful email notifying me…and now it is time to book the Conrad Tokyo baby!
Update: Booked three nights at 80,000 HHonors points per night but will call back to get the two free nights with the Reservecard coming to me very shortly after I receive the card! In a bizarre Hyatt fashion, I received another email reply telling me they are working on it and will get back to me after they told me to eat dirt. Now I hope they say no, wouldn’t know what to do with two Diamonds at the same time lol. If these hotel chains devalue the elite benefits substantially in 2016…remember these free Diamond days folks! I feel like the concept of loyalty is…dying!
Remember the video yesterday? Amazingly, Paul H. sent it to View From The Wing and posted it. Just amazing how that happens…again. I need to sleep so I can pump some more for you guys tomorrow, all the hideous pumping I do here is disgusting hey?
Thank you for making TBB a part of your life, I am honored! Help bloggers you appreciate & make a positive difference in your life by spreading the word about their blogs, emailing and commenting and using their few $ links.
Check out my updated blog lists: Blogs I Love, Blogs I Like, Blogs To Ignore
Comfortable first
Wow, comfortable First indeed…18 minutes lead!
The savvy CPA firm would hire those tax scammers to prepare returns. That way the clients would get their returns done without all the extensions. Just a little inside-tax humor.
Why the socks? Why the knitted dress?
Second, but still pretty strong.
This tax identity theft issue is HUGE! IRS is outgunned, these phuckers are way too sleek!
Oh yeah why both the dress and the socks…I can live with that dress…but those socks just felt so out of place lol.
Starting my silver medal streak.
I’ll take the tie…
Lol…u never know around here until you hit…refresh ๐
Yay, Kumar. 2nd? I’m slacking as I am trying to finish a blog post before everybody wakes up (see Jeffsetter article.)
Get it together….you are out of the medals today, so sad ๐
Nice roundup of posts, George! I ended up clicking on most of them (missed your credit card link page though – where is that?!)
You are kidding about my credit card page right? I need to pump better lol.
You don’t understand the big deal about In-N-Out Burger? Oh man, we need to get you a psychiatric evaluation, stat! All you need to know is cheeseburger animal style, fries well done. Mmmmmmmmmmmm……..
I have had them, I think they are good but I just don’t get all the fuss and cult status they had. I think they may be overrated…a little ๐
In-N-Out Burger is pretty good, but not as good as Bojangles.
Never heard or seen Bojangles…unless you are joking around. What name is that??
I thought Bojangles focused on poultry.
Indeed! And biscuits. Not really comparable to In-N-Out, but it’s #1 in my heart. For fast food, anyway.
If you want the best burger experience ever. Try Killer Burger next time you visit Portland.
Like that name better ๐
So with my new found Diamond to Hilton, what is the best current Hilton card signup bonus?
Here we go, #pump alert.
If you want to have two free weekend nights and Gold Status you can’t go wrong with the Reserve card. I am going to use my 2 free nights at the Tokyo Conrad! Available here, click Credit Cards on Top, click on banner, click on CARD TYPE on top, click on Citi, scroll down & apply (phew, that’s a lot of clicks…no Titan here for direct links lol). Just $2.5k min spend, annual fee applies.
Avoid the regular Citi Signature affiliate offers for just 40k. Here is one giving you 60k, think it still works:
Regular Amex HHonors card for 60k, avoid the crappy affiliate offers again! Just $750 min spend, no annual fee. Personal Amexcards limited to one per lifetime boo!
There is the AmexSurpass card as well. 50k or 60k sometimes if you do that cookie clearing thing and keep refreshing the page. But best bet is to get the previous NAF card and then you can upgrade to the Surpass getting the latest signing bonus.
Hope this helps Dhud
I would just like to add that if you have a Delta card you want to get rid of you can upgrade it to Hilton Surpass for no credit pull and still get the 50K bonus.
Great point!
First edition of SATAN’S ADVOCATE seen here EXCLUSIVELY for TBB readers in our new series of posts titled…………..”BET YOU DIDN’T KNOW or CARE”………………did you know or care that Menudo is not only the name of a Latin Boy Band but it is also the name of a wonderful Mexican fish soup made with Tripe? Muy deliciosa!
Yea fish. That’s what’s in menudo. Stick with that.
Satan’s Advocate……
Mega multiple LOLs
I don’t think you noticed but the “new” FTU in Vegas is $199 EXCEPT if you want ” all access” it will cost you $249!!
Seems you need to pay for the ms session. Hmm, Tommy must need a pay raise……
The MS dudes are piggybacking on the FTU marketing prowess to minimize their risk as they must pony up big deposit up front and wait to recoup it…
I still don’t like it, I wouldn’t want to be photographed next to some of these mega pumpers.
What is even more amusing is that some haters are bitching to me that I have become a mega pumper.
This space is just…too entertaining sometimes.
Anyway, found the best “DEAL”, see tomorrow’s post!<--------strategic placement of exclamation mark, learned it all on MMS ๐
No one bitches at you for being a mega pumper. We bitch at you for being a hypocrite.
Online there will always be…bitches ๐
Birches and hypocrites. Pretty much makes up sums up the internet.
“…..and Tommy doesn’t know what day it is…..”
The Who
Can’t believe they are still around!
I’m here.
Buzz just ignore the haters and keep on what you are doing.
We love you !
Thank you.
Being called names….energizes me. Bitches are everywhere, part of life ๐
I did a little holiday shopping on Amazon, hopefully you will get enough for a beer from it.
Thank you. I just scheduled post for tomorrow. Son turns 18 & I see lots of mile on horizon. Student, no job yet. Would like some feedback on which cards to go for first keeping in mind the 5/24 for ChaseUR cards. Only has had Freedom AU card from me. And has had a Chase checking account. And of course a Roth IRA already ๐
This actually could be a good blogging topic. How to get started slowly from scratch and not get scarred for life. I would write if I had time ๐